Grave Memories...
(A/N; Gotta thank FuntimeFreaks they really helpped me out with the party game in this chapter, I made all the really bad parts so don't blame them! They've also been helping me with some of my cover arts~!!! So check them out! They also got an Errink book on the go and it's really Fangirl inspiring [talking as someone who fangirls so hard she almost screams at her ships at like four a.m..... Ya i got a problem...] So go check them out and enjoy the chapter! I'll try to get the next one out either tomorrow or the day after...)
"Well... First I have to tell you about one more person... Ink..."
"I honestly don't know all that much about your Ink but well... My Ink like most was full of light and creativity, his Soul was pure White and reflected every color of the Rainbow... Was... Ya see... Something happened... Whether on accident or on perpose... Ink's Soul slowly began to grow weaker... The light and color that once shined throught every bad event, every battle, every AU... Grew darker... And darker... He was in so much pain... And yet he hid it... From everyone... From his friends, From His Brother, from His FAMILY!!!..."
"from his husband..."
"Hell he was so good at hiding it not even I noticed... That is until I came home and found him... Moments from dusting... I... Was so oblivious... I thought he was still the same happy Skeleton I had met all those years ago... He was my light... And he was gone... Just like that..."
The room fell silent... No one knew what to do... It was Ink who finally broke the silence... He had been upstairs for the most of it but he knew that someone close to him had died...
"You loved him... Didn't you?..."
Night looked up to see the man he'd been wishing to see... To hear... Just once more... For the past three years... Tears fell from his eye as his throat began to tighten, he croaked out...
"Yes... So... So much..."
Ink made his way over to the crying Skeleton, everyone, even Error simply watched as Ink climbed to the back of the couch and sat behind Night. He began slowly petting his head as he began humming the beginning of a song Night knew too well...
It was their song... The one he'd sung on every special occasion...
Their first date...
Their engagement...
Their wedding day...
The day Stain was born...
The day Splatter was born...
The day he died...
And left him all alone...
He hadn't sung that's song since that day and yet... In that moment... That was all he wanted to do...
(A/N; Night=Bold italic, Song;Willow. Yeah that's right I put a song this close to the beginning and only one person's singing! Deal with it!!! Also to get the full experience ya gotta find the male version.)
"Down by the water
Under the willow
Sits a lone ranger
Minding the willow
He and his wife
Once lived happily
Planted a seed
That grew through the reeds..."
"Summers and Winters
Through snowy Decembers
Sat by the water
Close to the embers
Missing out the lives
That they once had before..."
"I wouldn't leave you
I would hold you
When the last day comes
What if you need me
Won't you hold me
On the last day
Our last day..."
"Mr and Mrs
Dreamed of a willow
Carving their names
Into their willow..."
"If he had spoken
Love would return
Spoken inside
Too soft to be heard..."
"Summers and Winters
Through snowy Decembers
Sat by the water
Remembering embers
Missing out the lives
That they once had before..."
"I wouldn't leave you
I would hold you
When the last day comes
What if you need me
Won't you hold me
On the last day
Our last day..."
"Somewhere the timing will all come together
The mishaps will turn into sunny Decembers
The lovers
Will be able
To find their willow..."
"I wouldn't leave you
I would hold you
When the last day comes..."
"I wouldn't leave you
I would hold you
When the last day comes
What if you need me
Won't you hold me
On the last day
Our last day..."
Ink had continued to hum the song and pet him, as Night had sung his literal heart out. Blue had gone to get some tissues for both Night and himself.
Finally it was Fresh's turn to cut the silence, he was familer with grief. It was one of the first emotions he ever learned... And he knew not to dwell on it...
"Ehh! Bros Let's Put To Totally Unrad Mo-jo Behind Us And Get This Parta Started!"
"Fresh! I'm so sorry... Urrh... Night? Was it? He gets like this sometimes."
"Nah it's fine, he's right you all came to enjoy your time. Not listen to a sad old man like me."
"See! Now Come On Blue-boy! Let's Make Snacks For Everyone!"
"No They'll Destroy The Kitchen!!!"
Dust and Decy quickly chased Fresh and Blue into the kitchen, and after not even being in there for more the five seconds the sounds of alarms and explosions could be heard coming from it.
