Meredith's POV
I had been driving twenty seven hours in total. I was tired of sitting in this stupid car but I was determined to get there. I was halfway through Alabama and decided to take a break. There is supposed to be a truck stop down the road but I have yet to see it. All the music on the radio I can find is country I am so tired of it. It's like where is the rock or pop. I guess I have to put up with it.
My phone started ringing so I picked it up and looked at the caller ID. It was only my mum.
"Hey mum! I haven't talked to you in forever sorry for not calling. I was trying not to get lost." I laughed.
"It's fine sweetie I understand driving that distance can be confusing at times." She assured me.
"How has the driving been going love?" She asked.
"It's okay just so much sitting and I'm so tired of driving and sitting. I'm just ready to be there already." I said aggervated.
"How's everything back home are you okay mum?" I asked.
"I'm fine sweetie everything's okay. Are you okay?" She asked.
"I'm fine mum just tired of driving." I said.
"Okay well I'll let you go so you can drive and I'll call back later love. Bye love you." She said as hanging up.
"Love you to mum!" I yelled before she hung up.
Me and my mom have always been close every sense my dad had died when I was 13. So it was just me and her for a while. Until my Tim came with his son Kayden. A shiver ran down my back just thinking about him. My phone started ringing again but this time it was Kate.
"Hey girl where you at?!?" She asked even before I said hello.
"I'm coming into Georgia now I think?" It came out more a question then a reply.
"Oh good I'm so ready for you to get here! I can't wait to watch movies and gossip with you." She said on a sigh
" I know I would have been there sooner but my stupid GPS got me lost so many times. I finally just caved and bought a paper map. It gives better directions than my stupid phone." I gritted through my teeth
"Woah calm down tiger it's okay. When you get here you get here. I ain't rushing you as long as your safe and have had any problems." She said laughing
"Well I haven't had any problems other than stupid GPS complications. I should be there by tonight if no more complications if so I'll call you and let you know. Okay?" I asked.
"Okay love I'll let you okay talk to you later bye!" She said
"Bye girl." I said before hanging up.
I kept driving but never saw that truck stop. I did see a McDonald's and I thanked the food God's. I parked and got out and stretched. Stretching felt wonderful after being cooped up in that car. I ran a brush through my hair and took my tooth brush and tooth paste into the bathroom. I was ready to take a long hot shower but I guess I'd have to wait. I got done brushing my teeth and went out to order coffee and food. I ordered and sat down at a table by the window and started catching up on updated books on Wattpad. It was short lived when a kid came up and tapped me on my shoulder. I looked over at this adorable little girl.
"Hi what's your name sweetie?" I asked while smiling.
"Anna. What's your name?" She asked.
"Meredith. Where's your mother Anna?" I asked.
"Anna what did I tell you about talking to strangers!" Someone yelled I looked up to see a older version of Anna. "I am so sorry one minute she was with me and the next she was gone. Sweetie why did you leave me?" She asked Anna
"Cause she was pretty mama and she's sitting all by her self. Can we sit with her so she won't be lonely?" She pleaded
"Oh I don't think so Anna-" I cut her off and said
"I'd love for you both to sit with me and eat please sit." I said while smiling.
"Are you sure?" She asked while Anna was already sitting down beside me. I laughed at how cute she was. I said of course. So that's how I met Lisa and Anna I learned that Lisa is a single mom and works hard to provide for her daughter and Anna is 5 and loves Barbie's and Disney movies. Needless to say it was the greatest lunch of my life.
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