Goth Stan x reader
Stan's point of view
Wendy. She cheated on me again. That Fucking Bitch!! I'm so over this. You know what, I need a cigarette, and I know someone who can give me some.
I put on my black beanie, shirt and jeans and put on eyeliner. I then walked to the back of the school to see the goth kids.
Kyle's point of view
I went in searching of the one possible person who can get Stan out of his goth stage again. It was hard last time to get him to snap out of it but last time we didn't have the one other person he did love.
"Y/n!!" I called as I ran up to her and Kenny, who was currently trying to flirt with her, and miserably failing.
"Kyle?? Are you okay? You seem upset." She said cupping my cheeks. "Do I need to bash someone."
"No I'm fine, but Stan's not! He caught Wendy cheating again and went goth!" I explained, and I wish I hadn't.
Something inside her snapped and I swear I saw her eyes flash red. She was beyond pissed!
"Where. The fuck. Is. WENDY?!?" She asked enraged and looking like she was gonna kill her.
"She's out the front with Bebe and Red." I said backing up a bit and feeling like I shouldn't have told her.
"I'll be back later. I've got a slut to deal with. Then I'm going to get Stan back." She said as she stormed off to find Wendy.
"Hey Kyle?" Kenny asked.
"What?" I said looking at him.
"Have you noticed that Y/n has a nice ass." He said followed by a wolf whistle.
"Shut up you fucking pervert!" I said slapping the back of his head.
Your point of view
I'm going to fucking kill that bitch! She had no right to do that!
I spotted her with Bebe and Red and I walked up to her. She saw my face and shit herself.
I walked up and slapped her, earning a gasp from Bebe and Red.
"How fucking dare you you slut!!" I screamed picking her up my the collar of her shirt.
"W-What are you talking about??" She said, clearly terrified.
"you cheated on stan! you little skank!!" I said throwing her to the ground. Bebe and Red ran to her side to help her.
"You never deserved him!" I screamed once more.
This caused her to smirk.
"And you think he'd go for someone like you??"
I felt my heart crack and my face fell slightly, causing her to huff victoriously.
I let the hair fall over my eyes and I tried not to cry.
"At least I love him more than you and I wouldn't cheat!" I said snapping my head back up with tears running down my face.
I run off to get away from everyone else and I left the school, going to the nearby forest. I sat up against a tree with my head in my knees.
"She's right. Why would he go for someone like me??" I whispered.
Stan's point of view (again)
I was sitting with the other goths when I heard screaming. I told the others I was going to the bathroom, but I went to see what was going on. I stayed behind the corner and heard Y/n screaming at Wendy??
"You cheated on Stan! you little skank!!" She screamed.
'Why is she standing up for me??'
"You never deserved him!" She screamed again causing Wendy to slightly chuckle.
"And you think he'd go for someone like you??"
Y/n went silent after that comment. I could her a slight snivel leave her lips. Then she snapped.
"At least I love him more than you and I wouldn't cheat!" She then ran off out of the school in tears.
She... Loves me?? I heard Wendy and her friends snicker after she left.
"What a pathetic excuse for a life. I hope she dies out there." Wendy giggled.
"Better yet, I hope she gets kidnapped, tortured, THEN killed." Bebe chimed.
"HEY!!" I screamed walking around the corner.
"St-Stan?!? How much did you hear??" Wendy asked in a state of shock.
"I heard it all, You selfish cow!!" I yelled causing her to tear up and cry. "NOBODY TALKS ABOUT Y/N LIKE THAT!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT!!?" I screamed.
She nodded and ran off in tears. I huffed and ran off after Y/n. I wish I had know she loved me, I would have went for her and not Wendy, but I thought she didn't like me back. I ran into the small forest and heard small sobs.
"She's right." She whispered "Why would he go for someone like me??"
I walked over to her and sat down next to her. She looked up and had a shocked look on her face. Her cheeks were stained with tears and her eyes were glassy and beautiful. I put my thumb up to her cheek and wiped the tears away.
I then ran my thumb over her lips and leaned in. I softly connected our lips together and kissed her gently. It took a bit but she kissed back and my hand went around her waist and hers went to my chest as she gripped my jacket.
I pulled away slowly and smiled at her.
"I love you too."
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