"So, I take it you are a runner? Any worried parents we should know about? Evil organisations? Underground gangs? Anything?" the billionaire asked, looking over his dark glasses at Fergus who was as still as a statue. The man looked at him as if he was a puzzle to solve, a case to crack or like another person with mutated genes.
Tony Stark was most likely trying to figure out the whole chain of Fergus' DNA.
Fergus had to think fast which front to put up, anger did no good, it was Tony Stark, a bunch of guards and most definitely a spy or agent of some kind. He did not know who the man named Wilson worked for. Which organisation, definitely not the police, and Fergus could not come up with any other organisation but FBI, he was sure there were a lot more but he had never been interested in law or politics or agencies.
And Tony Stark was the Ironman, Avenger, rumoured to be a genius. So Fergus had to be smart about his next moves.
He sighed, casting his eyes down even though everything in him screamed to stay alert. He listened closely, making sure no one but them were left in the small diner. "Why– why does it matter?" he asked hesitantly, his green eyes flickering up at the brown ones of Tony Stark. "Well-" Wilson was cut off by the billionaire who clicked his tongue, waving at the dark-skinned man to be quiet.
"You were part of the group who ruined my building. For your information, it cost me a quarter of a million, including all of the compensations of the workers who got scraped by the process of guards and police trying to keep them safe from some psycho group. And, oh wait, you were there as well? What a coincidence." Stark gasped, taking off his tinted glasses with such grace Fergus couldn't help but have a small suspicion he had been doing it in front of a mirror plenty of times before.
"Stark." Wilson said, a warning undertone to his otherwise neutral expression. "nuh huh, zip it, Hound Dog, my building, my money, my case." the man said, having a bit more sass to his voice. He straightened his Armani suit, reaching out to Wilson's cup and taking it for himself. He took a sip, fully aware that all of the attention was on him solely. He scrunched up his nose before sliding his hand under his grey suit, taking out a golden flask with an elegant T graved into it, pouring a couple of drops of it into the drink that Fergus identified as coffee. The smell that tickled his senses made Fergus realize Stark poured Whiskey into the drink.
"Alright, I must ask you to collect your things and come with me." the agent asked, agitated with the billionaire and his arrogance. Stark rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. "Have you asked the kid's name?" the man gave him an odd look and Fergus suspected that Tony liked to annoy people. He looked at Fergus who hadn't moved an inch, trying to weigh all of his options and how to get out. He was not planning to spend any time in the government's hidden basement or drinking coffee-whiskey with Tony Stark. He had yet to figure out if what Mr Lennon had said was true or not.
"Well? What's your name?" Fergus gulped, raising his eyes hesitantly to meet with Tony's. He did notice a dark shadow sitting behind the glass window, looking unimpressed as it sat on the bench across the street. "Giuseppe Mauricio Ferdele Lee, sir." he said wearily, amused when he saw Stark's eyebrows rise, but the scoff made Fergus almost flinch. "Nice try, get up Fergus." Wilson said, all the friendliness that was there five minutes before was gone.
They stood up, Fergus keeping his back straight and clutching his bag, more than satisfied when he realized he was just a bit taller than Wilson, and Tony Stark was just surprisingly short. "it's a dat bit dramatic, but then again, Fury likes to play the Mysterious card once in a while. Kid, you're catching a ride with me." "Tony, what are you doing here? And Fury will be pissed once he hears you've been ruining everything." the man muttered as they stepped outside, the wind had picked up slightly and Fergus realized he was being held in a circle made of guards.
"I am having a conversation with a kid, making him less creeped out than you all. Is this necessary? Really, Wilson, a teenager." There was a large, sleek black car with tinted windows. The man opened the car door for the tall teen. "Well, he did murder some people last night. Now please-- what the hel-!" a high pitched cry sounded, and a dark mass of shiny feathers dove from the sky, sharp, curled talons stretched out as Wilson raised his hands to shield his face from the large bird.
