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"Psst, Tae!" Jimin called in a whisper, and Taehyung turned around.
"We're the only ones here why're you whispering?" Taehyung whispered back.
"So it feels more like gossip. Anyways, listen!" Jimin snapped, and Taehyung nodded. "I've been counting down the time we've spent awake as days spent back on our planet... and if I've done my calculations right... then today is my birthday!"
"One day in space is like 3 days back in our planet Jimin. Your birthday was, like, 8 days ago." Taehyung said, and Jimin hit him on the head, so Taehyung groaned.
"I mean- happy birthday! Oh my god! How old are you?" Taehyung asked, and Jimin smiled. "21!"
"What?" Taehyung asked, confused. "I thought you were younger than me!"
"I'm not!"
"But you're shorter."
"Since when has height got any correlation with age!"
"If someone's fucking 3'9 they're gonna be, like, 5!"
"That's offensive to dwarves!"
"Shit, you're right. Anyways, happy birthday! Let's go tell the other boys so we can get you cake." Taehyung said, and Jimin nodded with a smile. They both got up, and then Taehyung grabbed Jimin and hugged him really tight.
Jimin let out a squeal of laughter, trying to push him off. "Do you think we should give you birthday spankings, Jimin?" Taehyung said in batman's voice into his ear, and Jimin started laughing harder, wriggling in his hold.
"Ew, let go of me you weirdo!" Jimin giggled, pushing Taehyung off.
"Nope, now you're definitely getting spankings-" Taehyung started, as a joke, grabbing Jimin close. Jimin giggled in retaliation, and then they heard a cough.
They both turned their heads and saw Jungkook standing there, eyes wide, red hair messy from just waking up. "W-what're you guys doing?" Jungkook let out, sounding a bit timid.
Taehyung pulled away from Jimin, who was laughing still, walking towards Jungkook. "Nothing! Taehyung was just teasing me 'cause it's my-"
"Whatever." Jungkook mumbled, looking at Taehyung in disbelief before turning around and walking away.
Jimin looked at Taehyung, frowning. Taehyung shrugged upon seeing the look on Jimin's face, and Jimin sighed. "You have to talk to him."
"Tae! C'mon, he's clearly hurt by what you said to him-"
"You can't say that!!" Jimin gasped, and Taehyung groaned, covering his face with his hands.
"I know, I know! I tend to distance myself from people when I have to face them with problems!" Taehyung let out, and then Jimin grabbed his arm and dragged him out.
"Yeah well y'know what? It's my birthday, which means you have to do whatever I say-"
"Since when?" Taehyung snapped, and Jimin let his arm go, looking at him.
"Since, like, ever? It's an unwritten rule of birthdays, what do you mean 'since when'?" Jimin snapped, and Taehyung frowned.
"I never got what I wanted on my birthday! Actually that's probably 'cause my birthday is on new year's eve. Every year I thought we had parties because of me, nope! They were for new year's. That ruined my childhood a lot because my father didn't care-"
"Did you have the truth serum soda?" Jimin asked, and Taehyung nodded.
Jimin walked up to Taehyung and then punched him in the face.
"Ow!" Taehyung said aloud, covering his eye. Jimin's eyes widened.
"Shit! Did that hurt?"
"Yeah, you just fucking punched me in the eye!" Taehyung snapped, pressing his fingertips to his eyelid.
"I didn't mean to hurt badly! I-I just.. wanted to punch you in the eye. Jin said that helps rid the affect of the truth serum." Jimin said with a gulp.
Jimin punched Taehyung again, and now Taehyung covered both of his eyes, groaning aloud, falling onto the floor.
"Why the-" Taehyung started, rolling over in pain. "-fuck did you have to punch me twice?"
"Jin punched me twice too!"
"Jin fucking scammed you! These punches don't do shit, he just wanted to beat your ass!" Taehyung snapped, and then Jimin ran into the kitchen. He looked into the fridge, and then groaned.
"There's no icepacks!"
"Get some ice then!"
"There's no ice!"
"Get something cold!"
"Fuckin-" Jimin started, taking out a frozen chicken, and then screamed and flung it at Taehyung.
"Jimin did you just throw raw frozen chicken at me?!" Taehyung shouted, and Jimin walked up to him, wiping his fingers on Taehyung's shirt.
"Sorry! Sorry, oh my god! It's just disgusting to hold it, I'm vegan."
