Chapter 6
"Uh, yeah, what's up," San asked, using his hand to cover Wooyoung's mouth.
"I was just coming to check on Woo. Seonghwa mentioned he wasn't feeling very well. I checked the sleeping quarters but you guys weren't there but I heard the shower so I thought you two must be here," Yeosang said.
"Of course you did," San mumbled, making Wooyoung grin into his palm.
"Well you'd be right. Wooyoung wasn't feeling very well so I thought a shower might help him feel a bit better," San said.
"Is he in there with you," Yeosang asked. Wooyoung grabbed San's hand and tugged it down quickly.
"Y-Yeah," he mumbled out.
"I'm just here in case he feels a bit faint," San said.
"Ok, but everything's alright? You're looking after him," Yeosang asked.
"Yes, everything is all good," San said. Yeosang was quiet for a few seconds before leaving the room. San and Wooyoung instantly let out a breath of relief as they heard the door close.
"That was close, really close," Wooyoung said quietly.
"You two ok," San asked gently, glancing towards the curtain.
"Are we safe," Jisung asked quietly.
"Yes, you're safe. You would have been safe either way but Yeosang's gone," San promised.
"You keep going with your shower," Wooyoung added, unlocking the door and directing San out of it quickly so the two kids could be left alone again.
"That was close," Wooyoung whispered, San nodding quickly. It really had been. Another second later and they would have some explaining to do as to why the shower was running but there was apparently no one in there. Wooyoung's watch buzzed and he glanced down at it, frowning slightly when he saw that it was a message. San glanced at Wooyoung and raised an eyebrow in question but Wooyoung just shrugged it off and stepped to the side. He quickly opened up the message, nibbling his lip anxiously as he saw it was from Yeosang.
KYS: Meet me in the bridge, alone. *.*
Wooyoung's eyes widened as he saw the message, dread filling his bones. Had Yeosang realised something was up? He would have had to if he was telling him to go to the bridge. There is no way Yeosang would do anything that could make Wooyoung feel bad, which includes pulling him away from a relaxing shower when he's supposedly sick. However, Wooyoung knew he couldn't refuse due to the symbol the engineer used to sign off his message.
"I'll be back in a few minutes," he said quietly to San as he stepped over to him.
"Where are you going," San asked with a frown. They were supposed to stay in here and keep an eye out so they wouldn't get caught.
"Just trust me please," Wooyoung whispered. San wasn't too keen on it but he nodded, knowing Wooyoung would have it handled if he wanted him to trust him.
"Hey guys, I'm just heading out to make sure the coast is clear and everything is ok. I'll be back in a bit," Wooyoung said before leaving the bathroom. He glanced to the left down the hall before turning right and hurrying over to the bridge. He opened the door and stepped inside, clicking the button so it slid shut once again. Yeosang glanced up from where he was lounging on the Captain's chair, seeing as he predicted, Wooyoung looked fine.
"Sit," he said, nodding to the chair beside him. Wooyoung was nervous, Yeosang could tell, but he sat down where directed. Wooyoung was trying to gauge what he was thinking but he couldn't tell as the olders face was blank.
"Why'd you lie," Yeosang asked.
"Ah, wh-what," Wooyoung asked in confusion. Out of everything, this was not what he was expecting to be the first thing Yeosang said.
"I don't need to know what it is that you're lying about, I just want to know why you're lying. I want to know why you don't think you can trust me with whatever it is because I thought we were closer than that," Yeosang said.
"Sangie," Wooyoung whispered. He and Yeosang have known each other since they were kids, they've looked after each other since they were kids. This means they trust each other completely and they understand one another. Yeosang's face was still blank but Wooyoung could tell from the look in his eyes that he was hurt. He also knew that Yeosang wouldn't push for answers even if he desired them.
"I'm sorry. I can't tell you what I'm hiding but I'm doing it for your own good," Wooyoung said quickly. Yeosang scoffed at that and shook his head.
"You and I both know that's not true. You're doing it for yourself and for San, not for me," Yeosang said with a frown.
"That's not true Sangie, I promise," Wooyoung said desperately. He doesn't want Yeosang to be upset with him, he hates it when Yeosang is upset with him. But he also can't just give away the two kids secret. He and San have a plan that he should stick with.
"It's fine," Yeosang said, standing up from the chair he was in. He could tell Wooyoung wasn't going to tell him anything so there was no point pushing. It hurt but he couldn't change it. Wooyoung panicked when Yeosang stood up to leave.
"Wait, Sangie, please," he begged, jumping up and grabbing the olders hand.
