Bars and Buckles
CHAPTER ONE - Bars and Buckles
Iowa Starfleet Post, IOWA
Cassidy had forgotten just how much she hated the final weekend prior to returning to the academy. In her final year of being a Cadet, this was her fourth go around, and each time she watched the other cadets get drunk she had to remind herself that for some people this was considered fun. But drinking had never really been something she found herself enjoying, rather she found herself feeling guilty each time she did so, like she was letting someone down. And therefore, she had stopped herself from doing so, nearly every single time she went out. It also did not help that she was the only fourth year currently at the base. A few cadets had been picked to go along with the admirals to collect the new prospective students. To be present as an older guide during the initial time of their training. And Cassidy had been volunteered by one of her lecturers. It hadn't been for her openly friendly persona, Cassidy knew she could be rather bitchy, especially when someone attempted to convince her they were better than she was. She wasn't really sure why she was here. But she knew that Admiral Pike had requested she come along with him, and so she obeyed.
And so she found herself sat in the corner of a rather nasty looking bar, which was filled with a majority of cadets in their uniform. She had been tasked with staying away from clear view to hide and only come out if needed. Therefore, as she sat in her casual clothes bouncing her eyes between batches of red she had a nagging feeling. It had started initially in her head, like she was forming a headache. But she couldn't get headaches, that was beneath Alteran's so she knew it was something else. But what else it was, she wasn't sure.
Most of the cadets of which surrounded her, they seemed to be relatively behaving. Almost as if they were just trying to enjoy their last night on Tera, Earth as she had to keep reminding herself. Most of these cadets were Tau'ri and she had to fight the desire to roll her eyes as she attempted to stay impartial as they all started to embarrass themselves. Her eyes focused upon the bar, something told her this was where the trouble was about to happen. She noticed a female cadet sit down to order, this cadet was tall, incredibly beautiful and Cassidy knew she was about to be the source of the trouble. Whether it was her fault, which was highly unlikely, or the fault of the many territorial gross young men, which was totally going to be the cause of the issue. Therefore, when Cassidy caught the sight of another young Tau'ri attempting and failing to chat the female cadet up, she slowly stood and began to make her way to the bar. She wasn't going to hear the end of it if she allowed a fist fight to break out under her control.
"...Kirk" She heard the ending of the male Tau'ri's self introduction and she soon connected the reasoning as to why Admiral Pike was currently at the base in Iowa. Especially if the rumours were true that the Admiral had come to the base every year with the attempt to recruit this specific man but come back disappointed. This man was the reason for the yearly recruitment trip.
"Is this man bothering you?" A male cadet had approached and as expected decided to act territorial, something he would later chalk off to wanting to help the female cadet. Even if nothing seemed to be heading in that direction.
"Nothing I can't handle." The female cadet replied and before Cassidy could do much to step in and diffuse the scene before it broke out into a full fist fight, the first punch was thrown. And before she knew it there was a four on one fight.
"I am going to get so much shit for this." Cassidy grumbled as she moved to try and break the fight up. She was quick to become behind one of the male cadets Abel to stop him from pulling a punch. Though her presence, and hand upon his own caused the male to turn to her, and the punch he had been aiming at Kirk had been redirected towards her. Landing to her stomach, Cassidy was quickly reminded of the nauseous feeling she had each time she had hit in the stomach, and she had to prevent herself from physically responding. Rather choosing to give a disappointed look to the man. Her eyes narrowed as she waited for him to say something. But he did not, he seemed unphased by his actions turning back to the fight ongoing around them.
No matter what Cassidy attempted, she failed to do anything to break the fight up, and only found herself getting hit twice more. It would be a loud whistle which broke the fight as the doors to the bar were slammed open. She had sent a small message out to Admiral Pike upon the second time she had been hit, aware that due to her status as being a fourth year cadet there was no way that she was going to get any respect or result from the cadets fighting around her.
"At ease Cadets." The loud strict tone of Admiral Pike called and the response was instaneous as the fight stopped, Kirk laid out upon one of the tables his nose bleeding and most likely broken. The man which had hold of Cassidy's shirt let go of her, now aware of whom he was about to hit, and that it was not the Kirk fellow he was under the belief he was about to hit.
"Sorry miss." He spoke and Cassidy allowed her eyes to roll at his sudden charming behaviour. If she was to run into him at the Academy she would trip him.
"Doctor McKay." Admiral Pike looked to her, his eyes focusing on the bruising which appeared upon her face, an initial look of concern passed upon his features before he quickly covered it. He was aware the bruising would be gone in the morning but it still made him feel guilt. After all, he was aware she had jumped in not at just his request to stop the cadets doing something stupid, but she had alerted him to the presence of the young male Kirk and he knew she had jumped in as well for his sake.
"May I be excused sir?"
"You are relieved cadet." Admiral Pike waved her off, but Cassidy was able to get one more look at the male she had become involved in the fight for. He was tall, with dashing golden blonde hair and the brightest shade of blue eyes she had ever seen. He looked ethereal and she had to stop for a moment. He might have possibly been the most beautiful Tau'ri she had ever laid eyes upon, to the point where she was unsure whether he truly was human. But she was quick to snap out of the fog her mind entered. She gave the Admiral a nod, turning on her heel to head back to the dorm room she had been given to stay in.
