Chapter 5
"Come to the observation room after lunch," San whispered to Wooyoung before they left the kitchens and carried out lunch to the table. They both sat down and Wooyoung gave him a discrete nod.
"How's everything looking with the ship? Any repairs needed," Hongjoong asked Yeosang and Yunho.
"No, everything's looking quite good. The Django is holding up really well as we all know she does. We will need to fuel up again in the coming few days so we should start scouting around for a fuel station nearby," Yeosang said.
"Closest one is near Vekao which is only a day away so we can stop there," Mingi said as he put some salad onto his plate.
"Do we really want to stop there though? I thought that was where that cruise ship got raided a few weeks ago," Seonghwa said with a frown.
"It should be fine. It was a cruise ship so it was pretty much defenceless and made and easy target. We've got some big guns so I doubt anyone would want to cross us," Hongjoong said with a shrug. Wooyoung thought back to the two young boys in the lower deck and his stomach churned uncomfortably. If they were attacked, the boys would be terrified and he highly doubts they would have any means of protection.
"Maybe we should wait until the next one. It's better to be safe than sorry, especially considering how much cargo we're transporting at the moment. We do not want to compromise it or our safety," he piped up. Hongjoong hummed thoughtfully, thinking it over in his head. Wooyoung was right, it was a large payload which also means it would be a large payout should anything happen to any of the crates.
"How close is the next one after Vekao Mingi," he asked.
"Next closest that sticks to our route is probably coming up near Magua but that's at least 4 or 5 days away. Will the fuel last until then," Mingi asked.
"I wouldn't risk it. Four days would be really pushing it and even then I doubt we'd make it past three," Yunho said shaking his head.
"Is there one closer that might divert from our planned route slightly," Hongjoong asked and Mingi immediately nodded.
"There's one 2 days away by Thazuruta. It would add on another day or two to our trip but it's definitely a lot safer," Mingi replied.
"Adjust our course. Wooyoung is right, it's better to bear on the side of caution," Hongjoong said. Wooyoung let out breath he didn't realise he had been holding, quickly turning his attention back to his food.
"I'll do it right after lunch," Mingi said with a nod.
"Are we still good for food San," Hongjoong asked, turning his attention to the cook.
"Oh yeah, definitely. We've got enough to last us at least another month," San replied. Hongjoong nodded at San's words, relieved that they at least had one thing they didn't need to worry about.
"Not if Jongho keeps eating how he does," Yunho joked, patting the youngers back. Jongho rolled his eyes at the teasing but grinned slightly.
"I'm still a growing boy, I need my sustenance. Plus, I need to fuel these muscles," he said with a grin, flexing his arms.
"Yeosang is the exact same and I don't see him eating that much," Mingi pointed out.
"Just cos you don't see it, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Sangie and I love having some late-night snack runs," Jongho said, wiggling his eyebrows. Mingi gasped and clutched his chest in offence.
"How dare you two not invite me," he said.
"To be fair, on the odd occasion we do go out, you're fast asleep in your bed," Yeosang said with a shrug. Mingi pouted at that but let it go.
"Who is joining in for the movie marathon tonight. We're watching the Taken series so it's going to be about five hours," Seonghwa said.
"We're all watching I'm pretty sure. We've planned this for a while. Start at 9 and finish at about 2," Yeosang said. Wooyoung glanced over at San who shook his head slightly so he remained quiet.
"Perfect. Make sure you all have your jobs finished beforehand though. And Mingi, let me know if there's any monitoring that will be need to be done for the course we're on," Hongjoong said. Everyone nodded and continued to eat their lunch.
Once lunch was over, everyone split off to do their own thing, Wooyoung and San going to the top deck and quickly going into the observation room. Wooyoung made sure the door was closed before turning to San.
"We should use the time they're watching the movie to sneak the kids to the bathroom on the top deck for a shower. Everyone will be occupied in the games room watching the movies and if they want to use the bathroom, they'll use the one on that deck," he said.
