A Never Ending Night Terror...
(A/N: edit: I'm changing one of the AUs that Ink tries to visit cuz I messed up in the next chapter... And I'm too lazy to fix it... Basically instead of UnderSwap it's now UnderFell... Cuz I suck and got the two mixed up... Edit: the picture is by; FuntimeFreaks!!!! Check them out!!!...)
It had been a week since Error had broght Ink back home to the 'Garden', he didn't trust the 'Moon Sanse' base anymore... And with good reason...
Ink's tongue had slowly regenerated, though he still had trouble speaking without a lisp...
Error had just left, he had to go Destroy an AU that was ready to collapse in on itself, Ink was fine with this since he knew certain AUs just couldn't withstand a certain amout of Genocide Runs... But he still knew it would hurt... He just wouldn't know how bad until it started...
Error had offered to invite Dream and/or Blue to their AU while he was gone, as to avoid a Monophobic anxiety attack... But... Ink declined... He could only hide the pain of an AU for so long, and if Error took too long... Or the AU turned out to be an important one... Well... He couldn't risk that... Besides! He had other ways of avoiding them.
Ink traveled up the stairs to his room and sat down at his desk, it had been so long since he last created something... 'Kinda surprised I haven't gone through with drawl... Guess losing your emotions is good for something...'
Ink push back on the chair as he opened his art supply drawer, he got out some pencils, a pen, a brush and some acrylic paints. He set them all aside on the paint stained dark oak desk and went for some paper... That when...
As Ink lifted one of his older sketchbooks out... A shiny flat piece of metal fell from between the pages... As it hit the floor... Ink could feel his non-existent heart stop... He bent over and carefully picked up the small blade... He suddenly felt an itch at the back of his mind... 'When was the last time I...! No Ink! Not now! You got better things to do! You don't need this!'
Ink walked over to the trash can as he continued to yell at himself... But just before he threw it in the trash.... He hesitated... Instead he slipped it back between the pages of his sketchbook and put it away before grabbing a different one and sitting back down, hoping that painting would replace the itch.
As Ink flipped through the pages, he soon regretted grabbing this one instead... It was filled with drawings and landscapes... From Genocide AUs...
Ink suddenly stopped at one... It was the last drawing he'd done in this book... It was a landscape of one of the rarest AUs out there... FlowerFell...
FlowerFell was an AU that was not designed with a Genocide route... Mainly because the AU was especially made to be sad... The Frisk was explicitly made to die a painful death before reaching the end... Even though it wasn't necessarily a Genocide landscape... Ink felt it still belonged here... He had drawn it in real time... Watching the events unfold right before him...
Ink had drawn the background, it was the forest, right before the first look out station, he'd drawn the trees and had even placed Yellow butter cups on it. After each reset he would draw where the Frisk had died and how, until the snow and the flowers were Red, and Frisk had finally gained the trust of the Fell!Sans....
Ink had a love hate relationship with this picture... Yes it was beautiful... But... It was also the last picture he'd made before his vials began to darken... That was also around the same time he'd started scaring himself...
Ink shook the memory from his he'd as he flipped the page, he looked down at the pure White sheet... He hated it... So he grabed one of his pencils and as he held it to the paper...
The pencil broke in his hand as the pain shot up his spine. He tried to get up but became dizzy and fell to the floor, landing on his hands before Black ink spewed from his mouth. He felt awful, but he knew it wasn't over as the pain radiated up his spine, once more purging his stomach of the Black liquid.
Ink painfully crawled his way to the small bathroom, dragging a trail of the liquid with him that he'd have to clean before Error got home. He knew it wasn't over or would be for a while, as he lifted himself in the tub and turned on the water, still fully clothed... He could feel the water from the shower hit his face, washing away any of the ink as it continued to pour from his mouth...
He felt cold...
And before long...
Everything when dark...
Error stepped through the portal of the soon to collapse AU, it turned out to be a SwapFell. He never really understood this AU... It's Sans, Blackberry?, was supposed to be as evil and bad as Fell's Papyrus... And yet they acted more similarly to Blue on Mother mode... Except more... Hostile...
