the fundraiser
a/n: 2.2k for you pretty people
warning: slightly cringy???
💚. *. ⋆✧・゚: *✧・゚:*💚
authors pov
elena groans in her grey blanket as her phone vibrates on her bedside table. it's on do not disturb. and only two people can go through it. it better be her favourite person.
she reaches out for her phone, pressing the green button.
"hello?" she murmurs, her eyes still closed.
"hey, el! good morning! did i wake you up?" of course it's y/n.
"yeah," elena grumbles, looking at the time from the bright light of her phone. "it's not even six yet, what's up?"
"it's fundraiser day!" y/n smiles. elena can hear it through the phone. "open up!"
"open?" elena mutters, hearing a knock on her apartment door. "please tell me that's not you. y/n please. please, i'm begging you,"
"i have got some blueberry muffins hot from the oven, henry made them, and a container full of black coffee. it's your favourite!" y/n states with a smile, hearing the door unlock and a very sleepy looking elena opens it.
"where are they?"
elena eats the last blueberry muffin, with a hum as she sits in y/n's limo. it's not something y/n uses very often but since the fundraiser is today, there's a lot of stuff she needs to carry and move around.
and it's a much better idea, just taking the biggest car then a bunch of smaller ones. you have to be practical.
can she drive it? no. but she is taking lessons to drive cars.
"henry, did we get the snacks? i can't-"
"they are already there, miss," henry says, looking at the front mirror, smiling at y/n. y/n slumps against her seat, sighing out in relief. "do not panic, miss. it will go perfectly,"
right. of course, it will. but what if it doesn't? what if the ninja's don't come? what if her dad comes? what if-
"stop panicking," elena says, squeezing y/n's hands in comfort. "it will perfectly. and if it doesn't, we can blame morro," she shrugs, making y/n laugh softly. "he wouldn't mind,"
"thanks elena," y/n says, lying against her shoulder. "i love you,"
"i love you too," elena says. "and it is going to be great. i'm here, aren't i? i'll be here standing next to you, until we're crinkly old ladies,"
"i think we'll be very stylish old ladies,"
"so do i," elena agrees.
"we're here," henry says, getting the two girls attention.
"come on," elena says, henry opening the car door for them. "let's go be stars,"
y/n has never organised a fundraiser this big before. and let's just say, she loves it. it matches the theme of the school, the winter wonderland aesthetic.
she checks her list, ticking on the things that have been done.
the food? yes. she brought it in with elena. the prices are cheap but very reasonable.
the decorations? also a yes. morro helped out with those.
the cheer choreography? another yes. they are practicing right now. y/n's put elena in charge of that.
the teacher verse student basketball game? nicholas, kai and mattias are working on that with the other basketballers. hopefully lloyd's there. since he didn't exactly say yes to being a base.
y/n sighs, looking down at her wrist. the heart there is a warm pink colour. pink? flustered? is lloyd flustered?
a flash of green catches her eye in one of the higher up windows of the sports hall. what was that? she looks around, seeing if anyone had seen it. but no one looks like they have seen it. whatever 'it' was. she snuggles into her cheer uniform jumper, stepping outside in the sports hall.
christmas is coming. and it's cold. the temperature is about minus three degrees celsuis. she breathes out, looking around. maybe, it was nothing.
"hey," she turns, seeing the green ninja. and he doesn't even look cold. how lucky for him.
"hey," she smiles. "oh my gosh! you're here!" she covers her mouth, closing the door, trying not to make it obvious. "you're here!" she whispers in the same excited tone. "so that means-"
"i'll be here for the fundraiser," the green ninja says, smiling under his mask. she's so happy, that he can't help wanting to smile too. "what time should i be here? oh, and it's not just me. the ice ninja, the lightning ninja and the earth ninja will also make an appearance,"
y/n smiles. that's is amazing! more than amazing. if there was a better word than amazing, she would be thinking it.
