chapter 6
"Wanna watch a movie?"
Tyler looked over to me from his studying, a tired and annoyed look in his eyes which softened at the sight of me.
I put my controller down and turned the TV to the DVD, flopping down on the couch as Tyler got up to pick a movie out of his collection.
"Iron Man?"
I shook my head no, causing Tyler to shake his head smiling and pick another one, making me laugh.
"Okay, how about...Mean Girls?"
I shrugged my shoulders as I snuggled into the blanket I pulled on top of me.
"Sounds good."
Tyler dropped it in and put some popcorn in the microwave, walking over to his bed to grab his blanket.
I looked over at the completely wrong time, seeing Tyler pulling off his jeans, looking away out of respect.
But my curiosity got the better of me.
Tyler had on his New England Patriots pajamas pants, which fit his gigantic legs well, and was pulling off his shirt.
The sight made me gasp for two reasons.
One, I had never seen Tyler shirtless before.
I knew he was muscular and well built, but when I saw what all he was without a shirt, my mouth went dry just looking at it.
And two, I was shocked by the enormous work of art that was stretched across his back.
It was so beautiful.
I had never seen letters strung in such a fluid way.
I used all of my will to not cry right at that moment.
I was flustered by the fact Tyler actually had a soulmate name and didn't say anything when he met me.
I was so confused about how to feel about it.
Should I be panicking that my soulmate is standing in this room with me right now and we both don't know it?
Should I be relieved that the guy I'm falling in love with is really the one that is meant for me?
Should I be calmed by the fact that people around campus will stop asking him out if I tell him?
Should I tell him?
"Ethan? You okay?"
Tyler was turned looking at me from his bed, still shirtless, his shirt hanging in his hand.
"Oh yeah, sorry." I ripped my attention away to protect Tyler's sight from seeing how hard I was blushing. "Is the popcorn done?"
Tyler smirked before walking over and throwing the popcorn into a bowl before setting it on the coffee table and sitting next to me on the couch.
Why is that shirt not going on his body?
Throughout the movie, I kept taking glances at Tyler, making sure he was happy and enjoying it, and he always was. One of those times that I did look at Tyler, he was already looking at me, which sent panic throughout my body and my eyes were glued to the screen once more.
While distracted in the addictive plot of Mean Girls, I was lost in noticing that Tyler had sat closer to me.
I only realized the closeness when he put his arm around me and pulled me close to him.
I had no idea why he did it, I just knew that I really liked being this close to Tyler.
His warm torso was radiating heat against my back, it was so comforting.
His smell was intoxicating it was so good. It was exactly what I wanted him to smell like, yet I have no idea what that smell is. It's fucking good though.
I looked up at him without the slightest bit of confusion, Tyler looking down at me with a smile that I reciprocated.
We continued watching it, at some point I fell asleep.
When I woke up, I was met with the Sun on my face.
I went to get up off my stomach, realizing the roadblock that was holding me in my place.
I opened my groggy eyes to see beautiful tanned skin against me. I gasped at the sight.
I guess Tyler fell asleep too.
Our legs were tangled up with each other.
His gigantic arms were wrapped around me, both arms resting on my back, one hand resting in the dip of my spine between my shoulder blades, the other resting on the small of my back.
I tried to wiggle my way of his grasp, but no avail.
Mental note: Tyler is a heavy sleeper.
I decided to make the best of what I was stuck with, but let me make sure you know, I wasn't complaining about being stuck against this beautiful piece of work.
From the small area that I could see from laying my head back down on Tyler's chest, I was blushing.
The arms that were wrapped around me had a base of impressive biceps, the rest was out of my sight.
The way his collarbones perfectly rose in his torso made my mouth feel like it was full of cotton.
His entire body made me feel like that.
Yet again, my hands were traveling without my brain being one hundred percent cool with it.
My fingers traced along his neck and followed his collarbones to his shoulder, and back where they came from.
His skin was warm and soft, perfect.
I felt him stirring under me, my eyes going wide as his pretty brown ones opened to say hello.
He didn't say anything and with my words being stuck in my throat, we just stared at each other in silence.
God, he was so gorgeous.
His hair was barely affected by sleep, his eyes were still holding a little bit of grogginess in them, his smile was relaxed and like nothing was wrong.
I smiled back at him, surprised that I wasn't panicking at that point.
My hand that was resting on his shoulder was itching to touch more of Tyler's warm skin, it almost had a mind of its own.
Both of my hands traveled to Tyler's neck, just under his jaw, my brain barely operating at that moment.
Tyler's hand slowly crept to the nape of my neck, my skin burning under his touch.
Should we be doing this?
Will I be hurting Tyler by doing this?
What are we even doing?
I pushed my negative thoughts away and just went with what felt right.
And what felt right as to kiss him.
Fortunately, Tyler was already on that track.
There wasn't much of anything gentle in this kiss.
Or kisses I should say.
The second our lips met, there was no turning back.
I was in full ecstasy, I felt like I was flying. Every time I went back to kiss him, there was something new to experience.
I got lost very fast.
I got high on the way he pulled me so close to him, the way his lips smashed into mine every time we kissed. The way that he wasn't gentle at all. That he knew exactly what he wanted, it made my legs turn to jelly.
I was oblivious to whatever Tyler was doing, but my mind had to check back in when I felt my back fall against the couch, confusing me.
I wasn't confused when the setting Sun's rays were blocked out from my eyes, met with a smirking Tyler on top of me.
I could barely breathe at the thrill of what was happening, and I was feeling something I had never felt with anyone before.
I gasped as Tyler took my shirt in both of his hands and pulled me off the couch to meet him a lust filled kiss.
My mind was blank of all other worries.
I didn't care about school, or my dad, or even my soulmark at that point.
What Tyler was doing to me was something that I enjoyed, to say the least.
I wanted it to go on forever.
"You boys wanna grab dinner?!"
Tyler and I both separated with a scare as Amy banged her fists on her door, Kat most likely helping her.
"Sure, one sec."
Tyler looked back down at me, barely moved from where he just was.
His strong hands pulled me off the couch one more time to kiss the life out of me before getting off of me, extending a hand to help me up.
We didn't exchange any words as we changed and to go get dinner, but you bet your ass I had a lot of words running around my brain the entirety of the night.
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