"No the fuck you're not I literally saw you chow down a turkey sandwich for breakfast!" Taehyung said, and then Jimin crouched down in front of him.
"Listen I tried going vegan but it fucking sucks, okay? I didn't know meat came from animals!" Jimin said, and Taehyung made a confused face, to which Jimin sighed.
"Shut up! It's my birthday so you can't be mean! Anyways, let's go." Jimin said, helping Taehyung up and helping him walk to the dining room.
Jungkook was sitting in the dining room with Jin, both discussing something. "Listen Jungkook, that's not true. It can't be true." Jin said.
"It is, Jin! I saw it with my own two eyes!"
"You saw a rat with six legs?"
"Yes! They exist!"
"Jungkook I'm pretty sure that was a spider," Taehyung snickered, and Jungkook looked at him, mumbling whatever under his breath.
Taehyung looked to the side and saw Jungkook looking at him angrily, and then looking away, scrunching his face into a small angry pout. Taehyung sat down beside him.
"Hey Kook," Taehyung said softly, and he saw Jungkook's fingers twitch a little. "You okay?"
"I'm fine." Jungkook snapped, getting up from his seat and then walking out.
"Doesn't sound fine." Jimin snickered, and Jin got up and walked out, sighing.
Jin walked up to Jungkook, who was walking away hastily. "What's wrong cherry?"
Jungkook stopped in his steps, and so did Jin. "Why's there chicken on the floor?"
They both looked at the raw chicken on the floor for a few seconds, and then just stepped over it and continued walking.
"Talk to me, Kook. You seem out of it since last night," Jin insisted, and Jungkook looked at him.
"Did you see them?" Jungkook snapped, and Jin frowned. "Taehyung and Jimin!"
"What about them?" Jin asked, and Jungkook looked at Jin with annoyance. "Taehyung had two hickeys under his eyes!"
Jin paused for a little, and then let out a sigh. "Kook I'm pretty sure those were bruises-"
"I know what a hickey looks like! A-and- Jimin probably gave him it." Jungkook grumbled.
"Woah, Jimin's asexual. You know what that means, right?" Jin asked, and Jungkook looked at him angrily.
"Yes, I know what that means, I'm not that dumb! But who knows, maybe he was lying or something. And- and just wanted my Taehyungie." Jungkook snapped, and Jin's eyebrows rose.
Jungkook blushed, looking away. "I-I didn't mean that. I just meant Taehyung. I don't know why I said that." Jungkook mumbled.
Jin gave him a small smile. "You really like him, huh?"
"No. I hate him! I hate him and his stupid silver hair and silver eyes and blue blood! I hate him!" Jungkook snapped, and then stomped his foot. "I-I hate him, Jin. I hate him b-because he made me think that he likes me b-but he doesn't and likes Jimin!" Jungkook said angrily, voice cracking in the end.
Jin sighed. "Jungkook, Taehyung doesn't like Jimin." Jin said, and Jungkook looked at him with darkened eyes.
"Easy for you to say when you have someone that likes you!" Jungkook snapped, and then walked away and towards his bedroom, slamming the door shut behind him.
Jin sighed, rolling his eyes wildly. He turned around and walked to the dining room, where he saw the rest of the boys. Taehyung was holding two glasses of cold orange juice against his eyes.
"Happy birthday Jimin!" Hoseok said loudly, walking in behind Jin. Jimin smiled at him, and got his hair ruffled by the other boy.
"Is Kook alright?" Taehyung asked Jin, who sighed, shaking his head. Before he could speak, Jimin got up.
"I'll go talk to him," Jimin said, and Jin looked at him with slight hesitation."I-I don't think that's the best idea-"
"It's fine, Jin. Chill." Jimin chuckled, and then walked out the dining room and towards Jungkook's room. Jimin opened the bedroom door and walked in and then got a pillow thrown at his face.
"Woah-" Jimin let out, looking at Jungkook who was sitting on his bed, looking at the window outside.
"G-go away." Jungkook sniffled, and Jimin frowned, picking up the pillow and walking inside his room.
"Hey cherry-pop. What's wrong?" Jimin asked softly, walking up to the younger who was still looking away. When Jimin got closer, was when he saw the tears in his eyes.
"Nothing. I'm f-fine." Jungkook squeaked, and Jimin sat down beside him. "Clearly not, Kookie." Jimin said with a small chuckle, and Jungkook continued looking away.
"Listen, Kooks. I don't want to elaborate, and it's not really my place to say. But what Taehyung did.. it's for your own benefit. I promise it is." Jimin said, and Jungkook snapped his head towards him, glowering.
