Meredith's POV
It was the next morning and Ms. Belle came into Opie's room to wake me up to go with her to the store. I got dressed and went down stairs to meet her in the kitchen. She was cooking and i sat down at the bar.
"Do you need any help?" I asked her.
"No sweetie you just sit right there. I think that Jase in suppose to be coming over in a little bit to get Kate maybe you should go wake her up." She said while still cooking. I mumbled a yes ma'am and got up. I was walking up the stairs and I got to the door where Kate was sleeping. I knocked before I went in. I got no response and went in she was still sleeping so I jumped on top of her and wiggled around. She flung me off the bed and looked around wide eyed and then spotted me while I was cracking up on the floor.
"What the hell Meredith!?" She screeched.
"Jase Is coming by in a little bit to pick you up to take you to the shop. You might wanna get up." I said while still laughing. That got her up faster then you could say get up. She rushed into the bathroom to take a shower and I took that as my cue to leave so I went back down to where Ms. Belle was she was setting the table and I went up to help her but she showed me away. Told me to sit down so I did and a few minutes later Kate came running down the stairs looking like a crazy person.
"Is he here yet?" She asked while looking out the window.
"No he's not sweetie but Opie said he'd be here by 8 so go ahead and sit down and eat." She said while guiding Kate to a chair. I started filling up my plate and I started eating.
"I've never done stocking before." I said to Ms. Belle.
"It's fine sweetie I'll show you and if you can't do it you can always man the cash register. Sound good?" She asked While drinking her coffee. I nodded before continuing eating. The door bell rang and Ms. Belle went to answer it. She brought back Jase who was holding two motorcycle helmets he sat down at the table with us.
"Morning ladies how are y'all this morning?" He asked while fixing a cup of coffee. He smirked at Kate I looked over to her and she was blushing.
"We're fine Jase how are you?" I asked while drinking my own cup.
"I'm fine just ready to start the day. Kate are you ready?" He asked while smiling at her. I smiled at his fondness towards my best friend. She nodded and said good bye to us and her and Jase left. I help Ms. Belle clean the dishes and went our to her car and got in and went to the store.
Later that day I was taking orders and refilling drinks. I was no good at stocking or running the cash register so I was serving tables. I was pretty good at it I haven't messed no one's order up yet. The little bell rang over the door I looked up from where I was cleaning up a table and saw it was the girl from the party that night with Opie and she had a bunch of her barbie friends with her. They all say down and I went over to them to take their order.
"Hi what can I get you guys?" I asked with a fake smile.
"Oh look it's the outsider that thinks she can come in a steal my man." The girl from the party sneered. I decided to ignore that and ask the same question they finally said their orders. I took their orders back to the kitchen.
"A hard table?" Terry the cook asked.
"More like hard customer or should I say snooty Barbie's." I said with a snort. Terry was a big man that would scare anyone if you didn't know better. He finished their food and I took it back out to them and asked if they needed anything.
"Yeah I need you to back away from Opie he's mine." She said while glaring at me.
"Well it doesn't really matter to you what I do cause you don't even know me but if you got a problem we can surely fix this problem. Why don't we ask Opie what he thinks about you treating me like this?" She kind of paled when I said that. I knew I hit a nerve. "or maybe I could just take care of you myself would you like that is this what you want someone to fight you for Opie because I can guarantee that he would choose me over your fake personality. Unlike you I don't stand people up I tell I'm going to go out with." She looked like she was gonna say something but I just walked away cause I didn't have anything else to say the the fake child. I couldn't believe the nerve of that girl I had half of a mind to go back out there but I didn't and when they left they didn't leave no tip but they did leave a message on a napkin telling me to watch my back. She really thought she was a threat to me but she had another thing coming if she thought I was scared of her childish behavior.
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