Everything suddenly fell apart.
For a moment, the sounds around her were muffled. Her mind went blank, her eyes zeroed on her food, and she sat there frozen hearing the muffled laughters of the others.
She had carefully weighed everything. But why did it turn out this way? What went wrong?
Trusting her father. That was it!
Trusting her father was the mistake. Her father betrayed her. He lied. And Suzy felt stupid for not seeing this coming. She should have known.
A hand wrapping hers on the table pulled her out of her thoughts. Briefly, she forgot where she was. She glanced to her side and found Chanyeol, her husband, staring back at her worriedly.
Oh how she wished she could take away that title he hold right that instant!
"Are you okay?" He softly asked; his brows furrowed.
Okay? How could she be 'okay' when her father had chosen him to be the president of their company? How could she when her dream was falling apart?
Suzy sent him a glare in return and whisked her hand away from his. Chanyeol slightly flinched at that, but she could care less.
"What's wrong, Suzy?" Her father who must have seen their little exchange asked, and Suzy felt like clawing off that little smirk on his face when she glanced at him. He knew what was wrong and still had the gut to ask her that just to rub it on her.
"You must be surprised," Chanyeol's mother, sitting across her, commented with soft chuckles. "And happy. Aren't you, sweetheart?" She gave her a smile, but Suzy could barely return it.
"You really shouldn't be surprised though," her father laughed. "You are my daughter after all! So it is only right for me to prepare your husband as my successor. You both are one now anyway."
Suzy curled her hands into fists on her lap. He knew so well which buttons to push to break her apart. If this was how he was going to play the game, then Suzy found no reason to keep on playing it. Maybe she should just announce right then that she wanted to divorce Chanyeol.
But what if... She glanced at her father who was still laughing along with Chanyeol's parents. What if he have other cards under his sleeves? She wondered.
No. She couldn't afford another careless mistake. Her father was a cunning man. One more wrong step and she would lose what little life she was left with. She could only stay silent for now, and replan everything.
Dinner went on with arrangements on when Chanyeol could move to work at the company to be introduced as the president and future successor and to get trained. She could feel Chanyeol glancing at her from time to time in concern of her silence, but she ignored him. Suzy only concentrated on eating her food because that was the only way to appease her mind. That was until her in-laws brought up the topic of trying to have a baby, making her stomach churned and herself nauseated.
"Mom!" Chanyeol warned, no less flustered than her.
"What?" His mother blinked innocently. "Don't tell me you still haven't even tried."
Suzy pressed her lips together and briefly closed her eyes. To be honest, she didn't dislike Chanyeol's mother. But she always hated it when this topic was brought up every now and then when they met.
"W-we're not ready yet. We're...," he briefly glanced at her then cleared his throat, "busy."
Chanyeol's father suddenly chuckled. "Well then it's good that now you will work at the same place. You don't have to wait for one another at home anymore and can make sure no one overworks." His father seemed so pleased with his own idea that Suzy felt it harder to digest her food. "Then, you can probably have more time together and get yourselves ready to try have a baby."
"Dad," Chanyeol sighed and rubbed his temple. "Please! Let's not talk about this," he pleaded and the elders just laughed.
Suzy was too done with the dinner, she almost wanted to run away. It wasn't until an hour later did they finally bid goodbye to their parents and headed for home. Her mind didn't rest nonetheless. She stared out the window of the car watching the city lights passed by while thinking of what step she should take next.
Right now, she couldn't really find a good option. It seemed like she could only choose between divorcing Chanyeol and let her father lose his precious in-laws, but risk herself being taken hold by him again; or take her own life and bid goodbye to the bitterness of it once and for all. Either way, she didn't want to stay in the unwanted marriage.
"Are you mad at me?" was Chanyeol's first question after they had been silent throughout the drive.
Suzy almost wanted to scream 'yes', but then she saw the look of sincere worry and a tinge of fear in his eyes. She realized he wasn't really the person she should get mad at. He was but a pawn or another card in her father's game. He was just another person whose every part of life was controlled just like her.
She sighed.
"If it's about my parents bringing up the baby topic again, then I apologize on their behalf. If I do anything wrong," he glanced back and forth between her and the road, "please just tell me." Running a hand through his dark hair, he heaved a breath. "Look, I know we were never really on speaking terms, but... I'm still your husband. I want to know if you're mad at me for whatever reason. I'm tired of walking on egg shells around you, Suzy."
