Jacob & Jocelyn Wedding Day
Above is Jocelyn wedding dress
It's gonna alternate between Meredith and Opie. Just a heads up.
Meredith's POV
It was Jacob and Jocelyn wedding day and I was currently getting ready to go help Jocelyn with whatever she needed done. Opie was still asleep and he looked so peaceful. I didn't wanna wake him so once I was dressed I grabbed my coat, slipped on my shoes and got my keys. About twenty minutes later I was pulling up at Jocelyn's house. I got out and locked my car. I walked up to the house but before I could knock the door was opened. A very stressed out Jocelyn was looking at me. I immediately hugged her.
"Gosh I'm so glad your here." She said on a sigh.
"It's no problem just tell me where to go or what to do." I said with a smile. She tugged me in the house and started explaining everything she needed help with. I listened intently to everything she was saying. We went upstairs so I could start helping her get ready. She told me I needed to do her hair because she always thought mine was cute. So I made her wash her hair and then I started blow drying it. She wanted a ballerina bun with loose curls hanging down. I was half way through when Jacob came barging in.
Jocelyn let out a squeal. "Jacob! You know it's bad luck to see me before the wedding." She scolded him.
I bit back a laugh as Jacob slapped a hand over his eyes.
"I just came to ask about the rings. Opie needs them." He kind of exaggerated the rings part but all I heard was that opie was here.
"Opie's here?" I asked and he nodded. Jocelyn told him where they were and he left. So I continued with her hair.
Once I finished she gushed over how pretty it was. Then she did her own make up which was very light. We had a hour before it was time to go so I went ahead and help her in her dress. I then got into my dress for the wedding.
After that I went off to find Opie while the wedding party took separate pictures. I soon found Opie standing in a corner looking very nervous.
"Hey baby, what's wrong?" I asked sliding uo next to him.
"Nothing sweetheart." He said while kissing the side if my head.
Opie's POV
I woke up and felt on Meredith's side of the bed and it was cold and empty. I freaked out a few seconds before realized that she was at Jocelyn's because it was her wedding day. I calmed down for about a fraction of a second before realizing that today was also the day I'd propose to her. I got up and went to take and shower and shave. Then I got dressed in my suit and went to help mama get ready. Soon we were loaded in the car headed to Jacobs house. When I got there I helped mama up the stairs but once she was up she swatted my hands away. I set off to find Jacob to ask him about the engagement ring. While he went to get the rings I sat in a corner thinning about what I'd say to Meredith. I don't know how long I was just standing there looking like a creeper but Jacob came back with the ring in a little white box.
"You okay man?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I feel like I'm gonna puke." I said while releasing a shaky breathe.
"I felt the same way but once I got down on one knee I felt like it was only me and Jocelyn in the room. Best feeling ever." He said with a wide grin. He left me a little while later and I was back in the corner by my self. I was waiting on Meredith but my thoughts went back to what I'd say to her. I was so deep in my thoughts I didn't see Meredith come up to me.
"Hey baby, what's wrong?" She asked with a sweet smile on her face.
"Nothing sweetheart." I said before kissing the side of her head. She hummed in response.
"Are you excited to be in the wedding?" She asked as she slipped her arm through my arm.
"Oh yeah, even more excited for the reception." I said then bit my tongue.
"Why's that?" She asked with a cocked eyebrow.
"Just love wedding food." I said with a shrug hoping she would drop the subject.
"Me too!" She said with a really big smile.
Soon Jacob said it was time to head to the church. So all the men went first and loaded up in the truck. I kissed Meredith before leaving. She was in charge of driving the women to the church. So I got in the driver side and started towards the church.
Meredith's POV
After the guys left I went back upstairs to Jocelyn room to make sure everything was still okay. Once I thought everyone was ready we all went to get loaded into the car so I can drive to the church.
When we finally arrived everyone was there. Seemed like she invited the whole town. We went into the bride's room and waited for the wedding march to start playing. Right before it started playing I went to sit in the pews. They exchanged vows and I don't think there was a dry eye in the whole church. Even Jacob cried when he saw her in her wedding dress.
It was about a hour and half later at the reception and Jocelyn insisted everyone eat before they had their first dance. So now we were watching them dance. It was so emotional I know now why I don't come to weddings I cry to much.
"I saw you crying in the church." Opie stated from beside me with a sly smile.
"Yeah? Well Jacob was crying too." I said with a laugh.
"Yeah I saw that too." He said before getting up to mingle.
It was now time to catch the bouquet. I wasn't planning on participating but Jocelyn basically dragged me out of my seat.
"Alright everyone line up!" Jocelyn semi- screamed.
We all lined up and she started counting. Everyone was excited and I couldn't help but smile thinking this might be me and Opie one day.
I was brought from my thoughts when Jocelyn placed the bouquet in my hands. I looked at them and her confused.
"I thought the bride was suppose to toss them?" I asked with a confused laugh.
"Just turn around." She said with a wide grin. So I did and I gasped at Opie down on one knee and tears started running down my face.
"Meredith I know we haven't know each other for very long but I feel like I've known you forever. When I thinking about you not being with my I lose my breathe and when your around your my light. I want to grow old with you and protect you always. I want you to be Mrs. Opie James. Will you marry me darlin'?" He asked and all I could manage was a feeble nod of my head. Soon my feet were lifted off the ground and I was in a bear hug spinning around.
"I love you so much sweetheart." He said. "Forever."
"I love you to Opie! Forever." I said before kissing him.
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