Chapter 6
Sigyn couldn't help jumping with Jarvis announced that dinner was ready. She glared up in the direction that the voice seemed to be coming from while Loki chuckled at her discomfort. "I am not much of a fan of the computer myself. Primitive technology," he scoffed.
She raised an eyebrow at him. That didn't sound like Loki at all. "You haven't upgraded it yet?" she asked as she stood from her bed. Dinner sounded like an excellent idea, but the mystery was more interesting at the moment. She had also come up with at least three different upgrades to do on the stupid primitive technology without even seeing it. She knew Loki was equally as smart, so why hadn't he done the same?
Loki shook his head, clearly grumbling and annoyed. "Stark is very protective of his technology. I tried upgrading it when I first arrived, but Stark seemed to be prepared for that and has banned me from his lab," Loki whined. He wanted to help and he wanted to improve the primitive technology.
She giggled and gave him a mischievous smirk. "Maybe I'll do it instead,"
He returned her smirk and it felt like old times. "Be my guest,"
"We should probably get to dinner before Hammer-brain eats everything," she reminded Loki. Her magic shimmered purple around her for a moment and she was soon in a forest green floor-length gown with a golden belt that looked gorgeous with her coloring. Loki gave her a look she couldn't quite identify. "What? Do people not dress for dinner around here or something?" she asked at his expression. It seemed almost longing? Delighted? Impressed by her looks maybe?
"Not usually. People are much more casual nowadays. Well, at least on Midgard. Asgard still has their feasts every evening," he clarified, imagining her at home, back in the clothes and culture she belonged in. The image was distorted as he tried to reconcile the woman in front of him with the girl he'd known.
She sighed, missing the court dinners she was used to and let her clothes shimmer back to the baggy second-hand clothes she'd been wearing earlier. "Shall we, then?" she asked him softly and started to leave her room to head back to the main floor where she assumed dinner was served.
Loki held out his arm for her to take. "Will you allow me to escort you to dinner, old friend?" He asked with a kind smile. He was so relieved to have her back in his life after so long. He didn't want to do anything that might ruin it.
She smiled and took his arm, placing her hand lightly on his sleeve and gave him a warm gentle caring look. "The honor is mine, prince," she replied just as kindly. It seemed so comfortable with Loki and she was finally starting to feel like this could be home.
Until she stepped out of her room. "Brother! You cannot monopolize the affections of our old friend!" Thor boomed in his usual jovial way. Sig's hand tightened on Loki's arm and she sidled closer automatically. She was getting comfortable with Loki, but she was still shy and skittish around the others and Thor surprised her with how loud he was.
Loki glared at his brother. "Quiet, you oaf. You don't need to yell when I'm standing right here," he grumbled and rolled his eyes at his idiot brother.
Thor ignored Loki's glare as per usual. "My point remains that you cannot monopolize our Lady Sigyn's affections," he said and took her free hand to kiss her knuckles.
Sigyn saw Loki's glare harden and he tensed up at Thor's teasing. She squeezed Loki's arm reassuringly and huffed in annoyance at Thor. "Can't you stop antagonizing your brother for five minutes, hammer-brain?" she asked, rolling her eyes. He huffed at the nickname. "Healing stab wounds is such a pain," she whined at Loki, easing his tension with her joking and teasing. Just like old times indeed.
Loki chuckled. "Very true," he agreed, the threat to his brother clear. He would stab Thor if he remained annoying.
"Some things have not changed it seems," Thor told Sig warmly and walked down to dinner with them. The rest of the team was already sitting around the dining room table and Sig's hand tightened on Loki's arm again, shy and skittish of all the people.
Loki shifted his position slightly, drawing her closer reassuringly. /I'm right by your side, Little Sigyn. You're safe/ he reminded her telepathically.
/They don't like you either/ she reminded him as Loki pulled out her chair for her and seated her at the table. She smiled at him, acknowledging his courtesy with a nod of thanks.
The team went around the table giving introductions. When they were finished, they looked at her expectantly. She hesitated and thought over what to tell them, unsure how far to trust these people. Just because Thor liked them didn't mean anything. Thor liked everyone. Finally, she settled on the truth. "I'm Sigyn, lady of Asgard and lady of the seelie court of the fae," she told them softly. They all seemed surprised to learn she was of Asgard and Thor told them how he and Loki knew she as children before the fae stole her.
/Darling, are you there?/ Frigga asked her son while they were all eating dinner.
His eyes unfocused as he concentrated on answering her. /I'm here, Mother. Is something wrong?/ Frigga didn't usually contact him across the realms.
/I've been trying to find Sigyn's family.../ she started, sorrow in her tone. Loki dreaded the information but waited for her to continue patiently. /Her father died in the battle on Alfheim shortly after Sigyn went missing. Freya... Freya died of the heartbreak of losing her daughter and husband in such a short period of time. I'm sorry, darling, but we're the closest thing to family she has left.../ Frigga was clearly upset at the news and at having to tell Loki. Especially from so far away.
Loki's eyebrows furrowed as he thought over what she said, his heart breaking for Sigyn and knowing he would have to tell her before she returned to Asgard. /What does this mean for her?/
/What do she mean, darling?/
/I mean, does this make her a princess of Asgard? Should we return home? What does the Allfather think?/
/No, she is not a princess. I simply meant that we are probably the only ones she has a chance to remember as her parents are lost to us and she was their firstborn. She retains her title as a duchess. There is no need for her to return home until she is ready to do so/ she paused, wondering why her son was always so suspicious of his father. /Your father is grateful she has finally been found, of course, and would like to see her when she is up to coming here/ she paused for a long minute before she asked. /By the way, darling, is her hair an unnatural red color now?/
Loki's expression hardened even more at that question. /It is. Why?/ he demanded, instantly jumping to try to protect Sig, though he didn't know from what or why. That was a strange question from Frigga, though and it had him on edge.
/That simply explains a vision I had many, many centuries ago is all/ she explained, and her tone made it clear that she wasn't going to tell him more.
His curiosity could be felt through the link, but he was smart enough not to pry into things Frigga wasn't prepared to tell him. She knew he was curious, but she equally wasn't going to give him more of an answer right now. Some visions would not come true if the subjects knew about the vision. /Alright. I will be sure to let her know that she is welcome to return to Asgard whenever she wishes. What should I tell her about her family?/
/I would suggest telling the truth for once, darling/ she teased him and she could feel Loki's smirk and laughter across the link. /However, if you do not wish to tell her, I will when you inevitably come to visit/
/I can tell her. I just might wait until she is more comfortable here. She was already forced to uproot her life to move into the tower. I don't wish to spring this news on her as well, not so soon with everything else/ He hadn't done well with sudden revelations in his own life and he didn't want the same to happen to his Sigyn.
/Of course, darling. I just thought she should know sooner rather than later. I love you, my son/ Frigga told him warmly and ended the connection. It wasn't the easiest thing to maintain across the realms.
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