"It's fine Wooyoung, I get it," Yeosang said.
"No, you don't. And you can't get it because you don't know what's going on and I know that sounds bad but I can't tell you. I swear I would if I could but I made a promise and it's one I seriously think I need to keep, for someone's safety," Wooyoung rushed out quickly, trying not to panic too much. Yeosang stopped and turned to face him, a frown on his face.
"If something is threatening someone's safety, then you should be telling Hongjoong about it," Yeosang said.
"No, no you can't. Please don't tell him," Wooyoung begged.
"Wooyoung, I don't even know what the hell I'm not telling him," Yeosang said in annoyance.
"I'm sorry," Wooyoung whimpered. He was trying not to get worked up but he couldn't help it, he didn't want Yeosang to be mad at him. Yeosang frowned as he saw Wooyoung's watery eyes, his face softening slightly.
"It's ok Wooyoung. I just, I really thought we were closer than that," Yeosang said quietly. Wooyoung let out a sob and Yeosang sighed, tugging him closer and wrapping his arms around him. Wooyoung immediately burst into tears, hugging Yeosang tightly and tucking his head into his chest. Yeosang frowned slightly and rubbed his back. He didn't mean to make him cry, he just wanted to figure out what is going on.
"Y-You can't tell. Pr-promise," Wooyoung said through tears. He wanted to help the boys but he would never want to jeopardise his friendship with Yeosang.
"I promise," Yeosang said softly. Wooyoung went to explain but hesitated, not knowing if he really should.
"Will it help if I tell you I know there was someone else in the bathroom with you and San," Yeosang asked quietly, feeling Wooyoung tense in his arms.
"Um, two actually," Wooyoung said slowly. Yeosang's eyebrows rose in surprise at this information. He had known there was someone else as he saw both San and Wooyoung's feet close to the stall door but knew that someone was under the water, he just didn't know there were two people.
"Is that the big secret? That we've got a couple of stowaways? I know they're hiding out on the lower deck cos San was acting way too suspicious earlier," Yeosang said.
"Y-You aren't mad or worried," Wooyoung asked in a small voice, shifting his to peer up at Yeosang.
"No. I mean I'm a bit frustrated that this was the big secret you thought you couldn't trust me with but I'm not mad. I'm not worried either because I trust you and San to be able to make a proper threat assessment," Yeosang said. Wooyoung let out a breath of relief. If Yeosang was taking this part well, he could be trusted with the rest and Wooyoung knew he would do as asked. Wooyoung pulled away before tugging Yeosang to sit back down with him.
"They're kids, from Rion. They snuck on board at some point while we were there. They haven't told us much because they're terrified but I'm pretty sure they were abused and badly. They're so skinny and they've got bruises all over their bodies. One had a cut on his shoulder as well. I um, I didn't know what to do but I fixed the cut and then I ended up telling Sannie because he noticed something was up and wouldn't let it go, plus I kind of needed the help. We figured we could let them have a shower while you were all watching the movie by just faking I was sick and San was looking after me. We just didn't account for you to come check up on me," Wooyoung explained.
"Of course I was going to check up on you Youngie," Yeosang said with a frown. He was a little annoyed that the didn't think he would care enough to make sure his best friend of almost two decades was doing ok.
"Yeah, we didn't really think about that. We just don't want to tell anyone yet because I think having more people around them will really scare them. We just need some time to show them people can be good so that they're calmer when they meet everyone else," Wooyoung said.
"That makes sense," Yeosang said with a nod. He glanced back at Wooyoung, expecting him to say more but the younger just looked at him expectantly.
"Was that all? That's seriously what you were so worried about telling me," Yeosang asked, his voice rising slightly due to his surprise.
"Um, yeah," Wooyoung said quietly, fiddling with his fingers nervously in his lap.
"Wooyoung, none of that bothers me. You could have told me, I don't know why you were so scared. I can understand your reasoning for it and I promise I won't tell anyone," Yeosang said. Wooyoung was filled with relief and he launched himself at Yeosang, crawling into his lap and hugging him tightly.
"Don't be scared of telling me things Wooyoung. You know I will always be here for you, no matter what. I love every single person in our crew but you're my soulmate ok, you're the person I've known almost my entire life. As long as something isn't hurting for you, I would cover for you about anything," Yeosang said firmly. He thought that was something Wooyoung already knew but clearly not so he wanted to remind him. Wooyoung giggled lightly and nuzzled his head against Yeosang's neck, reminding the older of an affectionate cat.