This left Ink, Error, Dream, Night, Killer and Butcher all in the living room. Ink got down and sat next to Night, as Error went to break up the others, Killer and Butcher had started to fight about who's knife was sharper and Dream was trapped in the middle.
Ink looked over and gave Night a smile;
"So... You have kids?"
"Yup... Two little boys... They're staying with their Uncle on their other side... But should be with Dreamy tomorrow..."
"Ah... Got any pictures?"
Night chuckled at Ink's innocence happy smile before taking out his wallet;
"In fact I do..."
Night opened his wallet up and took out a small folded picture;
"Larger one on the left's Stain and the smaller on the right is Splat. Stain was three and Splat was a little over a year..."
The picture showed a very tired Night with a book on his head, he'd fallen asleep while reading Fluffy Kitten. On his left was was a very energetic looking Babybones, with a Blue eye that had a small Yellow save point star in it, a ink stain on top of his head, a Grey scarf that was clearly too big on him and space pajamas. On his right was a tired even smaller Babybones blowing raspberry bubbles, with four Raindow tenticals and Rainbow stains from his Purple crescent and Blue diamond eyes, this one however had a Baby Blue onezy on...
With one look Ink could tell who their father's were... Ink smiled softly at the cute family photo... Knowing exactly who had taken it...
'So that what they would of...'
Tears welled in his eye's, threatening to fall... But he wouldn't let them... He didn't deserve to cry over this...
"You got quite the family there, they must be lucky to have such a nice man such as yourself."
Ink got up and handed Night the photo back before walking up the stairs to his room. Once there he locked the door behind him, not wanting Error or anyone to walk in on him...
Ink slowly sunk against the door as he curled himself into a ball and began crying softly...
He did this...
He knew what he'd done the moment he walked off that cliff...
And yet...
'Why does it hurt so much...'
'I... I don't want to feel this way...'
'What did I do...'
Ink slowly got up off the floor as he walked over to the boxes in the corner of his room, that held all his old sketch books, carefully he opened the one on top and picked up the fresh blade he'd hiden all those years ago. He dropped the book and made his way over to the bathroom, turning the shower on and then facing his broken mirror...
Ink took off his layers, now expoesing his torso and arms, as he formed his ecto-body, he looked down at the stitches as he held the razor to his arm...
'He was right... I deserve to be punished...'
He slashed through the bone bringing his Black blood and marrow to the surface...
He did this a few more times... To his arms and his legs... He then bandaged them and sat on the bathroom floor... Allowing himself to feel the pain... And cry...
After ten minutes, he got up, splashing his face with water before turning the shower off and getting dressed. He then made his way down to the other's thanking himself for owning a Black long sleeve shirt, to hide any blood that might seep through.
When Ink reached the living room he was met with the seen of all his friend's sitting around in a circle with a glass bottle in the middle. Blue, seeing his return, got up and ran to him, grabbed his wrist, Ink doing his best not to make any noise to alert the other's of his pain, he couldn't even hear what Blue was saying as he lead him to sit between Dream and him, before grabbing a pillow, with a Rainbow ink splat on it, and passing it to Ink before hugging his own Blue pillow. Ink seeing this proceeded to hug his pillow, sinking his mouth into, it had been a few hours since he was last near Error, and he could feel his emotion fading from him...
Error watched as Ink walked up the stairs, he looked close to tears, 'I don't get it he was just looking at a picture... Ahh doesn't matter now! We had everyone come to figure out what's wrong with his and that's what we're doing!', but that task proved harder then they thought... No one seemed to know any thing... It didn't take long for Cross to notice Error getting agitated;
"Hey Error? You good? I noticed you and Fresh asking the other's about Ink? Is something up?"
"Well.... When we were at the hospital... Sci pulled me aside and told me to keep a close eye on him... He had just looked at Ink's Code and... They'd been signing right in front of us... Ink started... Crying... I know he's not telling me something and Fresh has noticed it too, so he suggested this whole thing... Night was supposed to destract Ink while we asked around, but he seems to be taking a shower so... *Sigh*... I don't know what I'm doing anymore Cross..."
"Wait so nobody knows anything?"
"Not even Blue or Dream?"
"Turns out Ink keeps a lot of secrets from them... So... No they don't know anything..."
"Hmmm... Oh! I got an idea!"
