Opie's POV
When I saw how Meredith looked at the little goat I turned to putty in her hands. I was surprised to say the least when she asked if she could come home with me I was over the moon. I had explained to Jase what had happened over the part hour. We finally got all the goats loaded and went back and to get Meredith's stuff. Kate seemed unhappy but at the same time happy that I was gonna be around to take care of her.
"You better take care of her you understand me?" She threatened me.
I mocked saluted her.
"Yes ma'am scouts honor." I said while smiling trying to suppress my laughter. I knew she was trying to be scary but I just couldn't be scared. She scowled at me before walking away. I walked off to help Meredith pack. I knocked before entering I heard a meek 'come in' before I entered. Her room was a mess. She wasn't looking at me so I walked over to her. When she looked at me my heart broke a little. Her eyes were red a puffy and she had black lines going down her face from her make up.
"What's wrong babe?" I asked while sitting down next to her and wrapping a arm around her.
"I just feel bad for leaving Kate. But at the same time I just don't feel like this is where I belong you know?" She said while sniffling.
"Where ever you wanna go I'll support you. I'll be here for you no matter what." I told her while holding her hand.
"Can you get me a job up there?" She asked while putting her head on my shoulder.
"Of course I will. I'm sure mama needs a waitress she said you did a great job last time." That and mama loves her and would do anything to help.
"Okay, will you carry some of the box's out to the truck? Be careful with the fragile ones." She said sternly. I laughed a little bit and nodded my head. I got up and started picking up box's and walked out to the truck. The rest of the day we spent packing and loading. Kate and Meredith we're currently saying good bye and Kate looked like she was gonna cry. While Jase was visibly uncomfortable I tried not to show mine. They finally pulled away and I helped Meredith into the back seat and insisted that Jase sit in the front. She explained that she was going to sleep and there would be more room in the back.
We'd been driving about a hour and I could tell Meredith had fallen asleep. Jase told me to pull over so he could drive his bike he seemed like something was bothering him but I didn't want to intrude. I pulled off on the side of the road and we both got out to get the bike off. We got in half way down the ramp when I head a ear piercing scream. Jase said he had it so I rushed to seem Meredith in the back seat crying while shaking. She saw me and coward against the door. I gritted my teeth this was happening because of that douche canoe.
"Hey it's okay love I'm not gonna hurt you." I said softly and opened my arms for her to come to me. Something must have clicked because she crawled over the seat to me. She wrapped her arms around my waist and cried a little bit I rubbed her back and she sat up slowly.
"I'm gonna go help Jase and I'll be right back okay?" I asked her softly.
"Can I come? I don't wanna go back to sleep." She said while frowning. I nodded and held my hand out to her so she could get out of the truck. I started back helping Jase. He got everything he needed from the truck and gave us a thumbs up before cranking up his bike. He drove off and I helped Meredith back into the truck. I went around to the driver's seat and took off after Jase. I started to hold her hand while rubbing comforting circles on her hand.
"Do you wanna talk about your dream darlin'?" I asked her softly.
"I'd rather not. Not right now at least." She said. I nodded understanding that she needed time. I could respect that. We drove in silence for the rest of the trip.
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