"thank you so much," y/n says. "are the fire and water ninja okay?"
"they just have other stuff to do they can't make it," the green ninja says, crossing his arms. "what time do you want us to come?"
"uh..." would it be better after the cheer performance or before it? "after the cheer performance..." she says, putting her hand on her chin. "but i don't know what time that i'll be. maybe around six?...or five? basically when we finish everything up,"
the green ninja hums, remembering that piece of information.
"we can-"
"y/n? y/n?!" elena shouts, looking around for the girl. "the cheer costumes came! and i checked them! they're the right ones!"
y/n looks back at the door, then turns to say something to the green ninja. but he's already gone. woah. that was quick.
the fundraiser is going off without any defaults. it really is perfect. or as perfect as it can be. the students verse students is happening right now. and y/n hasn't seen nicholas smile so much in his life. oh! and she also saw elena and mattias talking with each? was it flirty? she has no idea. but she can't even care right now? they are talking!
"um-hey!" y/n turns seeing lloyd in a...cheer costume?
"hey, lloyd," she laughs, motioning to his outfit. "what-what are you wearing? when did you sign up?"
"oh..." he laughs, trying not to panic. "i thought..." he needs to find his words. "didn't you want me to be a base?"
"i did," she did. "oh my gosh," oh no. "this is um...okay," she looks over at elena, seeing her smile with mattias. and the rest of the cheer squad are selling or buying things in the stalls, trying the teacher verse student basketball game. she can't get them all in a practice now. "you don't know the dance,"
but he does know the dance. he made it with her. him as in the green ninja. lloyd montgomery garmadon didn't.
"but i can teach it to you!" y/n quickly says, seeing the sadness on his face. she looks down at his wrists, not covered. but his heart is facing away from her eyes. damn it. she looks down at the heart on her wrist, seeing it go a soft yellow. well, he doesn't look sad anymore.
"thanks," he says, giving her a smile. "but i'm never going to do this again,"
"what?!" y/n laughs, walking forward and him walking beside her. "but it looks so good on you," the heart on y/n's wrist goes bright pink. yep, lloyd's flustered.
"o-oh, thank you," he mumbles. "i'm a quick learner so i shouldn't disappoint,"
"you would never be able to disappoint me," she smiles at him. "and the playlist," lloyd didn't know stars and sparkles formed around y/n when she smiled. or is that his imagination? "i love it! the songs i didn't know they are so cute. i'll cherish the playlist for ever,"
"i'm glad you liked it," lloyd says, matching her energy.
"okay," y/n says, opening a door to the gym room. no one is in here and it doesn't smell gross. "we can practice in here," she taps around her body for her phone, feeling it in the back pocket of the joggers. "alright..." she mumbles, getting sdp interlude on her phone. she presses play, putting on a piece of weight lifting equipment. "ready?"
"how did you get it down so fast?!" y/n laughs, pausing the song. "i can't believe it. i'm in shock and awe and everything in between,"
lloyd shrugs.
"i can just pick up things fast," he says. "and it's a skill,"
"a very good one," y/n states. "i'm jealous-"
"beautiful?" y/n turns, seeing morro opening the door to the weight room. why does he always come when she wants to be with lloyd. alone. "elena's looking for you. she's asking if the dance should start now," y/n picks up her phone, not seeing any messages. but it is around five.
"alright," she says, looking back up at him. "we're coming," she looks over to lloyd, who was slightly glaring at morro. she looks down at her heart, seeing it brown. annoyance? it has to be lloyd. "you ready?"
lloyd looks over to y/n with a smile. the heart on y/n's wrist turns yellow. he nods.
"let's do this then,"
two minutes into the song spd interlude and the dance is amazing. barely anyone is messing up and if they are, they're not making it shown into the world.
y/n and lloyd both acts as base's as they throw elena up in the air and catch her with ease. they continue the routine, letting it end with a pose.
cheers and applause drown the sports hall as y/n smiles, looking over at everyone watching. now, time for the ninja's to get here. the cheerleaders walk away after picking up the pompoms as she walking over to the middle of the court.
nicholas passes her a microphone as she nods at him in thanks.
