Meredith's POV
It had been a couple of days since the traumatic event. Kayden was locked up. Turns out he's done this before. He got off the hook because he had friends on the police force. It made my stomach turn to think about the girls that didn't get justice. My mum had called as soon as my step father found out. She was mad at me for getting him locked up. I was in shock that my mum would take his side over mine.
"Meredith why did you get him locked up!?" She yelled into the phone.
"Mum he almost raped me and would have if Opie wasn't there to stop him!" I yelled back at her.
"It doesn't matter Meredith that was your family!" She yelled.
"Family doesn't rape other family!" After that I had hung up.
It was the day of the goat sell. Me, Opie, Kate and Jase were riding in opies truck with the trailers. Kate and Jase were cuddled up in the back seat. It seemed that ever since the accident they had become closer. Me and Opie we're sitting in the front seat and he was rubbing comforting circles on the back of my hand.
"Are you sure you're okay? We don't have to go." He asked me while looking at the road. I knew we didn't have to go but I needed to get out of the house.
"I'm fine I promise." I reassured him once again. He'd been asking if I was okay for the past thirty minutes.
We had finally made it to the goat sell. Opie parked the truck and trailer very skill fully I might add we all piled out of the truck to go find goats. When we finally made it through the gates I was amazed at by what they had here. They had everything I didn't know what to look at first. They had t shirts and food. There was alot of people selling homemade stuff. I had found a honey stand and a little old lady behind the counter.
"Hi darling would you like to try my different honey flavors?" She asked so nicely I couldn't turn her down.
"Yes ma'am I'd love to." I said while smiling. I had tried several different flavors before deciding on a bunch if different ones. The nice lady's name was Lois. Her and her husband had been married fifty five years before He passed away last year. They had three kids and two grandkids. She was the sweetest old lady ever well beside Ms belle.
I started walking over to where Kate was standing. She was browsing Through clothes and other stuff. I started browsing as well when I felt a pair of arms slip around my waist. I immediately tensed then I smelt alcohol on the guys breathe.
"You wanna go have some fun babe?" He slurred into my ear. Before I could respond or see what the guy looked like he was gone. I turned around to see Opie in the guy's face.
"If you ever so much as lay a finger or look at her again you'll regret it. I'm not gonna make a scene. This is your only warning do you understand me?" He said through gritted teeth. The guy meekly nodded and Opie pushed him away. The guy stumbled through the crowd before disappearing. Opie turned his head back to me and asked if I was okay. I nodded my head in response. He pulled me and Kate over to where Jase was. As we were walking a goat caught my eye. I stopped in the flow of foot traffic to look at him. He must be a runt he was so small.
"Opie why is this one so small compared to the other ones?" I asked while still looking at the poor goat.
"Well the mama probably rejected her." He said while shrugging and started pulling me towards Jase again but I wouldn't let him.
"What do you mean rejected her?" I asked as I felt my heart break for the poor baby.
"Well sometimes the mama won't let a baby feed if she thinks somethings wrong with the baby. It's just a party of life." He said frowning.
"Someone has to help him then!" I exclamied as I walked over to him. I started petting her. She seemed so small in my arms. I heard Opie sigh as he told Kate where Jase was and told her to go on with out us.
"Babe I'd buy him just for ya but someone has to take care of her until she was big enough to eat by her self. I don't have the time to do that." He said sadly. I felt my eyes tear up and I mentally cursed my instinct to cry over a poor helpless animal. I felt one slip down my cheek but I quickly swiped it away before Opie saw but I was to late.
"Sweetheart if you were still staying with me I'd get her and teach you how to take care of her." He told me. It then clicked I could just go back up there and raise her my self!
"Do you mind if I come back with you?" I asked in a small voice.
"I'd love it if you come home with me" he said while smiling. He stood up and bought the goat from the man and I carried her with me to meet up with the rest of our group.
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