Head dorm
Lily pov--
Finally we're here! Oh merlin it's for the last time We're here as students. I love Hogwarts. It's my second home afterall!
When we reach there we step out of our carriages.. James helped me to. ( I'm trying to ignore the butterflies I get from his touch)
And now we're in the great hall with our friends.
This is my family. I sat between marlene and Alice like always and James in front of me in between Sirius and Remus.
The sorting ceremony ended just a few minutes ago and we had our dinner and Dumbledore is going to say some words to us.
" Hello everyone. All the new students are Welcome to Hogwarts. For those who are back here... Welcome back to Hogwarts. Now that You all are ready for your year. Best of luck and Remember forbidden first is forbidden so NO ONE will try to get in the forest." He say and look in the direction of marauders and smile.
" Well This year our heads are Mr. Potter and Miss Evans" He looked at us and we smile.
" You all can off to bed now prefects will lead you.. and Heads should meet me in my office" he said and winked at us.
We made our way to our forms together and then after saying bye to our friends me and James turned to the way to Dumbledore office.
"Butternut chocolate" James said and the gargoyle moved.
"How do you know the password" I asked him.
" Oh Umm... You forgot I'm a marauder.. I have been here many times" he said sheepishly.
I roll my eyes. Oh yeah Ofcourse He had been enquired many times about their mischievous incidents.
" Hello Mr. Potter Hello miss Evans have a seat" Dumbledore gestured us to the seat in their front.
We sat.
" I'm sure you know all your duties. Anything you want to ask you can ask me anything. I'm sure you both are the most sincere and responsible students in Hogwarts right now and your Academic record is the best too" he said smiling.
" As I know Mr. Potter is the Quidditch captain too so he has more responsibilities but still I'm sure you're capable of your head boy responsibilities. I have seen your leadership skills and ambitious nature, determination, hardwork and everything. You have changed in the last two years and your pranks are slightly decreased." He said winking at him. James smiled.
" And Miss Evans You're the most responsible and kind and generous student. Your records are clear and You have always been teachers favourite for your Punctuality. But I have made you both heads for many other reasons that you'll soon find out till the end of this year. " he concluded.
" Congratulations again and now you can go back to your new head dorms" he said.
" New dorm?" I asked him confused.
" Yes You two will stay in a head dorm this year. Mr Potter must know about this already" he said smiling at James.
James smiled.
" Yes professor" james replied.
" Your password is Moon but you can change it anytime. Goodnight"
We came out and James lead the way to our dorm.. New dorm!
" How did you know about the head dorm" I asked him.
"Last year head Micheal wood is my friend.. he told me about it" he replied.
" Oh.."
" Yeah"
We walk in silence for minutes.
" So many things are different this year. Isn't it?" I asked looking at him.
" Like..." He asked without looking at me.
" Like it's for the first time in years that on the first of of session you haven't lifted me up on your shoulder and walk to our common room" he say smiling.
Why did I say that? Am I mad? Oh god Now he'll think I want him to do that... But do I want him to do that? No why would I.. really? Oh shut up my stupid thoughts.
He looked at me and smirked.
" I thought you don't like it?" He asked smirking.
" Yeah.. Well I don't" I replied hiding my smile.
" Doesn't look like" he asked still smirking.
" You're an idiot"
Oh no now he'll say your idiot.
" Is that so?" He added.
What he didn't say that.
" Evans. I'm really sorry" he added.
" For what Potter"
" For asking you out everyday and for irritating you" he replied looking in my eyes.
" I know I wanted you to go out with me but I irriate you... So much.. I didn't mean hurt you . Never. but I was an IDIOT" he said.
What does he mean by Wanted to? Has he moved on? Perhaps he has. Now he never asks me to go out with him from the last year. But why it is not comforting that he has finally Stop me asking out. It's kind of painful. No no no lily. Control your emotions.
He is sad.
" You're sad?" I asked him.
" Evans I'm sorry. I know you hate me but.. I never wanted to make your life miserable like I did without realising" He added.
" Potter. You have been irritating but I have seen that From last year You're changed. After the incident of Snape calling me.. you know what... you're changed. And I really appreciate the new you. The response you. You have been with me everytime whenever I need someone. Everytime when I asked you to leave me alone but you never left . You're not that bad Potter" I said smiling.
He blinked.
" Really?"
" Yes. And I never hated you. I used to get irriate but miserable. No!" I smiled. He smiled.
" So Do you miss thode rides? "
He asked smiling.
Oh my merlin his smile is so cute. What Cute? James Potter. Oh yeah he is I can't deny that.
" Umm.." I raised my eyebrows at him.
He grin.
He lift me up in a bridal style and walk to our head dorm. I blushed. Oh shit I'm blushing!!
I tried to hide my blush but failed.
" Here! It's here!" He replied looking at the dorm.
" Put me down now" I asked him he did it.
" You used to carry me on your shoulders" I asked in a steady voice.
He smiled.
" I know" he replied.
We walk into our dorm after saying the password moon. It was huge. Similar to gryffindor common room but there was no one expect the two of us.
There were comfy sofa.. couches.. fireplace.. and a small library in the common room.. There is a kitchen In the front and two rooms in the upper side of the dorm saying Head boy and head girl each. I look at the things in amazement. James went to his room to check and I checked mine. It was beautiful. A king size bed and so many beautiful decorative items. I check bathroom it was amazing. A big bathtub and all.. then I check James's room and he checked mine. It was same as him just beautiful decoratives are replaced by Quidditch related decoratives.
We went back to our common room and sit on the couch. He sat in front of me.
" That is amazing!" I exclaimed.
" Yeah It is" he replied with same enthusiasm.
" It's late I'm going to bed now!" I told him
" Me too.. Goodnight Evans"
" Goodnight Potter"
Like guys. please do tell me if you like so that I'll get some motivation you know.
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