"Yeah baby, ah yes, yes, right there... mmmmm, that's right... aha....mmmmm" while moaning and exaggerating all kinds of sex sounds, Jimin's face did not match the enthusiasm of his words. Luckily for him, well, for the guy who was behind him, his back was turned to the man who was balls deep inside him, and Jimin's face was pushed into the pillow under him, and at one point, he thought about suffocating himself just to escape this misery he put himself into.
The misery was yet another mercy fuck that Jimin had no idea how he got himself into in the first place.
Probably all the above.
So while taking some average dick up his ass for twenty minutes straight, Jimin started thinking about how to wrap this whole thing up as soon as possible.
Maybe if I close my eyes and imagine Namjoon's hot body... or Hoseok's dance moves... Tae Tae's... no I could never go there... Maybe Yoongi's lips wrapped around my...
"Are you close baby? I'm so close..." the man behind him, Wonho, one of Jimin's exes asked so Jimin nodded enthusiastically.
"Yeah... Mhm... so close...You can finish first, I'm ok with that..." Jimin said, but he knew damn well from their years ago short fling that Wonho was the man who liked to please his partners in bed and he would do everything to please Jimin also. Only that, Jimin kind of couldn't get hard. He was drunk, Wonho was crying at the club, Jimin felt sorry for him, the guy's really a sweetheart, but unfortunately had problems with choosing the right partner, so while watching him sob for half an hour in the middle of a club, Jimin felt bad.
"Wanna go back to my place and fuck?"
The answer was obvious.
And now, Jimin has to figure a way to come as soon as possible or to make Wonho come first and then act as he had come while he was fucking him too.
Why did I even do this...
With renewed enthusiasm and his power bottom magic, Jimin started fucking himself onto that dick, more of those exaggerating sounds came from his not so excited mouth, and finally, the man behind him let go, shooting his load in condom while whimpering and cursing many little 'fucks' into Jimin's ear.
Jimin let his body fall down flat on his tummy, ass up, acting as if he was asleep immediately, covering his body with a soft blanket, hoping the guy would get the message and simply leave.
Only that he didn't.
Wonho took off the full condom and after throwing it in the trash bin, he came back on the bed and snuggled his whole body next to Jimin under the covers, holding him tightly.
Oh hell no!
"Baby are you ok?" Wonho whispered sweetly into Jimin's ear, so he feared he might throw up from how badly he wanted all of this to end.
"I'm perfect. Thank you. You can go grab a shower and if you're working in the morning, you can go home, I'm honestly good." Jimin said without opening his eyes, his hand already started reaching under the covers, trying to find his phone.
He knew Wonho would like to stay and cuddle him, kiss him, God forbid maybe repeat this again in the morning and Jimin couldn't do any of it.
"No baby, I'm gonna stay here and caress you the whole night, then I'm gonna make us some breakfast in the morning... All you need to do is relax..."
While finally reaching his phone, Jimin peeked at his screen with one eye open and with fast fingers typed SOS to Jungkook, his roommate, whose room was on the other end of their shared apartment.
SOS, three letters that both of them knew very well. Three letters that meant 'save me from my misery' and they were always there to help each other out.
So in the next five minutes, the doors of Jimin's room flew open, and an angry Jungkook came storming inside. He was obviously in a mood to play.
"OH MY GOD! JIMIN!" he yelled from the top of his lungs.
Jimin just rolled his eyes at him, finding the drama in his voice unnecessary.
"WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?! WHYYY?" Jungkook kept overacting and the look on Wonho's face was priceless. Poor guy took his hands off of Jimin, put the blanket protectively over his naked body, fear and disbelief written all over his face.
Who could've blamed him? Jungkook was a big, muscly, confident guy with lots of tattoos and piercings covering his body and face, so it was only natural the guy would fear for his life.
"W-What's going on?" Wonho stuttered and Jimin feared he could have a heart attack if they continued to act this way.
"What's going on? My cheating boyfriend did the same thing again! That's what's going on! And I gave my all to you. My love, my affection, only for you to do this to me. My poor heart." Jungkook put both of his hands on top of his heart, so Wonho looked at Jimin disgustingly. The fact that he was sobbing in a club for the exact same reason (his boyfriend cheated on him) probably made him hate Jimin instantly. Not that Jimin minded, he just wanted the guy out of his bed.
"Come on Jungkookah!" Jimin couldn't not scold his roommate, thinking how he went a bit overboard with the acting.
"Get in the role." Jungkook scolded back, so Wonho looked at both of them perplexed.
"Get in the role of my boyfriend. You suck at being faithful! I can't stand this anymore..." Jungkook corrected himself and then he did something he had never done before.
He came closer to the pair on the bed and with one swift move, he grabbed the end of the blanket that was covering their bodies and tugged it off of them in one fast move.
The blanket fell down on the floor and uncovered Wonho's and Jimin's naked bodies. Well Jimin was fully naked and Wonho had his underwear on, probably put them on after throwing the condom away.
Jimin looked at Jungkook who was pursing his lips, trying hard not to burst into laughter and ruin their cover, while his eyes started roaming all over Jimin's naked body including his dick.
Wonho jumped up and started apologizing to Jungkook, saying his sorry's and how he had no idea Jimin had a boyfriend, and how he's feeling awful, but it seemed like Jungkook couldn't focus on any of it. Jimin's naked body was way more interesting to look at and examine from all available angles.
Seemed like Jimin noticed his roommates' interesting stare so he got up, and while turning his back to the younger, he opened the bottom drawer from his closet and after taking his time in picking what underwear he should put on, he decided flashy pink ones would be just the right choice.
While putting the tight boxer briefs slowly, he bent his body almost in half, being flexible as he is, he knew what kind of sight he was.
The only thing he didn't know was why in the first place was he doing all of this?
To tease Jungkook?
But why?
Cause he uncovered his naked body and stared at him?
They never did that. They were never like this, and that's what confused Jimin the most.
Maybe they were a bit tipsy... Maybe a lot...
"Am I a home wrecker now?"
Jimin and Jungkook got pulled out of their trans by a sobbing Wonho that they both forgot existed.
"What? No." Jimin came closer to the man, but Wonho just winced at his closeness.
"Just go home man." Jungkook said while opening the door for them to exit.
Wonho put his clothes on messily while Jimin just walked outside wearing his flashy little pink boxers.
"I'm so sorry... " Wonho said once more before exiting the door so Jungkook waved him goodbye while Jimin was just standing there awkwardly, acting his role of a cheating boyfriend who just got caught.
"Wanna eat something?" Jungkook was obviously hungry.
"What the fuck was that?"
Jimin pushed the younger on the side the moment he closed the door.
Jungkook laughed.
"I swear to God this was one of the funniest SOS calls we ever did."
"No shit. Why did you push that blanket off of us, you perv?"
Jimin crossed his arms on top of his chest, now feeling a bit ridiculous in those tight pink boxer briefs, all the teasing and the tension faded away the minute Wonho walked out of the apartment.
"I just improvised, come on it was funny. And hyung, seriously, you didn't even come?"
Jungkook looked at him while shaking his head. Showing his disapproval of the older's actions.
"It was a pity fuck!" Jimin bit back.
"Well now I feel pity for you." Jungkook mocked his pain.
Jimin sighed.
"Me too."
They both burst out in laughter, finding the whole situation funny.
"Seriously hyung, when will you find a decent fuck?" Jungkook asked while going to the living room, and after putting only an oversized shirt over his petite body, Jimin followed him too.
"When men start fuck decently." he cocked his eyebrows while grabbing a glass of water, feeling a bit dehydrated from all the action and screaming and just...everything.
"Well last time you had that guy over he looked amazing. What happened with him?" Jungkook asked while heating up some leftover Chinese food for them.
"Didn't I tell you about his micropenis? Seriously, I needed a loupe to find it. It was so small I had to top and I love to bottom so much." Jimin sighed deeply while opening two beer bottles for them and bringing them to the living room table.
"Shit, that sucks. Though, you did complain about Eunwo's dick being too big. Who could please you hyung?" Jungkook brought food and two chopsticks to the table, sitting on the couch next to the older.
"Do you remember me back then?" Jimin asked with a serious face.
"I couldn't walk for three days straight. I was destroyed. No, thank you. Never again."
Jungkook shook his head while eating, smiling at his friend's honest confession.
"Exactly. You're too whiny and needy."
Jimin poked him with his chopstick, acting to be offended.
"Am not. Is it so hard to find a pretty 7.5 inch long dick with nice girth? Is it?"
Jimin was always super dick oriented and knew exactly what he liked and those were his 'perfect dick' measurements that he unfortunately didn't yet have the chance to find.
"Are you describing me?"
Jungkook asked all of a sudden and wow, Jimin's mind started short circulating.
Don't look down, don't look down...don't you dare look down...
He looked down at Jungkook's crotch briefly, even though he knew he couldn't see anything since the younger always wore the widest sweatpants that exist.
"Ha-ha. Very funny. As if I would know that. I never saw your dick so..." Jimin stuffed his mouth with as much food as it fitted there, trying to stop himself from talking further.
"Sounded just like me." Jungkook said unbothered, looking calm and totally ok with all this sex talk.
Jimin on the other hand was not.
It's not the fact that Jungkook could possibly have a perfect cock that bothered him at this point. It was more the fact that the younger had shamelessly looked at his just minutes ago and he had never even peeked to see that 7.5 perfection (if the younger wasn't just teasing him). He did have a lot of opportunities that's for sure, but Jimin never went there. He had never crossed that line cause Jungkook was his friend, his roommate, his wingman and so much more. Lover, a partner, was never an option and they both knew that very well.
"Well since you saw mine minutes ago I'll make sure to keep an eye on yours next time you give me a SOS call." Jimin announced without thinking too much about it, but when he got up to wash the dirty dishes, he realized what he had just said.
Shit, did I just say how I'll look at his cock next time he calls me?
"Go for it. Nothing to be ashamed of over here." Jungkook said smugly while pointing at his crotch, again, looking pretty normal, like nothing happened an hour ago.
Oh, I'm so gonna fucking do it.
"And hyung, seriously, if you need a wingman or want me to fix you up with some of my friends from Uni just let me know cause your men choices are just ridiculous."
"Thank you. I think I need to take a break from all those one night, two night stands... It can be really exhausting." Jimin said while washing the dishes, feeling like he could really tone it down a bit. They had exams soon and he knew the partying and hooking ups should be on hold for the next few weeks.
"Well you are exhausted cause none of them are treating you good. Those guys you find... Not worthy of you. Just saying." Jungkook came from behind and slipped in his plate for Jimin to wash, so he had no idea if the younger said those words truthfully or cause he wanted Jimin to wash all the dishes.
" That's why I'm sticking to the girls these days." the younger added while wiping the table so Jimin scoffed at his words.
"I'm pretty sure Taemin who snuck out of your room last Sunday had a dick between his legs." Jimin said and winked at Jungkook while pointing a finger gun to his chest.
"I forgot about him... But seriously... Who could say no to that ass..." Jungkook said so Jimin nodded.
"Exactly. So damn fine." he agreed in a heartbeat.
"Almost as good as yours hyung."
What the....
Jungkook had always complimented the way Jimin had looked. It was a natural thing for them. When Jungkook would wear his ripped jeans and leather jacket with his hair styled a bit off of his forehead, Jimin would always howl at him, telling him he looks hella fine, wishing him amazing fuck or even better, a threesome.
Only that this time Jimin couldn't stop thinking about the fact that Jungkook had seen the said ass minutes ago and it was in it's full naked glory. Hell, the way he had bent down to grab those boxers made him think that the younger had probably seen more than only his ass cheeks. Way more...
Just the thought made him blush.
"Shut up. Taemin's ass is honestly worthy of topping. I'd hit that too."
Jimin will just get around that comment while complimenting Taemin even more cause he didn't need to know any more details about how Jungkook thinks his ass looks amazing.
"Well since I only top... can't argue with that one."
Jimin smirked at his own victory.
"Though hyung, I always knew you looked good, but seeing you naked tonight... Damn... I'm telling you... Taemin isn't even close to that perfection."
Jimin almost cried at how much he didn't want to hear that.
He didn't want to hear about his roommate thinking about his ass in that way...
He didn't want to indulge himself in the selfish desire to be wanted by such a handsome and sexy man that Jungkook most definitely is, so he bit down any answer he had about that remark and went to his room instead, grabbing a clean towel and some clothes, finally to wash the pity sex off of his body.
"Are you going to sleep after the shower or you're up for watching some movie with me?"
Jungkook asked him while lazily lying on the couch, looking for some new movie to watch, again looking totally unbothered and normal.
" I'm a bit tired to be honest so I think I'm gonna go to bed. You have fun." Jimin said while walking to the bathroom, knowing damn well he would never decline a movie night with his roommate, but something was off tonight, and he really needed some time alone.
" Ok hyungie. See you tomorrow. Have a good night. "
" You too Jungkookah."
While stretching his sore body after yet another dance training he had alone in his room, Jimin noticed a new message on his phone.
After doing the man's split and pushing his body flush to the ground, Jimin got up only to be met with three letters and one clear message from his roommate.
When did he even bring a girl home?
Jimin frowned at the fact that he had no idea Jungkook was going out tonight, pulling a one night stand, and he most certainly didn't hear any sex noises, but that could probably be because he had his ear pods on all the time and Jungkook was never too loud in the first place, though that's something he couldn't say about his partners.
They were so loud, so excited all the time, so needy and greedy that most of the time Jimin needed to use his headphones to help him from not hearing what he didn't want to hear in the first place.
"Yeah baby you fuck me so good..."
"Oh God yes... So full and so hard..."
"Slow down baby, I'll come only from your fingers..."
Yep... Jimin didn't need to hear that.
Cause it was a bit distracting to be honest to know how his roommate fucks and how deep he could go and shit like that. So loud music was a natural option.
While looking at his body in the mirror, Jimin thought about changing quickly cause he was drained in sweat, his tank top with loose sides only covered a little of his torso, and his tight leggings... Well... They're only used when he practiced ballet and contemporary for a reason.
After glancing at his phone and seeing how the message was sent ten minutes ago, he realized that he could possibly be 10 minutes late, so Jimin walked out of his room, wearing that exact sweaty outfit, figuring he could also use that as his cover story.
"Baby I ran home just to see you..." he entered the room and was met with a grateful look on Jungkook's face with a little 'thank God' whispered from his lips.
The girl however, who was cuddled onto Jungkook's side, shot her eyes open, a mix of shame and shock written on her face.
Same old same old.
"Kookah.... What..." she whined quietly so Jungkook did his 'I'm so sorry' apologetic face before getting out of bed.
"Jimin honey it's not what it seems..." he said while walking over to the now visibly shaking Jimin who pretended to be crying while covering his face.
"Do you think I'm stupid?!"
The girl got up and started putting her clothes back on hurriedly.
"No... Baby it's really not what it looks like... We were just talking..." Jungkook came closer, his body on display, wearing only his boxer briefs, and hiding what looked like pretty hard dick underneath it.
"Oh really? You were talking while being naked and your dick is hard for no reason?" Jimin got into his face, eyebrows furrowed, his face still a bit sweaty from his previous activities, so while glancing at the girl who was struggling to put on her leather pants (that can be tricky when you're sweaty) he winked cockily at Jungkook who almost grinned at him.
"It's not even that hard... But if I keep looking at the way you look all sweaty and hot..." Jungkook eyed the older up and down, which made Jimin squirm in place, unable to understand why he was feeling so hot and bothered since the last time Jungkook had seen his naked body.
This has to stop.
Jimin can't feel like this anymore...
He glanced at the younger's cock hidden in his underwear, and a thought occurred to him while looking at the outlined shape of Jungkook's dick being positioned upright on the right side of his lower belly.
Is it 7.5 inches...
I said I would check...
Could I...
Without thinking too much about it, and not having too much time to do so, the girl was almost fully dressed, Jimin positioned his right hand on top of Jungkook's clothed cock and grabbed it firmly in his hold.
"Not hard? Liar." he said while moving his hand down to the base, going slowly up, trying to count those matter fucking inches carefully.
While coming to an end he squeezed the younger's dick head, finding that 0.5 inch that had missed to a perfect 7.5 inches and finally he moved his hand away.
"I said I'll check." Jimin whispered while trying to stay calm cause did he just held Jungkook's dick firmly in his tiny hand for no other reason than his own curiosity?
Shit, fucking hell!
"You sure did." Jungkook said cockily, not minding the girl that was already getting outside of his room, mumbling something as 'weirdos' and 'asshole' while slamming the door shut.
Ok. That's it.
They should celebrate cause the girl had left and Jimin had done his part perfectly.
"So... You liked what you saw?" Jungkook asked just when Jimin was about to leave the room, so he felt his cheeks burning with heat.
"I didn't see anything..." he said matter of factly, hating the way his legs became shaky and his palms started sweating more.
"Felt then?" Why was Jungkook being so persistent and shameless about this?
"Shut up." Jimin pushed at Jungkook's shoulder playfully, figuring ignoring this whole thing was his best option.
Most certainly it was better than drooling over a cock that he knew he can't have, that's for sure.
"Wanna drink some soju and watch the Marvel marathon with me?" Jungkook asked next, totally jumping from 'hey did you like my dick?' to 'let's watch some movie together' and Jimin felt silly, uneasy and weird.
"Sure..." he really couldn't find a good enough reason not to since he had finished with all of his essays, dance routines and having a slight panic attack cause he grabbed his friends dick doesn't count.
"I just need to grab a quick shower first." Jungkook announced while walking towards the bathroom, still only wearing his boxer briefs, looking like a model from the covers of those health & gym magazines.
Jimin couldn't stop thinking about how hard the younger's dick felt in his grip. How girthy and muscly it felt to hold it. It radiated some heat, warmth, and weird sensation while holding it. Jimin should most definitely not think about Jungkook's cock and the way it was weeping for release and Jimin knew exactly what the younger would do while being alone in the bathroom.
"Don't forget to wash the shower cabin nicely."
Jimin's mouth was faster than his brain so he scolded himself mentally.
Great you fucking moron, now he'll feel weird cause of that comment.
"I was planning to."
Jungkook didn't look even slightly bothered. He just cocked his eyebrows at Jimin's direction while entering the bathroom, looking all smug and hot.
Not hot... Not hot...
Jungkook's not hot.
Get it together.
"You're pretty sweaty too hyung..." the younger teased right before entering the bathroom so Jimin stayed put on the spot where he was standing, his brain kept overworking, but he couldn't figure if Jungkook meant for him to take a shower now? As in now, now... As in with him... Or he just noticed the older was plain dirty. Dirty as in sweaty, not dirty minded that is...
Luckily for him, Jungkook didn't give him enough time to panic over his possibly suggestive words cause he closed the bathroom door behind him and Jimin was finally left alone to catch a breath and do something about his ongoing erection that was getting bigger and bigger the more he imagined Jungkook and his perfect dick in the shower cabin splashed with hot water, and no, no, no, no, no, no ,no, no, no, no, no... dear God no... Jimin will most certainly not go there. There's nothing fun in fantasizing about your roommate's dick that you shouldn't most certainly imagine between your ass cheeks or perhaps inside your mouth or on top of your own dick, or... well anywhere to be quite honest... Jimin would want it anywhere and anytime and that's what scared him cause this was his Jungkookie, his friend, roommate, his wingman with whom he had lived for three years now and they never had sexual comments around each other... They did, but they were always about other people, not about them and their body parts.
Maybe I should just go to bed and pretend to be asleep after Jungkook finishes with the bathroom...
Jimin walked inside his room, but the moment his eyes saw a glimpse of his still sweaty body and messed up hair and flushed cheeks and a fucking boner...
Oh hell no...
He knew he was screwed. He could never lie in his bed like this. He needed a bath and he needed to play this cool.
After spying by the bedroom door, trying to hear when the younger would open the bathroom door so that he could grab a shower himself, Jimin was relieved when he heard footsteps and then the door of Jungkook's bedroom shutting closed.
Now's my chance.
Jimin walked fast, but still on his tippy toes, big fluffy towel in his hands and a pair of oversized sweats and hoodie to match the whole 'I'm not sexy and horny' look.
While taking a well deserved shower, Jimin tried his best not to think about Jungkook's dick and how it felt to have it in his hand.
He looked around and saw a spotless shower cabin so he thought about if the younger had jerked off in it and washed it clean afterwards... Did he come hard or it was just a quick fix... What did he think about? Could his dick get any bigger than that perfect 7.5 inches. He wished it couldn't...