Fergus slung his bag and hit one of the guards into the face, making the man stumble back. The teen felt someones calloused fingers curl around his wrist, making him swirl around and push his open palm into the man's chest. A green mist seemed to emit from his palm as the man flew a couple of feet in the air, colliding with a brick wall. The teen, high with adrenaline, did not stay to analyze the situation. He hopped over the man on the ground, escaping the guards who had tried to follow him, only to be held back by a crazed bird who kept attacking them.
"Agent Parrish, Romanova, he is moving down fifth Lane, and he has a bird. I repeat, a bird." said Sam into his earpiece, ignoring the long gashes on his bulky arms. "See Tony? it was necessary." the man muttered, heading town the way the teen had gone to.
Tony Stark sighed as if the situation was just a minor misconception. He threw the plastic cup into the trash and tapped his red wristwatch, it made a small sound and a red and golden armour appeared over his skin. "It was not necessary. I told you all I have experience with kids, but no, let's send intimidating agents and chase scared kids around the town." he mumbled, following the party as he rose into the air in his full armour.
Fergus, for once, was glad for his long legs as he left miles behind. He could still notice cars and even motorcycles following, cutting over parks and footpaths.
How the hell did all these people know him?! He was focused, cursing himself to the depths of hell for not having been more careful. He jumped over a leash as not to trip over a dog and its owner as the girl yelped, he ran through someones back yard, not even realizing that he was not even breathing heavily after the long chase. He looked behind, noticing a car stopping nearby, stoic men pouring out of the vehicle as he felt panic arise slowly. He did not want to be locked up again, forced into some car and watched like an animal. He was not an animal.
Yet his eyes were glowing and nails had turned sharper. As he turned around a corner, he noticed his fingers were covered in dark fur as it bristled and crawled up his hand. "No, stop, go away." he said through gritted teeth, hearing a motorcycle coming to screeching halt behind him. He didn't look behind this time, but dashed down the dark alley, eyes narrowed when suddenly another sleek black and red bike cut off his route. The person had a gun immediately pointed towards Fergus, making the boy freeze.
Another memory crashed through, making Fergus smirk. Did they think no one had tried to shoot him before? He crouched down and sprinted towards the person, the sound of a whizzing bullet making his heart skip a beat, but once it was pushed aside by the green magic, Fergus felt a surge of power as he took a leap and tried to jump over the backseat of the motorcycle.
The woman, however, had other plans as she raised her hand, hooking his fingers around Fergus' shoulder on mid-jump. With a swift move, the woman had managed to lock her legs around Fergus' neck as they crashed on the ground with a loud thud. He felt as if a boa snake was squeezing his upper chest. "What--" his growl was cut off when surprisingly firm, light and strong handcuffs were snapped around his wrists. His chest rumbled, gums getting sharper as he snapped his teeth at the woman. She jumped off exactly when a small ball was thrown onto Fergus' chest, making him wince like a dog who had just gotten kicked. The small sound of electricity surging through him made the rumbles disappear and his eyes closed.
Natasha stepped back, taking off her helmet as she heard other agents gathering around. Too much attention, she thought bitterly as quiet footsteps jogged closer. "Good afternoon, what happened to tranquillizers?” she asked, her voice smooth as she pulled the bag off the ground. “Well, it's my day off, no one told me we were chasing a criminal, I had to be creative! So, who even is he?” the man asked curiously, pulling the tall teen up. Before she could answer, angry footsteps grew nearer. “You left me behind!” Natasha shrugged, going to sit back on her bike as she made sure Clint handled the man they had been running after. Not that it was much of a run, Natasha would have expected some more exercise.
“You slowed me down.” she said nonchalantly, clasping the helmet back on as she noticed Tony hovering close by. She didn't care much to listen to the young agent Parrish as she took off, her job done.
The dark bird, however, kept in the shadows as he realised the boy had been pushed into a secure vehicle. He tilted his head and disappeared in a flash of golden dust.
Stay safe everyone!
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