Travis Stoll
I woke up the next morning a little shaken up. I looked around the room, at my siblings, than at the empty bed and I suddenly felt cold. I whispered "uh" and, after about 2 seconds, Connor's head appeared from the bunk upside me.
-What the...
Connor covered my mouth and put his middle finger to his mouth, gesturing me to shut up. Then he got down from his bunk and placed a hand on my shoulder, than gestured me to come with him outside. I nodded and walked with him. There were no harpies right now in camp, all of them were exhausted I guess. So we sat down near our cabin, like two brothers do, and we started talking.
-Pretty scary, huh? Connor muttered.
-Yeah..I said.
I was glad he didn't mock me for hugging Katie, he normally would have done it but right now he understood the circumstances.
-It's hard sleeping after the war...Connor whispered.
I remembered when we were little, when Connor used to have nightmares and cry, and I tried calming him down by making him laugh. I've always been the older brother, the strong one, but right now I felt as if I needed being calmed down too. But I didn't say that to him. I just said:
-Remember when you were 5 and we stole the spider man costume from the shop?
He chuckled a little.
-Yeah.. I felt so rebel after doing it, I remember I walked the streets so proud for about 2 weeks after that, dressed in that stupid costume.
-Hey! It wasn't stupid! You looked really cool in it!
-Yeah, yeah, you looked great too, Batman.
I laughed silently at his remark. He smiled.
-Now remember when you had a crush on Miranda when you were 11?
Connor nodded, his cheeks taking a nice shade of pink.
-Remember when I told you to give her flowers and you, being the idiot you are, gave her flowers from her own garden?
Connor laughed.
-Hey, how was I supposed to know you weren't talking about THOSE? he said in his defiance.
-I thought it was logical to NOT take flowers from the Demeter cabin and give them to a Demeter kid as a gift!
-Yeah, well, learn from my mistakes and don't do the same with Katie, he marked, smirking.
I punched him playfully in the shoulder.
-Anyways, Miranda was so mad we had to stay locked in our cabin for two whole days! I tried to change the subject.
-I had to stay hidden, you could have gone out at any second.
He took a pause and looked at me, confused.
-But you didn't. Why?
I gave him a small smile.
-Because I'm your brother. AND your best friend. I'll always have your back, Connor.
He looked touched and he hugged me, a strong, suffocating hug.
-Man, you're killing me here! I whispered.
-Oh, shut up, Travis, you're ruining the moment! he responded.
We both laughed, our voices echoing in the silence of the night. When we finally stopped, Connor looked at me, smiling, and told me:
-Thanks, I really needed this.
-No problem, Connor.
We both entered our cabins and this time it was easier to fall asleep.
The next morning, Chiron let us do whatever we want, but, seeing our sad expressions as we walked around dizzily he decided he had to distract our attention with something. So he made us act normal and continue our normal routine. Pff! As if that would have made us happier. But I guess he was right, at least we could think of something else for a short time.
So, as our program said, we had archery with the Apollo and the Demeter cabin. No one was excited about it, but Chiron tried his best to make us feel better. At the moment he was helping Alicia with her arrow, when Katie's turn came.
She looked at the bow with sad eyes and picked it up slowly, then she touched the arrow, brushing it gently with her fingertips. She aimed at the target, but then she closed her eyes and looked away from the target, as if something inside her hurt unbearably much. The sighted, looking at her shoulder, and in that second I realized that she was thinking about that time when Michael helped her shot the bull's eye. Then he asked her on a date. I bet that the absence of him was crushing her at the moment. I walked to her and took the bow from her hands, put it in the right position and placed the arrow in it. Then I took one of her hands and put it on the bow, then I placed my hand on hers and came closer. I had to lean down a lot because of the height difference but that wasn't a problem for me. I whispered:
-Look at the target and aim the red circle.
I saw her shivering as she heard my voice, looking surprised, but nodded, and fixed her green eyes back on the target, her light brown hair twisting in the wind.
-Now let go.
She listened. It didn't hit the bull's eye, but she looked as if she didn't care. She gave me one of her beautiful smiles and I guess my cheeks were red but I tried to cover it by saying:
-I..I have to go right now.
I turned around but she grabbed my hand. Blood rushed to my cheeks as our fingers intertwined. She looked at me and simply said:
-Thank you..
I tried to keep my ground by smirking and responding:
-Anytime, Kit-Kat!
She took her hand away from mine and rolled her eyes, raising both her hands up, in surrender, then turning around and muttering something that sounded like "Uh, Stolls!" Both of our wrists were glowing and I had a huge impulse to run at her and take her hand again, because I loved how it felt. And, even trough she looked annoyed, I swear I saw a faint blush on her cheeks and a tiny smile forming on her lips.
Hello! Soryyyy for not updating for so long! It's just that school started and..argh.. WE REACHED 625 READS, YES, QUEEN! I don't own the art. Thank you for reading, don't forget to vote and comment. Hope to update soon (:. Love you guys! PS: this chapter is dedicated to Yo_Itz_Jess_02
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