He began doing his job, starting from the ruins and working his way up, dusting every and any monster he came across. He could already tell that this Version wasn't too far off of the original for this AU, since the plot and monsters all seemed similar to the original. The only reason he knew it wasn't the original was because he was well known in the original SwapFell.
(~Tem Skip~)
It had taken him a few hours, but he finally got to the Judgment hall, he was waiting on this version of Frisk, or was it Chara?... The human to show up, just deleting Code while he did, when he suddenly heard something behind him.
He turned to where the sound had originated from to see none other then his younger brother emerged from one of the pillers;
"Sup, B Bro!"
"Hey Fresh, nothin' much, just doin' my job. Whatcha doing here? Here ta watch?"
"Oh, Well Was With G Bro, And He Asked Me Ta Come Check On Ya Brosheph! And I Could Stay, Notin' Better Ta Do, I Guess..."
"K well I just gotta end the human here then we can go back to Ink's if ya'd like?"
"Sure! My Brotato Chip! Sounds Fly!"
Error cringed at his younger brother's way with words, until the human entered, by the look of the pattern on the sweater it appeared to be a Chara, male by the bone structure, 'Good, I'm not in the mood to listen to a females screams today... Maybe I'll make this quick so I can get back to Inky faster?' And with that in mind Error stepped out and strung up the Chara before they even realised what was happening.
Error quickly ripped the Soul out before they had a chance to do anything. Normally he'd torture them a bit and punishment for the Genocide Runs... But he was in a hurry to get back and didn't want to subject Fresh to that... He did once but Geno ended up chewing him out for it, so he tied up the Soul with his Royal Blue Strings, before opening a portal to the Anti-Void, and tieing it up with the others before closing the portal.
With the contact to their Soul being cut off, Chara fell limp and the world began to designate around them. Error and Fresh simply watched as the world around them turned into a blank slate, ready for a new Creator to use. Error and Fresh being foreign Entities to this world didn't have to worry about being deleted, and Error had Dusted any and all monsters so thay just watched as it all simply.... Disappeared...
Once it was all gone, even the Void belonging to the AU, he made a portal to the 'Garden' and stepped through with Fresh following close behind. They ended up walking right into the living room;
"So, This Is The Garden? Seems Rad Bro!"
"Yeah it is nice, Ink made it a long time ago it seems and he stays here most of the time when I'm not around. That or at either Blue's or Dream's place, think he finds them safe..."
"Wait, So He Doesn't Go Exploring The Multiveresitud Anymore?"
"Nah seems that he's stopped since losing his vials, I don't even know if he can still defend himself now that I think of it..."
"Huh... Well Where Is The Little Dude? I'm Supposed To Tell G Bro 'bout Him Too!"
"Think he's up in his room?"
With that the two Skeletons made their way up the stairs... Error was about to open Ink's door when he stopped...
The sound of the shower running could be heard... This shouldn't alarm him... Right?... Well the thing about Ink shower is that it begins to make a loud groaning sound if it's been left on for too long... So what? He's probably just taking a long shower... Well... The sound only starts after three hours...
Error threw open the door, only to be met with the sight of art supplies thown everywhere. Broke pencils and pens lying on the floor, spilled paint, paper everywhere... And large dried Black ink splats on the ground with a trail leading to the bathroom...
Error left Fresh at the door while he took everything in, as he ran to the bathroom door, throwing it open.
There he was... Laying in the bathtub... Fully clothed... Completely soaked... Shivering to the point you could hear his bones clanking against each other...
Error ran over to him as Ink threw up more of the Black liquid. He tried to quickly pull him from the bath, but Ink winced in pain the moment Error touched his back. "Fresh! Come here! I need some help!"
Fresh ran into the bathroom and was met with the same sight, he quickly turned off the water, before grabbing a towel and throwing it over the shivering Skeleton. He then helpped Error get Ink out of the tub and onto his bed, Error began taking off Ink's wet clothes as Fresh grabbed him a sweater and a pair of sweat pants from the dresser next to the door. Error had just gotten off Ink's last shirt, out of like thirty, when he saw the large crackes on his spine.