"I know, it's a really good idea and we'll do that but it would have been weird if we had pulled out then. After dinner, you go to the sleeping quarters and lay down. Then I'll go tell everyone you're tired and not feeling to good so I'll lay with you to keep an eye on you," San explained.
"That could work but wouldn't Seonghwa and Hongjoong get worried and want to check up on me," Wooyoung asked.
"That's true but you can just lay down and look all cute and tired and you'll have them wrapped around your finger in an instant," San said with a shrug.
"I can definitely do that," Wooyoung said with a nod.
"Of course you can, everyone is whipped for you," San said with a chuckle. Wooyoung blushed but didn't deny it. He's right, everyone seems to have a soft spot for him for some reason.
"We'll sneak some clothes and a bag for their dirty clothes. Maybe bring some medical supplies in case they need to be looked after. I'll bring sneak some food down to them in a bit and again later," San said.
"Ok. See if they need anything else when you go down, like more blankets and stuff," Wooyoung said.
"Will do," San said with a nod. The two left the room and Wooyoung headed to the control room to see Mingi while San went back down to the kitchens. He snuck some leftovers into a container before packing everything up and leaving the kitchens. He rushed quickly through the halls, not wanting to get caught and have to explain things to the others but froze when the elevator opened to show Yeosang inside. Yeosang raised an eyebrow as he glanced at San with the container in his hand.
"What're you doing," he asked slowly.
"Uh, just sneaking some food up to the sleeping quarters, why," San asked, stepping inside.
"If you're going to the sleeping quarters, why are you going down and not up? Cos I'm going to the lower deck and if you were going up, it would have dropped me off and then come back up to get you. But it didn't, it stopped here to get you and take you down," Yeosang pointed out with a raised eyebrow.
"Oh, uh, I must've pressed the wrong button," San said sheepishly as he stepped into the elevator. His heard was pounding in his chest as he realised the mistake he may have just made but he hoped Yeosang didn't catch on.
"You're lying. I know exactly what you're doing," Yeosang said.
"Y-You do," San stuttered.
"Yes, I do. You're sneaking food to eat food on the lower deck so Mingi won't catch you and tease you. I should have thought about doing that, it's a smart idea. Then he wouldn't be on my case about it all the time," Yeosang said with a huff.
"Y-Yeah. You know how Mingi is, always teasing and annoying everyone," San said, forcing a smile onto his face. The elevator got to the lower deck and they both stepped out.
"Don't worry, I won't tell him. I'm just here to make sure the holding cells are still up to standard. Yunho and I haven't checked them in a while and you never know when we might need to use them," Yeosang said. San's eyes widened and he hoped that the kids didn't hear and that they wouldn't be scared by Yeosang's words.
"Well obviously we don't need them right now," San said nervously, raising his voice slightly. Yeosang rose an eyebrow in confusion about San's odd actions but just shrugged it off, putting it down to San just being his weird self.
"True. But we may eventually need it one day so it's better to check just to be safe," Yeosang said. He went over to the holding cells to beginning testing while San went over and sat down on an old box they had laying around. He set the container down beside him and just watched Yeosang work for a bit before he noticed movement in the corner of his eye. He turned his head, his eyes widening as he saw Jisung had pocked his head out around the corner of one of the closer crates and was watching him worriedly. San glanced at Yeosang to make sure he was busy before turning his attention back to Jisung and shaking his head quickly, waving the younger boy back. Jisung look apprehensive but left quickly and San let out a quiet breath. Now that he knows the two kids are there hiding, it's got him quite nervous. He knows Yeosang would never do anything to hurt him but he and Wooyoung have a plan to help the kids and he doesn't want anything to disrupt it. The kids need a chance to calm down and feel safe before being overwhelmed and interrogated.
Yeosang glanced back to look at San as he worked, still a bit worried about how odd he was acting. He frowned when he noticed San wasn't even eating his food and was instead just staring at the crates.
"What's in them," he asked the younger boy, making San jump and snap his attention back to Yeosang.