"I'm going to let you go back and I'll tell the others that San has everything under control. Just remember I'm willing to help and if you need anything, just ask me alright," Yeosang said softly, pressing a delicate kiss to the side of Wooyoung's head.
"I love you," Wooyoung whispered.
"I love you too. Now go back to San before he starts freaking out about what's going on," Yeosang said. Wooyoung nodded and quickly slipped off Yeosang's lap, standing back up.
"I'll keep you updated on what happens," Wooyoung said quietly. Yeosang smiled softly and nodded, tucking Wooyoung's hair behind his ear.
"Come on, let's go," he said, slipping his hand down into Wooyoung's. The two of them left the room, parting when they got to the bathroom as Wooyoung turned to it and Yeosang continued off down the hall. Wooyoung opened the door and slipped inside the bathroom where San was still leaning against the sink, his hand holding the sink tightly. San looked up quickly as the door opened, relaxing as his eyes met Wooyoung's.
"You ok," he asked, his eyebrows furrowing as he noticed that Wooyoung's eyes were red. Wooyoung nodded as San tugged him close to his side, his hand slipping to cup his jaw.
"You've been crying," San whispered.
"I'll tell you about it later but I'm ok," Wooyoung whispered back. San was still concerned but he nodded and dropped his hand down, slipping his arm around his shoulder to hold him in a half hug instead.
"How's it going boys, is everything ok," San called out. It had been around 40 minutes since they first got into the shower.
"Sorry, we can get out now," Chenle replied quickly.
"No, that's ok. It's just been quiet so I want to make sure everything is ok," San said immediately.
"We're just enjoying the water. Is that ok," Jisung asked, his voice sounding small. Wooyoung smiled softly at how cute the boy was being.
"That's more than ok. You two can keep enjoying the water," Wooyoung said. San tugged Wooyoung over so he was standing in front of him, leaning over so his back was against his chest and hugging him softly. Wooyoung smiled softly and leaned his head back to rest on his shoulder.
The boys remained in the shower for another half an hour until the water finally shut off. San and Wooyoung had remained as they were but pulled away from each other when the water shut off.
"Don't forget the towels are on the back of the door," San said quickly.
"Sannie, I think they know that already," Wooyoung said.
"I know but it's just in case they forgot," San said with a pout.
"They can see them on the door though," Wooyoung pointed out.
"We've got them, thank you," Jisung said, cutting in.
"See, he appreciates it," San said, glancing at Wooyoung who rolled his eyes. It was quiet for about five minutes apart from some shuffling from the stall before the door was slowly pushed open and Jisung poked his head out.
"Um, we're done," he said.
"Ok. Are you guys ok to come out," Wooyoung asked. Jisung seemed nervous but nodded before opening the door and stepping out, Chenle following after him. Wooyoung held back a coo at how adorable the two looked with their hair wet, snuggled up in track suit pants and hoodies.
"How was it? Was it good," Wooyoung asked. They both nodded quickly and Wooyoung noticed they seemed slightly happier than earlier.
"Good, I'm glad it helped," San said. Wooyoung noticed that the boys hair was still quite wet and were dripping onto their necks.
"Your hair is still wet. Do you want to come to our sleeping quarters next door so we can dry your hair," Wooyoung asked.
"Dry our hair," Jisung questioned.
"Yeah, so you guys don't catch a cold. We'll just be using towels so it's nothing scary, I promise," Wooyoung said.
"Um, h-how do you do it," Chenle asked.
"Dry your hair? You just rub a towel over your hair to soak up the water and dry your hair," San explained. Jisung glanced at Chenle and Wooyoung noticed his hand slipped into the older boys.
"Ok, we, we can do that," Chenle said with a nod.
"Alright, follow us," San said. He left the bathroom first, glancing around to make sure it was clear before he motioned for the others to follow him. They quickly went to the left and slipped into the sleeping quarters, shutting it once they were inside. Wooyoung went over to San's bed and tugged the two pillows off, moving over to place them onto the floor by his own bed.
"Why don't you guys sit on these so San and I can dry your hair," he said. Both Chenle and Jisung hesitated before slowly walking over and sitting down on the pillows.
"Alright, we're just going to use towels to dry your hair now ok," San said as he sat down on the bed behind Chenle. Wooyoung followed San's lead, sitting down behind Jisung. Wooyoung gently placed the towel over Jisung's head, pausing due to the younger boy's flinch and waiting for him to relax again. Once he had relaxed, Wooyoung gently began to wipe Jisung's hair dry with the towel. Wooyoung made sure to be very careful while he continued to dry Jisung's hair, paying close attention to his movements and reactions. He didn't want to accidentally scare the younger boy.