"Oh my Asgore! Ink what happened!?!?"
Ink laughed quietly, " Got dizzy... Think I fell down the stairs?... Guess the pain got too bad and I started throwing up? I didn't want to make a mess so I got in the tub to wait for you to get back."
Error and Fresh looked at each other, it was clear that Ink was lying... If he had fallen down then they would of seen the mess down stairs... Not to mention that the ink was only up here and Ink had clearly dragged himself to the bathroom, there was no way he could of climbed the stairs in this state...
Error and Fresh carefully changed Ink into the Sweats, Error wanted to question Ink more on it but didn't know how... He could also tell that Ink's emotions were a little unstable due to the pain... But Fresh was the first to break the silence...
"Don't Mean To Call Ya A Lier Little Dude, But Your Story Don't Add Up... So Why Don't You Cut The Act And Tell Us What Really Happened..."
Error could tell Fresh was being abnormally serious with this, sure his weird way of speaking was still present... But it was the way he'd said it all... Complete void of emotion... Not even a hint of him faking them...
Error turned back to Ink and watched as the emotion left his face as well... Until he smiled and looked back to the ceiling... But... Error knew this too was fake for Ink's eyes remained colorless...
"You really want to know... Fine...";
(A/N; Ink=italic, Error=Bold, Fresh=italic underline, Song; Cradles)
"I live inside my own world of make believe...
Kids screaming in their cradles, profanities...
I see the world through eyes covered in ink and bleach...
Cross out the ones who heard my cries and watched me weep..."
"I love everything...
Fire's spreading all around my room...
My world's so bright...
It's hard to breathe, but that's alright..."
Error was getting worried, Ink had barely spoken in weeks and now he was singing... And such a sad but maddening song, he could practically feel the saddness and maniacal tone dripping off of Ink's words...
"Tape my eyes open to force reality..."
"Oh no, no..."
"Why can't you just let me eat my weight in glee?
I live inside my own world of make believe...
Kids screaming in their cradles, profanities...
Somedays I feel skinnier than all the other days...
And sometimes I can't tell if my body belongs to me..."
"I love everything...
Fire's spreading all around my room...
My world's so bright...
It's hard to breathe, but that's alright..."
Error tried to get Ink to calm down, but it seemed he wouldn't stop until the song was over. Ink only sang to calm himself down so he should be happy that he's singing... And yet this song only seemed to agitate him more... Maybe because every word seemed to hold some form of truth to them...
"I wanna taste your content...
Hold your breath and feel the tension...
Devils hide behind redemption...
Honesty is a one way gate to hell...
I wanna taste consumption...
Breathe faster to waste oxygen...
Hear the children sing aloud...
It's music 'til the wick burns out..."
Ink seemed to be getting tired at this point but he continued...
"Just wanna be care free lately, yeah
Just kicking up daisies...
Got one too many quarters in my pockets...
Count 'em like the four leaf clovers in my locket...
Untied laces, yeah...
Just tripping on daydreams...
Got dirty little lullabies playing on repeat...
Might as well just rot around the nursery and count sheep..."
Finally Ink fell asleep. They didn't get an answer to what really happened but at this point they doubt they ever would... Error and Fresh made their way down stairs, they sat on the couch as Error opened a window to UnderNova, the AU was at the end right before a Reset so they'd have to wait before they could actually start watching.
"Hey Error Bruh... What Do You Think Really Happened?"
Error closed the window and turned to Fresh, he took some time to come up with an answer but... He really couldn't think of anything...
"Well he definitely didn't fall down the stairs... And this is a One-way AU so Night couldn't of gotten in... Plus the wound seems too precise to of been inflicted by someone... Ahhhg! This makes no sence! We both saw him in there! There was no way he could of done that to himself! Yet it couldn't of been an accident or anyone else!!!"
"I Was Thinking The Same... This Whole Situations Wack... Maybe We Should Ask Around? Some Homie Might Know Something..."
"Yeah your right... But we'll have to do it before Ink wakes up... Can't let him know what we're doing..."
"Then How 'bout We Just Invite Everyone Close To Him Over And Tell Him It's For A Sleep Over? He'll Be Distracted And We Can Ask Around."