After drying his body and trying not to tap too much over his still sensitive dick, Jimin let his hair to be damp and wild, figuring it could dry itself on its own, so after wearing that 'hobo style' hoodie and sweatpants he went out of the bathroom.
"You finished hyung?"
Suddenly he heard Jungkook's voice from the living room.
"With what?" Jimin felt so confused. This isn't happening.
"Shower?" Jungkook said while looking at him as if the question was being silly.
"Oh yes... yeah... shower...."
You idiot.
"I did... Mhm..." Jimin just couldn't stop rumbling embarrassingly.
"Are we gonna watch the movie now?" Jungkook asked while plopping himself back on the couch, looking squishy and adorable in his own oversized shirt and sweats.
"Yeah... sure..." Jimin said while nodding, fearing how this could be a bad idea at the moment.
"Come here then..." Jungkook patted the spot next to him so Jimin looked at it with fear.
That's too fucking close, I'm still semi hard...
" I just need to drop these off and I'm all yours..." Jimin trailed off while taking a few steps closer to his room then came back hurriedly.
"Not all yours as in... you know... I meant as I'm all yours so we could watch a movie together..." he only made the situation worse.
"Hyungie... just come here I wanna watch a movie and stop being such a pain in the ass."
Luckily for him, Jungkook just being Jungkook was enough for him to snap out of the 'sex trance' he had put himself into, so after showing the younger his middle finger Jimin went to his room just to leave the towel and to grab his phone, so in no time he was sitting next to Jungkook who had made them some popcorn while Jimin was in the shower and had opened up some beers too.
Half way into the movie, Jimin felt good. He felt a bit tipsy and tired too, but he felt like they were back to being their normal roommate selves.
"What happened with the girl tonight?" Jimin asked cause he was seriously interested in why did Jungkook needed his help in the first place. They would usually have this kind of conversation after their SOS calls so why should this time be any different.
"I don't know... I just wasn't feeling it. She was too whiny and just too... goody two shoes I guess and tonight I was more into some kinky stuff and rougher fuck."
Oh no God please no....
"Oh..." Jimin's weak little answer.
Silly for him to think how he would be totally ok with talking about sex with Jungkook this freely an hour after grabbing his dick like he did.
"You should probably tell her that... Good communication is the key to good sex..." Jimin tried to be something like supportive...
Jungkook just shifted his body so that he was leaning more onto Jimin's side now.
The older pretended he didn't have a problem with that.
The side where Jungkook was leaning onto his body was burning.
"Nah... sometimes the talk is overrated. I just like when I'm on the same page as the person I fuck. I don't want it to be difficult or a lot of work... I just like it to be spontaneous and natural and well... kinky sometimes."
Jimin laughed at his last words.
"Oh I know how you like it..."
Again, that sounded wrong.
"I mean I saw it... Remember that time you texted me when you were having handcuffs and your middle was only covered with that silk scarf?"
Jungkook giggled.
"How could I forget. Your face was priceless when you entered."
Jimin pushed his side playfully.
"How did you even text me without your hands?"
"With my feet."
Jimin laughed out loud.
"Come on. Seriously?"
"I mean that's why I sent you SOD instead of SOS I was happy to send you anything at that point cause I feared my hands would fall off from bad circulation."
Jimin shook his head.
"Kinky brat."
Jungkook scoffed.
"You said it as if I haven't walked in on you that day when you wore leather shorts and the guy on your bed was fucking covered in candle wax and you had a fucking whip in your hand."
Jimin gulped.
Yep, that happened once. He'll admit that.
"Well that was the reason I called you for help. I was pretty sure the guy was seconds away from asking me to cover his dick in wax and that's just... no... Should've known better when he told me to wear a leather outfit and to use that whip on him."
"Yeah. You're lucky you have me. I'm your savior."
Jimin ruffled Jungkook's hair, making it all messy and cute.
He really looked so young and soft while being freshly showered and in oversized clothes.
"Well I've saved your ass just as much as you saved mine."
"Can't argue with that one."
Jungkook agreed and moved even closer, cuddling onto Jimin's side, making the older to open his arm and welcome him into his embrace.
It's not the first time they spend their night cuddled up in front of TV, but it sure is the first time where Jimin felt uneasy about it. He felt like he can't simply touch Jungkook's skin without thinking about whether he's crossed some invisible boundary, or if he'll make the younger uncomfortable... He couldn't help but to feel that way.
They were roommates for a long time now and knew each other for eternity, being from the same city, Busan, and going in the same high school they really had a history together, but they had never hooked up, had never even kissed on those countless parties in a truth or game dare, had never even thought about it. Well until now... Jimin's mind got filled with Jungkook and his hot body and perfect dick with his cute face that didn't match his sexappeal ... And he's there, cuddled into Jimin's embrace, asking for caressing and Jimin felt hard to breathe..
"Why do you think we always do the same thing with people we sleep with?" Jungkook pulled him out of his thoughts.
"Do what?"
"Kick them out right after using them only for sex, a quick release..."
Jungkook was right. It's not like it was some kind of rule in their apartment that their sex partners can't stay over the whole night, they just never felt the need for that. It was always a fun night out, fuck, leave, hang out with Jungkook. That was their thing and they never complained about their dynamics.
"I don't know... We're busy, relationships are hard and we need to focus on Uni and we don't want to jeopardize falling on exams... Could be that..." Jimin struggled to give him a better answer cause he didn't have one. He knew relationships need work, but their friends were in happy and committed relationships for years and they also knew how when you put some effort in it, nothing's impossible.
" Could be... And I think we kind of wanted to have that reckless phase of no strings attached sex and partners that are meant to be a regret, so that we could prepare ourselves for the next right thing...the next natural step..."
What is Jungkook talking about? Is he trying to tell me how he's ready to date someone seriously??? But... That doesn't make any sense...
" Are you even ready for the next right thing? You sure did have a lot of fun in the past. " Jimin needed to check. They're friends. They talk about everything and anything...
"I don't know... It was just a thought... I'm tired and overthinking probably..." Jungkook said while stretching his arms high above his head, the hem of his shirt got up so Jimin stared at the exposed skin on Jungkook's lower belly and those sexy V lines that were pointing down at that 7.5 inch perfection.
" I think settling down really has to mean something, and it has to be with someone you love... I think I'm still not ready to give up on my single life... I really enjoy how easy everything is.." Jimin explained, hoping the younger felt the same way cause imagining Jungkook in a relationship, liking someone romantically and not just sexually made him to feel kind of awkward and uneasy.
" Slutty hyung. You just want to show off that sexy body of yours to the other men so that they can cry over something they'll never have more than once. "
Jimin poked his sides, getting up to go to his room, unable to respond anything at that.
"Shut up." Weak attempt at an answer.
"Is my hyung getting shy all of a sudden?" Jungkook was such a tease.
Jimin shook his head while blushing hot pink.
"No? It really doesn't make sense you know..." Jungkook got up too, making a few steps closer to Jimin, ready to go to his room.
"What doesn't?" Jimin feared to even ask.
"Being that good looking and also being shy." Jungkook crossed his arms on top of that broad chest of his, making a point.
Jimin scratched the back of his neck shyly, unable to take the compliment when he knew the younger had seen him naked before. He couldn't argue with it either...
"Even your dick is pretty..."
And oh fucking shit, Jungkook did not just complimented his fucking dick. How in hell is that normal? HOW?
"T-Thank you...and bye."
Jimin said it like a whisper and literally stormed inside his room, hating the giggles he heard behind him, knowing damn well that Jungkook knew how bothered he was cause of the shameless compliment.
He jerked off that night before falling asleep.
7.5 inches flashed in front of his eyes.
"So how was your week?" Hoseok asked after sipping on his Sprite, waiting for his burger to come.
"Amazing actually. " Jimin said while glancing at the menu, second guessing his decision not to get a burger for himself, even though he wasn't feeling hungry in the first place.
"I finished my Dance theory essay, then I finally fixed my black roots, I even thought for one second to go from blond to kind of silverish or grey, and then I went with Tae and Yoongi hyung the other day to watch that new Spiderman movie, and I think I'm sexually attracted to Jungkook."
Jimin sipped on his coffee right after telling his best friend how his week has been going, and it was pretty funny how Hoseok's pure brain needed a minute to get what Jimin had said to him.
"I'm surprised you didn't watch the new Spiderman movie with Jungkookah. You know how much he's into Marvel mo- wait what did you say?" Hoseok finally got it.
"I watched the movie with Tae and Yoongi hyung."
"No. Not that part."
"I finished my essay..." Jimin was playing dumb.
"I think I want to have sex with Jungkook."
Saying it out loud sounded even more confusing and weird and just wrong...
"What? Why? You guys were the example of two people not ruining their friendship just cause they're both single and hot and not to mention how you never ever had mentioned Jungkook in that way and you guys literally live together for three years. What changed?" Hoseok's lips were slightly turned downright, obviously not satisfied with what his friend had recently told him.
"It's cause he has a 7.5 inches long dick... I think... " Jimin decided to explain it like that. Maybe that's even the truth... Partially.
"What?" Hoseok only got even more confused.
"It's just...that dick's so perfect and I want it..." Jimin whined while pushing his hair off of his face looking hopeless and confused at the same time.
"So you have already seen it? How? Why?" Hoseok didn't understand any of this.
"No. No. No. No... I haven't seen it." Jimin said quickly, shaking his head like seeing Jungkook's dick would be such a bad idea. Then he remembered what he had done to it.
"How do you know then?"
"I might have touched it." he said like a whisper, hating the big O shaped lip expression on Hoseok's face.
"You did not! Why?"
Jimin bit down on his lower lip, feeling ashamed and worthy of judgement.
"Well it's cause he saw me naked first. And he wouldn't stop talking about how hot my ass looks and how I have pretty dick and I said that I'll check his out too, cause double standards and shit... So I did.'' Again, his attempt to explain things only made Hoseok drop his chin on top of his hands, looking lost and totally confused now.
"Let me get this straight. You've touched his dick cause he was teasing you? "
Jimin nodded.
" Jimin! "
" He was ok with it. I mean... He teased me telling me how he has perfect cock and how he can fuck good and... Oh my God maybe I misunderstood all of this and fuck I'm gonna have a panic attack. "
Jimin put both of his hands on top of his heart, breathing deeply in and out.
" Jimin fuck, calm down... Ok... Sorry for making you anxious, but I would never in a million years assume that one day this could happen. Jungkookah and you are really good friends, roommates for years, you have amazing friendship and neither him or you had said anything about fucking each other, being attracted to each other. Damn it, you guys have been each other's wingmen for so long that I just got surprised by your words. That's all.... " Hoseok kept caressing Jimin's back, trying to calm him down the best way he could.
" I'm such a fool... What was I thinking? He says one fucking comment about my ass being perfect and I want him to fuck me. Who am I?" Jimin shook his head, thinking how he could possibly be misreading all of this.
" I mean I'll admit that your ass is perfect. Does that mean you want me to fuck you too? " Hoseok smiled devilishly at his best friend so Jimin smiled back, slapping his giggly friend playfully over his arm. His comment helped him instantly to feel better.
"Oh come on. It wasn't just that... It was something more... I don't know... I just felt different ever since he saved me from that unfortunate fuck with Wonho and when he had seen me naked... He kind of looked at me lustfully and then he bragged about his dick being just the way I like it to be... I don't know anymore... I probably imagined it all."
Jimin really thought about replaying Jungkook's words, and why in the first place he had felt attracted to Jungkook these past few weeks and if all of this was in his head only.
" That's why you have to go to Chan's party tonight with Tae and me. There's gonna be a lot of hot guys and I think you just need a good fuck to forget about all of that mess you've put yourself into."
Jimin nodded enthusiastically, not sure if another hook up was a good idea.
Still, he was willing to try.
The thing Jimin wanted to achieve with his seethrough red top and tight white pants was definitely screaming *single and ready to fuck*.
The thing he had no idea he would accomplish is a hungry stare accompanied by an even hungrier gulp from his roommate the moment he tried to calmly walk out of their shared apartment.
It's all in your head... Stop imagining things...
Jimin was trying to stop himself from overthinking every single detail from the way Jungkook's eyes had roamed his almost naked body, to a lip lick indicating his mouth got dry...
He'll not think about that and he'll just act normally, as he always did.
"Kookah, can you help me with this chain... I can't put it on..." Jimin came closer to the younger who was still looking at him in awe, getting up from the couch that he was comfortably sitting on.
"Sure. Turn around."
Jungkook took the pretty heavy silver chain and while putting it on, he brushed Jimin's neck softly with his knuckles, and then went even a bit lower, over his moon tattoo and Jimin was shivering...
No... It's fine... This is fine...
"Hyung..." Jungkook's voice was deep and raspy.
"Yes..." Jimin's was weak.
He turned around, hands coming up to double check if his chain was positioned nicely.
"Why do you look so good?"
"I'm going to that party at Chen's..."
That was the reason.
"And you're looking this good cause...." it seemed like Jungkook needed a better response than the one Jimin gave him.
"Cause I'm going out and I'm supposed to look good..."
Jungkook nodded.
"Now I wish I was going with you guys." Jungkook said while entering the kitchen, grabbing new beer, and sitting back on the couch, his eyes still fixated on Jimin's form, lips coming slowly to sip on that lucky bottle.
"Why? Wanna have fun before new exams? I could wait for you if you want." Jimin invited him like he always does, thinking how maybe Jungkook would like a quick break from his studying or something.
"Nah... I have two essays to finish. And to be completely honest, I don't think I could focus on anyone tonight since you look so damn good."
This is totally fine. We always compliment each other... Don't freak out...
"Thank you. I'll come home late... So... Sleep well... And good luck with your essays." Jimin tried to wrap this whole conversation up, feeling just slightly awkward and a lot uneasy with Jungkook's compliments.
It's all in your head...
"Hey hyung..."
Jungkook called after Jimin while he was putting his white leather jacket on.
"Feel free to call me if you need me tonight." Jungkook said while getting up, wanting to properly see Jimin out. Something he had never done before.
"Oh... Of course... I know the word. SOS right?" Jimin said more like a question, cause is this really what Jungkook was talking about?
After a way too long pause, the younger nodded.
"Sure... I'm here for you..."
Jimin nodded too, waving the younger goodbye.
What if he was thinking about something else... No... Don't go there... You're not allowed to think about that...
An hour into the party, Jimin wasn't thinking about Jungkook.
Well he wasn't thinking at all...
He got so wasted that his eyes could only process the faded shades of people's silhouettes dancing around him and it felt good. It felt nice not to think about anything at all... To simply feel the music and to sway his body in the rhythm of the bass loudly echoing in the room.
He felt free, drunk, sexy, and the amount of men and women fighting for his attention made him feel cocky and bold so while swaying his hips around, always being in perfect sync with the song, he felt hands grabbing his waist roughly, pulling him closer to a buff man's body.
"You look so hot tonight." The unknown man whispered into Jimin's ear, but instead of feeling aroused or excited, he kind of felt sick to his stomach, cause the man's cologne was so strong, he was positive it would give him a headache or something.
"And you are?" Jimin moved slightly away, escaping the tight grip the man had on his waist.
"I'm Mingyu. We actually met a few months ago at Eunwo's party, but you were with your boyfriend back then. I don't see him now though..."
Jimin frowned... Boyfriend?
"I don't have a boyfriend..." he said while trying to figure out who he had hooked up with at that party, but he remembered having too much to drink and Jungkook carrying him home.
"Amazing. I guess I can have you all by myself tonight."
The man slid his hands down Jimin's back and tried to put them on Jimin's ass, but he wasn't having any of it.
With the little strength he had in him, Jimin grabbed the man's hands and pushed them away.
"I don't think so. I actually wanna dance alone..." Jimin tried to move away, but the man's grip only became stronger.
"Then why did you try to seduce me the whole night? I saw you shaking that hot ass of yours right in front of me." The man was persistent.
"If you knew how drunk I am and how I don't see literally a thing in front of me, you'd know how I wasn't seducing anyone including you." Jimin said it with a mocking smirk on his face which made the man only more impatient and angry.
"You're playing hard to get?" he said while coming closer again so Jimin shook his head, trying to move away from the pushy man, but he kept walking towards him, now looking kind of intimidating and crazy.
"Can you just leave me alone..." Jimin said it loudly, but he was not sure the man heard him cause the music was pretty loud, and then he felt hands on him, holding him in place from behind.
"Hyung, are you ok?"
Thank God.
"Ah... it's you again..." the man rolled his eyes so Jungkook took a step forward, now standing in front of Jimin's smaller body.
"Do you have a problem or something?"
As much as Jimin would like to say how he didn't need anyone to save him from this troubled man, he was kind of glad Jungkook was here. The man was big, but Jungkook was just as buff and looked good and intimidating. He smelled amazing too. Their closeness made Jimin a bit dizzy.
"Nope man. Chill out... Your boyfriend was getting a bit slutty on the dance floor... that's all... we all want some of that ass..." the man kept talking while scoffing, and when Jimin saw Jungkook's hand clenching into a tight fist, he knew there was trouble coming up.
"No... Jungkookah..."
"What did you just say?" Jungkook moved step forward, pushing his chest onto the other man's chest.
"He didn't mean it... Jungkookah..." Jimin took Jungkook's hands in his, trying to stop him from even thinking about throwing the first punch cause he was never into drama although Jungkook would never hesitate to throw the first punch if that was necessary to defend his friends, and Jimin knew that very well.
"I'm out of here... maybe some other time...." the man winked at Jimin who made a disgusting grimace, not even trying to hide how repulsed he was by the said man's obnoxious behavior.
"Why the hell did you let him talk to you that way?" Jungkook turned around, grabbing Jimin's shoulders, looking pissed.
"Cause I don't care what he says... I'm sorry cause of the boyfriend comment, it obviously made you uncomfortable and angry..."
Jungkook interrupted Jimin in the middle of his sentence.
"You think that was the reason I got angry? Cause he thought I was your boyfriend? Hyung... come on... He called you slutty and there's no one in this world who I would let call you that way."
Jimin took a deep breath.
Oh that's what was bothering him, not... oh... ok...
"As I said... I don't care about any of it. I was dancing a maybe a bit more freely... I don't even know, Kookah I'm wasted..."
Jimin hiccups so Jungkook finally smiles at him.
"I know how you dance hyung. I've seen it all... still, no one can insult you or treat you badly. I won't let that happen. Ok?"
Jimin felt warmth spreading from his heart down to his inner thighs.
Fucking hell...
"Dance with me..." Jimin put both of his hands over Jungkook's neck, coming impossibly close to the younger's body.
He's so fucking thick...
Jungkook positioned his hands on Jimin's waist, squeezing at the flesh slightly under his see-through shirt, making Jimin shiver from the touch.
They moved their bodies slowly, not even caring that they're more inside the kitchen than in the living room where everyone was dancing. They don't care that the song is more of an upbeat house tune cause they dance slowly, just lightly moving in rhythm, caressing their thighs one over another, breathing deeply and closely, Jimin's face positioned into the crook of Jungkook's neck that smelled heavenly, and the younger caressed Jimin's hair with his jaw and chin.
It felt good and intimate and wrong... so wrong that it must be sin to be this aroused and overwhelmed by every single thing that Jimin was feeling.
Jimin moved his face even closer to Jungkook's neck, brushing the soft skin with his nose, coming closer to the younger's ear with his lips... He had no idea what he was going to say or do, and luckily he didn't get the chance to do anything.
"Jiminah, Jungkookah you're here, we've been looking for you two..." Hoseok's voice made them take a step back, away from the warmth they have created with their connected bodies, both of them looking flustered and blushed, but not caring about it too much.
"We were just dancing..." Jimin tried to justify his behavior cause he knew Hoseok's opinion about all of this, but the moment he turned around to face his friend, he felt Jungkook's hands wrapped tightly over his waist, the younger's head drop at the older's shoulder, making their proximity non-existent again.
"Mhm..." Hoseok hummed while glancing at both of them, eyeing the way Jungkook nuzzled Jimin's neck closely, smelling the spot just under the older's ear.
Jimin was so turned on, he almost moaned....
Must be the alcohol.
"We wanted to grab some burgers since there's no food here and you know how cranky Jin hyung get's if he doesn't eat in hours, so are you two coming with us?" Hoseok asked, still looking closely at the sight in front of him.
Jimin made a mistake of turning his head slightly to the left where he was met with Jungkook's lips an inch away from his, the younger's breath hot and airy, flowing over his spit slicked lips. He glanced down, then back up, meeting Jungkook's dark eyes, asking him if they should go with the rest of the guys without saying a word.
