Two months passed and the war was already an old memory that we all desperately tried to forget. I actually felt better now, knowing I have my friends with me. My group was always by my side, and the Stolls have been nicer than usual. Especially Travis. He smiles at me whenever I pass by, he makes little, annoying jokes when we talk. I was starting to like the new version of him. It's like the past incidents transformed him from the childish, annoying boy, into a sweet, mature one.
-Come on, siblings, we need to go in the gardening grounds!
They didn't listen to me, busy talking with each other. I coughed. Nothing.
They all finally looked at me.
-Quit screaming like that! Billy complained rubbing her ears.
I smirked.
-We need to work on the gardening fields! Come on!
They rolled their eyes and mumbled under their breath, but they walked out of the cabin. Miranda walked by my side. When we reached the fields, I couldn't find my shovel. Then I remembered I did a little gardening in the forest that Wednesday, so it must still be there.
-I have to go to the forest, I left my shovel there! I told Miranda.
-Do you want me to come with you? she asked.
-No, stay here and watch over the others.
She nodded, and I started walking. When I reached the forest, I tried to remember the exact place where I left my shovel. Just then, I felt a heavy arm on my shoulder and heard a voice right behind me saying:
-Well, well, look who we got here.
I turned my head to see Rich from the Ares cabin smirking at me. He was a huge muscular guy, with black hair, almost-yellow eyes, acne and a missing teeth. He was known for the tons of people he punched when he was angry. I tried to remain calm.
-Hi, Rich, what are you doing here?
-What are YOU doing here? was his really "smart" response.
-I'm looking for my shovel, so I would be grateful if you would let go of my shoulder.
I tried to shake his hand away, but he held me even stronger, and I felt as if my shoulder was going to crack any moment.
He leaned down, looking me in the eye and grinning, making me want to run away in that exact second. He analyzed me from head to toe, as if I was a piece of meat.
-You're a pretty girl, you know? Why don't you have a boyfriend?
I kicked him with my leg in the stomach. As I tried to run away, he grabbed my hand.
-Where do you think you're going, princess?
-LET ME GO! I yelled as loud as I could. Thankfully, somebody heard me, because I heard someone running in our direction. About 5 seconds later, Travis was in front of us, with a bunch of branches in his hand which I suppose where for his pranks (soo that's what he was doing in the forest..)
-I heard you screaming, what's wro..?
He then saw Rich holding my hand as I desperately tried to run away. I saw his eyes filling with anger, and his expression changing from a scared one, into a frightening one.
-Let. Go. Of. Her. Hand. NOW!
Rich laughed.
-And why would I?
Travis ran at him and punched him in the nose. He fell down, and my hand was finally free.
A lot of kids heard the sound and started heading in our direction. I'm not sure if they heard my scream from about 30 seconds ago and were finally here, or if the sound of Rich falling down was louder. The thing was, around 30 campers were walking towards us, more coming from behind . They were watching Travis's fight with Rich. Travis looked enraged and Rich looked shocked by the force this tall, thin boy had. I was going to give Rich some kicks too, but seeing the way Travis punched him without a pause, I had to restrain myself.
-Travis, stop, it's enough! I said, loud enough so that he could here me. He looked at me, than at Rich and gave him a final blow, before standing up. Rich was laying on the grass, dizzy and hurt, humiliated in front of (almost) the whole camp.
-Why would you take her side? Rich spitted, looking at Travis. She's not even your girlfriend or anything..
Travis glared daggers at Rich, than ran by my side, taking my hand in his, making me look at him with surprise, than raised our hands. Our tattoos started to glow up as our fingers intertwined and I felt a warm sensation growing inside me. The audience gasped seeing our glowing wrists, and I suddenly realized the whole camp just saw my soulmate tattoo. Travis looked at Rich.
-She may not be my girlfriend, but she's my soulmate, so deal with it!
The campers started talking enthusiastically or in a surprised tone. I took my hand away, then gave Travis a death glare.
-How dare you, Travis!?
Then I ran to my cabin, hearing Travis calling my name in the distance.
Hey, guys! I'm sooo sorry for not updating in more than a month, if anybody is reading this, please forgive me :( I still hope you like the chapter, even if it's short. Love you and thank you for 733 reads! (can we reach 1k?). PS: I don't own the picture. See you soon (I hope).
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