Written by Solaris
'I was hoping I could leave this star-crossed world behind'
And the public don't dwell on my transmission
She had always been told that when the ascended deemed you worthy, that would be the time of which your soul-mark would materialise. You would be rewarded with your other half. Yet in her final moments of being awake, that would be when she came to realise that the ascended members of her higher council had never deemed her worthy. She was never worthy of having a second half. A completion. Someone to make her feel whole.
So to her surprise upon waking from an artificial slumber hundred of years later she was to discover not one but two marks upon her body. Marks of which now signified that there was someone, two someones out there supposed to be part of her. But so much time had passed that she gathered that it meant that most likely these two people were gone. And so she started to adjust.
And when she came to realise that despite what the group of Tau'ri around her made her feel, she was truly alone. So she looked to the one place where she might find someone like her.
To space.
The final frontier.
You're caught between the devil and the deep blue sea
Melissa O'Neil
as Doctor Cassidy McKay
Optimistic Science Baby
'You know I was frozen once before, I really don't recommend it.'
'He's killed almost 50 of our top ranking officers in 24 hours McKay.'
'So maybe they didn't give him enough blankets at the start?'
The spaceman says 'everyone look down its all in your mind'
The dream man's gonna make you mad
The Killers
I kinda wouldn't mind if she ruins my life
I don't need no-one to save me
Too Close To Touch
So is it all forgiven or is it me you're missing?
Thousand Below
UK Hun?
Bing bang bong
The United Kingdolls (RPDR: UK2)
The storm maker says it ain't that bad
𝙰𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎
DISCLAIMER - This book takes place in the 2009 AOS, therefore the 2009 film trilogy. I will therefore, not be including everything from the original series, because I will be here forever just trying to make the plot make sense. This book will also be a semi-cross over including Stargate: Atlantis as Cassidy's race, gifts and skill base comes from the ancients from that show. Along with some of the characters therefore many of the timelines have been altered in order to make this possible. It's an AU I will do whatever I want.
STORY PLOT - This book is an AU, as mentioned before I will do what I want. I will follow most of the plot from the trilogy but will change some things up to make an additional character naturally fit in. Also to add in the idea of soul-mates into the world.
ENGAGEMENT - I would be very happy if you guys would be happy to comment along the way, and keep me posted on what you think of the book as it is developing.
WARNINGS - This book will talk about; mental health, physical health, alcohol. It will feature crude language, sexual themes and perhaps scenes. These will each be trigger warned at the beginning of the relevant chapters, and this will be updated as necessary.
MEDIA - All gif work included in this book does not belong to me. I only created the cover. The gifs belong to their rightful creators.
Anything further will be added as thus time develops.
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