Chapter Four: What Is My Worth?
Songs of the Chapter: A Thousand Years by Christina Perri & Boy With Luv by BTS
After her quiet response, Belinda started crying again. It was endless torture for Amias because he knew he couldn't do anything major for her until she was ready. All he could do was sit beside her and let her find comfort crying on his shoulder. Every sob that racked her body made his heart ache for her, made him wish he could take all her pain away. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and held Belinda close to him, whispering soft reassurances to her.
"It'll be okay, Belinda. . . I'm right here if you need me. . . I'll always be here, no matter what. . . I promise. . ."
A few minutes passed and Belinda shifted her weight on Amias' shoulder. She patted his chest and, when he looked down at her, smiled almost self-mockingly. He frowned at her and pulled his hand up to the top of her head. Stroking her hair slowly, Amias peered at her, and without having to be verbally prompted by him, Belinda started speaking.
"The editor of the online magazine I write for called me into his office today. I thought he was going to congratulate me — it's what he always does after a story of mine is published and he's pleased about the work I did. Then, when I walked in, he closed the door and pinched the bridge of his nose, scowling. He said that I didn't do my job right, that I did a horrible job on the article, that I couldn't write. He said the article painted a perfect picture of you, which was the opposite of what I was supposed to do.
"I was supposed to expose you, find anything objectionable, anything god-awful that you did in the past and hold it against you. 'Make a spectacle,' he said. 'Put on a show. Make him regret ever setting foot in this city.' So I replied with the truth: that you're such a good kid that there was just nothing anywhere, that you had absolutely no skeletons in the closet. He had sighed deeply and gave in, saying that even if that was the case, I shouldn't have made the article sound so flattering.
"And I nodded, thinking that he was done chastising me. But as I walked to open the door and return to my work, he said, 'You have other interviews after Beaumont's anyways, so I'll give you another chance. Heard through the grapevine that his co-star is Jennifer Gardner. Bringing her down instead will give us more traffic anyways. That'll be your new objective, Shrike.'" Belinda turned to Amias, tears pooling in her eyes, threatening to flow out again. "Ami, during that interview of sorts, I remember that you told me just how much you loved Jennifer. You think of her like family, and she seems like an amazing person. So —"
"You argued with him." Amias said softly, the hand in her hair stilling.
Belinda nodded and swallowed back her sobs, a small whimper escaping her throat. "Yeah, I did. And he said that if I was really directly refusing to do that, he would fire me. I replied with a shrug and said, 'Then I guess I'm fired.' On my way out of his office, he yelled after me. He said that if I left, he would ruin my career, he would make it so that no magazine or newspaper would ever want to hire me and I would eventually have to crawl back to him and beg for forgiveness. And he could actually do that; he has the power and reach to convince VIPs to reject me, Amias. It wasn't an empty threat." Her bottom lip started to quiver and she took in a shaky breath. "And it won't matter how good my writing is. When — not if — when he reaches out to all the people that he can, it'll just spread from them to others. Like a fricking wildfire in a dry forest. They'll know me by appearance and name and when I come to try to ask them for a job, they'll deny me so quickly, it'll make my head spin. I'll never find another job again."
"Belinda —" Amias started to speak, but his companion held her hand up to quiet him.
"I really don't want to talk about it," she replied quietly. "Can we just sit here for a little bit?"
Sighing, Amias nodded and started running his hand through her hair again. She relaxed against him, the tears on her face all dried up but still present in her eyes.
"Ami?" Amias turned to her. "Can you tell me about your family?"
He smiled softly. "Sure. . . Who do you want to hear about first?"
". . . Vivaan."
"Good choice. The best one." Amias teased.
Belinda pouted, the playful look seeming to be very serious. "You're the best one, Ami. But we've already caught up. We have been talking to each other for the past few days over text. And besides, I like Vivaan better than your other sister."
Amias barked out an abrupt laugh. "Trust me, Lin, Prisha's not that fond of you either."
"She has no damn right not to be! I'm a delightful woman, dammit! And extremely charming, too!"
As another chuckle rumbled in his chest, a thought popped into Amias' mind. "Y'know, Lin. . . If Vivaan was here, he would tell you that you shouldn't have anything to worry about. You graduated high school and college earlier than most, and then right after, you land a job at a popular magazine and absolutely slay the competition there. You have real talent, Lin. Real talent that no amount of sabotaging could take away from you and your chances of getting another job. Anyone would be lucky to have you as a journalist writing for them."
Belinda tried to bite back her smile, but it eventually broke through.
"That sounds like something you would say to me, Amias."
"Yeah. But Vivaan would definitely agree with me." When Belinda laughed, Amias grinned happily and rubbed her arm. "So how do you feel now?"
"Better. Thank you." she replied, resting her head on Amias' shoulder again.
Amias decided to leave his mouth mask hanging around his neck since no one seemed to be around them. It probably wasn't the best idea, but no one was in the park and he wanted to be able to talk to Belinda normally. Unfortunately, though, he didn't notice one lone person sitting far away from him and Belinda. And they had a high quality camera at the ready.
He rested his own head on Belinda's and smiled. "Do you still want to hear about my family?"
"Of course." Belinda said, interlocking a hand with one of Amias' hands.
The money shot. The person smirked and pulled up the camera to their face, taking multiple pictures of the two.
It was almost too easy.
Chapter 4, done! ✔
The ending of this chapter was rather foreboding. 😱😱 What do we think is going to happen next? Who do we think is behind the camera?
And poor Belinda was sure that she'll never be able to land a job ever again. Even though Amias consoled her, we don't really know whether or not she will truly receive a job by the end of this story. Guess you'll just have to see! 😋😋
Only four more chapters left until the end!!
And, give it to me straight, does everything feel like it's happening too fast, plot-wise? Yay? Nay? I'd love to hear your thoughts and tips!
Thanks for reading, and remember to not be a silent reader! Vote and comment! Constructive criticism is an author's best friend! ❤❤
Word count: 1,162
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