When the time came for them to embark back to Starfleet Academy, Cassidy had never been more excited to get out of a single place on a planet. Sure Iowa had its charm, the fact that they were building the newest ship the enterprise there was pretty cool. Okay maybe Iowa's only charm was the new ship. Everything else about it sucked, and she was excited to return to the academy. She was also fed up of playing mother hen to the cadets. She was sure she was going to murder one of them soon enough. Or two, she could make it look like an accident. Initially she had worn her cadet uniform that morning, however Admiral Pike had arrived with an all black uniform for her to wear. One like the other members of staff were currently sporting.
"I want you to be a full member of staff on our shuttle back to the Academy." Admiral Pike had sat her down in his office sliding the new uniform over the table towards her. Cassidy furrowed her eyebrows at him in response.
"Sir, I do not understand." She questioned, she was unsure why he was offering this role to her. She had the full year yet to finish her studies.
"We both know you could have finished the academy last year, this year is for some normality is it not?" Pike started and Cassidy found herself unable to refute his statement.
"I suppose it is yes Sir." She confirmed.
"And I have a strong feeling we would all be honoured for you to continue working at the academy following your completion of your final courses." Admiral Pike paused "That is until the Enterprise has finished her build. Then I would like for you to join, as the Chief Science Officer." Pike finished and Cassidy was sure her eyes were wider that Saturn's moons at his words.
"I, sir that would be of the upmost honour."
"Well I would be stupid to not take possibly the most advanced being in our current existence upon my ship." Pike finished and Cassidy smiled at him. Admiral Pike had never shown any concerns or reluctance about accepting her within the academy unlike some of the other senior officers had once done. Rather he had fought for years for them to include a Alteran language course within the academy, but had faced much resistance.
"You must report to the shuttle docking bay in half an hour. We set off in three hours." This was her dismissal statement she could tell that.
"Thank you sir." Cassidy paused at the door before turning to the admiral, "Did you succeed sir?" She questioned him recalling the night at the bar.
"Succeed in what cadet?"
"Did you successfully recruit Kirk, sir?"
"I think we will both find out together." Admiral Pike spoke and Cassidy could see the dilemma on the man's face. He was hopeful he had succeeded in getting the man onboard, but he held a resistance. Would this new generation of Kirk be anything like the man who had Captained the ship for 14 minutes?
"McKay." A voice called her name and Cassidy turned from where she was checking that the cadets had buckled themselves in at one end of the shuttle. She took in the female officer of which was calling her, a woman of short stature, who barely looked threatening. Cassidy was probably not much better, but she could give a tone which would make more people follow what she was saying.
"Yes Waters?" She responded moving towards the woman.
"We have one in the bathroom refusing to come out and sit in the main docking bay. He's throwing a tantrum like a child." Waters shrugged, clearly asking Cassidy for help with trying to get the man to do what she wanted. What they needed him to do.
"Did you tell him to either man up or get off the shuttle?" Cassidy asked and she only got a small smile in response. Cassidy rolled her eyes before heading in the direction of the small bathroom where this 'cadet' was currently stowed protesting leaving. The door to the small bathroom was currently open, and Cassidy could see the figure of the man inside the room. He was very tall and trying to curl himself as small as possible in the corner of the room. She could feel a tug on her heart as she looked at the man, and that familiar feeling similar to a headache returned.
"Cadet." She bellowed causing the man to snap his head up to look at her. His eyes widened as he realised it was not the same woman who had been trying to sweetly convince him out of the bathroom a few minutes ago.
"You will either stand up this instant, follow me into the main shuttle bay and sit your sad self down in one of those chairs or you will get off my shuttle and return to your miserable life." Cassidy allowed herself to be mean and grumpy, just like her dad. She had to be harsh either this man would not get the push to get himself out of the bathroom.
"No I like my seat in here, with no windows." The man argued and Cassidy rolled her eyes.
"I will force you out if you do not get up now." Cassidy took a step into the cramped room. She once again caught his dark eyes, dark enough to look like the deepest of galaxies. When he remained seated she took hold of his jacket before pulling roughly successfully bringing the much taller man to his feet. "Now we're going to go out into the main part of the shuttle and you will either walk straight back off the way you came or you will sit down."
"I have argophobia, the fear of space." The cadet spoke as Cassidy dragged him into the main section of the shuttle. As she tried to ignore the weird tingly feeling she was experiencing by being around him.
"What a shame you can go and see a doctor when we land at the academy." Cassidy spoke her tone full of sarcasm.
"I am a doctor." The man grumbled back and Cassidy rolled her eyes once again, she sometimes really hated other people.
"How wonderful for you." Cassidy announced slamming him into one of the seats. Her hands gripped the seatbelts before buckling them onto him, just like a parent would do to their toddler.
"Now sit down and behave Cadet. Don't make me put in an academic warning before we even land." Her tone was harsh as she stood back.
"Doctor McKay how lovely to see you again." A voice broke her attention away and Cassidy looked to the seat next to her troublesome cadet to see those bright blue eyes once again.
"Kirk. How pleasant it is to see you again, I see you never changed your shirt." Cassidy responded to his flirty tone by casting her eyes down to his shirt and back again. Noting that he too was unbuckled her eyes cast to his set, watching as he quickly tightened the seatbelt upon hisself before looking back at her with a proud look.
"No need to buckle me in baby." His flirty tone was a lot, actually Cassidy was unsure she had ever been so boldly flirted with before, and she had to lie to herself that his pet name didn't make her feel butterflies but she was quick to ignore them. There was no chance that this man was any of her marks. Her marks were gone and she had to focus on going without.
Cassidy only ignored Kirk moving to where her own seat was located. She buckled herself in, choosing to ignore the increasing urge to look over to the two new cadets. Rather she closed her eyes and leaned back against the headrest. As the feeling of once again heading into space took over.
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