Chapter 14
They both walked down the stairs as Mukti came up and called them to come down. They both were surprised how long they spoke without realising the time. As they walked down the stairs their shoulders brushed against each other. They both glanced at each other and passed a soft smile.
They ware in their own world didn't notice their family had their eyes on and felt so happy and proud seeing them together. It felt like a dream coming true. Neyoinka and Ishita looked so happy and silently prayed for their happiness.
Not wanting to make them feel awkward they looked away and pretended to engrossed in a conversation.
Nandini and Manik comes down and looks at their parents who stopped talking upon seeing them. Ishita stood up and looks Nandini side hugging her.
Neyoinka : Manik what have you decided? I have whole heartedly respect and love Nandini. She is the only girl who will become my daughter.
Nandini blushed looking down and corner of her eyes she found Manik staring his mother un shock. Manik looks embarrassed and simply nodded his head making everyone happy especially Mukti and Abhi who starts hooting for the new couple
Everyone turns looking at Nandini who blushed hiding behind Ishita. Raman smiles and went to her pulling her in a hug. Nandini hide herself in Raman embrace feeing so shy.
Raman : princess what is your decision? You don't need to feel shy. No one is going to force you.
Nandini didn't know what her future holds but agreed to this marriage means taking a big responsibility. She really has faith on her family choice and Manik who she will get married to.
Nandini nodded her head making everyone smile and celebrate in joy and happiness. Neyoinka and ishita hugged each other. Mukti ans Abhi hugging Manik congratulated him.
Raman kissed Nandini's head and broke the hug cupping her face and smiles looking at her.
Raman: you took best decision princess. You will never regret it. Manik is the best person anyone can get. I'm so happy. I'm so proud of you princess.
Nandini was made sit back on couch as Neyoinka wanted some ritual sealing the marriage proposal. Manik also sat next to Nandini. The ladies of the house did the ritual and fed sweets to the couple.
Manik and Nandini bend down taking blessing of the elders and hugging their siblings who teased them in return. Manik didn't mind this time because he was loving whole moment between both family.
Mukti: Bhai, you should make Bhabhi eat sweet too? Now I can officially call you Bhabhi.
Nandini nodded her head and was flushed through whole conversation between them. Ishita went to see the preparation for lunch along with Neyoinka.
The lunch was set up and they were called up. Nandini was walking towards the dining table and Manik was right behind her making her body shivers due to his closeness. Her heart was beating so fast.
Everyone took their seats and Nandini along with Neyoinka and Ishita starts serving them.
Neyoinka : Nandini beta, you also sit down. We will serve them.
Nandini looks at Neyoinka and nodding her head sat next to Manik as it was empty chair beside him. She sat down and glanced at Manik who was quietly eating his food. She looked away and ishita served them.
Neyoinka and ishita serving everyone also took their seats and starts joining in the conversation.
Raj : Nandini beta. What are your future plans? Are you going to join Murthy's industrial helping Abhi?
Nandini : no uncle. I decided what I want to do. I have always loved and wanted to open my own business. I love arts and drawing. I really want to do multiple projects in my company.
Malthora family looked so impressed with Nandini's idea and Manik was feeling so proud of her. He made his mind up he will help her achieving what she wants.
Neyoinka: you are so talented. Do let us know if we could help you?
Nandini : sure aunty. I am looking a land. If any one of you know a land that is on sale then please let me know.
Raj : there is a land. Have you been to Manik's office? There is a land half an hour away from Manik's office. I was hoping to buy that and investment that property. You can have look and see if that is suitable for you. It's really nice land.
Manik stops eating and looks at his father who suggested about the land. He didn't even knew about that. He looked very surprised when Raj mentioned it but he didn't question and stayed quiet.
Nandini :uncle you solved my problem so quick. I'll definitely check the place and see if there is beneficial for me. Will you send me the address?
Raj: I will beta. I'll ask Manik to take you there. He knows about this.
Nandini nodded her head and looks at Manik who was already looking at her with a proud smile. She immediately looked away and ate her food.
The lunch went with laughters and discussion of Manik and Nandini's engagement ceremony. The ladies were so excited for their children didn't even wait calling the pandit ji to give them good dates.
They all were sitting in lawn and discussing about the engagement when they heard door bell ring. Abhi stood up and went to open the door. He opens the door and welcomes the pandit ji.
Ishita greets and welcomes him. She also brought him glass of water who took it and thanked her.
They all was waiting for pandit ji to give the dates who was checking the calendar. Pandit ji looks up and smiles looking at everyone.