"Huh? W-what is it?"
"Why don't we just ask him?"
"WHAT!?! Are you crazy?!? He'll never tell us! And even if we asked how would we know it's even remotely true?"
Cross then went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass bottle out of the trash, he then returned to the living room before turning to the other's;
"If Ink's hiding something you can ask him once he joins the game. Plus you haven't been near Ink for a few hours so he won't be thinking clear enough to even think of lying..."
And with that everyone sat down in a circle, Blue and Dream had situated themselves with pillows, and had even gotten Ink one as well. And as if on que Ink descended his way from the second floor. Blue got up and dragged him towards where they'd been sitting, Error had noticed Ink flinch a little when Blue made contact with his wrist but desided to ask or check it out later. Blue then passed him the pillow they'd saved for him as he slowly sunk his chin to his nose into it, it was already clear that his emotion were fading, so it wouldn't be long...;
"Who wants to go first?"
"Oh! I'll Go!!!"
Dust proceeded to spin the bottle until it landed on.... Fresh!;
"So Fresh? Truth Or Dare!"
"I An't A Unrad Wussy! I Check Dare Dawg!"
"Ha! Then I Dare You To Seven Minutes In Heaven With Decay!"
Fresh simply shrugged his shoulders before picking up a very blushing flustered Decy;
"Closet's up the stairs to your left..."
Taking the slightly emotion-less but coy Ink's advice, Fresh ran up the stairs with Decy still in his arms, Decy screaming the whole way up, until the sound of a door slamming was heard;
"Okay then... Who's next?"
"I'll Go!"
Killer spun the bottle... A little too hard... It spun for a full minute and a half before landing on... Cross...;
"Well Cross? Truth Or Dare?"
"Yah know what? Fuck it! Give me your worse! I pick dare!!!"
"Hehe... I Was Hoping Ya Would... I Dare Ya To Text Boss And Tell Him He Looks Like One Of Those Octopi That Ya See Outta A Hentai!"
The room fell silent...;
"Oh god... I'm gonna die if I do that... Ya know what... Fuck It! Ya only live once!... And... Send!"
The room fell into complete silence, until the sound of a phone blowing up could be heard. Cross quickly turned off his phone before taking his turn and spinning the bottle... It landed on... Dream...
"Ok Dreamy? Truth or dare?"
"I'm not an idiot like you lot so I'm going to pick the smart options, truth please!~"
"Alright I see your point, truth is a way 'safer' option... That being said! Do you have a crush on anyone in this room?"
Dream's face lit up like a lightbulb as he looked away from Killer and Cross's direction before crossing his arms, and pouting angrily;
"W-W-Wah!!! I-I-I would never!... N-N... Hmmmmm!... maybe..."
The entire room erupted into Aww and Ohh's as the 'Moon Sanses' made mockery kissy faces at him. Dream still bluching, stuck out his Yellow tongue at them before spinning the bottle and it landing on... Butcher!
"Alright you barbarian cannibal! Truth or dare?!?"
"Not Technically A Cannibal, But I'll Take The Compliment... I Choose Dare!!!"
"Urrrrgh!!! Find I dare you to drink all the Soya sauce in Ink's Fridge!!!"
"Ha! Your So On!"
Butcher then proceeded to get up and make his way to the Royal Blue colored fridge... And immediately regretted his decision...
"I keep forgetting I have them... So while I'm out I keep grabbing more... Those are just the one's that won't fit in the pantry..."
Error, Blue and Dream all deadpaned, as the rest all looked a mixture between generally concerned and confused, even Night until he remembered something...;
"So that's why he always had me do the shopping..."
Butch then proceeded to down all five bottles...
It would of been impressive if he'd managed to keep them all down... but instead he threw them all back up... Putting even Ink to shame with the amount of Black liquid to be spilled on the kitchen floor...;
"Ehh... I'll clean it later... Who's next?"
Cross, before getting up and cleaning the kitchen for Ink, then handed Butch a bucket, as he sat down to spin the bottle... The spinning was making him even more sick but luckily it stopped... On Blue...;
"Alright Blueboy, Ya *Ugk*... Gonna Be A Wuss Like Your Friend Or Pick Dare?"
"I, The Mighty Blueberry, Shall Not Take Offense To That Comment... But Shall Pick Dare None The Less!!!"