"Wh-What," he stuttered.
"The crates, what's in them," Yeosang repeated.
"Oh, uh knives. Or blades as Wooyoung more eloquently put," San replied.
"All of those crates are full of blades," Yeosang asked and San nodded in reply.
"No wonder they were so heavy. I wonder what someone would be wanting to do with that many blades," Yeosang said with a frown.
"I don't know. It's not our places to ask questions, we just deliver them," San said with a shrug. Yeosang nodded and turned back to the cells, continuing to check them over.
"Hey Sang," San spoke up again suddenly, gaining said boys attention.
"Yeah," Yeosang asked.
"Have you ever thought about what you'd do in the future. You know, after we stop with all of this," San asked. Yeosang thought about it for a few seconds before shaking his head.
"Not really. It feels like all I've ever known is you guys. I don't want to think about what will happen when we part ways eventually. I think part of me just hopes will remain together forever. That we'll grow old and retired on a planet with a nice hillside by a beach and we'll all have houses next to each other," Yeosang said quietly. San smiled softly at his words, picturing it in his head as he leant back against the wall.
"I think I'd love that," he said, shooting Yeosang a soft smile.
"Yeah, we'd make sure Wooyoung lived between us so we could keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't accidentally do something stupid," Yeosang said as he adjusted something with one of the cells.
"Speaking of Youngie accidentally doing something stupid. He snuck down here yesterday to look at the crates and accidentally slipped and fell in one," San said with a chuckle. Yeosang's attention snapped to him in an instant.
"Wait, one of the crates with blades in it," he asked quickly.
"Yep. Hongjoong and I had to rush here and help him out. He wasn't hurt much, just a scratch here or there," San assured him quickly. Yeosang frowned but rolled his eyes fondly. Trust Wooyoung to put himself in awkward situations.
"Are you even going to eat," Yeosang asked, his eyes landing on the container of food once again. San's eyes snapped down to it again and he tried not to panic, thinking of an excuse.
"Uh, I will eventually. I just wanted to watch you work and chat a bit first. I've got plenty of time to eat whenever I want to," San said with a shrug.
"Well I'm done," Yeosang said as he stood up.
"Nice. Is everything all good," San asked.
"Yeah, it's all fine. Enjoy your meal, I'm going to let Hongjoong and Yunho know about the holding cells," Yeosang said. San nodded and grabbed the contained, fiddling with it to look like he was doing something until the elevator left with Yeosang. As soon as he was sure it was good, he got up and hurried through the crates to the back of the room where the two boys were. They both jumped and clung to each other when he turned the corner, making him freeze.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you guys," he said quickly.
"Why're you guys fixing the holding cells," Chenle asked quietly.
"It's got nothing to do with you two, I promise you. Wooyoung and I haven't told anyone and we won't until you're ready. It's purely just something our engineers do every couple of months," San said quickly.
"Promise you won't lock us up," Jisung asked quietly.
"I promise. I just came here to bring you two some food," San said, showing them the container. Both boys perked up at that and Jisung went to move forwards instantly but Chenle held him back.
"No that's ok, you don't need to be scared. Here, eat," San said, putting the container down and scooting back. Jisung grabbed the container and tugged it back to he and Chenle. They opened the container and started to eat.
"Can I run something by you two real quick please," San asked, making them look up at him again. They seemed nervous but nodded slightly.
"Tonight our entire crew is going to be watching movies for about 5 hours so Wooyoung and I have figured out a plan to help you guys," San said.
"Help us how," Chenle asked quietly.
"Wooyoung is going to act like he isn't feeling well to get us out of the movie night. It's been planned for a while so the others will still go through with it. They love the Taken series so they'll want to watch it continuously. The only time they'll take a break is to get a quick snack or to go to the toilet. But all of that is on the middle deck so they won't even leave that area for the five hours. We'll wait an hour and then come and sneak you two up to the top deck bathroom where you can have a shower and change into some new clothes," San explained quickly.
