Chapter Five
Taki led Sunoo into his bedroom. His voice lowering to a whisper.
"How did you really fall unconscious? Yumi said it was because you got scared. But I'm not quite buying that."
Sunoo sighed. He couldn't tell Taki the whole truth. But he knew many things that Taki deserved to know. In fact, the whole village did.
"I'm not sure exactly. Possibly because I was hungry and feeling dizzy and nauseous due to malnutrition. My second guess is maybe I was sick."
Taki nodded in understanding. "So.. how did the rabbit get so deathly ill? He's getting better now, but when I found you three, he was looking almost dead."
"There is a disease taking the forest out. Killing the plants and animals." Sunoo replied hesitantly. Not wanting Taki to feel like the three of them were carrying deadly diseases. "Steve got sick and when I noticed, I immediately did everything to prevent it from spreading. And trying to heal Steve with the limited herbs I could find, since most of which were dead at that point."
Taki's eyes widened. "What?! What do you mean taking the forest out?!"
"I mean everything is turning black and grey. The life being sucked out."
"North from here. A days walk away." Sunoo tried to remain calm. Despite having his own worries and fears. One of which was losing his only family or the forest all over again.
"How has this not been reported? I know farmers whose crop is up North." Taki started pacing.
Sunoo shrugged. "I may sound crazy, but I have a feeling this disease isn't just nature acting up. It's done by magic."
Taki stopped pacing and looked at Sunoo with wide eyes. "What? Magic? Are you by chance... Kidding?"
Sunoo shook his head. His expression serious. And Taki laughed.
How does nobody know of magic anymore...?
"Go ahead and laugh your little butt off. But I'll be the one laughing when you finally witness it." Sunoo said in the most friendly tone he could muster up. Which make Taki laugh harder before calming down and leaning against his dresser.
"Sure. I suppose you will. But I do think you should report this. The king deserves to know of it."
Sunoo nodded. "You're right. I shall deliver the news to him." He then looked at Taki with curiosity written on his face. "I heard a dog barking before I fainted. Do you have a dog?"
Taki chuckled and shook his head. "Of course not. Tsk, I'm not the type to own a dog. I'd rather own a small pet like a rat or hamster."
"Whose dog was it then?"
"You're just crazy I think." Taki shrugged with a giggle. "Or maybe I am the crazy one."
"Hmm.. okay. Well, I'll go inform the king about the disease."
"But not until after supper. All right? After hearing that you may have passed out due to malnutrition and starvation, makes me worried." Said Taki as he stood up straight.
Sunoo smiled. Feeling a slight pang of guilt as Taki so kindly cared for a stranger like him. "Thank you."
"No thanks needed."
After eating some ever so slightly burnt pork belly- freshly grilled by Taki- Sunoo shouldered his backpack. Which he had always carried around full of herbs.
"Stay here with Taki, Yumi. You two can play or sleep." Sunoo said as he ruffled his little sister's hair. "Maybe play that wolf game you mentioned to me earlier."
"But Sunoo! I want to meet the king too!" Yumi pouted.
"You will, I promise. But not now! Because this is an important meeting. It's not like we'll be having any fun. No playing, so sipping on herbal tea, no dance or instruments." Sunoo counted all the fun things they wouldn't be doing at the castle, on his fingers.
"Fine!" She crossed her arms and sulked.
"And Steve needs his Yumi to watch over him while I'm away."
Yumi grumbled in response before reluctantly letting Sunoo go. "Next time you bring me? Okay?"
"Okay okay, I promise, sis."
Sunoo glanced at Taki and smiled as a silent thank you before exiting the small cottage.
"I wish to speak to King Sunghoon Park, please." Sunoo said respectfully to the gaurds of the castle, with a small bow.
"Sorry, but the king is unavailable at the very moment." One gaurd spoke.
"Do you know where I can find him?" Sunoo asked a little more desperate.
"Does he even know you exist?" The same guard asked. His eyes scanned Sunoo's figure.
"Yep! We met earlier this morning."
The tall gaurd's eyes squinted and whispered to the other who stepped inside for a moment to- what Sunoo assumed- tell a maid to inform the king of Sunoo's request to speak.
Sunoo smiled and fiddled with his backpack straps as he waited patiently for the return of the maid. Looking around, he was fascinated by the incredible size of the castle. The many details carved into the stone, and the gardening, must require so much work and maintenance...
Many minutes later, an older woman in a maid's dress appeared. Her expression saddened.
"I'm terribly sorry, dear... But the king is ill." She spoke in a gentle voice.
Sunoo's heart dropped
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