"No... Jimin hyung is a bit drunk so I think we'll head home now." Jungkook said before caressing Jimin's neck with his nose, inhaling there deeply, making the older's dick to jump from excitement.
Hosek nodded, giving them a fond smile before waving goodbye and exiting through the back door leaving them behind.
Just like Jungkook had said, in the next ten minutes, they were driving back to their apartment, and Jimin felt uneasy.
He glanced at his phone, just to check time, and saw one new message from Hoseok.
Hobi hyung
You were right.
You're so getting that dick!
Jimin almost dropped his phone after reading his message, so Jungkook glanced at him.
"Everything ok?"
Jimin nodded rapidly, unable to say a word.
The drive home was silent which was the reason Jimin felt his eyes heavy and sleepy... Could be cause of the alcohol too.
He didn't even realize when he had fallen asleep, when they had come home until he felt a pair of strong arms taking him up into the apartment.
While coming inside, he nuzzled his head into the younger's neck, loving the familiar scent, softness and closeness.
Jungkook put him down on the bed, and removed his clothes until Jimin was only in his red underwear (he matched it with his top) and then he covered his body with a soft, white blanket that Jimin loved the most.
The older couldn't speak. He was too drunk, too tired, too dazed by everything that was happening, but even though he was almost in deep sleep, he could still feel the younger's lips grazing softly over his exposed neck.
"Sleep well hyungie." Jungkook whispered right before kissing his sensitive neck, so Jimin let a small, inevitable moan escape his lips before turning to the side, trying to get some sleep.
Maybe he was dreaming...
Why would Jungkook kiss his neck?
Unless he was thinking about the same exact thing as Jimin had for the past few weeks.
Pretty sounds were coming inside Jimin's room, little birds were happily singing their favorite song which felt like a heavy metal death song that kept drilling holes inside his head.
A fucking party and alcohol...
Jimin knew it all.
He had a master's degree in handling hangovers and this was one that needed immediate attention.
With heavy eyes and even heavier limbs, Jimin stumbled out of his bed, and walked to his closet, where he had stared at his naked body for a second, rethinking if he was the one who took off his own clothes, figuring, probably not. He didn't mind. Nothing Jungkook hadn't seen before.
While putting a simple black t-shirt over his torso, deciding to stay in his underwear only cause the shirt was more like a dress on him (it was probably Jungkook's) Jimin went out of his room slowly, registering voices talking from the living room.
"... so this is a third date then?" he heard Tae's voice and then a chuckle that he recognized as Jungkook's voice.
"As I said, not a date. We're just meeting to discuss our new Uni assignment together."
"And you look this good for no reason? Cut the bullshit, just admit you like her." Tae was persistent, and Jimin's blood was boiling inside his head.
"I'm literally wearing my cargo pants and a t-shirt. What are you talking about?"
"Exactly. You would wear sweatpants if you didn't like her."
"We're going to some coffee shop she likes so I'm not supposed to wear sweatpants."
"Aha! It's a coffee date then. Nice. Well have fun you two." Tae said devilishly, and Jimin wanted to throw up.
Is Jungkook dating someone?
Is he in love?
Why did he do what he did last night?
Maybe I was just dreaming...
After figuring he might have heard more than enough about this topic, Jimin slammed the door of his room and pretended that he had just woken up while walking lazily into the living room.
"Hey sleepyhead..." Jungkook greeted him with a wide smile, so Jimin tried to smile back as enthusiastically.
"Sweetie you look like shit." Tae was never the one to go around the bush with his compliments.
"That's exactly how I feel." Jimin agreed with Tae before going to the kitchen to grab some water and Aspirin.
"What happened last night? Who was that guy you were dancing with?" Tae asked so Jimin needed a second to remember how there was actually a guy last night, the only problem is, he forgot all about him already.
"Don't know him. He said something about seeing me before and he was a bit pushy to be honest." Jimin explained while glancing at Jungkook who was putting on his bomber jacket, getting ready to leave.
"He was rude and not worthy of your attention... I'm happy I had decided to come to the party after all, cause that guy was trouble and you know it."
"I know. I wasn't planning on doing anything with him. He was not my type like at all." Jimin made a disgusting face so Jungkook chuckled.
"Yeah... That's why I had my concerns. You always go for those who are wrong for you." Jungkook teased while grabbing his keys and Jimin didn't like his comment. Maybe he was being a bit petty cause of the whole 'girl thing' he just heard.
"As if your choices are any better. You fucking call me almost every week to save your sorry ass from bad one night stands." he crossed his arms on top of his stomach, bringing his sassy mood on.
"I never said I'm any better, but I'm getting better though.. Can't tell the last time I had to call you to help me out."
Jimin scoffed.
"You forgot when Irene made a bubble bath filled with rose pettals and essential oils for you and her after sex and you called me in the middle of my reading to help?"
Jungkook chuckled.
"What's so funny?" Jimin found him annoying.
"Do you remember what you had said when you walked in the bathroom?"
Jimin tried to remember, but failed.
"You stormed inside acting to be hurt and crying and all of a sudden you said how you hate me and how I'm the worst boyfriend ever and how you even thought of carrying my pups."
Jimin slapped his forehead with the palm of his hand.
"You know damn well how I get when I'm reading my A/B/O fics."
Jungkook laughed out loud.
"Luckily she was so surprised to see you in there that she just ran away as fast as her legs could carry her."
Jimin nodded.
"Yeah... Sorry about that one..."
"You're getting a little rusty with the excuses hyung. You really need to step up your game." Jungkook teased again, so Jimin's cheeks blushed hot pink cause he remembered damn well that the last time he was in Jungkook's room, saving him from yet another miserable situation that he was in, Jimin's game was perfect... Jimin's hand was filled with the younger's hard cock and there was no better way for him to end the younger's misery. At least for him it was perfect.
"And your whining and crying and overly dramatic acting is better?" Again, Jimin was petty.
Jungkook put his hand on his chest, acting to be hurt, mouth shaped into big O, frown permanently on his face.
"Exactly! Drama queen." Jimin scolded his 'too much' expression and looked at Tae for confirmation.
"I'm amazing at acting, you're just jealous. Tell him Tae!" Now Jungkook was looking at Tae who just shook his head, disappointed with their silly behavior.
"Seriously... What's wrong with you two?"
Jimin and Jungkook burst out laughing, finding Tae's confused face funny as hell, so finally Jungkook let go of the whole argument of who's better at getting them out of bad one night stands, and left for his 'not date' with his 'not girlfriend'.
" Where is Jungkook going so early?" Jimin asked the moment the doors were closed, knowing damn well what he had heard, but wanting to know more.
"He said he's working on some assignment with this girl, Chaeryeong, and I saw them two times already just hanging out. Might be that our Jungkookie is finally ready to settle down and try the real deal." Tae explained with excitement, but Jimin didn't find it exciting at all. He was rather sick, but blamed it on the alcohol.
" He never mentioned her... " Jimin said weakly while making some coffee for his spent brain.
" That's cause he's all mysterious and secretive when it comes to dating. I mean, have you ever seen him with a girl or a guy holding hands? Being more than just a quick fuck? " Tae asked and Jimin already knew the answer.
Of course not.
"Have you seen me?" Jimin asked while already knowing the answer.
Tae squinted his eyes, looking at Jimin suspectedly.
"Oh my God you two are the same!" Tae came to an important revelation.
"You never date, only fuck around. That's just wrong. You need to stop this. Don't you ever wish to have someone to hold, hug, cuddle, talk to when you're having a hard time?" Tae was always a romantic soul.
"Well... It would be nice to have someone to fuck with regularly that's for sure." Jimin teased but his mind went to 7.5 inches instantly so he regretted his words.
Not Jungkook... Not him...
"You and your 7.5 inches. Tell me when you find one." it seemed like Tae read his mind. Although, Jimin did talk about perfect dick with his best friends a lot.
This was the time maybe to even mention Jungkook's dick and his perfect length and girth, and for one moment it even crossed Jimin's mind, but he stopped himself cause even though Tae was one of his best friends, he was also Jungkook's best friend so he didn't wanna make this whole situation weirder than it was.
"I need to get laid..."
Instead, that's what came out of Jimin's mouth while sitting next to Tae on the couch, making himself comfortably cuddled onto his side.
"What exactly didn't you get from 'you need to settle down'?"
Jimin faked a smile, not wanting to elaborate how he needs to find a decent fuck so that he could forget about Jungkook and his perfect dick asap.
"I'm just tired and anxious cause of the exams and I think having some fun couldn't harm me."
Tae clicked his tongue unapprovingly.
"I still think you should try to go out on a normal date and explore relationships more."
"Who was my best fuck these days? I could just call someone..." Jimin continued while ignoring Tae's comments.
"Oh God kill me..."
Jimin nudged him to the side, not liking his friend's response.
"Come on, I tell you everything about my one night stands. You have to help me out... Please, I'm desperate..." Jimin batted his eyelashes at his friend, acting all cute and innocent even though there was nothing innocent in his request.
"As if I listen to your rant about who fucks the best or how Minho has the best dick but not as good dicking game, or how Sujin has the ghirtiest cock that you almost couldn't take, but good prepping is the key, or..."
Jimin jumped up.
"That's right. Sujin. Thick as hell... He could work. I need it to be memorable and unforgettable..."
Tae rolled his eyes while shaking his head.
"I'm disappointed in you. You should really look up to Jungkookie and his new ways of getting to know someone, giving another person a chance for the real deal..."
Jimin took a deep breath.
"Are you ok with Jungkook dating?"
Oh fuck.
"Yeah... Why do you ask?" instead of answering Jimin asked a question trying to sound not as bothered as he was.
"Well you two live together... I mean it would be totally different if either one of you dated someone. You'd be hearing sex noises all the time." Tae giggled at his remark, but Jimin just waved his hand instead.
"Been there, done that. We have a rule, if you're having a one night stand, and things get heated, use ear pods and do not interrupt unless we message each other SOS, cause that's our code for..."
"... I know, you psychos I know it all." Tae interrupted him so Jimin laughed while laying back down, snuggled onto Tae's side.
" No, seriously Tae Tae, thank you. "
The younger looked at Jimin with fondness.
" What for babe? "
" For making my next fuck decision easier. Sujin it is. "
Tae got up and slapped Jimin's ass.
"You're the worst and I'm leaving now."
"I love you too and I'm gonna sleep all day."
"Good. I hope you'll sleep on that stupid decision of yours too."
"Getting fucked by a huge dick you mean?" Jimin showed the length and girth with his hands. Tae opened his mouth wide, shocked by what he saw.
"That actually sounds tasty."
Jimin chuckled.
"Yah! Go and drool over Yoongi hyung's cock, leave mine alone."
"I think I actually might go to see him for a quicky. This whole sex talk made me needy and horny." Tae palmed his dick over a gray pants he was wearing so Jimin threw a pillow at him.
"Hey, stop it. And tell Yoongi hyung to say thank you after you two finish with having fun."
That's how he got a message while making some ramen for himself in the kitchen that made him squeal out loud in surprise.
Sincerely, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Jimin just chuckled at his message, knowing exactly what he was thanking him for.
After sleeping the whole day as he said he would, Jimin changed his mind. Like 37 times.
One minute he was like, I'm gonna call Sujin and let him fuck all the stupid thoughts about Jungkook out of me...
Then he was like, why would I do that? There's no point. Jungkook and I are fine and we can do whatever we want with our lives...
The thing that actually was a deal breaker and made him stick to his 'get that thick dick' plan was the fact that on a perfect Friday evening, Jimin came back home after his hip hop dance classes and saw a sight that bothered him to his core.
"Jiminie hyung, you're home... I left you some kimbap and soup if you're hungry." Jungkook said while sitting on the couch, and next to him was a cute, redhead girl with a small, almost shy smile on her face.
"And this is Chaeryoung." he added casually and Jimin tried really hard to smile back as cutely although he felt totally opposite.
"Hi. I'm Jimin. I'm Jungkook's roommate. Um... thanks for the food, but I'm actually late. I just need to grab a quick shower and I'm gonna leave you two alone..."
Jimin wasn't late to anything. He actually prayed to God that Tae and Yoongi were home and that they'll welcome him for dinner or a wine night cause the last thing he wanted was to be a third wheel for Jungkook and his new fling or whatever she was.
"Oh... You're going out? Is there a party somewhere? Tae didn't mention anything." Jungkook looked at him with a confused expression and Jimin didn't know what to say.
Nope, I'm just afraid I might lose my mind if I see or hear you having sex...
Yeah that's not gonna happen.
"No... I'm just gonna grab some beer at the Pub..." he almost stuttered.
Jungkook frowned.
"With whom?"
Jimin scratched his neck nervously.
Say something for fucks sake... With whom?
"Um... Sujin..."
That's the first name that came to mind.
"Oh... Sujin, Eunwo's cousin?" Jungkook obviously needed more details.
Is he Eunwo's cousin? For fucks sake....
"Yeah... So you two have fun and I'll see you soon... Or not... Maybe I won't come home tonight." Jimin said a bit awkwardly and he shot the air gun right after, making himself look even weirder than before.
Jungkook glanced at Chaeryeong who blushed at Jimin's comment, and then nodded right after.
"Have fun hyungie. If you need me just give me a call. Ok?"
Jimin smiled at him fondly. The first honest smile for tonight.
"I will. Thank you. Bye."
So that's how Jimin found himself on Tae and Yoongi's couch, a glass of wine in his hand, sending a suggestive message to Sujin with a thick dick.
Hi you. I was wondering, if your dick is as good as it was before, maybe we could meet up and have fun again.
The message was straight forward cause Jimin didn't have the patience to go around the bush since this whole thing with Jungkook was eating him alive.
Not even a minute after, his phone announced that he had received a new message.
It's just as good as before and I would love to show you some good times like I did before. Wanna come to my place tonight? Or we could meet at yours tomorrow night?
Jimin thought about his options. Maybe having Sujin in his own bed would be better cause he could forget about the images of Jungkook and his perfect cock and the way he stared at Jimin's naked body, and the way the older had grabbed his dick and just... everything.
Tomorrow's fine. Come to my place at 10.
Can't wait.
While waking up on Tae's couch Jimin glanced at his phone.
One new message.
Hyung, when are you coming home?
We're out of ramen. Could you buy us some?
Jimin read the message again.
That mother fucker could go and get us ramen himself.
I'll be there in an hour.
If I'm buying you're gonna make us some.
I'll wait for u.
So Jimin drank a cup of coffee with Yoongi real quick, Tae was always the one to sleep the most, and after buying some ramen he went straight home.
"Kookah I'm home." he yelled while entering their apartment, and heard some rustling in the kitchen.
"Oh hey, I'm making us some fried rice and pork meat too. All I need is those ramen cups and we're ready to go."
Jimin gave him the bag with food and enjoyed the amazing smell that consumed the whole apartment.
"Woah Kookah, smells amazing. I'm so hungry right now."
The younger took a spoon filled with rice and came closer to Jimin's lips.
"Try it out. Is it salty or do I need to season it more?"
Jimin opened his lips and put the whole spoon inside his mouth, holding it tightly with his lips, making sure not a single rice fell out. Jungkook stared right there while licking at his bottom lip.
The older hummed in appreciation of the good taste.
"So?" Jungkook looked at him expectedly.
"So tasty." Jimin ate it all deliciously.
"No more salt?"
Jimin shook his head.
"Everything's perfect." Jimin licked his lips clean, hating the way Jungkook's eyes lingered there for a while.
It's all in your head, snap out of it!
After changing his clothes and coming back into the kitchen, Jimin helped with setting the table for the two of them to eat.
He was really hungry and so lucky the younger made them some home cooked meals.
"Where did you sleep last night?"
Jungkook asked the moment they sat down to eat, so Jimin stopped blowing onto the chopsticks filled with some hot ramen.
"At Tae and Yoongi's..."
He just couldn't lie. What's the point anyways?
"Ok." Jungkook nodded while devouring his plate with food, and eating some of the Jimin's leftovers cause the older really couldn't eat too much food early in the morning.
"Jungkookah, do you have some plans for tonight?" Jimin needed to ask cause he remembered his deal with Sujin which with every passing minute felt like yet another mistake.
"Nope... Well not here anyways. I'm gonna meet with Chaeryeong for dinner, she wanted to say thank you cause I helped her with this Photography assignment we have this month."
Chaeryeong... Again...
"That's nice." Jimin hated the way his voice sounded fake and unnatural.
"Why are you asking? Wanna have a Netflix and chill night with your roommate tonight?" Jungkook cocked his eyebrows at him and Jimin froze.
"It's ramen and chill these days..." Jimin had no idea why he said that.
"Or some say 'wanna see my cat too' . I heard it before although it doesn't make any sense..." Jungkook got up to clean the table so Jimin shook his head, again, not letting himself go there.
You're not allowed to think about that... Focus...
"Sujin is coming over actually..."
Jungkook snapped his gaze at Jimin while looking surprised and could it be a bit angry, cause that frown between his eyebrows wasn't there seconds ago.
"Yeah... So... Um..." why did Jimin feel the need to justify himself like that.
"Oh don't worry. I'll come home late and I have my ear pods if you get too loud."
Jimin smiled awkwardly.
"Though I barely ever hear you when you're with someone..." Jungkook added casually while taking plates from the table, like he hadn't just said how Jimin is quiet in bed.
"That's cause I'm considerate. I don't want you to feel awkward or something..." Jimin got up and took the rest of the food to bring it back to the fridge.
Jungkook was washing the dishes like they weren't talking about how loud or quiet Jimin was during sex.
"Awkward? I'd definitely feel horny and bothered, that's for sure. You have a really pretty voice, hyungie."
"You should hear me in the shower. You'd definitely change your mind." Jimin tried to joke about that comment, feeling a slight panic attack creeping up on him.
"Oh I'd think the tiles and the water would only make you sound better."
Shower sex with Jungkook, 7.5 inches deep in me while he fucks up into me while holding me tightly.... No...
The damage was done.
"I need to go..." Jimin got up and went to his room to do some chores. Clean the dust, wash the windows, change his sheets, anything really, just trying to forget the very vivid images of Jungkook pounding his ass in the shower cabin.
Nothing helped, so he jerked off before taking a well deserved nap, saving some batteries for tonight. He needed that sex more than he needed air to breath cause this whole situation with Jungkook is seriously gonna drive him insane.
The plan was simple.
Sujin will come, Jungkook was out of the apartment, Jimin will have the hardest, most loudest sex in his life and he'll not think about Jungkook not even for once.
None of it happened.
The moment Sujin came, Jimin made sure to set the mood right. Sex mood that is.
He was wearing one of his lose black slightly see-through shirt that was falling off of his shoulder in a really erotic way, and his tight black pants left little to non to imagination.
They talked a bit, just the necessary stuff 'how are you?', 'what have you been up to lately?', 'how hard you wanna get fucked?' type of things.
They went to Jimin's room pretty fast and after a nice make out session, Jimin was ready for more.
He was horny, Sujin looked nice, he kissed ok... there weren't fireworks or some special feelings to it, but Jimin's dick was responding well and in no time he was semi hard with his pants on the floor. The black shirt was still on him cause Sujin found it hot.
While grinding on the dark haired man's cock, Jimin felt two things.
Hardness and worry.
Sujin was definitely hard, but the thing that Jimin feared was the length and the girth that he knew was impressive from their last time together, but he was a bit drunk, and probably high too, so now the thing that was poking him from under felt a lot bigger than he remembered.
"Mmmm you're so fucking sexy Jimin. Can't wait to have you like this baby... You like my big cock? Hm?"
Sujin was obviously into dirty talk, and Jimin didn't mind it. He wasn't getting any more aroused, but it wasn't a deal breaker either.
"I actually can't wait to see the big thing." Jimin teased and went with his hand down, in between their bodies and the moment his hand gripped all around Sujin's shaft he cursed involuntarily.
"Fucking shit what is this?"
Sujin only smirked cockily, thinking how his impressive girth and length was something everyone was craving for.
Jimin actually felt his dick getting soft just by the thought of having that monster inside him, so he thought about another plan.
How to get Sujin off without him coming near his ass.
That thing is going to destroy me. Seriously... I don't need internal bleeding...
Jimin feared for his life cause the dick that his hand had mapped out was at least 12 inches long and girth, well let's just say he couldn't wrap half of it with his short fingers.
With renewed fervor and a mission on his mind, Jimin started kissing Sujin like there's no tomorrow, like he's the only man in the world for him, like he wants to devour him and his lustful kissing was accompanied by the heavy grinds on top of the black haired man's leaking cock and way too exaggerating sex sounds that he didn't know he can even produce.
"Jimin...ah... baby...stop... wait..."
