Chapter 9
Sigyn took a moment as she entered the palace to use magic to change her clothes to an Asgardian style dress so she didn't stand out as much. She was remembering more of her memories just by being home and knew automatically what the dress needed to look like in order to fit in. She made sure the green lines of power on her arm were covered when she did. Loki was so uncomfortable with what had happened that she was certain that he was going to reject the bond, going to reject her.
Even though she could see the bond was shimmering between the marks on her skin and the marks on his. She could see the soul binding. It was part of her nature to see such things after all.
Loki strode with such speed that Sig and Thor had to rush to keep up with him. They finally reached Frigga's suite and Loki knocked, waiting for someone to answer for once instead of just barging in. Sigyn remembered that they used to just barge in. She remembered this place and these people. Now that shew as home, she was remembering her life there.
Frigga opened the door herself for them. Apparently they were expected. "Come in, darlings," she bid the three of them, noting Loki's fear and anxiety etched clearly on his face. She reached up to touch his cheek reassuringly.
He gave her a warm loving smile and pulled her into a hug. Mama's boy never changed, no matter what was going on in his life. Sig couldn't help smiling at the familiar old gesture. "It's alright, darling. Whatever it is, it's alright," Frigga reassured him as she hugged him back. Whatever it was, whatever was wrong, it couldn't be worse than her son coming home in chains because of a crime he didn't choose to commit.
Loki released Frigga and showed her the spirals of power on his arm. "Have you seen anything like this before?" The purple lines radiated power as they spiraled up his arm, glowing softly with the new soulbond.
Frigga gave him a warm smile while Thor and Sig watched on, anxious for her response. "Of course I have, darling," she told him gently and led her three children, Sigyn included in that count, into her sitting room proper so they could all discuss the matter. She also took the opportunity to say hello to her other son and kiss his cheek and to welcome Sig back to Asgard. She noted the green swirls of power on the back of Sig's hand, which she hadn't been able to cover with her sleeve. She wasn't surprised that Sigyn was Loki's soulbond.
Frigga turned to Loki once her three children were all seated on various couches and chairs around her sitting room with tea. She let the illusion fade from her own arm where light and dark gold lines of power swirled together from her hand up her arm. "It is a soulbond, darling. The mark of soulmates," she told Loki gently. She knew that he knew what it was. He just needed the confirmation. He needed the truth. She hoped her suspicion that Loki would demand the soulbond be broken was unfounded. She watched his brows furrow while he thought over the implications and she waited patiently, sipping on her tea.
Loki didn't think he deserved a soulmate, or that he would ever have one, or find her if he did have one. "I actually have a soul mate? Me?" The disbelief was obvious in his voice and Frigga suddenly knew the problem. He didn't think he was worthy of a soulmate, not after the alien invasion, not after the things he'd done.
"Yes, darling. That is the only cause for those marks," Frigga replied gently. She didn't want to hurt her son.
Loki was in absolute shock. They were all in shock as soulbonds weren't the most common of things, even on Asgard. Though the royal family tended to have more than their fair share of them. Loki never thought he deserved one, not after all the mistakes he'd made. Again, Frigga waited patiently for Loki to digest that piece of information and for his brain to start working again.
"What does this mean, Mother?" He asked, sounding like a small boy in his demand for answers. He was having a hard time wrapping his mind around all of this.
"It means that Lady Sigyn is your soulmate," she told him patiently. She hesitated, but continued. "The soulbond increases both of your magic, plus increases things like your telepathic bond to the other. There are other perks of course. Though the bond does have one catch," she paused again and waited to be sure she had all three of their attention before she would continue. "If one half of a soulbond dies, so does the other,"
Loki did not at all like the sound of that. Thanos was still a threat looming over his head and he fully expected that threat to come back. He didn't want to risk Sig's life. He didn't want her life in the balance if Thanos came calling again.
Frigga read the expressions flashing on his face and waited for his conclusion, or more questions. She also noted Sigyn's expression. Sigyn was sitting just out of Loki's ability to see she and she was excited at the prospect of having a home in someone, though she was also wary that Loki was going to break the soulbond. Frigga was observant, and knew her son well, so she spoke again. "Thor, why don't she take Lady Sigyn and show her to her suite. It's the same one she had as a child," Frigga ordered, dismissing them both. Loki wouldn't talk to her candidly in front of witnesses, even witnesses like his brother and soulmate. And he needed to be able to speak candidly.
