Chapter 10: The Docks
I sat down at the docks with my feet in the water. The sun was setting and I felt miserable. Jason and Thalia had been rude to me for nothing. I thought we were friends but now...everything had changed. "Hey," a voice said, distracting me from my miserable thoughts.
Annabeth. It was Annabeth. She sat next to me.
"You okay?" Annabeth asked. I nodded. "Y-yeah," I stammered. She smiled. "So," she said. "We kissed." I smirked. "You kissed me," I corrected. "Three times." Annabeth's cheeks reddened. I laughed and flicked her with some water. Okay, a fair bit of water. She yelped then laughed. Her smile......was amazing.
The docks were empty, just Annabeth and I. "Be right back," Annabeth said, standing up. The next thing I remembered was being shoved into the water. I fell in and laughed. Annabeth lay down on the dock. I propped my elbows up on it. On of her hands was in the water, occasionally splashing my hip. I laughed.
Our lips were so close. So-freaking-close. She leaned forward but then stopped. "When we kissed, did your tattoo tingle?" she questioned. I nodded. "Yep." She blushed. "Oh god...does that mean..." Before she could continue her sentence I kissed her. Annabeth's eyes widened and she kissed me back. "We're soulmates," I said, finishing her sentence for her. Annabeth nodded. "What is your tattoo?" Annabeth asked. Still in the water, I pulled my sleeve up. "W-what's yours?" I asked. Annabeth pulled hers up. It was a wave - a beautiful, intricate wave. I smiled.
If it was up to me, I would've stayed in that moment with her forever. I climbed out of the water, soaked and smiled. Annabeth's phone buzzed. She checked it. "Oh! I have to go. Wanna meet here the same time, tomorrow?" she asked, a hopeful look in her eyes. "Of course," I replied. We kissed again and I jogged home.
The next day after school was just as great. We sat there, talking for hours. Annabeth looked at me, her grey eyes shining. I stared back, getting lost in those eyes. "You know, I was thinking," Annabeth said, twiddling her thumbs. "What?" I asked gently. She cupped my face in her hands and I threw my arms around her. It was like we were perfect for each other. We completed each other.
"About how dam gorgeous you are," Annabeth whispered, ending her sentence with a heartfelt kiss. I kissed her back and everything else that was happening around us just didn't seem to matter. The world could've been hit by a meteor and I wouldn't have cared at long as I was with her.
For the rest of the week, Annabeth and I met up. On Friday, when she had to go, I kissed her goodbye. When she walked off everything suddenly made sense. The truth suddenly sank in. We were soulmates. Annabeth Chase and I were soul
Katie's POV
I stared at Travis outside his house. "What do you want?" I snapped. "Why am I freaking here?" Travis pointed at Connor. "He invited you, I didn't even know you were coming over." I nodded. "Well, I have to go now," I said. He nodded. I hurried off. Turning back, I saw the door close and sighed in relief. What a strange encounter.
The next day at school was great. We got a 'B' on the ELA project. The highest result was an 'A+' and went to Annabeth's group. Surprise, surprise...
At lunch I sat with Hazel, Calypso and Miranda. I took a bite out of my veggie burger (I'm vegetarian) and sighed in relief. Yum. Miranda waved a cheeseburger in front of my face. "Come on!" she exclaimed. "Have some! It's great!" I shook my head. "No. It's gross." Calypso, Miranda and Hazel gave me suggestive looks.
Then we all burst out laughing. I looked around the cafeteria. Percy, Travis, Connor and Leo were sitting together, obviously talking about pranks. Annabeth was sitting facing Piper and Jason. Frank was sitting with Chris, Nico, Clarisse, Will and Charles. I noticed Piper kiss Jason and Annabeth excused herself, walking over to our table. "Mind if I sit?" she asked. We all shook our heads. Annabeth sat down.
I studied her. She had curly, blonde hair which was pulled back into a ponytail and fierce grey eyes. She smiled faintly. Annabeth, Hazel and Calypso suddenly tensed up. Miranda and I turned around. Travis, Connor, Percy and Leo. I studied the four.
Connor and Travis both looked identical - same height, messy, curly brown hair, blue eyes, and freckles covering their faces. They were twins after all. Sometimes I got confused who was who. It happened......a lot.
Percy gave me 'troublemaker' vibes. He was almost constantly smirking or giving lop-sided grins. He had sea green eyes and messy raven black hair. Troublemaker, was my first thought upon meeting him.
Leo also looked like a troublemaker, just not as much as Percy. He had messy brown hair and tanned skin. He had dark brown eyes and was a scrawny kid. He was also always moving. It was like he couldn't sit still.
I blinked out of my daze. "What do you want?" I snapped. None of them answered. They weren't looking at us. They were looking at Coach Hedge. He opened the door and got dunked in water. The foursome ran away.
I returned to my conversation. "That was strange," Miranda stated. "Ya think?" Calypso asked. Everyone laughed. I smiled. The rest of the day was going to be great!
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