"Then just don't bother me," Suzy simply stated looking out the window again.
"We can't just not talk forever, Su," for the first time he sounded a little frustrated with her.
Maybe Chanyeol was just a pawn in her father's board of chess, but she forgot that he had somehow developed feelings for her. Lately, he wasn't being subtle about it either. And she hated that. He was the one who let himself fall for her despite their initial agreement, but now he was demanding so much from her.
"Please," he softened, "just talk to me."
Frustrated over not being left alone to her thoughts, she softly clicked her tongue. "Pull over," she told him stoically.
"What?" Chanyeol whipped his head toward her before looking back at the road.
"Pull over, Chanyeol," she repeated as she stared back at him.
Chanyeol looked away and stayed silent for a few passing seconds; his eyes trained on the road. Then he replied sternly, "No."
Suzy was momentarily taken aback. Her eyes widened by a fraction in surprise. Chanyeol never said 'no' to her. Not in their six months of marriage. He always complied to her wishes like the loving husband he wanted- tried- to show her. So, this was a new side to him that she witnessed.
Regaining herself from the brief surprise, she rolled her eyes and spoke, "You asked if I'm mad at you. I'm not." She paused to gain his attention. His expression gradually softened. The wrinkles on his forehead eased and he briefly glanced at her. "But I do want a time alone. Having you worry over me does not help." She then looked back ahead. "Pull over."
Despite seemingly contemplating over what she said, Chanyeol still didn't comply.
"Chanyeol," she warned, "pull over or I'll open the door now."
She thought he would do what she said this time. But she was wrong. Chanyeol only sped up, and she went from frustrated to pissed off. She sent him a glare, but he wasn't even looking at her. This defiant act he was putting on irritated her. He must have thought she wasn't being serious. Fuming, she unfastened her seatbelt, unlocked the door and was about to open it.
"Ya!" Chanyeol panicked, finally looking at her again. "What the hell are you doing?!"
Glaring back at him over her shoulder, she told him again, "Then pull over or I'll open this door and jump." She made sure to hold his gaze to tell him that she was serious, but Chanyeol still hesitated. "I'm serious, Chanyeol!"
Clicking his tongue, he bit down his lip. "Fine."
The car slowed down, and he pulled over by the side of the road. Suzy wasted no time to alight the car when she heard Chanyeol unfastening his seatbelt. Breathing the air outside made her feel a little better. When she walked away, she heard Chanyeol's hurried steps before feeling his grip around her arm.
"Wait." He heaved a breath. "I'm sorry." Squeezing his eyes shut, he added, "For how I acted."
Suzy rolled her eyes and tried to walk away, but he held her back.
"Where are you going?"
She clicked her tongue. "I told you I need a time alone."
Chanyeol tugged her arm again when she turned away. "Y-you shouldn't be alone," he stammered.
"I'll be fine," she assured through gritted teeth. "Now, let me go."
Chanyeol lightly pulled her arm again and she looked up at him with a glare. His own eyes were stern when he looked back at her. His brows were knitted in the middle. And for the first time, Suzy noticed the color of his irises. Dark brown. Mesmerizing dark brown, she thought.
He looked like he wanted to say something, but he pursed his lips. A moment later, his visage softened and he sighed. "Okay." His fingers around her arm slowly loosened and slipped away. "Just..." His eyes strayed away from hers finding the ground. "Just come back home."
"I'll decide on that," Suzy replied out of annoyance. Of course she would go back to their house. Where else could she go anyway? Their house was the only choice if not her own graveyard.
Chanyeol held her hand. "I'm serious, Su."
She hated how he called her that way because it held so much endearment despite his warning tone. She pulled her hand from his, turned around and walked away without a reply. She heard his soft groaned and saw from her peripheral view how he ruffled his hair when she turned away.
Falling for her was Chanyeol's own mistake, and Suzy had no interest in helping him find a way out of it. She had her own problem, her own hellhole that she needed to crawl out from. Or else, she would put herself in an eternal hellhole.
"Awwh," the kids whined.
"So you wouldn't come again?" One of them asked with a pout, clinging onto his arm.
Yixing smiled and patted the boy's head. "I will still come tomorrow."
