If Fergus even tried to think harder about it... It still didn't make sense, had Ref been gay and not told him? Why hadn't he said anything? Was he ashamed? Scared? thinking about that hurt more then he'd imagined. The dark haired boy glanced over to Brax who was sitting in the end of the table, digging into his food as if it would fix all of his prolems. He should talk to Brax, get things straight between them. If there really had been something between Brax and Ref, it would honestly break Fergus' non existent little heart.
The angsty twin seemed to feel his stare and looked up, his bright blue eyes hardening. Fergus looked away, understanding the hatred now. The guilt seemed to swallow him up wherever he went, how do people cope with it? It made him feel almost sick.
After the dinner, Nick had told everyone to gather into his office by 7pm sharp. This time, Fergus kept his eyes keenly on the watch. His sight seemed to sharpen for a second, the dust that flew in the air gently seemed to be in a perfect contrast with the rest of the room, every fiber in the floorboard was visible and all the colors seemed to be more vibrant.
Startled, Fergus blinked his eyes several times, shaking his head, once he opened his green orbs, everything was okay again.
As his eyes landed on his wristwatch, Fergus cursed under his breath, stumbling up from the corner of Refsters room as he threw the bedroom door open. it was 6:59 and he was not going to be late again, there was still a small, crescent moon shaped scar over his knuckle. His long legs nearly made him fly over the hallway, he watched with crazed eyes as Braxton was closing the door, giving him one last satisfied smile. Before the door could close, Fergus stretched out his long leg to stop the door from closing.
He flinched at the strength that Brax was pulling the door with. Bitter blue met guilty green. The twin scoffed letting, go of the doorknob. Fergus could see the crushed knob, Braxtons fingerprints having made dents into the golden metal.
"Right in time, I see. Settled in nicely, Fergus?" the tall teen closed the door behind himself, letting the easy mask fall on place. He nodded, offering Nick a tight lipped smile.
"As we know, in five days time Tony Stark will be history." okay, Fergus did not know that. Since when did they decide that? He kept quiet, making sure not to give his surprise away.
"in that time we'll have time to figure out more about Fergus' power, my dear children, you will be the start of a new era. You will be the witnesses of peace and judgement finally taking its rightful place." the tall boy who stood like a shadow next to the twins really felt out of place, he felt like he was in some sort of movie.
"Okay, here's what we will need to do." the man said, taking out his glasses and putting them on. He wheeled closer to the desk, gesturing at the papers laid across the table. He also placed his tablet next to the papers, having previously opened some odd program Fergus had never even seen before.
He looked at Nick, the man whose glasses were so thick they made his eyes oddly large. The man who offered small smiles and wheeled himself around in a wheelchair.
How could anyone have a better facade then Nick, an old man planning the murder of a world famous billionaire. "At first, we are in need of a distraction." he said that with an easy smile gracing his lips, his guarded eyes flickering up towards the friendlier of the twins.
Fergus looked at Ashton carefully, catching the look of admiration. There was no doubt that the twins would do anything Nick told them to do, they'd even spoon-fed him if he only asked. Fergus nearly scoffed at that, but kept himself in check. What had Nick done to these kids to make them worship the ground he wheeled on?
He blinked, focusing back on the small party in the room. "Braxton, you will be taking care of the arriving problems, while Fergus, you will be keeping Tony Stark until a friend of mine arrives."
Fergus blinked, he had to keep the Tony Stark hostage? What was Nick thinking?! Tony Stark was like, the hero of heroes, no one could just keep the man in bounds. But instead of questioning Nicks sanity, he kept his mouth shut, nodding in understatement.
Goodbye life, thank you for nothing, Fergus though bitterly, already seeing the amount of people at his funeral, which was none. His thoughts drifted to someone else, feeling his heart crumble into pieces and the veil of sadness wrapping itself around his dark mindset.
He would do anything to switch places with him.
He kept quiet as Nick went over with the plan, at first, he thought the plan was shallow, too see-through for someone like Stark. But as Nick went on, brining in the tech he has been working on the map of tunned under the city, Fergus was starding to get unsure.
The way Nick spoke was as if he had already won, as if he had already killed Tony Stark.
"Okay, we're fine for today." everyone started exiting the room, Braxton brushed last Fergus, not missing the chance to make him stumble slightly. The dark haired teen frowned, being the last one to exit the room. "Fergus?" he halted, feeling his shoulders grow tense. He could feel Nicks stare in the back of his mind, the man's small eyes calculating.
"meet me in the laboratory in ten." Fergus nodded and closes the door behind him hurriedly, letting out a shaky breath.
He was fine, he was okay.
“No one is telling me anything, and since you're my friend, you're obligated to tell me what's all the fuss about.” before turning around, Fergus made faces to the plain wall and sighed in annoyance. When he faced Jo, he had an easy smile on his pale lips. He clasped his hands behind his back and moved closer to the little girl. “Well, they are planning your birthday party, which means you shouldn't go snooping around, little girl.” he said cheekily, tapping her button nose before heading down the hall towards the living room. The girl followed him closely, looking up suspiciously.
“But my birthdays is in... Is in four months.” she said, having to skip the stairs twice as fast as Fergus due to his king legs. “Exactly, they want it to be perfect. Whee I'd you come from anyways?” he changed the topic, realizing that Nick was indeed keeping the little girl out of the loop. At least he was doigg something right.
Fergus sat on the couch, keeping keen eye on the clock, six more minutes. “Oh, I'm from Canada, Nick adopted me three years ago.” she shrugged, tossing pillows around to find the remote. The boy raised his brow in surprise. “Why did he get you from Canada?”
“Because he liked me, silly, and because my parents didn't. Just like you, Nick saved us all.” she said like it was the most logical thing ever. Finally having found the remote, Jo jumped on the couch, throwing her skinny legs up on Fergus' lap. The boy was deep in though, so did Nick just went to trips around the world and Brough back kids? Because he was pretty sure that the twins had Australian accent.
“So, what sort of sickness did you have? I had brain tumor.” she said casually, munching on an apple. Fergus looked how the juice ran down her chin and onto her pink Mickey Mouse shirt. “You had brain tumor?” he asked, feeling slight concern growing for the girl. Her eyes met with Fergus' green ones for a second, looking confused. “Yes, genius. We all have had, you didn't?” she pushed herself up slightly, letting the half eaten apple drop on the table.
“Except having a brilliantly sharp mind and a charming smile, I'd say I'm pretty normal.” oh the lies, the little white lies. But he wasn't sick, he has never been sick, right? His green orbs slid over the clock, he pushed the girls legs off his lap, ignoring the pouting girl on the grey couch.
“You have a sharp mind? And Charming? Where?” she asked thoughtfully, looking behind herself. Fergus rolled his eyes at the girl, hearing another episode of Tom&Jerry blaring from the TV. “Yeah, whatever, see you later short stuff.” before he hurried away from the living room, his green eyes looked over the clock on more time. One minute and fifteen seconds.
Hey, hey, hey! Long time no see, hope ya'll enjoyed the chapter ;)
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