Pandit ji: Ishita beta. I have checked there dates for engagement and the wedding, for engagement good days is right after two weeks and for the wedding 4 months later.
Everyone looked at each other then at Nandini and Manik who looked worried about everything happening so quick. Nandini sat there looking so lost in her thoughts. Manik looks at her then his family.
Manik: can I have word with Nandini first? Pandit ji, once we select the date we will let you know. Thank for you coming and telling us the dates.
Pandit ji smiles and nodded his head. His family looked so proud of Manik when he wanted to speak to Nandini. Nandini looks at him and her heart overwhelms when she heard him.
They both stood up and walks to a garden. Manik stops walking and turns around looking at her who was fiddling with her fingers. He had noticed very often whenever she's nervous she starts playing with her fingers. He steps closer and holds her hands.
He looks at her seeing any discomfort but seeing none he smiles and starts rubbing his thumb on her fingers making her relax. She looks at him.
Manik : you don't have take any decisions in rush Nandini. If you are not ready for the engagement then no one means no one will force you. You decided the dates. You can take much time as you want. We can talk pandit ji and ask if there is any good dates after few month. There is no rush.
Nandini felt so much blessed and touched by his words. She really loved one thing about Manik is him understanding and putting everyone in front of himself. She was really touched by his actions.
Nandini: what do you think? After two weeks engagement is it okay? Even I want to know about your opinions Manik. Are you ready?
Manik looks at her and thought for a second before replying back to her.
Manik : honestly my opinion doesn't matter along as you want it. Your opinions matters a lot to me more than mine. I never thought I would be this desperate to get married but knowing you will be the one who I am getting married then I really want to get married within a week rather waiting that long.
Nandini's eyes widen as she heard his last words and felt her heart going to explode anytime. He chuckles at her action and cupping her face tucks her hair strands and rubs his fingers against her forehead.
Manik : think wisely Nandini. Just because I am becoming desperate to marry doesn't you should agree to the dates two weeks later. I don't mind waiting for you forever. Don't stress too much. Everything will be fine. I will speak to our family.
Nandini : no! There is no need to speak to them. I think we should go one engagements two weeks later then the wedding after 4 months later. Before you come to me I'm not taking any decisions in rush Manik. I think it will be best for us. I can plan accordingly too. This is right. It will be better.
Manik looks at and tried knowing if she was lying to him but looking straight into her eyes found all sincerity. He nodded his head and leaning forward placed a soft kiss on her head. He steps away and looks at her who flushed after the kiss.
He chuckles and smirks at the time and thought how cute she can be. He was going to have hard time controlling his emotions around her. She was already making him melt him with her cute faces.
Manik snapped his fingers at her breaking her trance.
Manik: I love when those red cheeks. It really suits you. I don't think you ever need blush from now.
She again blushed hearing him and Manik chuckles walking past her. She composed herself and follows him inside to see their family eating ice cream while talking about Mukti and Abhi more like teasing them.
Mukti didn't know why she was getting targeted when it supposed to be her brother who was being lovesick puppy. She was truly shocked seeing different Manik with Nandini but she was also liking this side of Manik and really wished him to be happy.
Abhi glares his father who stated this teasing session and looks at Manik who comes there looking confused.
Abhi : can you all stop teasing us? You were supposed to tease my brother Manik. Look at him.
Everyone stops laughing at Abhi winch and looks at Manik who looked unbothered.
Neyoinka : Manik! You came here. Where is Nandini?
Manik was about to reply back when he heard footsteps from behind and felt her presence next to him. He glanced at her whose face was still flushed.
Abhi stood up from seat and looks at Nandini before side hugging her and whispering quietly to her.
Ishita : have you guys thought about engagement dates? Do you want to change the dates?
Nandini elbowing Abhi's chest looks at her mother.
Nandini : no Amma. You don't change the dates. We are ready for engagement after two weeks.
Everyone stopped and starts hugging each other celebrating the news. Manik looks at Nandini who was talking to Neyoinka. He looked away and found his father coming towards him.
Raj: I'm so happy for you Manik. You took the right decision.
Manik smiles and didn't answer but watched Nandini who giggled on something Neyoinka said.
Malthora family decided to leave because they had to do many things at home. They all walked out of the mansion and hugged each other.
Manik took blessing from Ishita and Raman and hugs Abhi. He looks at Nandini who did the same.
Raj : thank you so much for having us Raman. We will leave now and I'll call for you.
Raman: it's pleasure to have you all. Thank you.
