Chapter Eight: Should I Stay or Should I Go?
Songs of the Chapter: be my forever by Christina Perri feat. Ed Sheeran & HOME by BTS (yes, I used HOME again, shush)
In under an hour after Jennifer had posted the video, it had 2 million views and 1.9 thousand likes. In the comment section, most people were apologizing to Amias and Belinda, others were saying that they were beside Amias the whole time, and a few were claiming that they knew that they were still in the right.
Jennifer eventually smacked Amias for worrying everyone and got to meet Belinda. After meeting Belinda, Jennifer promised her that she would personally put in a good word for the writer if no companies hired her. The teen had only laughed good-naturedly in response.
A month after Jennifer had posted her video defending Amias, Belinda and Amias were hanging out in Amias' luxurious apartment. The two were sitting on the bed in Amias' bedroom, binge watching the anime Inuyasha. They had already gone on a few dates with each other during the past few weeks, and this was their fifteenth one. Neither of them had felt pressured to use any labels such as "girlfriend" or "boyfriend" yet, but Amias had a little black box in the his shorts' front pocket at the ready.
Halfway through one of the episodes, Amias threw his hands up in frustration. "Ugh, I hate Koga! He can suck my butt."
"No, no, no, Ami, it's fine that he's here."
". . . Why?" he asked in bewilderment.
"Because!" Belinda exclaimed. "He makes Inuyasha jealous because they both have a thing for Kagome! That jealousy makes Inuyasha act sweeter to Kagome — kinda — and helps to further their relationship! And why are you getting so annoyed, Ami? We know who ends up with who, we've binged this show before."
"I know, but . . . I hate him."
At the venomous tone in Amias' confession, Belinda started to giggle. The sound was light and cute and made the boy sitting beside her let an endearing smile creep onto his face. He wrapped an arm around her shaking figure and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. When all her giggles were expelled, Belinda laid her head against Amias' shoulder, then furrowed her eyebrows.
"Damn it, we missed one of the fights!"
Amias chuckled. "It was only one Lin, at least it wasn't the big one at the end."
"Yeah, yeah, you're right." she pouted before her phone rang. She jumped right up and pulled out the iPhone, starting to walk out of Amias' bedroom. "I have to take this, Ami. I promise I'll be quick."
Amias nodded, and as soon as Belinda left, he pulled out the black box from his pocket. Snapping it open, he studied the ring, wondering if he was doing the correct thing.
The ring was silver, small enough to fit on Belinda's petite finger, and had multiple small diamonds with a ruby in the middle of it all running down the sides of the ring. And, to top it off, beautiful small rose was placed on top of it. The outside of the rose was silver to match the ring, but the inside of the petals was red. And in the center of the vibrant rose was a small diamond.
Amias smiled softly at the ring. It cost about a hundred dollars or so, but it was definitely worth the purchase. Belinda loved roses, as cliché as that sounded, especially red ones. So it really only made sense for Amias to buy it. He wanted to mark this special occasion with something that would mean a lot to Belinda.
The door to his room suddenly creaked open and Amias quickly snapped the box closed and shoved it into his pocket. Belinda came bouncing back into his room grinning so widely, it seemed like her face would split in half. She hopped over to Amias' bed and jumped back to where she was sitting beside him. The large jump made Amias bounce up as an aftereffect and he smiled at her.
"What's got you so bouncy?"
"Amias, Amias, you'll never believe it!!!" she exclaimed, shaking his shoulders fervently and jumping up from the bed. "Somebody offered me a job! As a journalist!"
"Wow, Lin, that's amazing!" he grinned at the excited girl. "Where? And who?"
"Chicago! And a place called. . . er, The Bright Optimist! Yeah, that's the name! Apparently, Jennifer had called them and put in a good word for me. But they already knew about me and have been wanting to hire me for a long time now! Can you believe it, Ami?! They like my writing and think I'd be perfect there!"
"Wow, Lin. The Bright Optimist? They're known not just throughout the country, but the world, too. They share happy, positive stories of goodwill that occur around the world. Nothing like what your editor used to make you write. That's so awesome."
Belinda tilted her head and stared down at Amias. After a few minutes, she spoke up. "What's wrong, Ami?"