Jimin wasn't stopping.
He even added the perfect strokes in between their bodies that drove Sujin crazy.
"Jimin I can't...What are you doing to me? baby....ah....fuck...ah... shit.. I'm gonna come..."
And so Sujin let go, all over Jimin's hand while panting hard and cursing loudly.
The moment he finished, Sujin looked shy and kind of guilty.
"Sorry baby, I told you to stop... You're too good." he started kissing Jimin's shoulder who was just sitting next to him feeling pretty satisfied with himself cause he made the guy come in no time and just from a bit touching and kissing. A pro, without a doubt...
"It's ok. I'm tired anyways. I'm happy you had fun." Jimin tried to get up, but Sujin tugged his wrist and made Jimin lay back on the bed.
"Where do you think you're going. I'm not done with you." Sujin could obviously bounce back quickly cause the thing that twitched next to Jimin's leg could only be the beast in between his legs so Jimin feared for his life (more like his ass) immediately.
"But... I need to sleep and I'm tired... and..." Jimin stuttered.
"You just lay right here and wait for me till I take a piss. I'm gonna suck you off and then I'm gonna fuck you like you deserve it."
Jimin's hole closed itself impossibly tight just at the thought of taking that dick anywhere near him.
The next moment Sujin went outside the room and straight into the bathroom, obviously remembering where it was since the last time he was here, so Jimin did the only thing he could in situations like this.
He called for his savior.
Not even a minute had passed when Jungkook stormed inside his room, looking a bit tired, his hair damp and his forehead sweaty, wearing only a tank top and his favorite oversized sweatpants.
He was working out.
"What's going on?" he asked while glancing at Jimin who was sitting on the bed, black underwear hiding under that see-through shirt that he had stretched down to cover as much as he could of his thighs and ass, but his shoulders and collarbones were nicely on display, soft and silky skin presented in all it's glory.
"I need Sujin to leave. Like NOW!" that's all Jimin managed to say before they heard footsteps and the door of the bathroom closing behind the said man, so in the next seconds Jungkook had to make a decision and figure out how he'll do what Jimin had asked him to do.
He looked at Jimin while licking his lips, eyed his petite form on the bed with hungry eyes and in one fast move came on the bed, sitting closely next to the older and before Jimin could process what was going on, he felt a hand behind his neck tugging at his blond hair, making his neck to tilt to the side and then he felt Jungkook's hungry lips and teeth sucking and nibbling on the sensitive skin.
He moaned desperately while grabbing the sheets beneath him, fearing he might clutch at Jungkook's arms, shoulder's, neck, abs instead and scratch all around it, leaving marks like he had imagined in his wildest dreams and he can't do that. This should not happen.
"I'm here..." Sujin came inside, but his mouth turned into the biggest O the moment he saw Jungkook on bed, sucking the sensitive skin on Jimin's neck, the older giving in to the erotic touch.
"What?..." the man was obviously confused.
"I need you to get out of here. Jimin had his fun, but now you're done. Leave." Jungkook said while tugging on Jimin's hair lightly, his voice dark and sexy, it made Jimin's dick to scream on the inside.
It twitched.
It screamed on the outside too.
It leaked. A lot.
"What kind of messed up shit is this?" Sujin kept mumbling, but he was proud and smart enough to take his clothes and put them on while shaking his head in disbelief.
"We're swingers, but I don't like you, so bye." Jungkook added and Jimin almost chuckled cause what? Swingers? Where does he get all those crazy ideas from...
Instead of letting Jungkook go, or stopping their close interaction cause Sujin was almost fully dressed, Jimin wanted more. He was craving more closeness, so while finally letting go of the sheets, he let his hands roam over Jungkook's body, from his upper arm to his shoulders and then he let his hands inside the younger's hair, scratching at his scalp lightly. He was enjoying every touch, every curve of the flexed muscles under his fingertips. Jungkook was hot as hell.
"Mmmmmm" Jungkook mewled while coming closer to Jimin's face, brushing his nose with his own, glancing to the right where Sujin was staring at them before shaking his head and getting out of the room.
Now was the time to let go and move apart.
Only that none of them moved even the slightest away.
Jimin brushed Jungkook's nose with his lower lip, leaving a trail of hot breath over his face, and then Sujin came back inside, mumbling something about forgetting his belt and that's when Jungkook closed that little distance that was left between them.
He kissed Jimin hard. Forcing the older's mouth to open to his smaller ones, and Jimin did so immediately, craving to feel more.
Since nothing was enough, and Jungkook tasted heavenly like mint and something sweet he couldn't pin-point what, but he loved it and needed more, Jimin licked his way inside the younger's mouth, tasting the sweet sensation over his own needy tongue, rolling it around Jungkook's, playing the dirty game none of them wanted to stop.
He felt like he was on cloud nine, or even higher, horny cloud wrapped up in fireworks and fairy dust, cause how in hell a kiss can be this good and erotic.
Jungkook's lips were perfect, his piercing was cold, a perfect contrast to his hot lips, and Jimin wanted to kiss it, lick it, pull at it, play with it for hours.
The thing that moved them apart was a loud thud of their exit door closing, indicating Sujin had finally left, so they moved slightly away, panting a bit faster, gulping a bit harder, looking at each other with lust and regret mixed in one.
"Are you hungry?" Jungkook asked so Jimin smirked, hating how Jungkook was always the one to break the awkward silence between them.
"I... don't know..." Jimin said in all honesty.
Was he hungry? Did he eat at all?
How could he possibly know anything now since he had just kissed his friend, his roommate, the guy he knew for years and never had any sexual feelings for.... until now.
"You don't know?" Jungkook teased.
"I think I need to take a shower first and sleep a bit and maybe then I could eat something..." Jimin kept mumbling while getting up, but that seemed to be a mistake since the shirt he was wearing got up and revealed his fine ass in those tight black boxer briefs and Jungkook looked.
He actually stared.
Jimin felt uneasy and horny and desperate and all kinds of mixed up feelings that were building up for weeks.
Stop looking at me like that for God's sake!
Seemed like Jungkook read his mind so he snapped his head away from the older's body, getting up himself and adjusting his sweatpants a little, making Jimin to believe how maybe he got turned on by what they did minutes ago too.
"I'm gonna make some kimchi with rice...." Jungkook said while leaving the door, but right before exiting, he stopped at the doorway and turned to look at Jimin again.
"I heard you this time."
Jimin blushed hot pink.
"I didn't know you were home... And... I kind of exaggerated cause I needed that to be over..."
"Mhm... I was right though." Jungkook said while leaning his body onto the door frame.
"You sound really good."
Jimin scoffed.
"That's nothing compared to the real deal when I'm actually enjoying myself." Jimin said while getting on his tippy toes, taking a new towel and underwear, ready to go to the bathroom.
"I guess I'll have to hear it to know the difference." Jungkook went out, leaving a confused Jimin behind.
What does he mean by that? Will he eavesdrop on me next time when I have sex or....
Jimin didn't even want to go there. He will not think about Jungkook being the one to evoke those moans... He can't... That's wrong. What they did was wrong. They're roommates for God's sake and they should not jeopardize that over an animalistic and raw hornyness.
Jimin tried not to think too much about what happened cause the whole thing was Jungkook helping him out with getting rid of yet another mistake and that's it.
The kiss meant nothing, their closeness meant nothing, they were not romantically involved and Jimin had a hard time separating his reality from his dreams...
While listening to the younger making late dinner for them to eat, Jimin went to the bathroom on his tippy toes, trying to walk by unnoticed cause he couldn't handle Jungkook's stare right now. He couldn't stand to see those lips that were on his minutes ago, giving him a passionate kiss like he hadn't felt in a long time... Maybe even never.
He wanted to take a quick bath, wanted to be in his room, in his bed as soon as possible, but the bulge inside his boxer brief wasn't getting any smaller and Jimin knew he had to take care of it.
He wanted to.
After washing his whole body with his favorite floral shower gel, Jimin looked at the dark blue one that he knew belonged to Jungkook. The desire got the best of him so while taking a small amount of the thick, manly smelling gel wash, Jimin spread it over his hard cock and started stroking himself slowly, a soft mewl escaping his lips.
It felt good...
The whole cabin smelled citrusy with a hint of mint, just like Jungkook's hair usually smelled.
The smell of Jungkook...
Does his cock smell like this?
Jimin couldn't stop his thoughts.
Does he jerk off in here while having dirty thoughts too...
His strokes became faster, a squelching sound echoing the room.
How does he like it? Firm? Soft? Messy?
The tug on his cock became firmer and more deliberating the more he thought about Jungkook doing the same thing in the same place as he was right now.
Bet he likes it sloppy and wet...
"Ah fuck!" he cursed at the thought of the younger's perfect cock making a mess inside the cabin and prayed to God Jungkook was still in the kitchen, cooking dinner for them, unable to hear Jimin's moans.
With a few more tugs, and another flashback of Jungkook's lips nibbling on his neck, Jimin let go and came all over the grey tiles inside the cabin panting short little ah's along the way of his release.
That's how he felt.
Satisfied too. He couldn't deny it.
It felt amazing to let his imagination go wherever it wanted to go and feel the pure arousal while touching himself.
He couldn't remember the last time he jerked off just while thinking about someone else.
And it was Jungkook.
Dear God.
His Jungkook, Kookie.. His SOS guy.
He chuckled at the mere thought of it.
After drying his body that still smelled like the younger, Jimin became silent again, wanting to go to his room unnoticed just like he came inside, but the moment he opened the door, there was Jungkook standing in front of it, a smirk almost hidden on his face.
"Shit!" Jimin cursed, blushing hot pink cause the last thing he wanted was for the younger to see him after a blissful orgasm, wrapped only in a soft white towel while smelling like him.
Fucking hell, I hope he wasn't here the whole time.
"I need to get the cleaning mop, I spilled some sauce on the floor..." Jungkook pointed inside the bathroom so Jimin nodded while moving carefully outside, trying his best not to brush the younger's body while escaping to his room.
The moment they moved one next to another, Jungkook inhaled deeply and Jimin wanted to die out of embarrassment.
Of course Jungkook would know.
Should I lie and say how I didn't have any shampoo left?
A thought crossed his mind, but Jungkook was already inside the bathroom, his cocky smirk imprinted in Jimin's head.
The older ran off to his room, his dinner long forgotten.
Luckily for him, Jimin knew that Jungkook had early classes in the morning so after waiting for the younger to leave for Uni, Jimin got up cause his stomach was growling so hard he thought at one point he would seriously faint.
While entering the kitchen, he saw a note on the table and recognized Jungkook's writing immediately.
There's kimchi and rice from last night in the fridge for you. I'm surprised you didn't eat last night since you looked hungry and tired. Eat well hyungie, see you later.
x o x o
Hungry and tired? God just kill me already.
Jimin reread the message and looked at the very ending.
x o x o? What? We never write that on our notes.
Jimin remembered their old post it notes and he remembered clearly that on any of those, they haven't written x's and o's cause why would they write that? They never kissed in the first place. Hugs were there for sure, but only platonic, friendly ones.
Jimin needed to clear his mind, needed to talk to someone, needed some advice.
There was only one person he could talk to about all of this.
"So you came to my office just to tell me how you couldn't sleep cause of Jungkook?" Hoseok asked when Jimin stormed into his office at 10 in the morning, scaring the shit out of the older who thought that someone had died or was about to.
Jimin was dramatic about it.
"You don't get it. This needs to stop hyung. You've said it yourself, nothing good can come out of this. I'm so sick of feeling this way and having Jungkook around all the time is nerve wracking." Jimin let his head fall down on the table with a loud thud.
It hurt, but he didn't care about it.
"Do you want to come to my place for a while if that's something that could help you ease your mind?"
Jimin shook his head, appreciating how amazing of a friend Hoseok was.
"No. Sooner or later I would have to come back... and the fact that he's there with his perfect body and his perfect dick and his cocky smile and attitude and his kisses... I'm seriously gonna go insane."
Hoseok's eyes widened.
"What do you mean by his kisses? You never kissed, right?"
Jimin pushed his head up and looked at Hoseok while taking a deep sigh.
"Jimin! How?"
"He kissed me yesterday when Sujin came over to save me from his massive dick."
Hoseok rolled his eyes.
"What in the world..."
"I know how it sounds, but I called Sujin for quick fuck since I don't want to think about Kookah, but let me tell you, Sujin doesn't have a dick between his legs, he has an Anaconda, a monster that no matter how prepped you are, you can't take. It's too big and I was scared I might die cause he might tear me apart, so I called Jungkook to help me get rid of him, and he did."
Hoseok nodded.
"Well now everything makes sense and I feel so much better about all of it." he said in a dead panned voice, earning a small slap over his chest from his best friend.
"You're supposed to help me out, not mock my pain. What do I do hyung?" Jimin whined so Hosek patted his head affectionately.
"I don't know anymore. I'm still against that whole thing cause Jungkookah is your friend and roommate and the two of you know each other for a long time and having sex with him would only make the two of you to grow apart especially if one of you catches feelings for another."
Jimin looked at Hoseok with wide eyes after the last thing he said.
"Do you have feelings for Jungkookie already?"
Jimin needed a minute too long to think about that question.
Does he?
"I... I don't think so... I mean... I do feel attracted to him, but I don't think I like him in that way... I don't think so... I mean he's nice and fun and hot and sweet, but that doesn't mean I'm instantly in love with him... Right?"
Jimin needed confirmation.
"Wow, nice, fun, hot, sweet... This feels like an ad for a perfect boyfriend. You really do like him?"
Jimin frowned.
"No I don't. I can say those same things about you or Tae, or Namjoon hyung... or... you get the point..."
"Ok, so how would you describe me?"
Jimin scoffed.
"Yes, really."
"You're obviously fun, cute, smart, amazing company..."
Hoseok smirked.
"Where's my 'hot' and 'sweet' in all of those?"
Jimin pouted with a frown on his face.
"Don't do this to me... You're hot and sexy and whatever you want to be, just... I don't know what's going on anymore... What to do hyung? I seriously can't have Jungkook walking around like a Greek God around the apartment and telling me all kinds of double meaning comments... He's really gonna drive me insane."
"Do you think he feels the same way as you?" Hoseok asked, so Jimin shrugged.
"I don't know... One moment I think he does, and then I see him with this girl that he's been seeing for a while now and even though he says she's just a friend from Uni, I never saw him bringing someone home and hanging out as much as with her and then I heard Tae teasing him about liking her... So again, could be all in my head." Jimin pouted, feeling ashamed to have such feelings that might even not be reprecipitated.
" You should find out... " Hoseok said, so Jimin's eyes doubled in size.
" How?"
" Well there are ways... I wouldn't go with the easy approach of just asking him cause he could see right through you and lie while trying not to destroy your friendship, but you could definitely test him a bit. "
Jimin had no idea what Hoseok meant by this.
"We have a BBQ party next week at Seokjin hyungs summer house, maybe you could flirt with someone in front of him, just to see his reaction. If he's totally ok and unbothered, you should really stop with all those horny thoughts and focus on repairing your friendship and getting your priorities fixed. You have to be careful about this. Jungkookah and you have an amazing friendship that has never been compromised by either one of your behavior, so don't be the one to destroy it. "
Jimin pursed his lips... Thinking about this whole thing...
"I don't know... He means the world to me... I just can't stand to look at him and feel all the confusion and arousal all the time... It's not healthy." Jimin pouted so Hoseok came across the table to give him a hug.
"I know. You'll be ok. If you ever need someone to fuck your brains out and make you forget all about Jungkookie... I'm not gonna do it cause that's not what friends do. And that's the whole point here. Friends don't fuck, cause that would fuck up the friendship."
Jimin pushed him away while giggling.
"Fine. I'll just accept that threesome offer with Yoongi hyung and Tae."
After a second of silence, both of them burst out in laughter.
"Exactly. This is how you react to having a sex proposition with your friend. It's funny and unwanted... But when you think about it with Jungkookah..."
Jimin bit his lip.
"Not funny... and not unwanted either..."
Hoseok nodded.
"Think about it. Think about pro's and con's. Think about what you can gain from it and what you could lose."
Jimin nodded, feeling even more confused than before.
"And now you need to leave. I have work to do." Hoseok slapped his ass and showed him to the door so Jimin jumped up, still feeling happy cause even if no one could answer those questions, he needed that conversation about all of this with someone.
"Ok. Bye hyungi. See you soon."
Jimin waved him goodbye and went for a walk before his Uni classes.
After spending too much time looking at nicely roasted sausages, Jimin had had enough of his 'Jungkook and his 7.5 inches perfect dick trauma'.
Yes, he decided to call it a trauma since for the past week he couldn't sleep, eat, think about anything other than that very much dick that was standing somewhere in the crowd at Jin hyung's BBQ party.
For whatever reason Jimin had decided to be the 'meat man' today so while grilling all the meat which included lots of sausages, again, Jungkook and his perfect dick came up on his horny mind.
I know I had felt it under my hand, but how does it look?
He glanced at his roommate who was having his third (yes, he was counting) beer bottle, looking all boyfriendie while wearing an oversized purple shirt and ripped, light blue jeans that uncovered only the best part of his thighs.
Every part of Jungkook's thighs was the best... Who am I kidding?
Jungkook was a catch and it showed.
The party wasn't too crowded, but nonetheless there was always someone fighting for the younger's attention.
Tonight, it seemed like Jungkook didn't really care about that. He seemed legitimately more focused on having fun with his friends, so while sipping on his third beer, he had a huge smile on his face, probably laughing about something Tae had said about Yoongi, cause he loved to embarrass him only to make it up to him in the bedroom.
Is it veiny and all manly?
Jimin was so gone. There was definitely no going back from his perverted thoughts, but what could he do?
Jungkook made him go insane for the whole past week cause for some reason the younger wore less clothes than he usually does and Jimin was ok with it.
Only that his dick wasn't.
That's why whenever Jimin would jump into a sweaty after workout, shirtless Jungkook, he would pretend to have yet another imaginary dance practice only to go out and walk around block, trying to clear his mind and calm his dick down.
Sometimes it worked, mostly it didn't, so he would usually find himself two fingers deep inside his ass while tugging on his cock fast and quietly, feeling miserable under the shower or his blanket...
It was a tough week for Jimin, and now, while looking at his Adonis like roommate he realized that he really needed something to be done cause this isn't the way he could live his life.
He was probably being a bit dramatic again since he had at least five shots and a couple of beers... He couldn't remember since he was staring at Jungkook like a creep.
"You're eye fucking him again."
Jimin jumped at the sudden voice behind him.
"Shit! You scared me."
Hoseok only came closer, now looking in the same direction as Jimin was.
"You're staring at him the whole day."
Jimin took a deep sigh.
"I can't help it. I think I'm going insane."
Hoseok squeezed him tightly, wrapping his hands around Jimin's middle.
"It's ok. He's a really good looking guy. That's totally fine. We can all agree that he's looking like a wet dream with those big, strong, tattooed arms and thick thighs, and..."
Jimin frowned.
"Not helping." he interrupted Hoseok cause WTF?
"Sorry. I'm just pointing out the obvious."
"Which is?" Jimin didn't know what was obvious anymore.
"That it's totally fine to drool over a guy that's as good looking as Jungkookah. You're totally allowed to stare at him. It's no biggie."
Hoseok gave him his cutest and biggest sunshine smile so Jimin felt even worse.
"Is it biggie that I'm looking at him and trying to undress him mentally? Or that I'm imagining what his dick is looking like under those ripped jeans? Or if my throat is deep enough to welcome his 7.5 inch long...."
"I GET IT!" Hoseok almost yelled so Jimin stopped his train of thoughts.
"God you're a lost cause."
Hoseok put his hand on his forehead, wiping the sweat that had formed while talking to Jimin.
"What are you going to do?"
Jimin shrugged.
"Today? Or in general."
"Today. I'm not ready to hear about it in general."
Jimin took some of the meat on the tray and waved at the people to gather around and take what they wanted to eat.
"I'm just gonna spend my day grilling meat, not paying attention to anyone around me and I'm gonna leave home as soon as I finish with all this meat."
Hoseok sighs deeply.
"That's one hell of a plan."
Jimin shrugged again.
"The meat's perfect huyngie."
They heard voices close to them so both Hoseok and Jimin winced at the familiar sound.
Jungkook with sausage in his hand.
Jungkook with sausage close to his mouth.
Jungkook with sausage inside his mouth.
That was how Jimin processed what he was looking in front of his eyes.
"Snap out of it." Hoseok whispered while pinching Jimin's side, so he scratched the spot where he felt a slight pain and gave Hoseok an angry look.