"Promise?" A little girl suddenly beamed.
"Promise!" Yixing nodded.
After telling them to rest, he bid goodbye to the kids and left the hospital with a smile. A sigh of content escaped his lips when he settled in his car.
He thought he wouldn't be able to meet the kids today after having to drop Suzy off in the morning, explain to Chanyeol what happened without spilling the secret he promised to keep, and get back to the park by bus to pick up his car. But he was glad he made it to the hospital. Seeing their smiles was always a pleasure of his own. He drove with a smile plastered across his face mirroring the smiles he saw on the kids.
Drumming his fingers against the steering wheel to the beat of the music, he hummed along happily. He made a mental note to buy something special for the kids tomorrow. He would need to brainstorm on that first though. Should he buy them toys? Or maybe story books?
His train of thoughts were cut when he took a double take on the girl he just passed. His eyes narrowed at his rearview mirror before they were rounded.
"Isn't that Suzy?" His head whipped around to confirm. Sure enough he saw her crossing the street.
Yixing wondered why she was walking alone at night. For a moment, he contemplated on following her but then quickly realized that if anything was wrong, Chanyeol would have contacted him by now.
A honk from the car behind him pulled him out of his thought. Realizing he had been slowing down, he quickly stepped on the gas. His eyes strayed back to the rearview mirror and watched her walking farther. With a click of his tongue, he shook his head to dismiss his worry. Even her husband was not worried. Why should he?
For the first time since she was married, Suzy regretted not having Chanyeol by her side. Apparently the dumb guys in the club couldn't keep their filthy hands to themselves, and they were too stupid to understand what the ring encircling her finger meant.
But if Chanyeol were there with her, she would only feel suffocated. Suzy needed her own space to breathe. She desperately needed to be away from him especially this time. She just realized that his presence in her life was going to ruin her plan instead of helping her fulfill it.
Still, she thought, if her husband were with her now, she could have at least avoided possible sexual assaults. Thank god, Kris the bartender, who was also the club owner, was there to prevent further attempts and drive the pervert and his friends out of the club.
"Idiots!" She mumbled as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. Grumbling, she wiped the drink one of the dumb guys 'accidentally' poured on her off her cleavage. After she was done, she stared back at her reflection.
On second thought, maybe she was the idiot one. What was she thinking coming to the club in this dress that showed more skin than it should? She wasn't really in her right mind when she decided to come here nonetheless. Her mind had been in a haze because of that sudden announcement her father made. Thinking about it again now made her furious.
How could he do that to me? She momentarily closed her eyes to collect herself. I'll find a way to win! She crumpled the tissue in her hand and tossed it away before exiting the restroom.
"You okay?" Kris handed Suzy a glass of tequila shot when she finally got back to the bar.
Without answering, she took the glass and tilted her head back to empty the glass right away. The burning sensation down her throat felt like it reached her heart making it numb while clearing her mind.
Just what she needed.
"Whoa! Slow down." Kris chuckled and Suzy just rolled her eyes. "Hard time?" He cocked an eyebrow, crossing his arms.
'Hard' would be an understatement, Suzy thought. Her plan was crumbling down, and she felt her life slipping away from her own fingers.
"You haven't come here in like... what, a year? And suddenly you're off the market now?" He laughed while nodding his head toward the wedding band encircling her fourth finger. "Don't tell me you're here because of a tough marriage."
Suzy waved her hand dismissively. "None of your concern."
Kris laughed again. "Still the same cold girl, huh?" He leaned closer across the counter to whisper, "Totally my style!" He winked at her.
Suzy scoffed to the side, a little smirk grazing her lips. This guy had not change one bit since the first time she met him in college.
Taking an empty glass to wipe, Kris returned her smirk. "Can't blame those guys earlier for devouring you with their eyes. You're way too sexy, you know that?" He winked again, and Suzy scoffed loudly amused by his usual bluntness. "You really should've brought your husband with you."
For a short moment, a pair of eyes with mesmerizing dark brown irises crossed her mind. But a moment later, she shook her head. Those pair of eyes belonged to her father's pawn. Frustration slowly crept in her mind again reminding her of the poor strategy she had used to win against her father.
Thinking she needed a fresher air, she stood up from the stool and pulled a cash from her purse.
"Going so soon?" Kris frowned.