Butch then got up to whisper into his ear;
"I Dare You To Bump Hot Pink Paint All Over Your Crush!"
Eveyone watched as Blue became suddenly flustered, he then turned to Ink;
"Ink Do You Have Any Hot Pink Paint Around?"
Ink raised an 'eyebrow' at his friend's odd request, but ignored it as he pulled out a small paint brush from his back pocket. He then used it to create a paint bucket full of the color Hot Pink. Blue then picked it up before walking over to Dust, getting Bluer the closer he got...;
"S-s-sorry My Friend... I Must Do This For I Was Dared..."
Blue the dumped the whole paint bucket on Dust's head, luckily since it was Ink's paint it only stuck to Dust while the rest evaporated around him;
"*Sigh* Any Other Circumstance I'd Be Pissed... But Since It's You I'm Cool With It..."
Blue quickly runs back to his spot, becoming more flustered with every step. Once there he quickly spins the bottle and hides his face in his pillow;
"Who'd It Land On?"
"That'd be me...and I choose Truth..."
Blue practically rips his pillow, sending feathers into the air as he throws in down and asks;
"Is It True That You Have Shared A Bath With None Other Than Ink!?!?"
Error's face turned so Yellow it would put the sun to shame... Ink on the other hand had just run out of emotions...;
'I'm going to freak out about this later aren't I...'
Error turned to Cross and nodded to him before spinning the bottle. Right before it stopped spinning...;
"Oh my Butcher, are you alright?"
As if on que, Butch proceeded to vomit more of the Black condiment into the bucket, drawing everyone's attention just long enough for Error to use his Strings on the bottle and point it at... Ink....;
"Well Inky? Truth or Dare?"
'Judging by that look, Ink's emotions ran out a few minutes ago!'
"*Sigh*... I'm not in the mood to do anything stupid so... Truth..."
"Ok Ink... Why did you jump that day?..."
The room fell deadly silent... Everyone was shocked... They knew what day Error was talking about... The only one that didn't know was Night but he was also curious about this...
Ink's eye lights went out... He hadn't even considered anyone asking this... How could he tell them about the evil act he'd commited... Sure it was his choice to do such a thing, and no one would blame him for it... But... With Night in the room... How could he tell them all...;
"I... I had to get rid of it and that was the only way to do so without everyone finding out..."
"That doesn't answer the question in full..."
Now it was Error's turn to sound void of emotions, for some reason this sent a shiver to Ink's non-existent heart, sparking his emotions just slightly... But long enough for Ink to feel his sins crawling on his back... He quickly took a glance at Night, it was full of pitty... Remorse... Sadness... But most of all........... Guilt............ But soon that glance switched to Error and was replaced with anger...;
'How dare he make me put everyone through this...'
'No... It's not his fault... He just want's to help... Doesn't mean I'm happy about it...'
Ink looked down at his pillow... Turning out his eyelights once more...;
"Fine... You really want to know... Then all I have to do is replace three words with one..."
'What's he talking about?'
"I had to KILL it and that was the only way to do so without everyone finding out!"
The room fell silent as every one pieced it together... Night was the first to understand... He reached over a tentical and slowly pat Ink's head... Letting him know he was forgiven... Error however seemed to be the last to puzzle it together...
That is until he remembered Sci saying he had removed a 'foreign object' from Ink's stomach... He had thought it was just a rock from the cliff face... But...
He was wrong...
Error slowly got up and walked over, before he lifted Ink up, sitting him on his lap. He wrapped his arms around Ink's waist, and rested his head on Ink's shoulder, pulling him into a close hug...
Ink still holding his pillow, slowly sunk his face into it... He didn't want Error to see how broken he was right now...
Even after saying all that...
And getting his 'emotion' back from Error...
He still felt 'Numb'...
They all sat in silence... It had been well past seven minutes, so to break the silence, Dust and Butcher started joking about what Decy and Fresh must be up to... Ink then took this time to take his turn to spin the bottle... Landing on Night...
"Truth or Dare, Nighty?"
"Huh? Oh... Um... Truth?"
"Which would you rather? The ability to read minds? Or come back from the dead?"
"Hmm... Both sound cool... And rather useful... But I'd have to go with... The ability to read minds."