"That doesn't sound too bad actually, but we'll have to wait. Ink's still injured and we don't want him to get suspicious."
"Ha Sounds Good Bro! I'll Inform A Few Of The Other's, But I Probably Won't Invite Be Many."
"Sounds good, I'll catch ya later."
The brothers said their goodbyes before Error made a portal for Fresh to leave. Before going up to check on Ink to find him curled up in the covers. Error lifted the back of Ink's sweater to find that it had already started to mend itself. He sighed before climbing into bed with him, he normally slept on the couch or in Ink's spare room, but... He was too worried to leave him alone and so he stayed there until he too fell asleep...
Ink sat up in bed to find that the others had left, he looked around the room, it felt like his eye's were on fire, as he began to rub them. The pain soon left as he got up and made his way down the stairs to the kitchen, Error was sleeping on the couch like always.
He entered the kitchen and picked up a mug, before placing a tea bag in it and walking to the sink. He turned on the water until it got hot and then proceeded to fill his cup half way before turning it off. He then walked to the fridge and grabbed the milk, filling the rest of his cup. Finally he walked to the cupboard and grabbed two packets of sweetener, he didn't like using sugar for drinks because he found that it always sunk to the bottom and never really dissolved into the drink, sweetener however was great! It unlike sugar tend to float on top before dissolving into the drink. He added the sweeteners, finally deciding the liquid was drinkable, he took a sip... Before immediately spitting it out!
Something was wrong with it... Was it the milk? Did it go bad?
Ink let out a big sigh before walking to the fridge and throwing the milk out, he then opened a portal to one of the UnderTale's that took place on the surface. He was going to have to get a new carten of milk. He stepped through expecting to be met with a slice of life AU or at the very least MafiaTale... But as he stepped through he found himself in the complete opposite...
Ink realizing his mistake quickly opened a portal to anywhere else, but instead he only found himself closer to Nightmare's mansion. He tried them all, UnderFell, FableTale, DanceTale, FlowerFell, AfterTale... But none of them worked... It wasn't until he found himself infront of the mansion's main doors that he tried going back to his own AU...
But it didn't work...
Instead he found himself back in that foul celler...
Ink began to panic, it was so dark... Suddenly the chains on the wall shot out and locked onto his wrists and ankles, pulling him to the wall behind him. He screamed for help, for Blue, for Dream, for Cross, for Error!...
But nobody came...
Suddenly he was there... Right infront of him... As if he'd been there from the beginning and hadn't just appeared with the bat of an eye... Ink was terrified...
"No no! Let me go! Get away from me!!!"
"Oh~ you didn't think that'd actually work... Did you~?"
"No! Please No, Please! Please! Please! No!!! Please Let Me Gooo!!!!", Ink had begun to sob it terror, as the Skeleton infront of him took out the same blade he'd used to cut his tongue out all those days ago. Ink screamed at the sight of it.
"Oh Inky, Inky, Inky!~... You didn't think that anyone would listen... Did you?~", with that he took the knife and glided it against Ink's left femer leaving a large cut that stretched his entire leg, crying out and screaming the whole while...
Nightmare simply chuckled at Ink's pain, "This is all just punishment for what you did... Honestly though... You didn't think I wouldn't find out... Did you!", Nightmare then dug the knife further into Ink's leg before backing off of him, leaving the knife in his leg.
"I-I-I don't under-stand! Why are you doing this!?! What did I ever do to you!?!?"
Nightmare returned this sudden out burst with a scowl before sending out a tentical and ripping the knife out before digging it into Ink's right arm, earning him another agonizing scream from Ink.
"Oh! You know what you did... You killed it! You killed my property!... So this is how it's going to work... You have two options... Die! Or...~"
"Actually... I've changed mind... You only have one option~..."
Nightmare then walked back over to Ink, grabbing ahold of the knife, holding it in place as he began forcefully licking and biting Ink's exposed neck. Ink began sobbing as he moaned in pain and pleasure. He knew what Nightmare was doing and couldn't stop it as his ecto-body parts slowly formed.