"Thanx. I'm gonna grill all of this, so prepare yourself to have some more."
Jimin pointed at the meat pile in front of them so Jungkook came closer, observing a lot of meat that's left.
"Hyung, you don't need to do it all by yourself. Let me help." Jungkook reached for the fork, but Jimin was fast to move it away.
"No. I want to do it."
"But I don't want you to get too tired."
"Oh I want to get super tired." Jimin said without thinking too much and then he saw that glimpse of something in Jungkook's eyes. That something that was always there whenever the younger would tease him or flirt or just make his life a living hell.
"That's not the only way you could get tired hyung."
Of course he would say something like that.
Something that's not perverted, but it could be. Something that has double meaning, but it could mean a totally innocent thing.
"I know... I could wash some dishes too." Jimin decided to shut this down.
"...or you could fuck with that hot guy you said you liked tonight..." suddenly Hoseok spoke so Jungkook's eyes widened at his remark, and Jimin had almost forgotten that Hoseok was standing beside him.
"Oh... yeah... That too... I forgot about that one... yeah..." Jimin became awkward in no time.
"Who is it?" Jungkook asked while glancing around.
"Who's who?" Jimin was so fucking weird.
"The guy you like..."
You moron.
"Oh... that... um..." Jimin stuttered, not knowing what to say since he literally hadn't spotted anyone attractive tonight cause he was busy checking Jungkook out.
"There he is." Hosek, the savior, said the moment some random guy walked inside the backyard, looking actually cute and pretty fuckable.
"Oh... Don't know him. Sorry, can't be your wingman tonight hyung." Jungkook said while sipping on his beer, eyeing the guy up and down.
"No worries. I got his back." Hoseok added while patting Jimin's back, so he almost fell in front from how hard Hosek had slapped him. Probably trying to get any kind of reaction out of Jimin's hopeless body.
"If you need a wingman though... let me know." Jimin winked while trying to look cool and unbothered so Jungkook nodded.
"Sure hyung. Though I wasn't gonna try to pull tonight. Just wanted to have fun with our friends..."
It's probably cause of that Chaeryeong girl. Is it possible that he's really dating her?
"Well... That's fine too. I'm here for you if you need me."
The younger nodded, a small smile visible on his face.
The rest of the day went smooth, and after drinking more shots and beers, Jimin actually started having some fun.
Hoseok stepped out and introduced him to the guy that Jimin was supposed to like, and luckily for him, the guy, Hyunjin was a real catch. Tall, pretty face, plump lips, nice body, well everything seemed to be just right, but still, while having a conversation with the said guy, Jimin couldn't not to glance at Jungkook who was sitting across him at the table with their friends, but an unknown man was sitting really closely next to him.
Who's that guy?
Jimin had never seen the said man before, and more importantly, he had no idea what the good looking man was doing sitting so closely, drooling over his Jungkookie..
The sight made him a bit sick to his stomach.
"... so I decided that I was more into heart problems than brain..." Hyunjin was still talking so Jimin decided to put a bit more effort into the conversation.
"Oh, so cardiologist. That's nice." he smiled flirtatiously, touching the man's thigh casually.
"Yeah... So what are you into?"
Not Jungkook...
"I'm studying at KAFA, the Art department. Trying to be a dance choreographer."
The man nodded.
"That sounds fun."
"It is. And... " Jimin's thought got interrupted by Seokjin's voice who called all the people that were still sitting outside, to come inside the house cause it became chilly, and they all wanted to drink some shots and dance a bit before calling it a night.
"Let's go inside." The man got up and extended Jimin his hand, which he took gladly, walking inside like that, feeling like the night just got better cause his head will finally be Jungkook free and that's exactly what he wanted.
The thought lived in his mind the whole two minutes until he came inside the house and saw Jungkook lying on the couch inside the living room while the man that he was with the whole night, licked the salt out of his roommates abs right before drinking a tequila shot.
"Wanna get some too?"
Seemed like Hyunjin had some good ideas.
Jimin's gonna be bold and out there. He can do it.
They went inside the kitchen, he didn't miss the glance that Jungkook gave him while pushing his shirt down, covering the spot where the unknown man had just licked, but Jimin didn't wanna indulge his need to glance back, he grabbed Hyunjin's hand tighter and let him lead them to the tequila shots he was craving badly.
"Where do you want me to put salt on you?" Hyunjin asked, so Jimin thought about all the places he loved to be kissed at.
"My neck."
Hyunjin nodded.
"Come here."
He instructed Jimin to tilt his head, to give the dark brown haired man more access, and soon he felt the grains of salt covering the right side of his neck.
While feeling a hot tongue gliding down his neck, Jimin also felt a pair of curious, big, doe eyes on him, and it felt good that even though Jungkook was having fun with someone else, his eyes were still on Jimin.
"Your turn."
Hyunjin made him focus back on him, but with his side eye, Jimin could see the way Jungkook had pushed that man onto his lap, bringing them as close as it gets together.
"How about I lick the salt from your fingers and then you can hold the lemon between your lips for me?"
Hyunjin looked excited at the thought.
Without thinking too much about it, Jimin put some salt on Hyunjin's index and middle finger and then he positioned a slice of lemon right inside his mouth.
While keeping an eye contact, Jimin took Hyunjin's hand and pulled it towards his mouth, so with one swipe of his tongue, he took as much salt as he could and brought it inside his mouth, right after he drank the shot of tequila that was prepared for him, and then he took the lemon out of Hyunjin's mouth, but right after sucking on it briefly, Hyunjin replaced the lemon with his own lips, kissing Jimin slowly but firmly.
He couldn't say he didn't enjoy it.
Hyunjin's lips were soft and full, and he tasted like lemon and salt, but again, there were no fireworks, no lightning bolt, no excitement, no dick twitch...
Something was missing, and Jimin feared he knew what that something was.
While kissing with Hyunjin some more, Jimin made a mistake of turning his head, giving Hyunjin's access to his long neck, trying to enjoy some soft kisses, but then the dark browned haired man sucked on his neck roughly, making him moan while slightly being in pain.
Jungkook's eyes were on him immediately, his eyes big and desperate, like he was trying to make sure if Jimin was ok.
The fact that the guy in his lap was doing the same thing to him, didn't make Jimin's life any easier.
"Sorry babe, was I too rough?" Hyunjin asked after peppering some feather-like kisses on the same area so Jimin shook his head.
"No, no... I just wasn't expecting it."
Hyunjin kissed him again, and unfortunately, Jimin's eyes went back to the couch, right where Jungkook was positioned with the guy he was making out with, and the sight he saw froze the blood in his veins.
Jungkook was staring right back at him.
What kind of a sick game is this...
They were kissing with other people while looking at each other.
The weirdest thing ever.... Well maybe except touching his roommates dick, seeing each other almost naked, walking in on each other in the middle of sex and tons of other things...
Jungkook's gaze was dangerous. Eyes lidded, hands gripping at the man's waist, positioning him onto his lap firmly. Jimin couldn't not look. Not to imagine that it was him down there, grinding his ass on top of Jungkook's perfect cock. He was jealous... He was mad... So he took it all out on Hyunjin and his lips. He kissed him hard while pulling on his lower lip roughly, making the said man to squeeze at his lower back firmly.
"Mmmmm Jimin, you kiss me so good..."
The man said in between kisses, but Jimin knew that the fervor he brought into the kiss had nothing to do with him. It was all Jungkook and the hunger in his eyes, the lust he saw even if he was kissing someone else...
"Wanna get out of here..." Jimin suggested cause what was the point of him kissing someone else while getting turned on by his roommate staring at him. It felt so wrong, Jimin needed to stop all of this.
Half an hour later and a lot of cab kissing and thighs rubbing, Jimin was in his apartment with Hyunjin on top of him, both of them only wearing their boxer briefs, hiding semi hard dicks that were seeking attention.
"How do you wanna do this?"
Not the sexiest way of asking someone how they wanted to have sex, but Jimin will appreciate the communication that always leads to better sex.
"I like to bottom... How about you?" Jimin gave a straightforward answer.
"I'm fine with that. I like sexy lingerie." Hyunjin said his thoughts so Jimin moved a bit to look at his face.
"To wear or for me to wear?"
Again, Jimin was fine with both, and he had plenty of those things, but he was a bit surprised by the sudden wish.
"You to wear. Mmmm I think you would look so hot in something red..."
Seemed like Hyunjin had a favorite color too.
"I have some red lingerie..."
Jimin was ready to try it out. Hell, why not? If that's something that would give him a better fuck, than sure, he's in.
"Wear it for me. Please."
The 'please' was really nice so Jimin got up and while searching through his newest things, he found a red, leather looking garter shorts that were carefully cut to show off his hips and ass, with a central darted pouch that was meant to hide and support his dick.
He hid his body behind his closet door while dressing the cutout garter shorts and right after he rubbed some baby oil all over his body, giving Hyunjin the whole package look.
The moment he showed his body in that tight fit on him, Hyunjin opened his mouth, hand coming to grab his own hard dick, looking hungry, turned on and excited. Maybe even too excited...
"Oh my God Jimin... Your body is made for that. Turn around please..."
After rolling his eyes playfully, Jimin showed Hyunjin his perfect oiled up ass while turning slowly, like he was a masterpiece at some art museum.
"WOW, Just... WOW!"
Hyujin was really digging this whole look.
Jimin came on top of him, and leaned back down, trying to keep their make out session going.
The moment they started kissing, he got distracted by the loud door thump, indicating that Jungkook came home too.
By the giggling sounds and pretty loud hitting on the wall sounds, Jimin could guess, he wasn't alone.
His stomach twisted.
"Are you expecting someone?" Hyunjin heard the same noise too soo Jimin shook his head, not wanting for their make out session to be over yet.
"No, no... it's just my roommate... Everything's fine." Jimin explained while grinding his hips down, feeling the leaking spot in front of Hyunjin's boxer briefs getting bigger and bigger.
Jimin came back to kissing Hyunjin's chest, pinching his nipples to which the man reacted by leaving a breathy moan, squeezing Jimin's ass tighter, pushing him onto his dick firmly.
"More..." he whined, so Jimin did it more.
He pinched his nipples harder this time, licking his neck, then nibbling all over the place until he felt Hyunjin's things tremble and shake under him, his whole body getting rigid just under Jimin's touch and teasing grinds, and right before he was about to slow down he felt it.
Hyunjin came like a horny teenager while Jimin was grinding on top of him and teasing his nipples.
Just great.
"I'm so sorry... You... I'm usually not this turned on, but you were too good and..."
Jimin would focus on Hyunjin's poor excuses, but there was something rather more interesting to pay attention to.
A message.
A blinking little notification and he knew exactly who it was.
At least he was hoping so.
After giving Hyunjin a small peck on the lips, telling him how everything's ok, and showing him where the bathroom is so that he could clean himself, Jimin glanced at the S.O.S letters he didn't know he was craving for to see.
Mother fucker...
While checking himself in the mirror, admiring that oiled up perfection with still semi hard dick hidden behind the red leather pouch, and those sexy garter holding onto his defined thighs, Jimin brushed his hair with his fingers a bit, making it hot and messy before going into the SOS action.
There was no time for thinking cause every minute counts in the situations like this, so Jimin stormed inside Jungkook's room, expecting to see everything other than the younger, sitting alone at the edge of his bed, wearing only navy blue boxer briefs, looking hot as fuck.
"What the..."
Jimin looked around, trying to spot anyone else inside, but there was only Jungkook there, looking hot and shocked at the same time.
"Come on hyung... what the fuck..." he said while palming his visibly hardening cock, obviously trying to calm it down.
"Where's the guy? Or girl? Or whoever..." Jimin crossed his hands on top of his chest, trying to act annoyed, but he was happy he didn't witness some sexual activity between the two.
"He's in the bathroom. What are you wearing? Come here." Jungkook patted the spot next to him on the bed so Jimin came closer, only a foot away from him, but instead of sitting down, he just scoffed.
"I'm not sitting on your sex bed."
The sheets were indeed all messily put on top.
The thing that surprised him the most was Jungkook's next action.
The younger slapped his right thigh two times, indicating for Jimin to sit on it.
Jimin only looked at him dead-panned.
"Come here." Jungkook reached for the little strings that were holding the garter and the little pouch together and tugged at them, which resulted in Jimin falling down onto his lap easily.
He's so fucking strong.
The rather weak fight that Jimin had pulled, died the moment Jungkook grabbed his hips firmer and pushed his ass on top of his hard dick.
Jimin almost mewled by the sensation of feeling that perfect 7.5 inches so close to his needy ass.
"What am I even doing here?" Jimin asked while putting his hands on Jungkook's shoulders, trying to provide a safe distance between them even though he wished nothing more but to kiss him stupid and jump on that dick for as long as his legs would let him.
"Well to help me out. See, the moment he comes back here from the bathroom, he'll see you, then freak out and leave."
Jimin shook his head.
"Where's your guy and why are you still hard?" Jungkook played with the garter on Jimin's thighs, and it was almost too much, too erotic for him to take, but he kept being focus on his job here, and staying sane.
"He's probably chatting with your guy in the bathroom, and he came too soon." Jimin shrugged so Jungkook chuckled.
Jimin slapped his bare chaste, hatting how firm the muscles felt under his fingertips.
"Are you seriously mocking my pain?"
Jungkook bit down on his lip, making that lip ring play around the corner of his lip. Jimin wanted to chase after it.
"I'm sorry... Though... I totally understand the guy... I mean Jimin... what the fuck?" Jungkook snapped those little garter strings which snapped back against Jimin's soft skin, making him hiss in pain.
He was more aroused than in pain.
"He wanted it... Said he was into it... Never mind... Why is your dick still hard and awake under my ass?"
To make his point, Jimin wiggled his ass around, feeling that full length imprinting itself in between his ass cheeks, making Jimin's life a living hell, but fuck it, Jungkook wasn't immune to it either.
After a low and deep sigh, Jungkook inhaled and gripped Jimin's hips harder, stopping him from moving around.
"The guy came from my fingers only so yeah... Didn't feel like fucking him after to be honest."
Jimin gulped.
"That's... yeah... Too bad..."
"So we both made our guys come, but ended up without having our own" Jungkook made a point, but what Jimin was fearing more, was where his point was heading...
"I guess so..."
Jungkook's hands let go of his hips, and started going down, enjoying the oiled up sensation over the older's bare skin and Jimin didn't stop him.
Instead, he moaned when Jungkook grabbed his ass roughly, squeezing the muscle firmly in between his both hands.
"Oh, wow, a threesome... Nice..." Sudden voice interrupted their attempt at whatever this was, so both of them snapped their gaze towards the door where the guy, Jimin remembered him from the party, the one making out with Jungkook, entered the room all happily.
The guy came straight towards them, and the moment he tried to touch Jimin's back, Jungkook pushed his hand away while hoisting Jimin up, and putting him down, to stand next to him.
He said firmly, so the guy frowned.
"I see... Someone doesn't like to share...'' The silverish haired man crossed his arms while looking at the sight of Jungkook coming a step in front of Jimin, like he was shielding his body with his own, buff one.
"I don't. Now get out."
Jimin didn't need to say a word. Seemed like Jungkook had it all under control and it felt like he didn't even need Jimin to help him out with kicking the guy out.
"Fine. I'm leaving." The petty man wore his clothes quickly, and right before going outside, he turned around and looked at Jimin.
"Oh, the guy you were with, the one I bumped at in the bathroom is waiting for you in your room, just so you know..."
Jimin's eyes widened.
Fuck. Hyunjin...
"Thanx..." Jimin said awkwardly, and the moment he tried to follow the said man, and go to his room, he felt a hand on his wrist, tugging him back.
"Don't go." Jungkook said while relaxing his grip over Jimin's delicate wrist.
"Why?" Jimin had to ask. He needed to know.
Just why?
Why should he stay?
What will happen if he stays?
Is Jungkook thinking about the same thing he was for the past months now?
Is he bothered?
Is he in pain when he sees Jimin with someone else?
What does he want from him?
Too many questions, but no answers.
Jungkook stayed silent so Jimin removed his hand slowly and after giving his friend, his roommate a small reassuring smile that it's alright to feel that way, not to know what he wants, not knowing where any of this is leading, but he also wanted him to know how Jimin has other things on his mind, like a handsome man that was waiting for him in his bedroom, and how the world won't stop just cause Jeon Jungkook told him to stay without knowing why.
Jimin came inside his room feeling sorry for himself, sorry for Jungkook, sorry for all the new situation he had got himself into, and the moment he saw Hyunjin sitting on his bed all dressed up and cleaned nicely, giving Jimin his best 'sorry for cuming too soon' smile, he felt sorry for the guy too.
"Hey... I just couldn't leave like that... I'm so sorry that happened, but damn look at you." Hyunjin spoke and moved his hand down, trying to hide his renewed erection.
"It's ok... It happens..." Jimin said awkwardly while scratching his neck, not knowing what to do next. Usually he would call Jungkook for help.
"I'm not gonna bother you cause you said you have some meeting in the morning so I'll just leave, but I wanted to at least try and get your number since I really had an amazing time with you and maybe if you decide to grab a cup of coffee with me... I'd like that... " Hyunjin mumbled and looked kind of cute while doing so, trying to look anywhere but Jimin's distracting naked body.
" Sorry, it's a bit hard to say a normal sentence when you're still looking like that... " he pointed at Jimin so the blond laughed.
Jimin laughed honestly cause he really did look like a Magic Mike guy while the other was looking casual in his party fit.
Jimin decided to give Hyujin his number cause why not?
What's stopping him except for his new feelings he had developed for the wrong person. Someone he shouldn't think about...
Hyunjin extended his phone for Jimin to insert his number, so after he did, the man thanked him politely.
"So... I'm gonna go now... I'm not gonna call you tomorrow, probably not even in a few days cause I'm gonna play it cool you know..." Hyunjin looked excited while talking so Jimin put on a robe and decided to walk him out properly.
The guy was cute and deserved it.
While walking through the hallway, Jimin saw Jungkook sitting on a couch in their living room, watching some movie, the smell of food, probably ramen, came inside his nostrils immediately.
"Thank you for tonight... I'll try to be cool and then I'll call you to grab a cup of coffee or something. Ok?" Hyunjin smiled while leaning on a door frame, his longish hair covering his blushed cheeks partly, looking handsome and definitely worthy of attention.
"Ok." Jimin nodded while smiling back at him.
Hyunjin was still standing there, licking his lips while looking at Jimin's.
"Can I kiss you goodbye?" he asked shyly and usually Jimin never does that. He never kisses his one night stands on their way out, but this could possibly be more... So he nodded instead of saying any word and let Hyunjin come a step closer, giving him a small, soft peck on the lips.
It was chaste and cute and Jimin didn't hate it.
"Bye. Talk to you soon." Hyunjin said with a goofy smile on his face so Jimin smiled back.
After fixing his posture, Jimin walked back into his room, and while glancing inside the living room, he noticed, Jungkook was gone.
While taking a deep breath, Jimin acknowledged the fact that the younger probably went to his room cause he heard him and Hyunjin talking, but it could be something else.
How the fuck would he know?
Dealing with Jungkook and his build up sexual pressure wasn't as hard as Jimin thought it would be.
For the past month, the younger seemed to be head over heels with Uni projects, and Jimin had his own concerns.
They were kind of both avoiding each other, and Jimin was ok with it.
If that's what it takes for him to ease his mind and stop looking at Jungkook as a hot piece of meat, then so be it.
They still had dinner together and sometimes they would even watch K dramas late at night, but both of them made sure to stay as far away from each other as they could. Also, they decided that drinking alcohol is not a smart idea, so instead they drank coffee or water depending on the occasion.
Jimin was going out on dates with Hyunjin, and he actually enjoyed the time he had spent with him cause Hyunjin was a fun company and good kisser. They haven't done more than make out sessions, and Jimin didn't feel the need to rush with those things cause he didn't wanna ruin the new beginning of something he himself had no idea what could evolve into.
After dressing in one of his favorite tight denim jeans and a simple yellow t-shirt, Jimin curled his hair a bit and applied some lip balm onto his plump lips, admiring the whole look in the bathroom mirror.
He looked cute and hot at the same time.
While humming a song that got stuck in his head, he walked inside the living room where Jungkook was sitting with Chaeryeong for the nth time this week.
"Hi you two." Jimin greeted them politely as always, feeling like Chae, as they called her, almost became their third roommate from how often she was in their apartment.
"Hey you, pretty Jiminie. Why are you looking so good?" the dark redhead girl asked so Jimin blushed at the compliment.