"Awwww! Come On! Coming Back From The Dead Would Be So Cool!!!!"
"I don't think so... Just imagine being in a battle and eveyone around you dies including you, but the you come back and your alone! Plus what if your limbs got blown off! Would they grow back or not?!?"
"Well Clearly They Would! Plus Who Cares? Your Alive!!!"
"Ok well what if you die of old age!?! Or would you even age at all?!? Plus eveyone you ever knew would be dead!!!"
"I'll be right back."
Error releases Ink and joins in with the fight... Cross not wanting anything to do with this conversation decides to watch as Ink walks into the kitchen and opens the mug cupboard...
Ink grabs the jar of keys he keeps on the second shelf...
Cross watches as Ink fishes out a key and walks over to the third drawer next to the sink, he goes to unlock it...
But Cross gets distracted as Butch throws his clever into Ink's wall, just above Dream's head... He turns his attention back to Ink...;
'Is that a cup? What is he-!'
The room fall's quiet as everyone turns their attention to the kitchen...
Fresh and Decy run down the stairs as Ink falls to the floor with a loud sickening thud, sending the gun skirting out of his hand and over to the fridge...
They watch as Ink's HP goes all the way to zero in a matter of seconds...
Dream and Fresh quickly block Blue and Decy's view of their now dead friend...
Cross let's out a sickening whail as he falls to his knees, Butch quickly passes him the bucket as he throws up his lunch from the emotional pain and the sight...
Night stands there... Staring at a seen he thought he'd never have to live through again... Tears welling in his eye to obstruct his vision...
Dust quickly takes over for Dream and takes the now bawling Blueberry into his arms...
Dream quickly turns his attention to Error, as he is still staring at the not dusted corpse...
Dream carefully wraps his arms around him, Error feeling his Haphephobia kick in slightly, looks down expecting to see Ink... But is sad to find it is not...;
'What did I do... It's all my fault! I should of let it go!!!'
'He was fine! He would of been fine!!!'
'Hell he would of been better if I'd never came near him!!!'
'He would of had his emotions if I'd never gone near him!!!'
'He'd still be alive if I'd never gone near him!!!'
'I would of never fallen in love with him...'
"Ya know it's not all that it's crack up to be..."
Every one turns their attention back to the kitchen in time to see Ink walk out rubbing his head...
Error's the first one over to him, wrapping him into a tight hug;
"Woah, E-Error I'm fin-"
"You fucking idiot!!! Don't you EVER do that again!!!"
Ink looks up at the taller Skeleton as tears fall onto his head... He slowly wraps his arms around him, returning the hug and smiling softly... Knowing that he cares...;
"Of course..."
(~Tem Skip~ cuz Author~Chan found this whole thing EPIC! but hella crige to write!)
Once everyone had calmed down a bit... Ink knew... It was interrogation time...;
"Why the fuck did you do that!?!"
"To prove Dream's point... It sucks..."
"How the hell did you know you'd come back!?!?"
"Cuz I've done it before..."
"What Do You Mean You've Done It Before?!?"
"Just as I said, I've died before..."
"How many..."
"How many times have you died..."
"Oh... Umm... Let's see..."
Ink starts counting his fingers...;
"Seven... No twelve... Wait... Tw... Thr........ Ah ha!!! I've died fourty eight times!!!"
The room falls insanely quiet... Error, who'd had Ink in his lap this whole time, tightens his grip on his waist... Before asking one more question... His voice glitching slightly... Almost like a voice crack...;
"Hmmm... Let's seen... I've died three times to Butch... Two to Killer... Four to Dust... Once to Cross... Seven to Nightmare, not you Night... Umm... Two to Blue, seriously rat poison is not a cooking ingredient and your luck I ate them all those times... Hmmm... And twelve to Error!"
"W-wait that's only thirty-one... What about the other seventeen?"
"Oh those were all me! Including the first one! Gotta say was real lucky Geno found me!"
"What? So Geno knew about this? When did this all happen?"
"Oh... Umm... Maybe a year after... I met you..."
"Inky... I think it's best you tell us the story..."
"Oh... Ok... But only if we put this behind us after and have some real fun... But also... It's gonna take a bit... It's sorta a long story..."
Everyone agreed and sat down... Ready for the long haul...
"It all started... In high school~..."
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