"Not going to sacrifice my body for those eyes of yours." Her red lips curled into a smirk. "Bye, Kris!"
When she stepped out of the club, the night air filled her lungs. The sensation somehow calmed her mind for a short moment. Then, she felt stupid. Again. Her earlier anger clouded her mind so much, she didn't think it through when she walked away from Chanyeol. She mentally scolded herself. She shouldn't have let her feelings get the better of her.
The mind is powerful. The heart is weak. She should have remembered that.
Now, how was she going to go home?
Suzy didn't really like sitting in a public car. But right now, hailing a cab seemed more convenient than calling Chanyeol or her chauffeur and having to wait again. Strangely, for someone who claimed to worry over her being alone, Chanyeol had not called her ever since she walked away from him. Honestly, she thought he would pull her back again or follow her secretly and then show up any time soon to drag her out of the club. None of those happen. She was certainly glad for it.
Suddenly, she felt a hand pulling her arm with so much force she almost fell back. The next second she knew, she was leaning against a wall at the alley and was face to face with the guy who spilled his drink on her earlier. His hands were on either side of her head on the wall to trap her. His two friends, one lanky and the other buff, were at his side scowling at her. Suzy let out an annoyed sigh and rolled her eyes at the situation.
"You embarrassed me in front of people," he growled.
"Correction," she stared at him with hooded eyes, "You embarrassed yourself by being stupid. Oh! And I wasn't the one who kicked you out, was I?" The guy only glared at her harder and gritted his teeth, so Suzy continued, "If you don't have anything else to say, I have better things to do."
She ducked under his arm to walk away but was soon pulled back and pinned to the wall again. This time, he held her upper arms. She groaned at the impact of her back and the wall.
"I don't have anything else to say." He leaned closer, and Suzy could smell the stench of his alcoholic breath. His lips curled into a crooked smile. "But I do have a lot of things to do to you," he whispered.
Pissed off, Suzy slapped his hands off her arms. "Get your filthy hands off!"
"Or what?" The buff friend taunted then laughed. "You will scream for help?"
Suzy narrowed her eyes at him and clicked her tongue. They must be really drunk or just downright stupid. Of course she would scream if they did anything. It wasn't like they were in an abandoned street. The club was just right there beside the alley. And with people still queuing to enter.
Pathetic idiots!
She was just going to say her thoughts when a cough interrupted them. All three guys turned their head around.
"Excuse me, do you know where the restroom is?"
Suzy's eyes widened by a fraction seeing Lay stood there with his blank look. She had indeed got ahead of herself for thinking Chanyeol would leave her alone. She was seriously questioning her own freedom now.
"Why don't you go piss somewhere else!" The lanky friend spat.
They all turned their attention back to Suzy who was just about to walk away.
"Not so fast, sweetheart." A hand strongly gripped on her forearm. "We haven't-"
"I would really like to piss somewhere else," with a little quiver in his voice, Lay interrupted again, "but where is the restroom?"
The guy rolled his eyes and gave his friends a look, to which they nodded, before turning back to her. "Now where were we?" He tugged her toward him and she tried to pry his hand off her arms.
Just before he could land his lips on hers, they heard a loud thud followed by a shout which Suzy guessed came from the lanky guy.
The pervert holding on to her whipped his head around. "What the-"
His lanky friend suddenly flew back and hit the wall beside them. Suzy let out a little gasp at what she just saw. For a moment, she saw the look of horror in the pervert's eyes. She glanced at the lanky guy who was groaning while holding his stomach before her eyes connected with Lay's.
Did he just kick the guy? Her eyes then travelled down to the buff guy who lay unconcious on the ground. What did he do to him? She wondered when she stared at Lay.
"So," Lay cracked his knuckles and surprisingly smiled his dimpled smile, "what was I asking again?"
The dumb pervert opened and closed his mouth like a fish. "I- UGH!" He fell to the ground after Suzy introduced her knee to his crotch.
When she brought her gaze back to her bodyguard, he looked surprised but then smiled at her. Suzy had to hold the urge to roll her eyes. She shook her head and walked away. Just as she had predicted, Lay followed behind her.
"Chanyeol called you, didn't he?" She accused, crossing her arms.
He chuckled falling into steps beside her. "Do I always have to come on Chanyeol's call?"
