I am willing to make that sacrifice
A week since Y/N became a magical girl, trading her soul for one wish and in return she must battle witches. "My, My, Y/N you've done an wonderful job taking down all those witches" said Seke "Thanks Seke, I am trying my best but I am sadly still a rookie" stated Y/N. "I guess we should get going to school we don't want to be late" said Lizzie. They all started there way too their high school and as usual. The 17 year old Jotaro Kujo was being surrounded by a crowd of teenage girls. Girls left and right 'Poor guy,' thought Y/N. "Y/N, do you know if there any kind of test today?" ask Lizzie "I don't think so Lizzie" said Seke. "Alright" said Lizzie. 'I don't remember but didn't I ran into Kujo's mom a few days ago' thought Y/N. As she was about to ask Seke a question she ran into a hard back. A few gasps were heard, and as she was about to get up she saw a couple of green eyes staring right at her and most of that a glare. "S-Sorry I didn't mean to bump into you" said Y/N with meek voice "Its fine just make sure to watch were you are going, Bitch" said Jotaro as he continued walking. As she got up she was dumbfounded 'Why are I being called a bitch when I didn't do anything but bump into him' thought Y/N. "Y/N?! are you alright?" said Lizzie and Seke, "Yes I am fine but why did I called a bitch when I didn't do anything wrong?" asked Y/N. "That is just the way Jotaro add-" Lizzie began to say when a random girl started to talk to Y/N "You better watch were you are going! JoJo is someone who doesn't have to be bothered by someone who looks like a whore!" said the girl "Hey watch your mouth, she didn't mean bump into him" said Lizzie. Y/N Looked down did she really looked done 'Do I really look like whore?' she asked herself, As she thought more and more and didn't seem to notice that those two already came and fought off the girl. "Don't listen to her she just jealous that she can't have a get body like yours" said Seke as they continued they way towards there small high school.
As they made there way too the high school that saw Jotaro again but this time he had a huge gash on his leg, all the girls were asking if he was okay until a boy with cherry red hair came and gave him a hand chief. "Who are you? I haven't seen you around before" said Jotaro "I am Noraki Kakayoin,I transferred here yesterday, have this to stop the bleeding" said Kakayoin. As she was about to walk forward Y/N had this odd feeling. Its felt like danger was near by. "Hey guys do you feel that?" she asked. "Feel what?" asked Seke. "Its feels like-" Began to say Y/N "Sorry its nothing" she said as she continued on her way to school. Little did she know that an enemy had made there way to Y/N school.
"Hey Y/N, so what are we going to do tonight about that familiar that we found yesterday" asked Lizzie "What do you mean?" asked Y/N "Like should we go and find or something?" asked Lizzie "Well I was thinking we should just let it be for now" said Y/N "The trail would have already faded the moment we try and find it" said Seke "True but what about the people it could attack we should at least try and find it" said Y/N. The bell rings, "Alright we should talk about this when we are done with school" said Seke, "Alright but I have to go to the nurses office bye!" said Y/N as she ran off.
"Hello Y/N, you're right on time we have something new for a change?" said Doc "R-Really?" said Y/N "Yes the very own Jotaro Kujo" said Doc "Would you help me patch him up?" she said "Y-yeah" answered Y/N. She grabbed the small scisscors and was about to cut Kujos pants until he grabbed her wrist "What are you doing?" asked jotaro kujo "W-well I h-have too cut your p-pants too clean the cut" Y/N answered "No I just take them off" said Jotaro "Oh my I didn't know you were so thrifty Jotaro" giggles Doc. As he was taking off his pants the Doc started doing somethings that weren't like her "H-Hey Doc what are you doing?" said one of the boys sitting there "I am shaking the thermometer so I can take your guys temperature" said the Doc in her not so kind voice "T-That d-doesn't lo-look like a thermometer" said the boy said "Are you guys stupid or what?! You should have a better look at it!" Doc said as she stuck it into one of the boys eyes. Ready to barf Jotaro said "You need to get out of here!". Y/N knew she had to interfere so that what she did. Transform into her magical girls form, It looked be like Jotaro's outfit but a female version!. "I am not going to walk away from this I must help you!" said Y/N and as she said that Noraki Kakayoin appeared and someone along side him. A girl with a white and black get up "So I see your a magical girl too, this is going to be fun" said the girl with the white and black get up
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