"Yes, Mother," Thor replied and offered Sigyn a hand. The two of them left quickly, though Sig glanced worriedly back at Loki before she left. She wouldn't disobey Mama Frigga, though and agreed to be escorted by Thor. None of them would dare disobey Mama Frigga.
Frigga turned her attention back to Loki when Sigyn and Thor had gone. "You seem displeased by this news," she started gently once they were alone.
"I'm still in danger, Mother. Being on Midgard doesn't change that. The news you just gave me makes it dangerous for Sigyn to be bonded to me," Loki told her, speaking his concerns. Frigga knew about Thanos and the truth of why he had led the alien invasion on New York.
"There is always danger surrounding us, my darling. That does not mean we should abandon happiness when we can find it, simply due to fear. And you are currently bonded to Sigyn," she reminded him. Her voice and tone were as gentle and kind as usual.
His heart broke when he asked the question that he needed answered. "Is there any way we can remove it? I don't want to put her in danger. I don't want to bind her to a monster," he hesitated before he admitted the rest. "I love her too much!"
"You are no monster," Frigga snapped at him firmly with a mother's conviction. Loki gave her a small smile at her automatic dismissal of his self-pity. It was definitely a mother's reaction. Frigga sighed. "It can be removed. If that is truly what you wish..."
Loki sighed. He didn't agree with Frigga saying he wasn't a monster, but she was his mother and that was her job. "I don't know..." he put his head in his hands, frustration evident and rolling off of him in waves. "I've never dealt with something like this before. I love her. I have since we were children. And yes, I need to become acquainted with the woman she's become. But I don't want her in danger or tied to a monster for eternity, either!"
Frigga moved to sit next to him on the couch and pulled him into her arms, letting him rest his head on her shoulder, just as she had when he was a child and needed comfort. "Of course you have never dealt with anything like this, before," she told him gently and stroked his hair. "But can you really live with never touching her again? That would be the cost of breaking the bond,"
Loki shook his head emphatically. "I don't think I could live with that," he told her softly.
"Then you will have to learn to live with the bond, darling. I know it's difficult being told you're soulmates when you just found her again, but can you really imagine life without her now that you have her back?" Frigga asked just as gently, guiding him to the answer that would make him happiest.
Loki shook his head again. "I thought she was dead. I mourned her for centuries. I never really believed I would ever see her again. I can't give her up now that I finally have her back," he said with conviction in his tone. He wouldn't, couldn't, lose her again.
"We all believed her dead," Frigga stroked his hair while she held him in her arms. "I can break the bond if that's truly what you wish, or you can treat that girl like the most precious thing in your life, earn her love, and finally find the happiness you have been missing since she was taken from us,"
Loki wrapped his arms around Frigga. "I will do my best," he promised her after a moment. It only took a moment. He knew what he wanted, but it was still hard. He couldn't give up Sig. Not again. "I've never had someone really care for me besides you and her. It will be an adjustment,"
Frigga hugged him tighter and smiled warmly. "She did care for you. Even as children. Or do you really expect me to believe that the incident with the bilgesnipe was her fault?" Sig had lied and claimed that incident so Loki wouldn't get into even more trouble, since he'd been grounded at the time.
That drew a laugh from Loki. "You always could see right through me, Mother," he told her warmly.
"I am her mother of course I can," she told him and pressed a kiss to his forehead. "You will be fine, my darling. A soulbond is a heavy responsibility, yes, but the easy way out of it would just hurt you both," she reminded him. "I will have the texts pertaining to soulbonds sent to her chambers. In the meantime, don't you have a lady to reassure of you affections?" She teased. She'd seen how Loki had been acting since he came home and he would have to reassure Sigyn that he cared for her and make it up to her.
Loki nodded and released Frigga, kissing her on the cheek. "Thank you, Mother,"
"Anytime, my darling," she told him warmly and saw him out of her suite.
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