"Nothing! I'm so happy for you, honestly." Amias quickly stood up to face her, then looked down, a defeated frown quickly replacing the smile that had previously been on his face. "It's just. . . That's in Chicago. Across the country. And," he smiled sadly, pulling out the black box. "I wanted to give you this."
Gently, he placed the box into Belinda's awaiting hands. She slowly cracked open the box, and her breath hitched once she saw the content of the box. As Amias pulled the ring out and slid it onto her ring finger, Belinda spoke.
"Amias. . . This is beautiful. Oh my gosh. Wait, this is a promise ring, right?" she stopped gawking at the ring to look at Amias. "Amias, were you —"
"Going to ask you to be my girlfriend? Yeah. But now that you got that amazing job offer, I don't want to hold you back with a relationship. And even if you stayed here, it would be kinda hard for us to actually go out considering that I'll have to start getting ready for Remington Retaliating. So it actually might be the perfect solution for us."
"No, we don't have to do that. We could have a long distance relationship."
"Belinda," Amias put his hands on her shoulders. "Few long distance relationships actually work, and I don't want our relationship to end like that; messy and sad. And having one would distract both of us from our jobs. We'd just text and FaceTime each other all day, just like what we do now. Let's just —"
"No! Our relationship isn't ending here! I won't allow it! Amias, we've literally just found each other, I'm not giving you up again. I want to be your girlfriend, I'm going to keep this ring on my finger, and if anyone asks, I'm sure as hell gonna say that I'm taken. I'll stay faithful and I'll call you every day. I'm not giving up on this, not with you."
Amias ran a hand through his hair. "Are you sure you want to do this, Belinda?"
"Then I'll be your boyfriend," he smiled. "And I'll stay faithful and answer all your calls. It'll be the thing that I will look forward to every day."
Belinda pressed her lips onto Amias' and smiled. "You're the best, Amias. Or should I call you 'babe'?"
"Nope, please don't! I don't think I'll be able to think straight for a few weeks if you do that." he laughed, wrapping his arms around Belinda's waist. "Lin, the next time we see each other, it won't matter where we are, I'm going to scoop you up and take you on the date that you deserve. We'll go to any place you want; a bookstore, a fancy restaurant, a diner, you name it, we'll go. And I'll buy you anything that you want. I'll make sure of it, princess."
"Mmm, 'princess'. I like that nickname." she replied. "And, Ami, you don't have to do that."
"But I want to! Lin, what's the point of having a lot of money if I can't treat my girlfriend with it?" he argued, tightening his grip on her waist. "You've been dealing with my crap since we were in Pre-K, you deserve this, prin—"
"Baby girl!"
"I am not calling you that, princess." Amias shook his head indignantly. "Nope, not happening."
"But it's such a cute name! And it's hot when a guy calls his girlfriend that!"
"Well, you have me, Amias Beaumont, the Adorable Heartthrob. I'm adorable, not hot. And even if I was, I wouldn't call you that, Lin." he kissed her forehead. "Now, do you want to start packing for Chicago?"
"No. They told me since they figured that I was probably dating with you, they'd give me the choice of choosing if and when I want to come. Ami. . . You are fine with me going, right?"
"Lin, I was willing to put off our relationship for this opportunity of yours. Yes. I am totally fine with it."
"Great!" Belinda suddenly sobered up and wrapped her arms around Amias' neck. "I'm really gonna miss you, Amias."
The arms around her waist moved up and Amias started to rub her back, trying to soothe his girlfriend. She pulled him closer and rested her face in the crook of the boy's neck. Amias smiled sadly, resting a hand on the back of her head.
"I'll really miss you, too, princess."
Last chapter of the book, yayyyyy!
This is the first time I have finished a book on Wattpad, so I have no idea what to write here. 😅😅
If you made it this far, I appreciate it so much, you have no idea. Gold star for you! 🌟🌟 Good job for getting through my writing and all those words!
If this is your first book with me and you like my writing, go check out my other book on here, Of Fire and Anger! It's fantasy and adventure mixed with large amounts of girl power!
Thanks for reading, and remember to not be a silent reader! Vote and comment! Constructive criticism is an author's best friend! ❤❤
Word count: 1,574
See you in the next book!
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