"You doing ok," he asked softly after a few minutes.
"Yeah, I'm fine," Jisung replied quietly. Wooyoung glanced over to the side to see that San was just quietly drying Chenle's hair, while Chenle leant back into him.
"Who was it? The man that came into the bathroom earlier," Jisung asked suddenly.
"That was Yeosang, my best friend. He's an engineer and a very good person. He will never lay a hand on you, I promise you that," Wooyoung said firmly.
"No one on this ship will ever hurt you," San added quickly.
"Part of me wishes to believe you but I can't," Chenle said quietly.
"Why can't you," San asked.
"Because pain is we've ever known," Jisung whispered, making the two older of the four turn to him.
"Chenle and I have grew up together. We were five and six when we were sold off to the Viperions," Jisung said.
"Viperions," Wooyoung questioned. Jisung's eyes instinctively sought out Chenle who nodded quickly to them.
"They are vile creatures, the ones that had us imprisoned before we snuck on board the ship," Jisung explained.
"Are they the ones who hurt you," Wooyoung asked softly and both the younger boys nodded.
"Well you're both safe now with us, we won't hurt you," San promised.
"Thank you for letting us have a shower. I can't remember the last time we had a proper one," Chenle said. Wooyoung smiled softly and nodded down to him. He was glad that they decided to give the young boys a chance to wash up because it has helped in them opening up.
"If you guys ever want another one, just let one of us know and we will make it happen," San said firmly.
"Um, is it, is it ok if I ask for something," Jisung asked nervously as he glanced up at Wooyoung. Wooyoung softened his features and smiled encouragingly down at him.
"Of course it's ok. What would you like," Wooyoung asked him softly.
"D-Do you think we could maybe, maybe we could get a um, another blanket," Jisung asked worriedly.
"Oh, of course. Is it too cold down there? Something like that, we will always give you," San said, nodding quickly with a smile.
"Really," Chenle asked quietly. Wooyoung's heart broke once again as he saw how scared the two boys looked.
"Always. You just let us know anything you need and we will do our best to get it to you," San said softly.
"For now though we need to sneak you back down to the Lower Deck," San added.
"Ok," Jisung said quietly. Wooyoung quickly typed out a message on his watch and sent it.
JWY: Bringing the boys back down now. Is the coast clear?
KYS: All clear
Wooyoung let out a small breath of relief at the reply and helped San fix up the boys up before he got the door open. He poked his head out just to be sure before waving the others over.
"Come on, let's get to the elevator," Wooyoung said, waving the others over. The four of them went down the hall to the elevators, going inside and pressing the button to the lower deck. Jisung and Chenle curled up in the corner together, their hand clutching each other's. When they got down to the lower deck, Wooyoung and San stepped aside and allowed the two younger boys to scurry past and head over to their little hideout at the back.
"Oh, I forgot to get your blanket. I'll go back and grab it now," Wooyoung said quickly as he hurried back to the elevator. San chuckled but stayed with the younger two, sitting down and leaning against a crate. Wooyoung quickly took the elevator up to the top deck when he suddenly felt his watch vibrate.
KYS: Hwa and Joong are heading up to check in on you. They felt bad leaving you the entire time
Wooyoung's eyes widened as he read the message, looking up to see the door opening on the middle deck. He quickly dropped to the ground and leant against the wall with his eyes closed. He heard a gasp as then there were hands on his face and he slipped his eyes back open.
"Oh, hey Hwa," he said with a small smile.
"Woo, what're you doing in here? You should be in bed. Did you fall, pass out," Seonghwa asked worriedly.
"What, no. No I was just sleeping," Wooyoung said, shaking his head.
"Just sleeping," Hongjoong questioned with a raised eyebrow and Wooyoung nodded, curling into Seonghwa's side when he wrapped an arm around him.
"Where's San," Seonghwa asked him.
"He went to get something to eat cos he was hungry. He told me not to move but I decided to go for a walk and pressed the wrong button," Wooyoung said with a weak chuckle. Hongjoong sighed in exasperation before leaning down and grabbing Wooyoung's arm, pulling him up with Seonghwa's help.
"Well he's right, you shouldn't be walking around alone when you aren't feeling the best and you know that as a medic," Hongjoong scolded him. Wooyoung huffed and moved away from Hongjoong, leaning closer to Seonghwa. He isn't actually sick but he knows Hongjoong's weakness and right now he needs to keep both of them preoccupied.
