Chapter 3: I Make Some New Friends
Piper's POV
That day I went to school feeling happy. I saw my best friend, Drew Tanaka, standing by the front gates. I hated her so much but if I stopped being best friends with her, she would tell everyone my deepest, darkest secret. Drew was standing in front of a girl with blonde curls who was picking up some books. "You suck. No one likes you. No friends, you freak! You loser!" Drew was saying. I walked in front of Drew. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Showing this freak her place," Drew responded. "Pipey, come and join me!" She got ready to move, but I did not oblige.
"No," I blurted out.
"What are you saying?" Drew asked, looking shocked. "I'm not going with you. Leave her alone," I replied. Drew scowled. "You know what, Piper? You suck," Drew said. I scoffed. "You're words don't hurt me. Go away." Drew strode off. I helped the girl up and recognised her as Annabeth. "You okay?" I asked. She nodded shakily. "Y-yeah." Her eyes sparkled with tears. I noticed Jason and Percy walk past. I stared. Jason was hot. Very hot. Extremely hot. "Hey!" Annabeth snapped, making me look at her. "Oh," I said. "You're into Jason aren't you?" she asked. I look at her, "Can I trust you?" I asked.
"I'm gonna take that as a yes," Annabeth said, walking off. "No wait!" I exclaimed. Annabeth turned around. "Why do you think Jason doesn't notice me?" I asked her, placing all my trust with her.
"Because you look and act like a Barbie doll," Annabeth said.
I am stunned by her comment. Mainly because it's true.
After all the classes in the morning, it is lunch. I sit at a table with Annabeth, Thalia, Jason (which I am stoked about), Percy, Will, Nico, Clarisse, Travis, Hazel, Frank, Connor, Leo, Katie, Rachel and Silena. A few of the girls shoot me dirty looks but I ignore them. "So," Silena said. "Are any of you going to the Social on Friday?"
"Yeah," Jason and Thalia said.
"Probably going too," Percy muttered.
"I am!" Travis and Connor said in unison. "We have plans..."
"I will go too," Annabeth said.
Most people on the table decided to go. "What do we do there?" Nick asked sullenly. "Talk, hang out," Silena said. "I'm out," Nico said. "Come on," Will said. The tip of Nico's nose turned pink. "It'll be fun."
Everyone pressured him and finally Nico said yes.
I continued my lunch, a veggie burger. When lunch was done, I got ready for the next class.
Annabeth and I walked to the next class - History - together. "So," I said, twiddling my thumbs. "We're friends?" Annabeth nodded. "Yes," she said. "Good," I said. Annabeth nodded. Percy and Jason walked in and Annabeth looked up, her eyes wide. "What?" I asked Annabeth who was sitting next to her. "Oh," I muttered. Annabeth secretly liked Percy. Her expression turned stony and Piper nodded.
A scrawny Latino boy who could be mistaken with an elf walked through. "Leo 'McShizzle' Valdez has entered the building!" he exclaimed. The class, minus Annabeth and I, laughed as he sat down next to me. Annabeth groaned.
It was awful during history. The teacher, Mr. Kimetik, was nice but boring. He droned on and on with no hint of emotion.
Half of the people in the class were practically asleep. Annabeth was the only one working. Leo was talking the whole way through and Mr. Kimetik didn't seem to notice.
I listened to what Leo was saying, so did the other half of the class. There was a loud crash in front of them, and Leo looked at me. "Come on! Let's escape!" I shook my head. "Nah." Leo frowned. "It's your funeral."
A bunch of the boys left with Leo while the teacher was distracted: Travis, Connor, Frank, Jason, Percy. That lot. Now, I wished I joined him.
Finally, school was over. I walked home with Annabeth joining me. "What about your parents?" I asked. "They're busy," Annabeth simply said. "Mind if I join you?" I shook my head.
We arrived at my home - a mansion. Annabeth's jaw dropped. "You live here?" she asked, awestruck. I nodded. "My father is Tristan McLean."
I nodded, slightly embarrassed. We went inside my house and into my room. Annabeth sat cross-legged on my bed. She was checking her phone. "I've got a question. A personal one," Annabeth said. She trusted me. I beamed. "What is it?" Annabeth looked up. "I was would you go about breaking up with someone?" she questioned. I studied Annabeth. "I guess, I would be kind, but firm and talk to them, not text and well ...just give them some time." Annabeth nodded. "Thank you," she said, smiling.
"Why?" I asked. "Who are you breaking up with?"
"Luke," Annabeth said. "I-I like him, but not romantically. Only as a friend." I nodded. "You can do it," I said. Annabeth nodded sadly. "I hope so." She looked at me. "What's you're phone number?" We exchanged phone numbers. Annabeth smiled. "I'll call you," she promised. "Me too," I said. I smiled. She stayed over for another two hours. We talked and laughed. "Hey," I said. "We can go to the Social together. You can come to my place and we can go there together." Annabeth smiled. "That sounds great."
When she left, I couldn't stop smiling.
A fast friendship was forming...
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