"Wait, what," Jisung asked with wide eyes.
"Don't worry, we'll get you guys back down here before the movies finish," San promised.
"But we'll get to have a shower? You'll let us have a shower," Jisung asked. San paused at that, not expecting the that.
"Uh, yeah. We'll give you some soap and shampoo and you can have a nice wash. Youngie is going to bring some medical supplies with us as well just in case you two have some injuries that need to be looked after," San said. Jisung didn't say anything after that, instead turning away and tucking his head into Chenle's neck.
"Ok, thank you," Chenle said, hugging Jisung tightly. San could tell that the two just needed to be left alone as something had upset Jisung so he left silently. The fact that they seemed so surprised by being allowed to have a shower didn't sit well with San and he sighed to himself as he exited the elevator. Whatever reason it is, it won't matter as Wooyoung and he will bring them up to have a nice warm shower later.
"Alright, dinner is over so let's get everything cleaned up quickly and get the movie set up," Hongjoong said as he stood up. There were a few cheers as everyone started moving. Wooyoung sighed and lifted his head up from San's shoulder where he had been resting it for the entirety of dinner. San fought to keep a smile off his face, entertained by how well Wooyoung was playing his part. He had already seen Hongjoong and Seonghwa glance over a few times worriedly during dinner.
"Come on, let's get you to bed my sick little friend," San whispered into Wooyoung's ear. Wooyoung tightened his lips to keep himself from smiling. The two of them slipped out, quickly going to the sleeping quarters and closing the door. They quickly grabbed the pillows and blankets from San's bed and laid them on Wooyoung's.
"Hurry and get in bed cos they're going to be here soon," San said quickly. Wooyoung rolled his eyes as he laid under the blankets and San say down.
"They're not going to come that quickly," Wooyoung said as he shuffled over to curl close to San, resting his head on his lap. The minute the words left his mouth, the door opened and Hongjoong and Seonghwa walked in. They had noticed Wooyoung acting odd during dinner and it concerned them.
"What's wrong, you've been acting off since dinner," Hongjoong said as he knelt down beside the bed.
"I'm ok," Wooyoung said quietly, blinking slowly and clutching San's pants leg weakly.
"You don't look ok. What's going on," Seonghwa asked as he placed his palm on the youngers forehead.
"He isn't ok, he just doesn't want to ruin tonight," San said.
"San," Wooyoung whined before wincing slightly.
"He's been feeling a bit dizzy for the past couple of hours and I think he may have almost fainted. I told him to just lay down and get some sleep but he knows you guys will worry if he isn't feeling too well," San said.
"Don't worry about any of that. You should get some rest if you aren't feeling too good," Hongjoong said worriedly.
"It's ok," Wooyoung said quietly.
"We can postpone the movies tonight if you're a bit bummed out," Hongjoong said.
"No, that's ok. I've watched them a few times before. I just don't want your night to be ruined," Wooyoung said sadly.
"That's ok. If you're fine with us still watching, we can do that. Just as long as you're going to be ok up here. I can come and check on you every half an hour," Seonghwa said softly.
"That's fine, I'm actually going to stay with him and make sure he's ok. I don't mind missing the movies," San said, gently running his fingers through Wooyoung's hair. Wooyoung's eyes fluttered shut and he let out a long breath.
"Ok. San, come and get us if anything changes," Hongjoong said, brushing Wooyoung's hair back gently.
"Sleep tight sweetheart," Seonghwa said, patting Wooyoung's leg lightly. Hongjoong was still worried about Wooyoung but he knew San would look after him well. The two eldest left the room after one last check over the sick boy. As soon as the door slid closed, Wooyoung opened his eyes and sat up.
"That was surprisingly fun," Wooyoung said with a grin.
"You should really become an actor one day," San said with a chuckle. Wooyoung giggled and hugged San softly, nuzzling his head into his neck. San smiled fondly and gently pat the medics hair.
