Chapter 2-The high headed Beauty
Soulmates: Forever and Always- A ShivIka, RiKara, and Rumya FF
Chapter 2-The high headed Beauty:
"This sound..."Omkara got up from the stone he was sitting on and ran towards a halted car on the broken road of the slum.
"Are you alright?" Omkara tried talking to the girl sitting inside the car in the driver's seat through the left side window, he couldn't see her face though-her hair had partially covered the left side of her face revealing only tits and bits of her face to him.
Gauri took a breath of relief as she realized she was safe, fear had completely overtaken her as she felt her face moving towards the front of car, she was saved by the seat belt.
"Are you alright?" A worried Omkara again asked the stranger sitting inside the car.
The words hit Gauri's ears as she felt her hair on her face, she placed them at the back of her ear with a swift moment of her hand as she looked towards her left, Omkara was staring at her continuously, worry visible deep within his eyes.
Omkara was still staring at Gauri as she turned to face him, his eyes fell on her beautiful eyes, he could clearly see her face now but worry had long left him...the only think that was visible in his face now was...amazement, her eyes had amazed him beyond his most beautiful of dreams.
"Hey, Who are you? Hey...Listen..."Gauri spoke up in an irritated tone waving her hands constantly in front of Omkara from inside the car, she had been doing this from quite some time now with no response anyways, she was bound to get irritated.
"This is ridiculous..."Gauri spoke to herself as she opened the seat belt and then the door of her car, slamming the door behind her in anger she moved towards Omkara.
Omkara came out of the strange amazement, of his trance as he saw Gauri coming out and moving towards him, he was himself confused about his own actions.
"Who are you?" Gauri screamed at Omkara, till now a whole crowd of slum dwellers had surrounded them , Omkara looked towards them as he was about to reply.
"Leave it, why would you even reply...Only those people who HAVE AN IDENTITY speak about it...not someone without it..."Gauri spoke up before Omkara could start.
"Leave about me for now, Are you fine?" Omkara didn't really mind Gauri's words, the care for Gauri had returned and he wanted to know about her well being now.
"What? Wait...Are you trying to impress me? Yes, you are actually doing that..." Gauri hit her leg on her car.
"Damn, You poor people, Just by seeing someone rich you start your buttering...anywhere, anytime...Disgusting..." Gaur yelled at Omkara.
Omkara looked towards Gauri with disbelief , his brow tightened as he again looked towards Gauri's eyes.
"What do you mean? I was just concern..."Omkara paused as a medium sized stone passed from front of him, he looked towards the stone moving as it hit the car's front glass, the glass shattered in pieces.
Gauri unanimously moved backward as the pieces of glass came scattering towards her, Omkara was standing by the car's side.
As the pieces landed on the ground safely without hurting someone, Gauri turned her face to the place from where the stone came...An angry face was staring at her as she herself glared at the face, fuming.
"This is so bizarre..." Soumya remarked as she tried to walk from among the middle of corridor where the students had formed a circle, she couldn't go from middle of them and there was no other way out, the first lecture just got over and she wanted to go to canteen, she couldn't.
"Excuse me Please, Excuse me..." Soumya tried to tell people to get aside, no one even paid heed to her, they were busy hooting for something.
"How will I ever deal with these elites, Dii dragged me in a good problem by getting me admitted in this college..."Soumya again started talking to herself.
"So what can you do newbie? Dance, Singing or something else?" Soumya heard a faint voice from somewhere.
"Whats happening??" Soumya spoke to herself further, confused.
"Ragging..."A reply startled Soumya, she was talking to herself and not really expecting a reply.
As the voice came from back, Soumya turned, a girl was walking to herself from behind, "Bhavya, Bhavya Pratap Rathore...M.A. 2nd year..." Bhavya raised her hand for a handshake as Soumya stared at her, baffled.
"I thought I gave an intro good enough to expect a reply..." Bhavya said after waiting for a few seconds.
"No, Ragging...But here, elite college?" Soumya looked at Bhavya.
"Arey, here it is the most, Rich spoiled people, they love it yaar..." Bhavya replied.
"This is more than ridiculous, Let me just call teachers, infact Dii..." Soumya was starting to get angry.
"No, No, No , Not now, I did it last year too with my classmates, this time let me do it with juniors, it would be fun to see...You knows it's just the time for the most Pataka teacher of this college to come here, she'll just be coming out for going to canteen, this is her routine, let me show you what I do..."Bhavya winked while Soumya looked at her still confused, Bhavya walked from among the crowd into the center.
"Why are you getting so afraid, No problem if you don't know dance , I am sure you know how to sing Bhajan, sing that for us..." A laughing voice reached Soumya's ears while she got desperate to help now, she tried to walk inside when someone held her arm, she turned to see...
"Leave her Rudy, get the next fresher..." Mohit said irritated with a very scared girl.
"Yes, who's next in line?" Rudra himself irritated asked.
"This guy..." Rajat, Rudy's another friend pointed towards the guy, Rudra was passing his eyes through the freshers gathered at one side when suddenly his eyes fell on Bhavya.
"Wait Mohit, leave him...bring her..." Rudra said pointing towards Bhavya who was standing in the front row of crowd, she was continuously moving her eyes here and there acting as if afraid.
"You...Come here..." Rajat called Bhavya while she looked at him with widened fearful eyes.
"Me..."Bhavya said slow enough that even the girl standing next to her couldn't hear.
"Come fast..." Mohit ordered while Bhavya looked at him with an irritation which nobody could see, she walked towards Rudra and gang slowly.
"Ji..." Bhavya said as she bit her lower lip in fear.
"Which year?" Rudra questioned staring at her from top to bottom.
"2nd year..."Bhavya said slowly, though she was audible now.
"Dii... You, perfect timing, you know what is happening here...Ragging..."Soumya looked towards Annika who had held her arm, worried ...Annika looked at her seriously and kept looking at her for some time with the same expression.
"Dii, I know you are also shocked, stop them, it's so bad what they are doing..." Soumya said while Annika was still looking at her with the same expression.
"Dii..."Soumya moved Annika holding her arm. Suddenly Annika left her arm and started laughing.
"Somu... Darling its common here, infact common everywhere, even I used to rag freshers in my collage days..." Annika was continuously laughing seeing her cute little innocent sister.
"Haan, Haan, don't tell me stories of your college days, I very well know you but now you are a teacher na, You should stop them....Dii..." Soumya was cut in by Annika.
"Atleast be serious sometimes..." Annika mimicked Soumya laughing while Soumya looked at her with a 'Offo' look, she was so badly melted by her elder sister's cuteness but she had to be serious...for now atleast.
Author's Note: So hows the Chappy? RiKara first meet...Did you like it?? And a bit of AniYa ? And what about Bhavya? Well she is a supporting character here but certainly would not be a villain, You will know more about her in coming chapters. Well I wanted to tell you all something, Bhavya here in this FF is elder to RuMya by 1 year. Rudra is in M.B.A. 1st year and Soumya after completing her Bachelors in is the college for a 2 years Fashion Designing Course so of same age as Rudra. Ok, Now I hope I made it clear. Ok , so let's have the question for today, " How do you think ShivIka will meet?" Any guesses welcomed so waiting...
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