Chapter 1
Lucy's POV
"Bread and milk" I mumbled as I pushed the shopping trolley around the store looking for bread and milk.
I turned down an aisle as I spotted all the different types of bread brands, I grabbed two loafs of 50/50 bread and put them in the trolley.
Just as I was about to carry on I heard my phone ring. I reached into my back jean pocket and pulled it out to see who was calling my phone. Although I already knew by the personalised ring tone.
'Ooh, go best friend
That's my best friend, that's my best friend' 'WIFEEEE'
"Heyyy" I said with a smile as I put the phone to my ear.
'Hey, where are you?' Cana asked from the other side of the phone.
"I'm at the big grocery store about 10 minutes away from mine, why?" I asked confused but a bit worried by the tone of Cana's voice.
'I need to talk to you, I'm at yours so I'll be there in a couple minutes' just as Cana said that she ended the call.
"Well that was weird" I whispered to myself as I turned the corner onto the aisle with milk, yogurt and other things that are kept in a fridge.
I grabbed 5 big packs of yogurt and plonked then down in the cart, I grabbed a few more bits and pieces before deciding I'd got everything from that aisle.
I looked ahead of me to see Cana walking towards me with an unreadable expression.
"What's up?" I asked her with a frown on my face, she huffed before climbing into the shopping cart making me laugh a little.
"Well you know how me and Laxus have been dating and how I was finally ready to commit to someone" She said as I pushed her in the cart whilst carrying on doing my shopping but also listening intently.
"He broke up with me! With no reason at all! Just a 'It's done, you'll find someone better' like no! Fuck you Laxus" She said loudly making my eyes widen.
"What a dick!" I shouted what I thought of Laxus while looking at Cana, she was about to say something but was interrupted by a 'ummm' from someone in front of us.
We looked up to see Laxus standing there next to Bixslow, while both of them held 12 cans of beer.
"FUCK YOU!" "YOU'RE SUCH A DICK" "I CAN'T BELIEVE I WASTED MY TIME ON YOU" "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO HER?!" As the barage of mine and Cana's shoutings came at him people from all around the store turned to us in wonder of what was going on.
I huffed before pushing the trolley-that has Cana and my shopping in it- past fucktard and Bixslow and to another aisle leaving them both shellshocked.
"Can I stay at yours tonight?" Cana asked as we got quite far away from the guys.
" 'Course, you don't need to ask" I said smiling before opening the freezers to all the ice cream.
I grabbed the Oreo ice cream, 4 Ben and Jerry's chocolate cookie dough ice cream and two tubs of vanilla.
Cana grabbed and held onto the orea ice-cream like it was her baby and I'm pretty sure I heard her mutter 'my precious my precious'.
I laughed while pushing the trolly towards the freezers on the opposite side of all the ice cream and other frozen goods.
I lifted up the freezer and left it up enough to the point that it stayed up on its own, I grabbed a bunch of frozen foods: pizza, chips (yes chips, I'm English deal with it. But for the American people reading it, chips are fries) chicken nuggets, burgers, ect-
As I was plonking them on Cana she was complaining about how cold it was but I paid no mind to her and kept grabbing things and putting them in the trolley.
"Cold cold coooooold" Cana said breathing ecstatically and dragging out the 'o' in cold.
"Oh come on" I giggled as I pushed the trolley towards the checkout's.
"Okay I have wine, netflix, ice cream and lots of junk food" I told Cana as I sat down on the sofa next to her with my hands full.
I placed the two bottles of wine on the table along with two glasses. Cana dived for the Oreo ice cream and I poured the wine into the glasses and passed a glass to Cana.
As I was drinking my own wine I was flicking through the movies and TV shows looking for a certain show.
"Ah ha!" I shouted when I finally found it, I saw Cana look at me weird out the corner of my eye but I decided to ignore her in favour of putting on our favourite TV show, Orange is the new black.
For the rest of the night all me and Cana did was binge Orange is the new black, talk about Laxus but we mainly talked about how trash men are.
*Knock* *Knock*....*bang* *bang*...*BAN-*
I cut whoever it was at my door off by swinging the door open, to come face to face with fucktard aka Laxus Dreyer. Great.
"What the hell do you want Laxus?" I asked him while stepping outside and closing the door not wanting Cana to wake up.
"I knowww icts laaaaate" he said slurring his words making me instantly know that he is drunk.
A drunk dragon slayer on my doorstep at 2 am. Great, just fucking great.
"Laxus get to the point! and how many drinks have you had?" I asked him while his shoulders drooped and his lips started to quiver. I'm making THE Laxus Dreyer cry at my door.
Just how much greater can this get?
"It's okay, just tell me why you're here and how much you've had to drink" I asked him as if he was a little kid in a soothing voice, making him smile at me.
"I'm *hic* heree becu I make a misake" he said although some of his words were hard to understand I knew what he meant. Well it just got a lot greater.
He started to count on his fingers, which I assume is him counting how much he's had to drink. "I 'ont have at many ingers" he told me while looking up me while holding up his hands. Well that's just great isn't it.
Who would of known that the big bad lightning dragon slayer turned into a toddler when he's drunk. That's just pure gold, which really is great.
"Well I can't let you go home like this, come on inside"
I told him while leading him inside, although I knew when everyone woke up later all hell would break loose and I'd be in the middle trying to sort it out.
Just how great is that?
Hiiii! This is my new book and I hope you like the first chapter! Tell me what you think!
Follow my instagram _wattpad_lover
Anyways byeeee love you all!♡☆♡☆♡☆
Check out my other stories, I have plenty of them :)
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