He could hear people chatter in the background, trying to sound so happy and awfully positive around him.
Fergus gritted his teeth, hearing every single conversation that was going on.
Instead of all the positivity around the coffee shop, the teen wished someone would tell him the sun was going to explode, that the world was ending and theres nothing they can all do about it. Because if he was to hear one more time it's going to be fine from the mouth of a strange, he was gonna scream.
He sat in the caffee, trying to block out everyone and stare out of the window into the horizon.
His pale skin was littered with dark blue, green and yellowish spots. There were stitches in both of her legs that he barely felt.
He knew he would be healed soon, he had always healed unnaturally fast.
There was a sad emptiness in his gut and his heart felt cold. The last week he had only felt two emotions, numbness that made Fergus forget he even existed and maddening rage what made him wish he could destroy everything that was on his way.
A winged creature made the tall teenager slowly blink his eyes and look on the bench outside the caffee. The same, ghostly raven was staring at him intensely, its midnight eyes seemed to call out for Fergus.
The emotionless teen looked down at the cup he was clutching to his chest. The black coffee had gone cold already.
With a sigh, he placed it back on the table, standing up to get out of the caffee that was starting to fill with people coming from work and school.
Somewhere he hadn't been in ages, and didn't plan on going now.
He walked by the bird who was still staring at him, he didn't stop.
He needed to do something, anything. He couldn't talk to anyone, who would he talk to? And what would he say? Hell, he didn't even know what he wanted to say, but there was just so, so much empty space in his chest now.
Hollow, he was like a zombie.
He stopped in front of a flower shop. His green eyes catching the reflection of the large bird behind him, howering in the air like a gigantic shadow, making couple of heads turn in surprise.
Fergus knew what he had to do. So, boldly, he stepped into the store, ignoring the shop owners happy welcome and blinding smile.
Happy people were truly making him feel the need to puke.
He made no eye contact with anyone and hoped that his stone cold facade would keep people from bothering him. And it did, the owner of the shop looked away, feeling uncomfortable at the strangers shady vibe and angry look. To her surprise, he had chosen one of her best bouquets.
“How much?” His raspy voice made her shiver, it was truly uncomfortable feeling. “25 dollars, sir, is this for anyone special might I ask?” she flinched as he glared at her, cursing herself for asking him the question she asked from every client she ever got. She wasn't surprised when he got no reply, she sadly watched as the man took out his nearly empty wallet. “let's do 15 dollars for that, I forgot, everything today goes for half of the price.” she chuckled nervously, already wishing the man would leave her shop. He was making the woman feel nervous for some odd reason.
Fergus didn't even notice, he threw the cash on the table, snatched the boutique away from the woman and stomped out, making the woman let out a breath of relief when the door closed.
Before he knew it, Fergus stood infront of a wooden door and suddenly he wasn't sure it was a wise decision. But he was already there with flowers, sad eyes and a gigantic bird who was stalking him.
He knocked on the door and waited, holding his breath. He needed some kind of familiarity, some kind of guidance or forgiveness. He waited, but the door remained closed. As he turned to leave, he heard it open and a quiet voice ask if it was him hesitantly, considering it was pretty dark.
“Hello Leah.”
Before either of them understood anything, the girls hands were around Fergus' torso as she hugged him so tightly the teen throught he was going to snap in half.
But then she pulled away, tears threatening to fall from her downcasted eyes. “You should go away Fergus, it's not good idea to be here.” Refs step-sister whispered hurriedly, making the boy frown. He knew Refs adoptive family never liked him much, but he wanted to tell them he was sorry.
“Leah, I know y--”
“Leah who is it!” the familiar voice of Refsters adoptive mum made Fergus flinch. There was always something off about her. She appeared on the doorway, raising a perfectly shaped eyebrow upon seeing Fergus standing there with Leah. The boy cleared his throat and stepped away from the girl, holding the bouquet of flowers out towards the woman who was still giving him the icy look. “Ms Lennon, I came by to say my condolences. I'm very sorry for your loss, ma'am.” he said seriously, searching for the woman's dark eyes, but finding no emotions there.
“Fergus was about to leave anyways.” The girl said, giving the boy a little push as if to chase him away. Fergus gritted his teeth, feeling anger raising.
“Come dine with us, Fergus.” the woman said and it was clear in her voice, it wasn't a question. Wide-eyed, the tall teen watched as the woman disappeared in the house he was never allowed to go. Leah sighed and looked up at the darkening sky, blinking away her tears. “now you've gone and done it.” she muttered, sending a heated glare towards Fergus. “Come on before they get agitated, they don't like to wait.” she said harshly, making Fergus even more uncomfortable.
“Hey, Leah I'm sorry-I”
“Be quiet and talk only when it's necessary, don't let them know much about you. Come on.” the girl said quietly, closing the door behind the two as they went inside the house. Fergus didn't fail to notice the flock of dark coloured birds that had appeared outside, surrounding the largest raven.
He frowned at Leah's odd behaviour, she seemed jumpy, suspicious and generally very tired.
Despite being best friends with Ref for his whole life, Fergus had never ever been inside the house he had lived in. He was ever allowed in there for some unknown reason, but Fergus had always thought the family who adopted Ref a bit odd.
So, seeing the house his dead best friend had lived in for a year and three months was making his throat dry. The house wasn't full of pointless rubbish like the orphanage, it wasn't even cosy like he had imagined it to be. Instead, it was ghostly, hollow and quiet.
Even thought Fergus had gone there to find some kind of support or familiarity, he was starting to doubt his decision once he stepped into the kitchen where they seemed to have been expecting him.
Yikes, any thoughts? Hope it wasn't disappointing chapter thought, it will get more interesting.
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