"Uncle. Brother. So glad to see you! How was your meeting?"
Uncle Qiren paused, a little taken aback. His nephew was uncharacteristically taking the actual lead in a conversation and he was not used to it.
"I believe we should be asking the questions. You were not here when we arrived. In a strange place like Yiling, this is not acceptable."
Lan Zhan bowed low, just this side of being abject. Lan Xi Chen was immediately on alert but said nothing. Something about his Didi was different today, so he settled in and let Lan Zhan proceed with whatever he had planned. This might be his brother, redefining a new level of relationship with their Uncle. He waited for Lan Zhan to set his pace.
"I was, exploring. Gather information on the town. To help in your business discussions." Lan Qiren raised a cautious eyebrow.
"Go on."
"First, Yiling is a town in flux."
"In what way?"
"On the surface, it is raw, crude. Underneath there is groundswell. A desire to encourage growth. But the ideas are scattered. No real direction."
How did you begin to gather this information?"
"Walked around. Made acquaintances. I invited a boy to lunch and picked his brain. Listened to locals in clothing stores. In stables, on the streets. If one is young and innocent-looking, people overlook you. They do not watch words. They assume you do not understand."
"How did you manage that? It is painful watching you interact with anyone. Most out of character."
"I was bored. Doing something constructive solved that."
"That was very enterprising of you. And this was just gathered in this morning's time?"
"Yes, Uncle."
"Very good. I am pleased with your initiative." He stroked his beard, eyeing his nephew. Was the boy coming around? Since his 'Illness' following his mother's death, he had been withdrawn and aloof, even more than he had naturally been before. Lan Qiren had backed off on retaliating further against his nephews, not out of respect for their grief but out of necessity. A cautious retreat was needed in war as well as in his version of child-rearing. Obviously, any further pressure would foment a rebellion from both, and nobody in Cloud Recesses needed to see the cracks deepen between them.
"May I continue, Uncle? Befriend more children. See what they have garnered. Engage with them. Play some of their games. Listen to their mothers' gossip."
The old man assessed Lan Zhan for a few more minutes. The bow and the deferential tone all seemed genuine. His reasoning was solid. If becoming more of a presence in Yiling would advance his intelligence gathering on the Wen threat, it was worth a try. Let us see what the boy could do.
"You have my permission. But use your ears only. Stay observant. I would advise you to avoid any unnecessary conversation, but with you, there is no need to worry in that area."
He stalked off to his room leaving the brothers behind.
Lan Xi Chen waited for a beat before turning to his brother, who was studiously adjusting his perfect robes to fall into even more perfect folds.
"Games?" Asked Lan Xi Chen, his eyebrows raised. "Have you ever played a street game in your life?"
Still not making direct eye contact, Lan Zhan answered as innocently as possible. "No. Have observed. Seem simplistic enough."
"I see. "
"I just...I just saw an opportunity to help." His interest in his robes became even more intense. Lying was impossible for him when it came to XiChen.
"Lan Zhan. Have you made a friend?"
"It is within the realm of possibility."
"I am not sure." His ears were turning bright red, and his brother smiled warmly, sat beside him, and put his arm around the flustered boy. "Tell me all about it, and I will try and help. There is nothing wrong with finding friends. I am happy to hear you have made a connection."
"Perhaps two. I will know by tomorrow."
Lan Xi Chen slowly began to pry the day's events from the reticent Lan Zhan. He was astonished at Lan Zhan's quick leap into action and made a mental note to ratchet up his martial arts training. He had handled himself quite well, from the account. He had to smother a grin at the Mother Hen version of Lan Zhan, insisting on getting this Wei Ying access to a bath and then marching alone to buy clothing for him. And the tale of the food and the smaller child under the bridge broke his kind heart. He could sense hesitation at times and pauses in the flow of words that indicated he was withholding some of the interaction, but he was impressed. His Didi and this boy seemed to have shared a lot today. He would not force a confidence about that. He patted his brother's shoulder.
"You have handled today well. Do not let Uncle know that this boy is a friend. Refer to him as a source. Uncle relishes control, and you must never let him know that this boy is special to you. He would use it as a cudgel if he felt the need. I will see that you are reimbursed for whatever you will need to join in these games this week. Marbles, crickets, kites. A yo-yo may be needed as well as shuttlecocks and a ball with sheep joints. Plainer clothes also, your Lan attire will make you stand out like a sore thumb."
"Thank you, Gege. I will continue to spend what is needed for meals. Things that are connected with my friend. I will not accept reimbursement."
Lan Xi Chen smothered another smile. "Of course not. Personal relationships are on a different level, are they not?"
"I have no experience. It just seems right."
"Now, off to bed. Meditate and rest. Being sharp in this line of work is essential."
Lan Zhan became more settled after meditation, but he still tossed about for hours. Friends. Who would have thought something so alien would enter his life, right out of the blue?
And now, his life might get a bit more crowded with the sudden discovery of Xiao Kiran.
His eyes began to feel heavy, and as he fell asleep, the memory chest that showed each night in his last thoughts of his days, a secret he had kept since his illness, showed again, and this time it emitted a soft, barely-there glow. Whatever was held within was beginning to make itself known. Who was Denver, and should this person matter so much that he would lock him safely away like this?
He was certain that if the time was right, it would all become clear.
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