"hey everyone," she says, both students and teachers looking the girl. "i just want to say that we have raised two thousand pounds and one pence for everyone who isn't living as well in ninjago!"
the cheers continue as nicholas speaks.
"thanks to everyone who-"
"are we interrupting?" the earth ninja jumps down from one of the open windows in the the sports hall. the green, lightning and ice ninja jump down after him, screams of admiration filling the room.
"it's the green ninja!"
"have my babies!"
"earth ninja, i love you!"
"you can kill me, lightning ninja!"
"where's the fire ninja?!"
"i want your children!"
"freeze me, ice ninja!"
y/n coughs, wishing to never hear that last sentence ever again. the green ninja looks over to her and nods subtly. she smiles at him, nudging for nicholas to continue speaking. but he's too busy looking at the earth ninja.
"nic," she says, poking his side.
"what, man?" he says, looking at her as she motions to the the students (who are mostly looking at the three male ninja's) and the teachers who are waiting for him to continue speaking. they are slightly proud of the guy he has became. even if it took the very last year for that to happen. "right-uh, i appreciate everyone who put some money towards it. and if you didn't and promoted it around school, i also appreciate that," he also appreciates everyone giving him a second chance.
"anything else?"
"what else should i say, princess?" nicholas says, rolling his eyes.
"nothing, i think we're good," she says, the three ninja's walking around and talking to some of the students. "we'll just wait till everyone goes home," she crosses her arm, satisfied with herself. she'll give the money to henry and they will be able to distribute it to care homes and foster houses and everyone else who needs it.
she looks around for lloyd, not seeing him. did he leave? when did he leave?
"you okay?" she doesn't even need to turn. she puts her arm around elena with a smile.
"wonderful," she smiles, looking at her purple loving friend. "are you okay?"
"uh...yeah," elena blinks. "did you-"
"yes, i invited mattias to your birthday tomorrow," y/n smiles, sticking her tongue out. elena smiles softly, before leaving a scowl on her face. "you like him?"
"he's interesting," elena muses, watching the ninja's take pictures with some of the cheerleaders. "what colour's his hair?"
"are you blushing?!"
liked by llloydgarmadon, mattiasscott, elenasallow, heloves,nicholasramiez & 481, 765, 674 others
view 71, 086, 086 comments
mattiasscott YOU ATE THAT, MA'AM
¬ heloves.nicholasramiez TAMBIÉN FUE MI IDEA
¬ mattiasscott no me importa
¬ heloves.nicholasramiez i hate you, bro
¬ mattiasscott no you don't
marichatlver ayyy!!
y/nismywife Y/N L/N IS 🔛🔝!!
abctitties why didn't all the ninja's come?
elenasallow That pic of us though 🫶🏻
¬ y/nl/n YES!! 🌺🌸🪻
mattiasscott elena is beautiful
¬ heloves.nicholasramiez AYO @elenasallow
¬ y/nl/n SCREAMINGGGGGGGGGGGGGG @elenasallow
¬ elenasallow Died
¬ y/nl/n @mattiasscott give her the kiss of life
¬ heloves.nicholasramiez frfr
¬ elenasallow Y/N. NIC.
nyasssmith LOVED ITTTTT
¬ y/nl/n THANK YOU 🩷
¬ jennyiscooler *raised
itsnotmorro did so well, beautiful
¬ y/nl/n thank you 😁
llloydgarmadon the cheer dance>>>
¬ llloydgarmagon :)
iliveforn/n LESSSGOOOOOO 🥵🥶
¬ nyasssmith THANK YOUUUUUUU
ineedy/n Wait, how much was raised?
¬ y/nl/n two thousand pounds and one pence
gabiwrld niceeeeee
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