"Thank you... I'm just having a coffee date..." Jimin said shyly, trying not to pay too much attention to Jungkook's dark gaze.
"Hyunjin again?" the younger asked while leaning his back on the couch, looking like he's examining Jimin's posture and the thing that he's saying.
"Yes." Jimin simply said, trying to stand strong and confident, but seeing that tongue poking on the inside of Jungkook's cheek always did things to his brain.
That could be my dick in there...
"So, a fourth date?" Jungkook suddenly asked, so Jimin's eyes widened.
Was it their fourth date? He couldn't seriously tell.
"What are you like counting?" Instead he got a bit defensive about it.
Not like I count every time Chae is coming over...
"I just noticed. You always look extra pretty when you're meeting with him."
What the fuck?
"Thank you." Jimin couldn't argue about this, couldn't talk about him and Hyunjin and what is it that they are doing, nor could he ask about Jungkook and Chaeryeong cause it was all a bit too much, and he would rather not know some things.
Ignorance is a bliss they say...
"Bye guys, have fun... I'll see you later... or not if you... never mind..." again, Jimin and his awkward self.
"Bye hyung. See you later." Jungkook said calmly and Chaeryeong waved at him with her bright smile.
Damn she's really beautiful.
The date with Hyunjin was nice.
Every date they had was pretty similar and Jimin was ok with that.
They would pick some coffee shop where they wanted to try out some new sweets and coffee and at the end of their date they would kiss for a while before returning home. This time, the ending of their date seemed to go in a different direction.
While sitting in a park near the coffee shop where they have had amazing irish coffee and some donuts, Hyunjin couldn't stop kissing Jimin's neck, nibbling on his skin, licking his way inside Jimin's mouth, and there was something different in the way he was kissing Jimin this time, than on their previous dates.
"Hyunjin... it's late... I need to go home.." Jimin whispered while the younger kept squeezing at Jimin's waist, pulling him towards his body more.
"But I don't want our date to end... I thought we could go somewhere else after... Your place or mine..." the man was obviously desperate.
Jimin smiled while pinching his sides.
"Horny much?" he teased so Hyunjin nodded shyly.
He was really a cute guy.
"Sorry but we've been doing this for month now and I can't stop remembering that first time when we were together cause I was a mess and you were perfect and I want to prove to you that I can be better than that."
Jimin pouted, finding Hyunjin's words sweet.
"You don't have to prove anything to me. You're really nice and fun and I just want this to go slowly and spontaneously... I want to do this right..."
Hyunjin took a deep breath.
"You're right. Sorry for being a horny mess, but you look so beautiful tonight."
Jimin saw this softness in the younger's eyes, and he really thought how he should give this whole thing a shot.
"Wanna watch a movie at my place?"
Hyunjin's face lit up instantly.
They got up, Hyunjin fixed his ongoing erection inside his pants and moved slowly towards the younger's car.
"This isn't a booty call just so you know. It's just movies and some snacks ok?" Jimin double checked cause he didn't wanna lead the poor man on.
Hyunjin fake cried so Jimin kicked his ass playfully.
After a short ride, they finally came into the apartment, and like usual, Jungkook and Chaeryeong were still in the living room, working on some of their Uni assignments.
"You came..." Jungkook said the moment he saw Jimin, but then Hyunjin came after him so Jungkook's expression fell down a bit.
"Yeah, I brought company...guys, this is Hyunjin, Hyunjin this is Jungkook, my roommate and Chaeryeong..." it felt so weird to try to put labels on them cause Jimin didn't know if they were dating, or Chae was only his Uni colleague and partner in this Photography assignment, he could really not tell.
"Hi, how are you?" Chae asked, so Hyunjin smiled at her, probably feeling welcomed when seeing her smiley face.
Unlike her, Jungkook looked stiff as if someone had put a stick up his ass.
"I'm good... We just wanted to watch some movie..."
They came inside and sat on the sectional couch opposite from Jungkook and Chae. Since this part of the couch where Jungkook and Chae were sitting was longer, Jimin and Hyunjing sat pretty closely on their side.
Jimin felt a bit awkward cause they were all snuggled up and Jungkook kept glancing at them.
"Can we please watch this new Kdrama that starts in five. Pleaseeeeee? It's so good and it's new so you'll catch up on it immediately and we need a break Kookah, seriously I'm so tired I might die." Chae batted her ridiculously long lashes at them so they all agreed to watch it with her.
Watching a new show was fun and Chae filled them with all the information they needed to know in case to understand the whole thing, and everything would be perfect and fun if Jungkook wasn't looking so down and kind of angry all the time.
"Look how handsome Lee Jong Suk is..." Jimin drooled at the sight of a sweaty man changing his clothes so Hyunjin faked a shocked expression and Jungkook just scoffed.
"He's indeed a hot mess..." Chae agreed and Jungkook had something to add.
"He's totally not your type hyung." he commented while sipping on a beer so Jimin frowned.
"He so is." Jimin argued back.
Hyunjin acted to be hurt again.
"Pfff please. You're into, not so put together pretty guys and a bit more muscly and not to mention tattoos."
Fuck you and your knowledge Jeon Jungkook!
He knew Jimin so well...
Hyunjin eyed Jungkook up and down, cause could it be that Jungkook literally described himself.
"I mean muscles are nice and tattoos are hot, but when a guy's handsome, he's handsome, and handsome is anyone's type." Jimin tried to defend his beliefs.
"I just know you would always go for someone more like So Ji Sub... or someone like... me..."
Jimin coughed loudly.
Did he just say that?
Chae looked at Jungkook, and so did Hyunjin, but Jungkook just kept sipping on his beer unbothered, looking cocky, a smug expression not leaving his face.
"HA HA. Funny... Jungkook's always so funny... Luckily we're just friends and roommates and there's no sexual attraction between us." Jimin said annoyingly, hating the way Hyunjin looked uncomfortable with all the comments, and hating Jungkook's stupid, smug, hot face.
He would so gladly punch him in the face right now.
Or kiss him hard.
He couldn't decide which one he would do first.
"If you say so Minie..." Jungkook said and got up, probably heading to the kitchen to get more beer for him and Chae.
Jimin got up and after asking Hyunjin if he wanted something to drink, he followed Jungkook inside the kitchen.
As expected, the younger was taking out two new beer bottles so Jimin came closer with crossed arms on top of his chest, looking at his roommate furiously.
"Hey..." Jungkook was still acting cool about all of this.
"Don't you hey me... What the fuck was that out there?"
Jungkook raised his eyebrows like he had no idea what Jimin was talking about.
"Come on. The comments, the you're my type thing... Are you insane? I'm literally sitting next to a guy I was out on a date and you think it's ok to say how you're my type and what's 'if you say so' even supposed to mean?"
Jimin really had it with this whole thing.
"Aren't you being a bit dramatic hyung?"
Jungkook said and opened the new beer bottle and Jimin hated how strong his arms looked.
"Not to mention how uncomfortable Chae must have felt. You're really acting weird."
"What's Chae having to do with any of it?"
Jimin scoffed.
"Aren't you two like dating for months now? You're literally becoming Siamese twins from how much time you're spending together."
Jungkook laughed out loud.
Jimin felt annoyance building in the pit of his stomach.
"What's so funny?"
"You thought we were dating and yet you never saw us even kissing. Not to mention fucking in my room or something. Don't you think if I was dating her that by now you would at least saw us kiss once, or you would've heard me fuck her in my room like you used to hear me before, hm?"
Suddenly Jungkook's voice became deeper and his gaze became darker and Jimin's legs become wobbly.
"I didn't think about that... I just thought..." Jimin stuttered.
"You assumed instead of asking me." Jungkook interrupted him.
"What was I even supposed to ask? Are you dating? Why would I ask you that? Do I have the right to interfere in your love life or sex life or whatever..." Jimin burst out of his closed bubble of fear and thoughts cause sooner or later he needed to know if all the teasing he had felt for months now was only in his head.
"You have the right to ask me anything. We're friends right? We can be open with each other... There's no secrets between us, hm?"
Jungkook was so close Jimin feared he would faint if he inhaled deeply, but somehow he felt out of breath.
"You annoy the shit out of me lately." Jimin said weakly, hating the way Jungkook's eyes were on his lips, and how much he would love to kiss him right now.
Why is this happening to him?
"I think I'm the one who's annoyed more here." Jungkook said while coming even a step closer, his hand went up, caressing Jimin's cheek softly.
Jimin's gonna lose his damn mind.
"Why is that so?" he needed to ask... Needed to know.
"I think you know."
Just tell me...
"I need that beer, Jungkookah!" Chae yelled from the living room so Jimin moved a step away. Hating that he was almost there... Hating that he almost got some answers, but no... Jungkook kept teasing him without telling him anything straight forward and Jimin was sick of it.
" Ugh... Just... Let's go..." he said while storming angrily outside, forcing himself to have some fun while watching the rest of the show.
Hyunjin looked a bit lost and overwhelmed, so he just kept watching the drama like the others, caressing Jimin's hand from time to time.
" It's getting late..." Hyunjin got up and so did Chaeryeong and Jimin, Jungkook didn't bother to move a muscle.
"I have to go too... I'm unable to study now that I'm all consumed in my favorite drama." Chae said dramatically so Jimin laughed at her.
Only then Jungkook got up and gave Chae a brief hug so she patted his back kindly and all Jimin could think about is how the hell didn't he notice that they were indeed just good friends.
They all walked towards the exit door, and Jimin thought how he'll say his goodbye's to Hyunjin there but instead the younger asked him shyly to walk with him outside.
"The drama was fun..."Jimin tried to break the not so pleasant silence, but Hyunjin had other concerns on his mind.
" Are you and Jungkook a thing? "
Jimin's eyes widened although he shouldn't be so shocked with the question.
"No." he said while shaking his head.
"Ok. Cause the way he was looking at me, at us... It felt like he was bothered by us dating and then he said how he's your type... I mean what the fuck?"
Jimin sighed.
"I know... He can be a jerk sometimes, but he's a nice guy, I assure you."
Hyunjin nodded.
"So you don't have any feelings for him?"
Well that's a totally different thing...
Jimin took a deep breath..
How to explain this?
Hyunjin scoffed and started walking towards his car.
"Wait! I didn't answer you..." Jimin followed after him.
"You didn't need to. Your silence said more than your words would."
Fucking shit!
"I'm sorry... I never meant to hurt you, or to lead you on..."
Hyunjin shook his head.
"It's ok. You can't force these things... You're in love with him and it's fine..."
Jimin frowned.
"I'm not in love with him... I'm just... I don't know it yet..."
Hyunjin looked at him with all the sympathy in the world, or could it be just pity...
"Ok Jiminah, if you say so. I just don't want to commit myself to something that's not going to work, and that has no future... I did really like you though...'' There was a dose of pain in Hyunjin's voice and Jimin hated it.
"I'm really sorry. You're an amazing guy and I just thought that if we spend more time together I'll get to know you better and then we could try... I don't know... I'm so confused... I'm really sorry..."
Hyunjin came closer and gave him a firm hug.
"If you ever get over him and are free to hang out, damn even a booty call, I'm here for you."
Jimin rolled his eyes with a smile on his face.
"Thank you for your offer. You're very generous." he cocked his eyes teasingly at the long haired man before walking away.
He walked away from yet another chance, from yet another person that could be something more to him, like he always does, like he was used to, cause he never dates his partners, he only fucks with them and then never sees them again... That's his life, that's Jungkook's life and for some reason, he never saw a pattern in their behavior, never realized why they did what they do all the time... He was blind and unaware of the truth. Almost just as Jungkook was.
While returning home, Jimin didn't wanna see Jungkook.
He was mad at himself, mad at Jungkook, mad at this whole ridiculous situation, mad that he was again missing out on a nice guy just cause Hyunjin thought he's in love with Jungkook.
He was most definitely not in love with Jungkook.
How could he be?
After brushing his teeth furiously, his cavity almost bleeding out at the force, Jimin walked out angrily, only to be met with a calm looking Jungkook walking around shirtless in the living room, a bottle of beer in his hand.
He glanced and walked by, than glanced again, feeling even more furious cause Jungkook looked so good with all the muscles in the right places and those hot tattoos that he would like to map with his fingertips, tongue too, and that mother fucker looked so calm and so normal while Jimin had a struggle of a lifetime within himself.
"Wanna play some games hyung?" Jungkook yelled after noticing Jimin's not so subtle glances, but Jimin just inhaled deeply, trying to calm himself and trying damn hard not to say something stupid.
"No. I don't want to play any games with you." he said calmly, but his voice was stiff and Jungkook could see right through him.
He fucking smirked.
Bottle cap came near his lips, which almost twitched into a smile.
I fucking hate him!
"No? Ok. Good night then hyungie. Sleep well."
Sleep well? Are you fucking kidding me???
"I'll try. Thank you." Jimin said while putting his hands on his hips. Looking like he's ready to have a cat fight or a stroke, but Jungkook moved away, Game remote positioned firmly in his hands, and Jimin could see all the veins cause of the force that Jungkook was holding the controller... he could see his muscles twitch and he hated everything about him.
Or he hated how much it turned him on...
With roll of his eyes, Jimin turned towards his room, deciding deeply in his mind and soul that he will forget everything about Jungkook and this stupid obsession he had with him, or rather with his perfect dick or whatsoever... but he'll stop. He will not indulge himself in this. He will forget about him even if it kills him.
At least he'll try.
"I hate Jungkook." Jimin said while lying on Hoseok's bed where he's been sleeping for the past three nights.
"Oh do you now?" Hoseok teased while bringing them a new bottle of soju.
"I'm dead serious hyung. And I'm drunk, and drunk people don't lie." Jimin said while getting up, well at least he tried to get up, but ended up falling right back down again.
"Then why are you getting drunk every night and are not going home?"
Why is Hoseok so fucking smart?
"Cause I don't want to see him. That's how much I hate him." Jimin continued with the lies even though he knew Hoseok could see right through him.
"Yeah, fine... At least answer to his messages. I mean you're still roommates and he cares about you. You can't just disappear and never see him again." Hoseok laid right next to Jimin's dead like body.
"Sure I can. Didn't you notice that you have a new roommate. It's me. Meet your new roommate. I'm staying at your place for the rest of my life."
Hoseok jumped up immediately.
"That's it. No more alcohol for you and if you stay at my place for more than a week, I'm calling Tae and Yoongi hyung to babysit you for the next week. I'm done."
Jimin got up abruptly.
"NO. You wouldn't do that. You know damn well that they'll use me for their threesome fantasy and I'm a delicate soul that's hurting right now." Jimin fake cried. He could shed a few real tears too.
"Oh I know. That's why I'm doing it." Hoseok smiled devilishly.
"I take back every nice compliment that I have ever given you. Give me back all the smiles that you had cause of me. Remember those laughs Mr. Sunshine? Give them back right now!"
So Jimin wrestled Hoseok until they were both on the bed, laughing hysterically and uncontrollably.
"I'm serious Jiminah. You can't hide forever, and please just answer any of his messages. You don't want your friendship to suffer like this. You love him too much for that. You'll regret it, I know you..." Jimin took his phone and handed it to Hoseok without looking at him.
"Answer him. Whatever you want. I don't care. I can't and I won't force myself to be nice and polite when I'm confused and hurting. I just can't."
Hoseok took his phone and answered Jungkook's message and soon there was a sound indicating Jimin had a new message on his phone.
"What are you like texting with him now?" he felt a bit anxious to be honest.
"Nope. More like sexting."
Jimin jumped up.
"Give me my phone." He greedily took the phone out of Hoseok's hands and tried to read the messages. The letters were basically jumping around since he really drank too much soju.
Where are you?
Hyung, are you ok?
Jiminah, what's going on? Hobi hyung told me you're at his place? Is everything alright?
Hyung I'm worried...please answer me...
I'm at Hobi's cause he's having some boy trouble, sorry I couldn't answer sooner, he's really a pain in the ass, only wants to cuddle and drink so yeah... sorry about that. I'll be home soon.
Oh so you can cuddle Hobi hyung and you can't cuddle me to sleep?
"Jeong Hoseok what the actual fuck?" Jimin said while looking mad, his nose flared from how deeply he was inhaling some air.
"What? Hold on! My message was completely normal. Read for fucks sake. You have eyes."
"Eyes that don't work well!"
"Well that's cause you drink too much dumb ass! But seriously. Reed. I sent a perfectly normal message, and what does Jungkook do? He fucking flirts right away. He flirts with you all the time. He's in this deeper than you and I knew it. He's just as bothered, he's just afraid to show it."
Jimin shook his head.
"No... Then why did he never say anything. I can't just guess these things... He's not giving me anything... I asked him. I fucking asked him why I shouldn't go with Hyunjin when we were at our apartment. He could've said it then, but he just stayed mysterious and dumb."
Hoseok patted his shoulder.
"Jiminah, have you ever said anything to him? Have you ever mentioned that you feel attracted to him to the point where you have to hide not to do something stupid? That he's all you can think of for the past few months? Have you."
Jimin felt his cheeks blushing.
"No..." he whispered shyly.
"See... You're the same. At least he flirts with you. He's giving you something. He's trying his best but I think he's afraid of your reaction and of losing you cause you two are amazing together, always have been and now you've unlocked this 'tension plus attraction' thing and nothing is the same again."
Jimin put both of his hands over his face, feeling overwhelmed yet again by all of this.
"What do I do hyung. I can't have him and I can't lose him, and I can't not want him cause I do and I'm such an idiot."
"Flirt back."
Jimin put his head up.
"Answer teasingly to his message and see if he's into you or if he's just playing around."
Jimin felt his heart beating faster in his chest.
"I can't..."
Hoseok put the phone in Jimin's hands.
"Yes you can. And please, bring your A game. If you have none, then let me handle it. I'm a pro at flirting."
Jimin smacked his hands away, looking at him with all the sass he had in him.
Oh baby I could cuddle you all night, but I'm not sure you could handle it.
Then he freaked out.
Hoseok fell down from how hard he was laughing.
"You did good. Stop freaking out. I'm impressed actually." the older praised Jimin's flirting skills, but he couldn't focus on anything right now except those little dots next to Jungkook's name indicating he was writing, then deleting his message, writing again, then deleting it all over again...
"He's freaking out. He's gonna ask me if I'm insane. He's gonna move out. This is so wrong. He's gonna..."
"He answered." Hoseok glanced at the phone that was vibrating and ringing the message sound on the bed, so Jimin ran to get it with shaky hands.
Come back home and see it for yourself.
Jimin threw the phone away.
"OH GOD HE'S GOOD!" Hoseok was obviously having the time of his life.
"What the fuck is this?!" Jimin was a panicking mess.
"It's called 'You're getting that 7.5 inch dick and I'm the one to blame' You can thank me later." Hoseok said smugly so Jimin hit his back playfully. Well maybe a bit strongly since Hoseok coughed right after.
Jimin walked in circles, trying to figure out if this is really happening.
"I'm sorry to break your meditation routine, but you need to answer him." Hoseok made Jimin stop in his tracks, swallowing hard.
"I don't know what to say. I'm so drunk I might pass out from how overwhelmed I feel."
Hoseok chuckled before tugging Jimin to sit with him on the bed, taking both of his hands in his.
"I have an idea. Ok?"
Jimin nodded.
"It's not smart to go back home tonight cause I seriously doubt you could be good lay in this state."
Jimin looked at him dead-panned.
"But... We have Yoongi's birthday tomorrow and you know how Tae had planned a surprise party for him at the Gangam pub, so tell him something teasing about meeting him there so that he is excited to see you again and a bit impatient cause he has no idea what you'll do to him."
"I have no idea what I'm supposed to do to him." Jimin said with uncertainty in his voice.
Hoseok sighed.
"I know, but he doesn't have to know that you don't know, you know?"
Jimin almost asked Hoseok to repeat himself. He was really wasted.
"Now answer for fucks sake, he'll think that you've chickened out."
"I did chickened out..."
Hoseok smacked Jimin over his arm. Not too harshly.
"Do it."
The younger scratched the place where he was hit and took the phone.
Can't tonight. Hobi hyung is whining right now. He needs a shoulder to cry on more than you need my cuddles, but I'll see you tomorrow at Yoongi hyung's birthday party and I'm all yours then.
"Wow. What an amazing friend you are, Jiminah." Hoseok teased while glancing at the message, shaking his head at the part where he was supposed to be crying and a whining mess which he usually never is.
"I know. I love you too." Jimin batted his lashes at the older, and soon heard a message ringtone.
Can't wait. I missed you.
Jimin's heart pumped double the blood than usual. He was so smitten.