Nandini looks at Manik and smiles and mouthed him to drive safely. Raj and Neyoinka went in one car and Mukti with Manik because she wanted go with him. Mukti rolling the widow waves her hand at them and screamed bye to them to which they chuckles and waves her back.
Manik through the side mirror caught Nandini waving too. He smiles and drove away.
Nandini coming out of washroom wiping her face and changing into nightmare comes out and looks at her phone when it beeped with notifications.
She sat down on her bed and took her phone and looks at the notification when she found Mukti adding her to malthora family group. She saw everyone was online expect Manik.
Mukti : hello Bhabhi. Welcome to our family. Once I Introduce you to our friends then I'll add you in our group too. Though you have already met them but as my Bhabhi. They will be so shocked.
Raj : princess, you are too fast. I thought we are going to tease Manik by not giving Nandini's number. You made his work more easy.
Neyoinka : why are you both teasing my son? Leave him alone. Nandini beta, stay away from thaw two. They are so jealous of my son.
Raj : like you are jealous of my daughter Mrs malthora. Who is going is tell the truth about you?
Nandini burst out laughing reading the messages and it felt like her own family fighting over exaggerating others, she couldn't help herself replying in the group.
Nandini : hello guys. How adorable you all are? You are fighting like my family too.
Neyoinka: hello Nandini! They always fight. When you come here then you see how I tolerate them.
Raj : mrs malthora, are talking about your son?
Talking of him, where is he? He isn't online yet?
Manik who sitting in his room on a couch with his laptop on his laptop doing some work. His phone was on the side and kept ringing due to notification. He didn't bothered to check it up because he knew it would be his friends or Mukti messaging him.
Manik sighs and closed the laptop getting irritated by phone continuously with notifications pooping up. He puts his laptop side and took his phone and saw messages from his family group and unknown number. He frowns thinking who might that be.
He opens the WhatsApp's and went to the group reading the messages. He didn't looked surprised when Mukti added Nandini in the group making his life easier because now he can chat with her.
He didn't reply but kept reading the messages but at one point he thought of replying when he had enough from his father who was adamant embarrassing him.
Manik : I didn't knew there is was comedy show going on about me dad. What were you saying? Guys it's middle of night and none of you slept yet.
Raj : there comes our loveable boy? You were just reading our messages. Look at you.
Neyoinka: my son is here. Mani tell your father to leave the room. I'm not going to let him sleep here.
Mukti: mom. You can't throw dad out of his own room. This is so bad. Bhai, save us.
Manik: tough luck. Dad should have thought about it. Now cut the conversation and go to sleep. It's very late. My phone wouldn't stop with the notifications. I have work tomorrow morning. Mukti I'll snatch your phone if you don't stop messaging on the group. Nandini you also should sleep. Goodnight.
Raj : at least help me Manik. I'm your father. Your mother is kicking me out of the room.
Mukti: sorry dad. I can't help you but you are welcome to come in my room. I'll sleep with mom.
Nandini : goodnight everyone.
No cared about helping Raj who was thrown out of his own room by his wife. Nandini felt her stomach hurting after the laugh. She closed her phone and thought to sleep but her phone beeped.
She took her phone and looks at the notifications from unknown number. She opens the message and looks at the number to find Manik's number.
Manik: hello Nandini, did you sleep? It's okay if you have slept. Sorry about my family. Goodnight.
Nandini smiles reading the message and replied.
Nandini: hello Manik, I didn't sleep yet. You do my have to be sorry. It's alright.
Manik : they can be too mean sometimes. Are you available next week? I was wondering if we could meet to for lunch or dinner? If not then it's okay.
Nandini : calm down Manik. I am available. I'll text you which day. Can you also text the address of the land that uncle was talking about? I want to check it out.
Manik : I'll take you with you. You don't have to alone there. I personally know the owner.
Nandini: okay. When are you telling your friends about us?
Manik : I haven't thought about it. I'm sure by now they already know because Mukti won't stay quiet too long. She must have told them.
Nandini : you are right. I should go to sleep now. Goodnight Manik.
Manik: goodnight Nandini! Dream of me.
Nandini blushed reading his last message and thought of checking her Instagram before going to sleep. She opens the Instagram and went to Manik's account and scrolled through his account. She followed him and grins like a fool before jumping in bed and blushing so hard recalling all the moments.
Hope you liked the chapter.
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I won't be able to update from next week till end of May because my work commitments. I'm really going to be busy from next week.
I might try in between but I can't really promise. More likely I'll start updating after May.
Please try to understand and be patient with me.
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