Nightmare didn't hesitate what so ever as he shoved three of his four tenticals up Ink's ecto-ass and the other around his ecto-cock before plunging down his urethra. Ink screamed in pain as they entered his body, unlike last time Nightmare seemed to want to hear every agonizing noise Ink made, especially as he unzipped his pants and thrusted his newly formed ecto-cock into Ink's unsuspecting ecto-vagina. Once more Ink screamed and groaned in pain before pleading with his attacker to stop.
But his pleads seemed to fall on deaf ears as his attack continued to thrust into him and attack his neck with sucking and bites, sending sharp unpleasant shivers down Ink's spine. Once more Ink called out for help and for it all to end.
"What The Unholy Fuck is this!?!?!"
Ink who had previously had his eyes clamped shut, opened them in time to see as another Nightmare appear, and rip the one that had previously been on him off. As he did the chains and knife that had previously been holding him against the wall disappeared, resulting in him falling to the ground.
Ink looked up in time to see his attacker and his doppelganger both take on fighting stances.
Ink quickly looked to the Nightmare that had saved him, he looked exactly like the Version that had attacked him just moments ago, except unlike the one that had attacked him both times, this one could only see out of his left eye, while the one he knew only had their right one.
The battle begun as they both sent their tenticals at eachother, but no matter what either of them did, they only seem to be able to deflect the other's attack. And it continued like this until they both seemed to run out of stamina. Suddenly his attacker lunged an attack that he clearly didn't planned out, as he ended up hitting agaist the low ceiling resulting in the beam above them to brake and fall. This startled Ink as he let out a small yelp, which drew his attacker's attention back to him just long enough for the other to land a critical hit.
The Nightmare that had held him captive slowly turned to dust as the other crushed his Soul. Ink then watched as an impossible gust of wind blew the dust pile away. He was so distracted that he hadn't realized the new Nightmare approach him, until he was a little less the two steps from him.
When Ink finally noticed however he yelped before scurrying over to the corner of the room. Nightmare watched as he did this, not moving from his spot until Ink had settled in his knew location.
"You good now? I won't come any closer until your ready alright? I'm just going to sit right here. See, I'm right here, I won't hurt you."
Nightmare had sat on the spot he'd previously been standing on, and like he said he wasn't moving. Ink felt many emotions as he realized this, scared, terrified, disgusted with himself, but over all that... He felt reliefed, so much that he couldn't keep the tears that had been threatening to fall this whole time back. Ink silently cried as he continued to watch the Nightmare in front of him. True to his word he didn't move, instead he tried to strike up a conversation with him, even though it was only one way... Until...
"W-why was there t-two of you? A-a-and w-why s-save m-me?"
Ink waited patiently as the Skeleton infront of him sat there thinking over the questions...
"Well to answer that I have to inform you of something... Your currently dreaming... As to why there were two of me and why I saved you... well... One of us was a manifestation of your dream, while I'm the real deal..."
Ink pushed himself further into the corner at hearing this, the fear slowly creeping up his spine once more.
"As to why I saved you well... To be honest I only came because you called out my name... Normally when someone says my name in the dream realm, they don't actually say my name... It's more along the lines of 'OH MY GOD THIS IS A NIGHTMARE!!!' or something along the lines... But when I heard you... Well... For once it felt like someone was actually calling out to me... Sure you were really calling out for that dream version of me to stop... But still... Now for why I saved you, when I got here and saw what that dream version of me was doing... Well let's just say I was thoroughly disgusted with their actions and-"
Nightmare looked shocked by Ink's sudden out burst, even Ink seemed surprised by it as he quickly looked to the floor before curling back into a ball... Nightmare was confused, until it suddenly occurred to him... 'Why would Ink have a dream like this.......... Unless!'
"Ink... Have I..."
Nightmare stopped as Ink looked back to him with tears in his eyes, he had his answer...
"Oh... Ink... I'm so sorry..."
That was all Ink had to hear... Those three little words, with that Ink got up from his corner and ran to his Savior, collapsing into his arms as he began to sob into his shoulder. It wasn't long after that he felt him hug back and wrap his tenticals around him in a protective manner... And with that...
He woke up...
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