I missed you too.
Jimin was nervous as fuck for the tonight's event.
That had nothing to do with Yoongi's birthday surprise, nor his clothing choice, nor the gift he had yet to buy... It was all cause of one and one thing only.
Ever since their last shared message, Jimin couldn't stop thinking about the younger.
Why were they flirting with each other?
Is it even smart to think about Jungkook in that way? (sexual way)
What should he expect out of all of this?
He had no answer to any of those questions, but was definitely ready to find out.
After drinking some beer with Hoseok and grabbing a nice and long bath, he felt a bit better. Could be cause he finally smelled nice and looked clean and his skin was glowing.
"I have nothing to wear tonight." Jimin said while holding three t-shirts in his hands that he brought with himself when he was coming to Hoseok's place for a sleepover.
"You must be kidding me." Hosek looked offended.
"I have these three..."
Hoseok got up and went to his closet with fast steps.
"Look. Just look at these marvelous pieces. You can literally pick any of these and it would most definitely suit you amazingly well. We're pretty much the same physic only that you have a bit more ass than I have." Hoseok cocked his eyebrows at the blond, so Jimin laughed while coming closer to his friend's closet.
" You do have a unique fashion style, hyung. I don't think I could pull half of these things off. " Jimin said while examining some bold colors and interesting patterns.
"I know what you mean, but look at this combination. These leather pants." Hoseok gave Jimin one of his favorite old, black, leather pants, which he gladly took.
"And let's say this black button up shirt." The brown haired showed the shirt, but Jimin pursed his lips, not being completely blown away by his choice.
"It's a party in a local bar. I don't think I would like to wear button up shirts." Jimin explained and then took a simple white Gucci shirt that Hoseok adored.
"But this one, and that black jacket with those pretty rhinestones and crystals..."
Hoseok's face lit up.
"Yes. That could actually work really well. Try it on."
Jimin took the clothes and went into the bathroom, trying to fit all that ass into Hoseok's tight pants. It was a challenge, but he didn't give up. The stiches on the outlines were almost breaking, but his ass wiggled it's way in and he looked hot as fuck.
The shirt matched perfectly well with the pants, looking neutral and comfortable, not outshining Jimin's greatest asset. His ass.
He walked inside the living room where Hoseok had planned his crazy outfit choices and the minute he walked in Hoseok whistled loudly.
"Damn Minie... I'd do you and I'm not even sexually attracted to you."
Jimin frowned.
"That's the weirdest compliment anyone ever gave me."
After Hoseok picked his wide jeans and cute black shirt with a smiley face on it, they went to the bathroom to apply some makeup on their faces.
"Minie,I know I'm getting a bit crazy with this idea, but I have some purple washable shampoo left and I think the color would really make your hair pop. I really really wanna dye your hair. Pleaseeeeeee."
Jimin just took a deep breath, knowing there's no negotiating when Hoseok wanted something badly. He had the warmest, puppy eyes and the loveliest heart shaped smile that no one could ever stay immune to.
" Holly fuck! " Jimin exclaimed the moment Hoseok blew dried his hair, which looked like some cotton candy berry dream and he really loved the end result.
"I'm so trying this color next time." Hoseok exclaimed eagerly while looking at the pastel purple looking Jimin who radiated some sexy mixed with cute aura.
He was digging the whole look and it showed.
"Let's go. I'm ready hyung." he said all happily so Hoseok nodded, excited to go gift shopping first and then finally to meet with the boys at the party.
After buying an unnecessarily amount of new sex toys, lube and Kamasutra book, that they had wrapped up all nicely with a cute little silver bow on it, Hoseok and Jimin came to the Pub, ready to celebrate Yoongi's birthday.
Since they were kind of late (Hosek wanted to buy some kinky stuff for himself too) they missed the non existing excitement and shy thank you from Yoongi who wasn't expecting a party in his honor, and was always against these kind of events, but that's what you get when you're dating Taehyung, the man who likes to do things his way regardless of what anyone else wants.
"Yoongi hyung!" Jimin exclaimed the moment he saw the birthday boy, wearing a silly birthday hat, looking unimpressed by the look that probably Tae had selected for him, and gave him a firm hug.
"I wish you the best birthday ever and a lot of fun tonight." Jimin said while extending his hands with his gift inside, knowing damn well, both Tae and Yoongi will have their fun tonight if they decide to use the toys Hoseok and Jimin had picked with a lot of care and love for them.
"Thank you Jiminah, you really shouldn't spend the money..."
"Come on hyung. You know I buy the best gifts and you know you'll enjoy those with Tae later..." Jimin winked devilishly so Yoongi blushed, scratching his neck nervously. He didn't drink enough and it showed.
"Hey I picked some of those too..." Hoseok whined behind Jimin, so they chuckled at his reaction, bringing him in for a hug.
"Of course you did. I wasn't even doubting that." Yoongi teased him, knowing damn well Hosek is the one who likes giving gifts to all of their friends.
"Park fucking Jimin! Is that your ass in those tight leather pants?" Jimin heard Tae's voice coming from behind, so after shaking his head and smiling at his always straight forward comment, Jimin turned around, and saw Tae, coming closer to them with Jungkook right next to him.
His throat felt dry immediately cause even though he was expecting to see his roommate, he would much more prefer to be a bit more prepared for it. (he would like to be wasted or at least tipsy)
"H-Hi... you two..." and how amazing it was that he was already stuttering.
Seriously though... Who wouldn't?
Jungkook was wearing all black. Black tight ripped jeans, tight black turtle neck and a fucking leather jacket that Jimin loved so much on him. He looked fierce and dominant and Jimin would like nothing more than to be smashed against the wall by those strong arms...
"We're matching."
Suddenly he realized that Jungkook was saying something to him so after snapping out of his little private daydream Jimin opened his eyes a bit wider.
"Sorry what?"
"We're matching." Jungkook repeated while pointing at his leather jacket and Jimin's tight leather pants.
"Oh... That... Yeah... These are Hobi hyung's actually..." Jimin explained even though no one asked... He was really nervous... Like hands sweating, ass clenching from desire...
"Oh I know these are not yours. Baby, they are at least one size too small for that ass of yours." Tae said so Jimin frowned, hitting his shoulder playfully.
"Hey!" Tae whined while rubbing the sore spot and continued. "I never said I don't like it. I'm just curious as to why you have those on. Are you trying to have fun tonight? Cause someone's gonna tap that for sure."
Jimin almost choked on his non existing saliva.
"Taeeeee... shut up..." Jimin blushed hot pink.
Jungkook smirked, still eyeing up and down Jimin's body.
"And that hair... Is it ok if I'm being jealous a little bit?" Tae came closer and started messing around with Jimin's hair that looked unbothered while rolling his eyes.
"Hobi hyung did it for me. It's just a coloring shampoo. It will fade away eventually."
"I like it. Suits you well hyung.'' Finally Jungkook spoke too and only then Jimin realized how much he missed the younger's voice.
I'm such an idiot...
He really had no reason to go away for a week without saying a word to the younger cause this whole thing is so ridiculous and they should be above that. Well Jimin should be. Seemed like Jungkook had it all under control.
Jimin came a step closer and hugged both of them, then moved to stay next to Jungkook who he missed so much these past week, but he really couldn't do anything about it. Not when he was feeling the way he was before. Seeing the younger made him a bit more at ease and comfortable.
"Thank you..." he whispered yelled cause the music was suddenly too loud, and it seemed like everyone had started dancing around.
", you never answered Tae's question hyung." Jungkook turned to face him fully, so Jimin gulped heavily, those exact same feelings coming right back, uneasiness, confusion, hornyness... while being so close to the younger.
"Hm?" he played dumb.
"You trying to pull tonight? I mean the way you look hyung... I don't want to stare at you but damn it if you're not the hottest guy in here..."
This is totally fine... Don't faint... It's just a compliment...He's just asking normal questions...
"Yeah... I don't know... I'm a bit tired... I wasn't planning to... I..."
Jungkook coming flush next to his body didn't help with the pent up tension that Jimin was feeling all over his body.
"You're tired? But we just got here? Wanna go home? Want me to take care of you?"
Jimin's eyes widened cause what the fuck?
"Huh? Sorry what?" again, it's easier to play dumb than to ask someone to repeat what they might have said.
"I asked if you want to go home already? Maybe you need a bath or just a chill night, movies and drinks if you're tired..."
Oh dear God... that's what he was talking about....
"Oh no, no, no... It's fine... I'm ok... Just... Hobi hyung a lot... yeah... so um... I'll need some time to rest well..."
What in the world am I talking about...
"Ok hyungie. I'm here for you just so you know. Whenever you're ready to leave I'll be ready." Jungkook said while sliding his hands up over Jimin's arms, squeezing at his shoulder lightly.
Jimin wanted him to hold him a bit longer, a little rougher...
"What about you?" he suddenly asked, words were out of his mouth before he could even process what he's asking.
"What about me?" now was obviously the time for Jungkook to play dumb.
"Well are you going to pull tonight? I mean... I don't want to hold you back... you know... If you have some plans... cause you look like you might want to have fun tonight..." Jimin tried to be smug about his question, but the cocky smirk on Jungkook's face was an indicator that the younger could see right through his question.
"Are you trying to tell me that I look good, hyung?"
Mother fucker.
"Yes I am." Jimin's just gonna stick to the truth.
Jungkook widened his eyes shortly, looking like he was a bit buffed by the honest answer, but he composed his confident posture quickly and cocked his eyebrows to the older.
"I don't have any interest in having that kind of fun with anyone tonight to be honest. I just wanna get you home hyung."
Jimin's heart was hammering inside his chest.
What does he mean by that for the love of God?
"Oh..." Jimin felt the butterflies storming inside his stomach. He's so not ready for this.
"Just let me know when you want to come hyung." Jungkook whispered directly into Jimin's ear, a hot breath spread all around the area, sending chills down the older's spine.
"Come?" he asked shyly.
"Yeah... Come home." Jungkook smiled smugly, knowing damn well what his little word game did to Jimin's poor mind.
He's too horny for this shit.
"I'm just gonna grab some drinks with the rest of the boys, and then I'm all yours."
The hook was there, and all Jungkook needed was to catch on it.
Jimin put the perfect bait into the hot water they were dancing around together. Hopefully the younger will dive into it...
"Mhm... Ok. I'll do the same then we'll go." Jungkook smiled while winking at the older, making his insides all warm and fuzzy.
Jimin nodded and right before he tried to leave, to have couple of shots with Hoseok and Tae at the bar, Jungkook tugged him closer, leaning his head closer to his lips, but then moving slightly to the side, and then he kissed Jimin's cheek, making him blush and a complete mess.
"I missed you." he whispered before moving away, looking at Jimin's flustered face.
"I missed you too." Jimin found the strength in himself not to say fuck drinks and everything else, let's go home and do whatever you want to do to me, but he stayed calm. At least he tried to look so while feeling like he's burning deep inside.
Jungkook smiled once again before heading to the other side of the pub where their friends Seokjin and Namjoon were preparing a karaoke machine, trying to get this party to another level.
After too many songs that Namjoon had sung, and too many ear breaking notes Jimin had heard, he finally sat down to have some drinks with Hoseok.
"I never wanted to go home this much in my entire life." Jimin says dramatically before drinking a shot of tequila.
"What? Why? Aren't you having fun?" Hoseok was obviously confused.
"I just want to go back home with Jungkook and do... Things..."
Hoseok cocked his eyebrows suggestively.
"Oh... Someone's getting slutty. Is that why he's been eye fucking you since we came here? Did you make a deal? Have you finally offered yourself on a silver plate for him?" Hoseok had a wicked grin on his face and Jimin couldn't stop blushing.
"No. We just... Talked... We never said anything... Well, except wanting to go home together later."
Hoseok almost squealed.
"I swear that sounded like foreplay to my ears."
"Or it could be that we're living in the same apartment and Jungkook just wanted to drive us both together there..." Jimin shrugged, not knowing what to think anymore, this whole situation is seriously going to kill him.
"Wanna know what I think?" Hosek said proudly, looking like he knows everything about boys and stuff.
"I'm gonna regret this, but sure."
"I think both of you know, deep down, that something needs to happen between the two of you, and you're just playing a game of who's gonna take the first step. Who's gonna break under the pressure and do the reckless thing, and if something goes wrong, then you know who to blame. I don't think you're ready to confront the consequences yet, but that's ok. Some things just need to happen and then you can think about consequences later. I'd say... dive in... do it. Don't hold back... Do whatever you want cause following your gut instinct could never be a bad thing... and you've been a pain in the ass over this thing for ages now." Hoseok really tried to cheer Jimin up by giving him his honest opinion, but there was something more alluring for Jimin to look at.
Jungkook dancing.
Jimin knew Jungkook knew how to move his body, but tonight it seemed like he was giving some extra attention to the way his hips were moving, his chest isolating themselves and rolling in perfect circles making Jimin's mouth drool...
"I think I've lost you..." Hoseok concluded and left to get some more drinks for them to drink.
Jimin definitely needed it.
Jungkook danced while Yoongi was doing some rap song on karaoke and the younger looked fierce, good, attractive, but it seemed like Jimin wasn't the only one to think so. Soon, a group of girls, Jungkook obviously knew, came around him and Yoongi and started dancing with them, looking all smiley and cute.
I hate my life...
Why the fuck am I so bothered about this...
Jimin turned around, suddenly not feeling so good about any of this.
"Drink up sourpuss." Hoseok put the tequila shot down on the bar next to Jimin, obviously sensing his best friends sudden change in attitude.
"I'm stupid." Jimin said right before drinking his shot in one go.
"Can't argue with that one..." Hoseok teased so Jimin punched him in the shoulder.
"No, like, seriously... He's having fun, dancing around with some girls, and here I am sulking without having the right to do so... And I feel miserable and, and..."
"...jealous?" Hoseok filled the word that was missing in Jimin's vocabulary cause that was something he never felt before.
"Yeah... I guess so..." Jimin took a deep breath, feeling kind of lost and drunk and not in the mood for a lecture. Then he felt a smooth hand wrapping around his waist, a head coming to rest on his right shoulder.
He turned his head slightly, looking at his best friend confused, cause was it really necessary to be this close...
"Then why don't we dance too?" Hoseok asked while already swaying his hips to the rhythm, so Jimin laughed at him.
"Hobi hyung... This is so unnecessary..." Jimin whined but his hips moved to the rhythm too. He was never the one to resist Hoseok's charm when it comes to dancing.
"What is? We're just dancing... And if I casually put my hands on your ass in the heat of our dance..." Jimin snapped his gaze towards his best friend, daring him to do so.
"I would cut your hands off."
Jimin turned around now facing his best friend, giving him an unamused look, trying to prove his point.
"See, that's how people react when their best friend offers to put their hands on their ass, and what would you do if Jungkookah did the same?" Hoseok asked while resting his hands on Jimins hips, deciding that's the safest place.
"I would probably ask him to grab it harder."
Hoseok started laughing hysterically, his body almost falling on the ground, luckily Jimin was fast enough to catch him, enabling him to lose total balance.
"You're so gone. I don't even recognize you." Hoseok concluded before bringing his hands up on Jimin's shoulders, squeezing them lightly, continuing their dancing.
"I know. I feel the same way. Alcohol isn't really helping either, it just makes me that much hornier..."
"Khm, khm..." a fake cough startled them from their fun dancing and even more fun talk, so they both turned around, and saw Jungkook staring back at them.
"I thought you were tired..." the younger said while coming closer to Jimin who was still standing closely next to Hoseok, dancing long forgotten.
"I am. I am... I just..." seemed like with every tequila that Jimin had drank, another word got erased from his vocabulary.
"We wanted to dance a bit, you know, get slutty, get some attention..." Hoseok stepped in with a shameless body wave, causing both Jimin and Jungkook to roll their eyes at him.
"You go ahead hyung, but leave my Jiminie hyung alone. He's not the slutty type." Jungkook casually came in between them and put his hand territorially over Jimin's shoulder.
"You think so?" Hoseok teased while cocking his eyebrows at Jimin's bold, tight outfit.
"No matter what he wears he'll always be more on the cute side." Jungkook teased back while looking straight into Jimin's eyes.
The older frowned.
"I'm not cute. I'm sexy." he said with pout, hating how Jungkook always teased him about looking like a fluffy chick or a baby, sometimes just cutie, and Jimin's had enough of that. He's hot and he's sexy and he's...too drunk for this.
Jungkook put his hand up and caressed Jimin's cheek, then he went with his thumb slightly over Jimin's bottom lip, caressing it softly, his eyes trailing down the sight of Jimin's lips parting slightly.
Jimin couldn't breathe.
"See... The cutest." Jungkook said while bringing his gaze up, meeting Jimin's fucked out expression.
"Let's go home." It was either that, or Jimin would lose his goddamn mind.
"I thought you'd never asked." Jungkook said smugly and wrapped his hand around Jimin's waist, pulling him closer to his body, making his mind cloudy, his legs wobbly and his heart almost jumping out of his chest.
After saying the shortest goodbye to their friends, they went outside, and Jimin felt confused cause Jungkook's car wasn't parked there.
"We're taking a cab, we both drank a bit I think." Jungkook explained so Jimin nodded.
"A bit..." Jimin said while giggling, knowing damn well he drank more than a bit.
He needed some courage, that's it.
Jungkook called a cab and soon they were outside their apartment, smiling at nothing, and feeling just high on life, happy in each other's embrace, still hugged and cuddled into each other's sides, and Jimin loved it. Missed it more than anything.
He missed this, his friend, roommate, his doe, bunny precious Kookie, and even if the night ends up in them talking and watching movies until they fall asleep, Jimin wouldn't mind. Heck, maybe that's what they need. Maybe this whole tension was unnecessary and they will soon enough snap out of it.
"So..." Jungkook trailed when they entered the apartment, Jimin just looked at him, waiting for his next words.
"Movies and cuddles?"
Fuck and orgasms?
Jimin gulped down his stupid idea, cause movies and cuddles sounded amazing.
He nodded, not wanting his words to sound bitter and disappointing.
This is what he wants, what they need, so he'll stop thinking about Jungkook and them doing other things...and...
"Do you need help with changing your clothes?"
"With what?" it's better to double check what Jungkook just asked him to do.
"Your pants, they look too tight, you might fall while taking them off..." Jungkook explained while showing the thick muscles covered with that leather so Jimin thought WTF?
"You wanna help me with taking off my pants?" again, it's better to double check.
Jungkook chuckled, obviously enjoying this whole ridiculous situation way more than Jimin had expected.
"Wouldn't be the first time. You used to always call me to change your clothes when you were drunk hyung."
And oh fucking shit, it was an absolute true.
Jimin would always do that. He would always come home and while laying on his bed, or floor, depending on how drunk he was, he would just call Jungkook to help him out. In the morning, he would always wake up in his pyjamas, the used clothes already in the dirty laundry basket, taken care of by his best roommate.
But there was something else in the way Jungkook asked him to take his pants off. He wasn't imagining it. There was something in the air around them, some thickness, some desire...lust... It can't be just him. It can't be one sided...
Jimin should check.
"Sure. Help me out. Those are too tight anyways I'm afraid I might rip them off if I tried it myself."
Jimin said while squeezing his ass, knowing damn well where the material is stretched to its maximum.
"Oh, I'd love to see that." Jungkook teased with a smug grin, so Jimin hit him playfully before heading to his room, not forgetting to sway those hips in front of the younger sexily.
They entered Jimin's bedroom, and then he froze.
What now?
Before, when he was drunk and Jungkook used to help him out with his clothes, Jimin was always wasted, unable to walk properly. This was totally different. They were standing in the middle of his room, looking at each other wordlessly.
Jungkook came closer and first he took off Jimin's jacket. Just let it slide off of his shoulders. The places where Jungkook's fingers had touched Jimin's skin tingled from the soft friction.
"Come here."
Jungkook sat on the edge of Jimin's bed and extended his hand towards Jimin's body, wanting him to come closer.
Jimin walked instinctively and positioned himself right between the younger's legs.
Jungkook tugged at the hem of Jimin's shirt, pushing it up slightly so Jimin got the message. In one swift move he took off the white shirt, leaving him only in his tight leather pants.
Jungkook's eyes were heavy, roaming all over Jimin's body, enjoying every curve, every dip of the firm muscles...
"The pants..." Jimin almost whispered, not wanting to startle the younger from his lustful eyeing.
Jungkook snapped out of the trans Jimin's almost naked body had put him in and slowly began to unbutton the one button in front of him.
His fingers were skilful, not a single shake while losing that button easily.
