Are you ready? part 24
Keith's pov:
He likes my kinks? Mmm thats weird, well my kinks are weird. Haven't even done the worst with him. My eyes land in the moving string, god I need to start loving him. He's my soulmate. "Why am I just using him as a toy?" I say to my empty room.
Wait payback, he did much worse. I'm only lying to him that I love him. How Do people even feel soulmate love? Coran my be able to help. Or allura?
I leave my room to find coran. He's in the bridge with Shiro. "Hey Shiro, could I talk to coran?"
"What do you need number 2?" (Btw imma have it so its how the number are used in the umbrella academy, so its in order of usefulness. Meaning its Shiro, Keith, Lance, allura, pidge, hunk, and last coran tho he never says number 7 so Oof)
"So I was wondering what if hypothetically I didn't love my soulmate? What would happen?" I say looking at coran as Shiro leaves the room, after I spoke the word soulmate.
"Well number 2, I can't speek for human but for alteans, you'll basically feel nothing for them, but they'll be the only person you can mate with. So it is best to love your soulmate." Coran rolls his mustache in between his fingers.
"Wait you can only mate with your soulmate, what if there a guy and your a guy?" I stand and cross my arms.
"Male on male aleans can mate same with female in female, as can male on female." He says as if humans do the same, "do humans not do that?"
"What no! If let's say I got lance pregnant then him giving birth would kill him. Seeing as for humans our biology makes it so only male on female can have children. That have the same biology as them. Now in saying that maybe yuri and pidge could have kids, because Yuri's not human; but lance and I can't."
"Would you want to?" I hear a voice come from behind me, it's lance.
"Hello number 3." Coran says leaving the room.
"Hey Master? Are you okay you look like you saw a ghost." He laughs, its a cute laugh I like hearing it.
"Yes I'm fine lance." I smile at the ever so slightly taller male. He maybe taller but he is weak as hell, when it comes to dominance.
"Good" he claps his hands together, "Keith im horny would you fuck me?"
I shake my head, "sorry Lance, I just im not in the mood."
He starts fiddling with his hands, "oh! No its fine I'm sorry for asking." He sounds apprehensive he sounds like he's lost all his cocky ness, I've only been fucking him for like 3 months and he can't walk half the time.
"Plus Shiro told me I need to let you reset so you can do missions and not fall on your face cuz you can hardly walk." I cross my arms, "Shiros a fun killer." I leave lance there.
I don't feel bad for using him as a toy if this is the reaction I get from him.
Word count: 530. Okay so who should alluras soulmate be lotor or Romelle? And sould in a later chapter Keith try to kill himself and lance makes him stop so then Keith starts liking lance? Idk. Anywho thanks for reading this!
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