"We can't go out just yet so let's just lay down and relax for about an hour," San said. Wooyoung nodded and shuffled over so San could climb into the bed and the two of them laid down. San opened his arms and allowed Wooyoung to roll into them. San grabbed his phone and set a timer for an hour on it before pulling up some videos for them to watch.
The next hour was spent watching random videos until the alarm went off.
"Alright, time to go," San said. He waited for Wooyoung to get off him but the younger didn't move.
"Wooyoung," San said with a frown. He sat up slightly and glanced at Wooyoung's face, letting out a fond sigh as he realised Wooyoung had actually fallen asleep.
"Youngie, wake up," he whispered, shaking his shoulder softly. Wooyoung jolted slightly and his eyes slipped open, blinking and glancing around slightly.
"What's up, I didn't fall asleep," he said quickly.
"No, of course not. You were just resting your eyes," San said with a nod.
"Exactly," Wooyoung mumbled, curling closer to the warmth of San's body.
"But you do need to get up if we want to get Chenle and Jisung showered and changed," San pointed out. Wooyoung hummed quietly but still didn't try to get up, making San smiled once again.
"Come on Woo, up you get," he said, sitting up and pulling the younger up with him. Wooyoung grumbled but was quick to get out of bed.
"Hurry up, let's go get the kids," Wooyoung said. San rolled his eyes, holding back from pointing out he was the one telling Wooyoung to get out of bed, not the other way around.
"How are we going to do this though, we need to be smart," San said. Wooyoung paused and thought about it for a minute, formulating a plan in his head.
"I'll grab my shower bag with my shampoo, conditioner and stuff. Then you can grab two changes of comfortable clothes and we'll put them in the bathroom and then go and grab the other two," Wooyoung explained quickly. San nodded and hurried over to his cupboard, rummaging through and finding two pairs of tracksuit pants, two loose fitting shirts and two of his more comfortable hoodies. Wooyoung grabbed his shower bag before slipping out two of his towels as well.
"Don't forget to grab some socks and boxers as well," Wooyoung said as he tugged out one of his travelling bags from the bottom of the cupboard. San did as instructed and they shoved the clothes and shower bag into the travelling bag.
"Is there anything else we might need," San asked.
"I don't think so," Wooyoung replied, shaking his head.
"You go put these in the bathroom and I quickly duck to the medical room to grab the med kit and meet you there," Wooyoung added. San nodded and the two left the room, separating to go to the different rooms. Wooyoung only took a few minutes to get the med kit before going back to the bathroom that was beside the sleeping quarters. When he got inside, he saw San setting up one of the shower stalls with everything. The towels were hanging on the door, clothes folded neatly in the cubby holes and he was putting out the shampoo, conditioner and soap.
"All good," Wooyoung asked. San quickly finished putting everything in place before nodding.
"I figured they'd want to stay together and might be close enough to want to shower together. If they don't want to, I'll move some stuff to the stall next door," San said. Wooyoung nodded and the two quickly left the bathroom, heading to the elevator and taking it down to the lower deck. The elevator can be loud sometimes but thankfully the gaming room is at the other end of the ship and they usually have the sound up pretty high. When the elevator stopped, they both quickly got out.
"Jisung, Chenle, it's Wooyoung and San. Are we alright to come over," San called out, remembering how he had startled them when he came earlier.
"Ok," Chenle replied in a small voice but luckily the two could hear him. The walked around the crates before turning the corner to find the two once again curled up together.
"Hey, are you guys ready," Wooyoung asked.
"We're having a shower," Jisung asked quietly.
"Yeah, we've got it all set up. The others are in the middle of watching movies so they won't find out. We're going to take you to our bathroom on the top deck," San explained. Jisung and Chenle glanced at each other cautious before slowly standing up. They stood close together, holding each others hands as Chenle stood slightly in front of Jisung. San and Wooyoung hesitated slightly before slowly walking off towards the elevator, the two younger boys trailing behind them. Both Chenle and Jisung seemed apprehensive of getting in with them but did so slowly. San grabbed Wooyoung's hand and tugged him into the corner, allowing the other two to huddle up at the other corner. When it got to the top deck, they all got out, the younger two walking about a meter behind the other two all the way to the bathroom. San slipped inside while Wooyoung paused and held the door open. He took note of the way the two tensed and squeezed even closer together as they passed him. Wooyoung quickly closed the door once they were all inside.