Then he glanced at Jimin again, and after the fastest nod, Jungkook unzipped the zipper that was positioned right below the button, revealing tight red underwear that Jimin was wearing.
"Red hyung. Really?" Jungkook teased while eyeing the soft material of Jimin's tight boxer briefs.
"What's wrong with red?" Jimin asked while frowning, glancing down at one of his favorite pairs of underwear.
"I don't know... They're a bit sexy if you ask me." the younger licked his lips while his hands started to tug the tight leather material off of Jimin's hips, and Jimin's mind went ooihdiyshfiosyhfisfisofihiofhyidohviodhifoiadjiaIDOsjyofijdoihysiofjifp.
The waistband started moving slowly down, but it got stuck right in the middle of Jimin's thick ass.
"Sexy's good... I think..." Jimin struggled to get out of those pants, his voice sounded kind of strangled cause Jungkook's thumbs were behind him, pushed inside Jimin's pants, caressing his cheeks while trying to loosen up the tight material.
Jimin moved his hips, trying to help with those sticky pants, but Jungkook smacked his ass lightly, making Jimin's head dizzy and his breath shorter.
"Stop squirming around. You'll literally tear them apart." he scolded the older while slowly going with his thumbs more inside, stretching the material, making Jimin's life that much harder. Or was it his dick at this point, cause Jungkook was close, so close to him, and he was still wearing that stupid leather jacket that looked so handsome on him...
Jimin was having a crisis and he needed something to be done to him.
"I'm trying to help." Jimin bit back, his eyes going up, looking at the ceiling, trying to calm his racing heart cause why was everything so difficult for him?
"Well you're only making things harder."
You got to be fucking kidding me!
"Just tear them apart... I can't... I... I need to use the bathroom..."
In the near panic attack, that's what Jimin came up with. He needs to use the bathroom. What a wuss.
In one swift move, Jimin's pants were down, pooled around his ankles and Jimin could finally breathe again.
"There... All done." Jungkook said while leaning back on the bed, elbows supporting his upper body, looking at Jimin like he's looking at his favorite snack.
"Thank you... I'll just... Go to the bathroom now... and change... and... I'll meet you in the living room?" Jimin wasn't sure what was going on anymore, nor he had the will to pretend to be in charge here. He was desperate, horny and on the edge of crying to be touched.
"Ok. Sounds good." Jungkook got up, and adjusted his pants a bit, making Jimin's eyes to eye down at the obvious bulge that was forming inside those tight black pants.
He looked delicious.
7.5 perfect inches... Jimin's gonna die tonight. Hopefully by choking on that perfect cock.
After storming inside the bathroom, Jimin splashed some water on his cheeks, took a short shower cause he needed one badly, and glanced at the image of his flustered face paired with a semi hard dick in those red underwear, looking desperate and needy and he needed to cover himself up the best way he can cause this was ridiculous.
While putting a big, oversized white shirt on, which covered his ass and partly his toned thighs, Jimin went out and was happy to see Jungkook already looking for some movies for them to watch.
He was wearing one of his baggy, grey sweats and a white t-shirt that revealed his hot arm tattoos.
"Found something yet." Jimin asked while sitting on the couch, close to the younger, but not too close for them to touch.
"Not really... I thought you could pick whatever you like tonight." Jungkook said and again, Jimin thought about the double meaning of his words...
Whatever I like... Oh I know what I'd like....
"I don't really care..." Jimin said while leaning his back down on the cushions, making himself comfortable, and after playing one of the Marvel movies they have watched a hundred times, Jungkook scooped closer and came between Jimin's legs, crawling in between, positioning his head on Jimin's chest. The older just spread his legs wider welcoming Jungkook in his embrace.
"Cuddle me. You promised." Jungkook said while positioning Jimin's hand in his hair, wanting his long promised cuddling session.
"Whiny baby." Jimin teased him while smiling, loving how close they were, how Jungkook's weight felt on him, how he could feel the younger's hot breath over his chest.
He missed this so much.
They were always close, always good to each other, they just never crossed that thin line of doing more cause they were always good like this...
What changed?
Jimin tried to watch the movie, but he got caught up in his own thoughts, fears, insecurities and somehow he couldn't focus on anything else than cuddling his friend, roommate, the guy that made his blood boil just by breathing next to him.
"The movie's over hyung."
Jimin heard Jungkook's soft voice, and only then he figured how he probably had fallen asleep cause he couldn't remember watching any of the movie.
"Sorry Kookah... I must have fallen asleep..." Jimin scratched his eyes, hating the coldness he felt once Jungkook got off of him to stretch his body.
"I'm no better than you. I barely remember watching any of it." the younger said with a sleepy, rough voice, that made Jimin's brain short circulate again... Could be the fact that while stretching his arms high up, Jungkook's shirt got up and revealed his perfect stomach with those deep V lines that were pointing at the perfect 7.5 inches inside his sweats.
"I guess we're both a bit sleepy and tired." Jimin said while getting up too, waiting what the younger one would say next.
"Yeah... I guess we are."
Oh please don't leave now... Just... Say something, anything...
They were both standing there, looking at each other, both not saying a word, and it was funny really how somehow they would tease the shit out of each other, but other times like this, when there's something that could actually happen, they were both silent, almost shy... Almost like they were thinking about pro's and con's of all of this... All the things that could go wrong... The friendship that could easily be destroyed... The broken hearts that could never heal...
"So... breakfast tomorrow?" Jungkook asked while scratching his neck nervously, looking straight into Jimin's eyes like he was waiting for him to do something, to make the first move.
Little did he know how big of a coward Jimin was when it came to them...
"Sure... I'd love that..." Jimin smiled weakly and started moving towards his room, Jungkook slowly walked towards his own.
"You looked really good tonight hyung." Jungkook said while standing on a door frame of his room, so Jimin turned around, looking at him with a small smile, loving how Jungkook would never miss a chance in complimenting him.
"Thank you. You did too." Jimin returned the compliment, being totally honest and a bit vulnerable at this point.
"Hopefully you won't pop up in my mind when I try to lose some tension cause I doubt I'll be able to sleep normally tonight." Jungkook said almost shyly, but his words rang inside Jimin's ear like a hard kick of a drum.
"Probably you will, but wouldn't be the first time. Bye hyungie." he said before getting inside, leaving confused and horny Jimin standing outside of his room, looking like a deer caught in front of the car light, shocked and uneasy...
He came inside his room, and tried to understand what Jungkook had just said to him.
Jungkook will do what now? Lose some tension before going to sleep... while thinking He'll touch that perfect dick while thinking about me? Oh he didn't fucking say that!!!
Jimin started walking around his room with furious, fast steps, thinking how any of that is fair... How could Jungkook say such a thing when all he's been feeling for the past months was insane hornyness and confusion towards his roommate.
That's not nice to say!
That's not something he should be saying to me...
Not before going to bed!
People say good night, and he goes and says that?!
That's not fair...
He should know that.
I should tell him that that's not ok...
I will most definitely tell him that...
Before he could even register his own inner voice, Jimin went outside his room, walking with determent steps, trying to tell his friend, his ridiculously handsome roommate that's been bothering him for so long how his words are not appropriate and nice, but right before he could knock loudly on the younger's door, the door flew open, and there was Jungkook, standing in front of him, looking shocked to see Jimin right there in front of his door, so they both jumped a step back, looking startled by each other's presence.
"I... You... That's not nice..." Jimin tried to speak first, but the words, again, failed to come out in the way he wanted them to say.
Jungkook just looked at him in awe, that same look he used to give him every time he would call him pretty or beautiful or sexy, and Jimin couldn't say anything else. The words got stuck in his throat, his lips felt dry and simple thing as breathing became a problem at this point.
Seemed like Jungkook didn't have much to say cause with one fast move, his hand was on Jimin's arm, tugging him inside his room with force, so once Jimin stumbled inside, Jungkook closed the door behind them and right after he pushed the older on it harshly, making Jimin to hiss in anticipation and slight pain.
"Hyung..." Jungkook nuzzled Jimin's neck, breathing loudly and deeply right at the spot where Jimin would usually put his perfume, and he felt chills spreading all over his body.
Jimin's eyes closed instinctively, chest moved faster, breathing became shallow...
Then he felt Jungkook's lips grazing softly over his exposed neck, so he moved his head to the side, giving him more access to where he needed him badly.
The younger nibbled on the sensitive skin, and then sucked at it roughly, making a faint mark that made Jimin to moan uncontrollably, which made Jungkook to squeeze at his waist harder, pushing his hips into Jimin's, showing the older how hot and bothered he was really feeling.
"Fuck Kookah..." Jimin cursed at the feeling of Jungkook's hardening dick being so close to his own, unable to control himself anymore.
This was out of control, and it was pretty clear to both of them that they were losing a battle in trying to stay away from each other... They were seeking attention and they were desperate for each other's touch.
"I want you." Jungkook whispered right before licking Jimin's ear lobe, so Jimin's dick twitched inside his boxer briefs, cause there's nothing he wanted more. Nothing he was craving more than this right there...
Thank God!
"Kiss me." Jimin barely whispered before Jungkook's lips were on his, firmly pushing his way inside Jimin's mouth, licking his way towards Jimin's wet tongue, wanting to feel all of him instantly.
They kissed passionately like they were living for this moment, like they were only waiting for this to happen, and they couldn't stop... Nothing was never enough...
Jungkook's lips were soft like feathers and wet like a sea, a mix of pleasure and pain while he was sucking onto Jimin's bottom lip roughly. Just like Jimin liked it.
While their lips were devouring each other, Jimin's hands wandered around Jungkook's muscly back, and he couldn't wait to feel the younger's soft skin under his fingertips, so while still kissing hungrily, Jimin grabbed at the hem of Jungkook's shirt and started tugging at it upwards.
The younger got the message and after moving slightly away from Jimin's lips, he pushed his arms up, helping Jimin to get him naked faster.
As soon as Jungkook's shirt was somewhere on the floor, they continued with lustful kissing, Jimin's hands found their way all over the younger's chest and abs.
"So fucking hot..." Jimin moaned while catching a breath, so Jungkook grabbed his thighs and hoisted him up easily, making the older to wrap his thighs firmly over Jungkook's middle.
With ease, Jungkook moved them to his bed and positioned them so that he was sitting with Jimin straddling his lap, leaning against the headboard of his bed. Seemed like Jungkook found Jimin's shirt unnecessary so in one fast move, he removed the shirt over Jimin's head, leaving the older only in his tight, red boxer briefs.
They kissed like that for ages, enjoying every single kiss, every nibble, lick, moan, and being a horny mess that Jimin was for the past months, he needed more.
With eagerness and hardness he was feeling inside his boxer brief, he started rolling his hips firmly on top of Jungkook's hard cock, trying to feel some friction over his own neglected, almost leaking one.
"Jiminah... fuck... what are you doing?" Jungkook's hands were on Jimin's ass, squeezing the hot flesh firmly, playing with the muscle like a starving man.
"Wanna see it." Jimin said right after grinding his hips harder onto Jungkook's cock, making the younger to hiss in delicious friction.
"Wanna see what?" Jungkook was obviously into teasing, but Jimin could be a little brat when it's needed.
"Your cock... Wanna see if it's really as perfect as it felt in my hand." Jimin licked the straight line from the younger's neck down to his collarbones, licking his way down, down, over Jungkook's nipples to his stomach, all the way down to his clothed crotch.
Jimin nuzzled his head in the front of Jungkook's grey sweats, making a wet spot where his mouth had latched on.
"Can I?" the older asked nicely, while looking at the fucked out expression on Jungkook's face from above. The younger nodded eagerly while getting his hips up, helping Jimin to remove his boxer briefs and sweats in one go.
Jungkook's dick sprung free, the perfect 7.5 muscle that made Jimin's life a living, hot hell.
"Oh God!" Jimin bit down on his lower lip, enjoying the sight in front of him, licking his lips in anticipation.
"And..." Jungkook stopped Jimin's lustful stare, so they looked at each other briefly, smirk dancing around on both of their faces.
"What? You wanna know how good your dick looks? Bet you know it already, you just like to be praised, don't you..." Jimin took the younger's dick and started pumping it slowly, smearing precum all over those 7.5 inches.
"Yes...want you to tell me..." Jungkook could barely speak. He was fisting his hands down on the mattress, his legs shaking slightly already, abs clenching from the older's touch.
"I need to taste it first so that I can give you a full report." Jimin cocked his eyebrows suggestively while positioning himself more comfortably in between Jungkook's legs.
"What... You..." Jungkook looked lost and shocked by Jimin's sudden boldness and desire that overpowered all of his senses and made him to lower his lips slowly and while looking at the younger's hungry gaze, he licked the tip of his cock sexily, making Jungkook to moan in pleasure while lolling his head back.
"Ah fuck hyung..."
Jimin licked it once again, right underneath the slit, and then he flicked the tip of his tongue over the most sensitive place just under the head, which made Jungkook a panting, leaking mess.
Sounds in the room were obscene, the wetness of Jimin's tongue slapping all over the younger's cock head and Jungkook's low pants.
"Fucking hell, not only does it look perfect, you even taste so good...wanna suck you all the time..."
Jimin said without thinking too much about his words, too lost in the moment of the two of them finally enjoying each other...
Then Jimin wrapped his lips around the younger's head and slowly went down, taking it inch by inch until his nose reached Jungkook's stomach.
"Ughhh hyung... Fuck... Ah..."
Jimin stopped there, taking his time to adjust to the fulness he felt down his throat. He felt so good, hot, his jaw stretched and his lips clinging onto Jungkook's shaft.
Then he started moving his head back and forth, his plump lips sliding along Jungkook's wet shaft.
Jimin tried to seize every inch perfectly, giving it his full attention, sucking on it nicely, slurping around the younger's dick head, collecting all the precum that was leaking out.
"Hyung...please... Hyung... You need to stop..." Jungkook's legs were trembling, his body covered in sheer sweat, his abs contracting indicating his approaching orgasm.
Jimin pulled off of the younger's cock with a loud smack of his wet, red lips, looking like a hot dream while licking the remains of Jungkook's precum all over his lips.
"Don't tell me I'm that good?" Jimin teased while slowly caressing Jungkook's fully hard length with his index finger, teasing all the way down to the younger's balls and then up.
"You know you're good. Come here, I wanna kiss you more."
Jungkook tugged the older up and turned them around, positioning Jimin's back on the bed, hovering over him, pressing his muscled naked body on top of Jimin's.
Their bodies were glued together, but Jimin felt way too hard in those boxer briefs and he wanted them gone so that he could feel Jungkook more.
He started mingling around, trying to tug down his underwear, but Jungkook was still on him unabeling him to do anything.
"What do you want hyungi?" Jungkook smiled into their kiss, noticing the older's struggle.
"I'm hard... I need... More..." Since all the boundaries are broken, Jimin might as well be honest about his desires.
"Want me to take off your pretty red underwear? But you look so hot in it... Look at this wet spot. Someone's leaking for me." Jungkook caressed the leaking spot on Jimin's underwear, making him hiss in anticipation.
Fuck it. Jimin will beg if he needs too. He's a little bit too desperate at this point.
"No need to tell me twice hyung. You know I'd do anything for you." with those words Jungkook pushed the sexy underwear down and started stroking Jimin's leaking cock.
"So pretty hyung..." he licked the palm of his hand and started jerking the older firmer and faster.
"Oh God... Yes... Mmmmm" Jimin closed his eyes, the pleasure consuming him whole, getting lost in the perfect way the younger was stroking him.
"Such a pretty cock hyung. How can you be so pretty? All of you." Jungkook stared at Jimin's body in daze, one hand jerking him off, the other caressing Jimin's stomach, nipples, making him a moany mess.
"S-Stop it... Don't say that..." Jimin got too flustered with all the compliments, unable to process it all while being so close to orgasm.
"It's true. I can't believe I got to have you like this... I've wanted this for so long..." Jungkook kissed the older again, drowning his words in Jimin's mouth, seeking the sensation of their tongues mingling together.
"I wanted it too... I want you..." Jimin said so Jungkook slowed down the strokes over Jimin's cock, looking at him with loving eyes.
"You do?" he asked almost as if he was insecure whether Jimin was telling the truth.
"Yes. Of course I do." Jimin cupped the younger's cheeks, caressing his soft skin with his thumbs so Jungkook nuzzled into his touch.
"Hyung..." he said while closing his eyes, his lips coming to the side to kiss Jimin's hands that were still positioned on his face.
"Wanna eat you out."
Jimin's hands stopped moving for a second.
"Wow, you really know how to kill the mood." he teased so Jungkook gave him one of his most adorable bunny smiles and God was he the cutest person ever wrapped up in a smoking hot body?
"Is that a no?" Jungkook batted his eyelashes at the older ridiculously fast, acting all innocent and cute.
"Pfff sure... As if I could ever say no to that face." Jimin scoffed while turning around, positioning himself on all fours, presenting his round sculpted ass for Jungkook's eyes only.
"Oh my fucking fuck... Hyung.... I'm gonna come just by looking at you. How? Just tell me how do you look so good?" Jungkook really knew how to appreciate a man's beauty, and Jimin was obviously gorgeous.
"How about you eat me out first and then you can come."
Jimin was way too horny. There was no room for negotiations.
"Bossy hyungie..." Jungkook teased before doing what he said he would, eating Jimin out like he was a starving man.
There was no room for cute little licks, or soft and slow teasing. From the moment Jungkook put his mouth over Jimin's hole, he started sucking at it roughly, licking all around, then coming inside with his eager tongue as far as it goes, making Jimin scream in pleasure.
"Oh fuck... Kookah... wait... fuck..." the older tried to buck his hips up a bit, but Jungkook was strong. He grabbed Jimin's hips firmly, not letting him move an inch, and started licking all over his hole eagerly.
Sloppy sounds mixed with Jimin's helpless moans filled the room, and soon Jimin felt the need for more. Anything... His dick was painfully hard between his legs making a mess all over the bed, leaking precum like crazy.
"Kookah... please... just...ah..."
"What do you want? Tell me baby."
Baby? Fucking hell!
"Anything... fingers... or touch me... or... whatever you want... just... wanna come..." Jimin pushed his head desperately into the pillow, unable to hold himself up anymore, and then he felt one finger prodding inside his tight, wet hole, a sensation of being filled up clouded his mind.
"Ahhh... more... please...."
Jungkook moved his finger in and out, letting Jimin adjust to the feeling before adding another one.
"Mmmmmm yes... so good... fuck me deeper... please..." Jimin started fucking himself back onto Jungkook's fingers, feeling the slight pain disappearing into dust and overwhelming pleasure consuming him whole.
"You're taking me so good hyung... You're so good to me... Can I add more?" Jungkook circled the third finger over Jimin's rim, and the older nodded eagerly.
"Yes... more... I need more..."
Even if feeling three fingers deep up his ass was a remarkable sensation, Jimin knew what he was craving for. He knew what he came for. Sooner or later he knew that the need to feel Jungkook's perfect dick will overpower everything he was against and it'll crush all of his insecurities, cause one thing was sure.
Jimin wanted that dick more than anything in his life.
"Jiminah... you're stretched so good..." Jungkook fucked him lazily with his three fingers, slowly pushing them in and out, brushing Jimin's soft spot every now and then, kissing all over his naked back.
"Am I stretched enough?"
When, if not now was the time to finally suggest something more?
"Enough for what?" Jungkook could be a little shit when he was in the teasing mood.
Jimin turned his head around and glanced down at Jungkook's hard cock.
The younger got the message and firmly grabbed his dick with his right hand, pumping it lazily.
"Is this what you want?" he asked cockily while caressing Jimin's ass cheeks with the tip of his cock.
"Y-Yes... Wanna feel it in me. You know how I feel about 7.5 inches dicks." Jimin reminded the younger once again about his obsession with this particular size of a dick, so he smiled about it.
"I know... You think you're stretched enough?" Jungkook asked while fidgeting to find a condom, so Jimin decided to tease him a bit. His ego to be precise.
"It's not like you have a 9 inch overly girthy cock Kookah. I assure you, I can take it."
Jungkook squeezed his ass cheeks firmer, showing how displeased he was with the comment.
"I thought 7.5 was your favorite size."
"Oh, it is, it's not gonna make me too sore or unable to walk, that's it." Maybe Jimin could tease the younger more.
"We'll see about that." Jungkook said with a husky voice before turning Jimin around, manhandling him to lay on his back again, legs spread widely for him to use, his dick looked amazing, thick and wet, covered in lube.
"Did I hurt your pride?" Jimin said with pout, obviously teasing Jungkook to his limits.
"Don't be so full of yourself." