Chapter Two
After constantly coughing, Sunoo took a deep breath.
Please.. I can't afford to get sick. Not now..
He opened his bag up wide and reluctantly reached for some more medicine. He only had a small amount of herbs and tinctures that were not easy to find, nor easy to make.
Yumi may need this.. I must be careful.
After taking the medicine that he had dried and soaked into a nice tincture a while back- which tasted bitter and strong- he gathered some wild berries and then water from a small river.
But he felt nauseous as he filled an old leather wine skin with river water. He shut his eyes tightly. He couldn't afford to throw up his medicine.
He felt like the world around him was spinning. And his medicine trying to come up.
"Sunoo! Do you need help? Steve's belly just spoke!" Yumi called out from where he had left her.
"Coming!" Sunoo called back, trying to sound cheerful. He then took a deep breath.
He couldn't hold it down anymore. Even when he tried so desperately.
He threw up near the river. Nothing but stomach acid and medicine.
Sunoo immediately washed his face in the cool river water and swallowed the lump forming in his throat.
Losing this precious medicine was bad. But he didn't have time to shed a tear. Not now.
And then he stood slowly, making sure he wasn't dizzy. After finding he was steady, he ran back with all the food and water...
He placed some plants and berries on Yumi's lap, using a doilie to grab them. Keeping his distance and being extra careful.
He smiled as he watched his little sister eat and share with Steve. He couldn't show any signs of weakness or fear in front of her. She was so young. Only twelve in human years.
At her age, he was forced to grow up and take responsibilities. He wanted Yumi to live a happy, care free childhood.
Sunoo shifted into fox form and curled into a ball next to Yumi's lap and she pet his head. "I love you, Yumicorn." He said to her telepathically.
"I love you too!" She giggled and ate a wild strawberry. The pink juice staining her tiny lips. "Eat some berries too, Sunoo."
She pushed some wild berries in front of his snout and he immediately grabbed the berries with his tongue. The thin skin of the berries breaking under the roof of his mouth. The sweet taste flooding his mouth.
He didn't remember the last time he ate anything. He was always busy foraging and making medicines and tinctures. Along with caring for Steve and Yumi.
"Isn't it yummy?" Yumi asked as she brushed his ears back.
"Absolutely delish!"
Yumi smiled when she heard his voice in her head again. She started feeding Steve more wild plants.
"Ready to go?" Sunoo asked as he shifted back into human form. "We can possibly get there tonight if we keep going!"
"I'm ready." She picked up Steve again and held him tightly to her chest.
Sunoo smiled and the two walked side by side....
An hour later, Sunoo noticed his sister getting sleepy. And her arms weak and almost dropping Steve.
He stopped them and crouched to Yumi's height.
"We're almost there. I can carry you two." He smiled.
Sunoo wasn't very strong. But luckily Yumi was light as a feather. And Steve was far lighter.
He removed his backpack and switched it to the front. So it was on his chest and stomach like a baby carrier. He made room for Steve and then stuffed him in.
Then, he carried Yumi on his back.
Minutes felt like hours and hours felt like decades. But he kept walking until his feet hurt too bad to continue.
But he wanted to get to the village now and it was so close, yet so far.
He got on his knees and set sleeping Yumi down gently in the green grass. And then set his backpack down.
It was so dark, and he was so close.
Sunoo panted and ran his fingers through the lushes green grass. Glancing from Steve to Yumi.
Her tiny delicate face wasn't hard to see, even in the dark. Her snowy skin and rosie cheeks. Ever since the massacre, Yumi had been Sunoo's only family. Only friend. Even in villages they lived before, nobody had the same strong, unbreakable connection.
He wanted to cradle her in his arms and cuddle her. And fall peacefully asleep like they always did. But right now he didn't want to risk spreading sickness.
If he really was sick. He didn't think it could be possible since Sunoo was so on top of giving himself and Yumi medicines after Steve got sick....
Sunoo flinched when he suddenly heard a dog barking nearby. He instinctively grabbed Yumi and held her tightly to his side. This woke her up.
"Sunoo.. What's happening?" She asked sleepily.
Sunoo didn't respond. He didn't even know what was happening.
Maybe somebody's dog smelled us.. Hopefully they're nice. Hopefully they don't kill us for possibly trespassing ..
He started to feel nauseous again. His grip on Yumi tightened. And the sound of the dog got louder.
No.. not now!
Yumi noticed her brother slightly wobbling. And his eyelids slowly shutting.
"Sunoo!" She shook his shoulders and looked into his eyes.
Sunoo didn't respond. He couldn't.
The last thing he saw before falling unconscious was Yumi's worried face. And the sound of a dog's barking.
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