"Ok, so we weren't sure if you two wanted to shower together or go into seperat-."
"I-I mean, pl-please together," Jisung corrected hurriedly, curling closer to Chenle.
"That's ok. We've put everything in the one stall. You've got your shampoo, conditioner and soap in the showering area. The towels are on the back of the door and there's a fresh change of clothes for each of you just to the side here," San said gently, pointing out where each thing was as he said it.
"Shampoo and conditioner," Chenle asked quietly. San glanced over at Wooyoung in shock, the younger boy having a grim look on face.
"You rub them in your hair. Shampoo goes first, you rub it everywhere, then you wash it out. After that you do the exact same with conditioner. It helps get the dirt out of your hair and it will make it softer," Wooyoung explained. Jisung and Chenle both nodded at his words.
"Just make sure you don't get it in your eye cos that shit stings," San said with a wince as he remembered a time he once did it.
"And the clothes, we can wear them," Jisung asked.
"Yes, they're for you. They'll be a bit warmer," Wooyoung said with a nod.
"How long do we have," Chenle asked.
"Uh, I'd say the boys will be occupied for another 4 hours almost, so max 3 hours if you really want to. But then again, we don't want to use too much water so I'd say max an hour probably," Wooyoung said.
"An hour? With warm water," Jisung asked quickly.
"Uh, yeah. I mean you could go longer if you want but it would probably use up quite a lot of water and we don't want to run out before our next stop," Wooyoung said with a nod. Chenle and glanced at each other briefly before slowly moving closer to the shower.
"Oh, and I've put a medical bag in there was well if you guys need to use anything," Wooyoung said.
"We'd also like you not to lock the door, just in case something happens. You can pull the curtain across for extra security," San said, pointing to the curtain that separates the shower and the drying off area.
"Ok," Chenle said with a nod.
"The water knobs are just on the wall there," Wooyoung added, pointing over to the end. The two nodded before slipping into the stall. San quickly grabbed the door and tugged it close, leaving it unlocked though.
"Just put your dirty clothes in a pile on the little bench," Wooyoung called out. He was feeling a bit nervous about everything and San could tell. San stepped closer to the younger and drew him into a gentle hug, the medic latching on quickly. Wooyoung let out a long but quiet sigh, nuzzling his head under San's chin. San allowed him, just resting his chin delicately on Wooyoung's head and rubbing his back softly.
"You ok," he whispered, receiving a nod in reply. It was quiet for a minute or two, apart from the sound of shuffling around from the stall before the water finally turned on. Wooyoung felt relieved at the sound and let his eyes slip closed, just continuing to lean into San's embrace.
"How much of this hair stuff can we use," Chenle called out suddenly.
"Three pumps of shampoo first and then five pumps of conditioner after. For each of you. That's what I usually do with my hair," San replied. He glanced back down at Wooyoung before slowly walking back until he was leant with his back to the sink. He relaxed after that, allowing it to bear his weight so Wooyoung could fully lean against him. They remained like that for around 10 minutes before they were startled by a noise. Wooyoung's head snapped towards the door, his eyes widening in horror as he froze. San didn't freeze however, he rushed forwards, yanking Wooyoung with him and into the stall the boys were showering, closing the door and locking it quickly, just as the door to the bathroom opened.
"Woo? Sannie? You guys in here?" San held back a groan as he looked into Wooyoung's panicked eyes. Of course Yeosang ruins their perfectly formulated plan.
Here is Chapter 5, I hope you enjoyed it and thank your for those who are still sticking with this story.
I know this isn't usually what I write and most of you will probably be wanting some conflict and action but I promise I'll get up to that eventually.
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