"My benefit, or yours?" Jungkook snapped, and Jimin frowned.
"Don't act dumb, Jimin. You don't need to come in here with your false apologies and fake smiles. I know what's going on." Jungkook grumbled, and Jimin hesitated at his anger.
"Okay, I really don't want to anger you further, nor ruin my own day. So I'd really like if you could come out and eat some cake with all of us, since it's my bir-"
"I'd really like if you could stop stealing Taehyung from me!" Jungkook snapped, getting up, startling Jimin.
Jimin looked at him with widened eyes, and Jungkook only continued. "I-I saw you talking a-about hiding your- your relationship from me! B-because you two are j-just assholes who- who decided to fuck with me!" Jungkook said angrily, voice cracking, clearly fragile.
"What? Oh god, Jungkook, no! Me and Taehyung aren't together! I'm ace, I thought you knew that! I'm not into dating people, especially not Taehyung-" Jimin started, and Jungkook scoffed.
"Yeah, right. You probably just made that up to make me think that you and Taehyung weren't-"
"Watch it, Jeon." Jimin snapped, standing up, taking Jungkook aback. "When you're angry, you say some dumbass shit like that bigoted comment you made towards Taehyung last time. So if I were you, I'd shut the fuck up real quick." Jimin growled, and Jungkook cowered his head.
Jungkook gulped. "I-I didn't mean to-"
"Of course you didn't mean to, Jungkook. But you still do and say dumb shit." Jimin said angrily, frowning. "And maybe if you realised that, Taehyung wouldn't break up with you!"
Jungkook flinched at that, and Jimin's breath hitched, realising he went a little far. Jungkook nodded his head, and Jimin just sighed to himself, turning around to walk away.
Jungkook, thinking Jimin left, started crying, sitting down on his bed. He felt this ache in his heart all day, and he didn't know if it was because of Taehyung or high cholesterol, so just ignored it.
But now, he couldn't. It overwhelmed him, flooding his senses like water pouring off melted snow. He heard voices around him, all of them melding into a singular, washing into white noise.
He didn't hear the door open and footsteps barge in. Didn't hear the flurry of confused voices and frightened faces. "Jungkook? Oh god-" Namjoon let out, walking up to him and placing his hand on his shoulder.
Jungkook cried harder, not even realising how hard he was crying, holding onto his bedsheets with his fists, bawling into them, not able to think, or speak, or breathe. Everything was turning black, all he could see through his blurred vision now, was a grey blur walking up to him quickly, and then crouching down.
"Oh no," He heard a voice, crisp clear, standing out from the white noise and darkness. "Baby-"
Jungkook fell into strong arms, felt them wrap around his waist. Heard footsteps walk out and the door close again, until it was just him and the arms holding him in his room. Just him and Taehyung.
Jungkook cried into his chest, and Taehyung held him tightly, rocking him back and forth, breathing in his soft scent in the crevice of his neck.
"Sshh.. it's okay. It's okay, you're okay." Taehyung whispered, and Jungkook continued crying, feeling that heavy pain in his heart drizzling away.
Finally, Jungkook could see again, and felt the pang in his stomach upon seeing familiar grey eyes. He didn't know why he was feeling this way, but fell forward, pressing his forehead against Taehyung's.
"T-Tae-" Jungkook let out, and Taehyung held him tighter, squeezing him in his hold. "T-Taehyung-"
"Don't cry, baby. We don't cry, do we?" Taehyung said softly, and the strong rigidity of his voice calmed Jungkook down. Jungkook shook his head, and Taehyung traced his waist with his thumbs.
"See, there's your pretty honey eyes." Taehyung whispered, and Jungkook sniffled, finally the tears stopping.
Jungkook looked at him for a few seconds, and didn't feel any words leaving his lips, just hid his blushing face in Taehyung's hair, not knowing why he had this breakdown, nor knowing how Taehyung took him out of it.
Taehyung held him tight, letting Jungkook hug him and regain his sense for a few seconds. Taehyung knew exactly what happened, but pretended like he didn't. Not for a little. For a little, he pretended everything was normal.
"D-don't g-go." Jungkook squeaked, and Taehyung closed his eyes, hearing the thud of Jungkook's heartbeat loud in his ears.
"I won't." Taehyung whispered back, knowing the entire universe was outside the spaceship, but still felt like he was holding all of his in his arms.
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