"Right, always a disappointment," he whispered, feeling Seonghwa tense against him.
"A disappointment? Wooyoung what the hell are you talking about," he asked quickly. Hongjoong's eyes widened at Seonghwa's words and he stepped closer.
"Woo, we talked about this," Hongjoong said softly.
"All you do is scold me," Wooyoung whined, burying his head into Seonghwa's shoulder. Hongjoong's face dropped and his heart clenched.
"Youngie, that's not true," he said quietly.
"Hwa, I wanna nap," Wooyoung whispered, wrapping his arms around Seonghwa's neck.
"Ok. Yeah, we can bring you back to your bed," Seonghwa said with a nod.
"No, wanna cuddle," Wooyoung whined.
"You two can cuddle on the bed, I'm sure Hwa won't mind," Hongjoong said quickly, wanting to settle Wooyoung. Wooyoung held back a smile against Seonghwa's shoulder, having Hongjoong right where he wanted him. See Wooyoung can actually be a really great actor and he always loved fake crying. He sniffled and held on tighter to Seonghwa, making sure his hands shook a little as he was supposed to still be sick.
"See, he's mad. He doesn't wanna cuddle," he whined.
"No. No, of course he does Youngie. Hongjoong will be more than happy to cuddle with you baby," Seonghwa said, looking up at Hongjoong with a glare.
"What. Yeah, of course I will. Why don't we go to my quarters now and you can cuddle with both of us," Hongjoong said, nodding quickly. Wooyoung huffed before nodding, cheering internally. He turned from Seonghwa's hold and latched onto Hongjoong, wrapping his arms around the olders neck and leaning his full weight onto him. Hongjoong stumbled slightly at the dead weight before quickly slipping his arm under the medics thighs and lifting him up. Wooyoung isn't a very heavy person so Hongjoong was able to easily hold him as they went up to the top deck and carry him out of the elevator.
"Let's get back to bed you little gremlin," Hongjoong said, chuckling fondly. He cares for his little crew, a lot and he doesn't like when they doubt themselves, especially when it has to do with him. Wooyoung has a history of self-doubt so they always try to nip it in the bud right from the start. He carried Wooyoung all the way over to his quarters, going inside as Seonghwa opened the door.
"I've got you," Hongjoong said softly before gently depositing Wooyoung on the bed.
"Wait, can you guys go steal Shiber for me please. It's somewhere inside our quarters," Wooyoung asked with a pout, making both Seonghwa and Hongjoong chuckle.
"What is San going to say," Seonghwa asked. Wooyoung whined, playing up the pout and making his eyes water.
"He'll be fine with it if it's to help Wooyoung feel better. Plus he's the one that left Wooyoung alone while he was sick when he promised to watch him," Hongjoong said with a shrug.
"Fair enough. You need to actually stay put this time," Seonghwa said before he had Hongjoong left to go look. Wooyoung hurriedly turned to his watch.
JWY: Parents found me, we're getting rest in Hongjoong's quarters
CS: Well shit, what am I doing exactly
JWY: Getting food. Gtg they're coming back. Fyi I've got Shiber
He quickly curled up and rested his head on the pillow as the door opened, peaking over to see the two eldest coming inside.
"Here you go, Shiber as requested," Hongjoong said, handing the Shiba Inu plushie over. Wooyoung grabbed it and cuddled it to his chest before shuffling into the middle of the bed. The Captain's Quarters are bigger for one person so he has a larger bed, which means there is enough room for all three of them. Hongjoong chuckled and climbed onto the bed, Seonghwa following on the other side, the two of them cuddling up to Wooyoung. Wooyoung had to fight to keep the smile off his face, having to remember he was supposed to be sick. He just loves cuddling up to the crew, often being called a cuddle bug.
"You get some sleep Wooyoung, you need it," Hongjoong said. Wooyoung rolled over and cuddled up more to Hongjoong, wanting to make up for manipulating him earlier. The three of them huddled up together and relaxed, Wooyoung's thoughts going back to the two little ones in the lower deck and hoping San would be able to get the blanket for them so they wouldn't lose their trust already.
Well, um, this is Chapter 6. It's been like 3 months since I have updated this story and truth be told, I haven't really done much on it, I just had a chapter already almost finished so I spent some time to get it out.
I kind of just don't think this is my best story and I'm not sure where it was heading. I think I may end up turning this into a short story without all of the angst. I might eventually get back around to this and focus on some recover for Chenle and Jisung
Anyway, for those still reading, let me know what you thought of this chapter
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