She scoffed. "Why else would you come? It's still your day off."
"I came as your friend. You've given me your trust just earlier today, remember?"
"Don't flatter yourself. I'm still judging you. And since it's your day off," Suzy stopped walking and turned to him, "stop following me." She walked ahead and could hear his chuckle.
"He didn't call me," Lay hollered causing her stepes to come to another halt. When she slowly turned to him, he smiled again. "Chanyeol. He didn't call me."
Suzy tried to keep her expression from showing surprise, but the information did sound extremely odd. Chanyeol leaving her alone was nearly impossible. Had he finally learned his lesson?
"That's why I'm here," Lay spoke again. "I saw you walking alone."
"But Chanyeol didn't call."
"Exactly!" He grinned.
Suzy frowned. He could just think she was having her own time. He could think she was going to meet her friend, but why did he think of following her instead if Chanyeol didn't even call him? Was it so weird to see a married woman walking alone?
As if knowing what she was going to say next, he beat her to it, "Illogical." He shrugged. "I know. Gut feeling, I guess. Or instinct."
Suzy scowled at that. If she was going to have a bodyguard, she needed one who can use his head. Not his gut feeling. But witnessing how he could take down the guys earlier, she thought that maybe he really was capable for this job and she could trust him indeed.
"You bring a car?" She quirked an eyebrow.
He immediately fished out his car key from his pocket and grinned. "This way." He nodded for the opposite direction.
Once they walked side by side toward his car, she felt warmth on her shoulders and realized that he just covered her with his cardigan.
"Can't risk Chanyeol getting mad over guys oogling you," Lay reasoned smiling bashfully and rubbing his nape.
"Whatever." Suzy shook her head.
The ride home was silent. Suzy pondered on what to do next now that her initial plan was ruined, but nothing really came to mind. Her father was playing his A-game since the start. Something she failed to recognize. But she couldn't give up now. This was for her mom, she reminded herself.
"You can go back now," Suzy briefly told Lay when he walked her right to the door where two of the maids were waiting. She handed him his cardigan.
Lay smiled. Again. Seeing that, she wondered if this guy was psychotic. He had just taken down two guys. One of them bigger than him. And yet he managed to look innocent. How he could smile like nothing happened- and as if he was a saint- was beyond her.
Just then, a scream along with a sound of shattering glass startled them. The maids jumped in surprise before lowering their heads.
Suzy furrowed her brows. "Is that your master?" She asked the maids.
They nodded with tremble and stammered to tell her that he had been drinking since he got home. Without her consent, Lay rushed inside the house. Holding back a groan, Suzy leisurely followed behind toward the living room where Chanyeol's personal bar was.
Her husband was slumping over the counter on his seat breathing heavily. Lay came to his side and he slowly looked up. Chanyeol's eyes were hooded when he stared at his friend. His gaze then were dragged past Lay's shoulder and settled on her who stood by the entrance.
For a moment, Suzy was frozen when their eyes locked. She never really paid attention to how he looked at her, yet she was sure he never looked at her with so much contempt in his eyes before. But it was probably the alcohol, she reasoned. Somehow though, she felt strange seeing him like this. As far as she remembered, Chanyeol never got drunk ever since they got married. He would drink once in a while but never got himself drunk.
Did he become like this because of her? Did she pushed it too far this time?
She took a step toward him but then halted. Pursing her lips, she closed her eyes and shook her head. What was she going to do? Comfort him and give him hope for his feelings? Certainly not.
His presence ruined her plan. Marrying him ruined her plan. He was just another card that her father would use against her.
With one last lingering gaze, she turned her back on him. "I'll be going upstairs."
Hey, aces!
How have y'all been doing? Been too long, ey? Not even a day had passed in the story, but we're already in 2017 in our world. Sorry for leaving you for weeks (or has it been more than a month?)!
Anyway, what do you think of this chapter? Despite the length, nothing much happened besides the tension, huh? At least you get more insight on how ambitious Suzy is :)
If anyone's wondering what the title of this chapter means, in poker, tilt is a term for a state of mental or emotional confusion or frustration in which a player adopts a less than optimal strategy. Which was exactly what Suzy is going through.
No, I don't play poker and yes, I just copied that out of wikipedia lol. So, correct if I were wrong.
So there you go! Till next chapter! (hopefully soon)
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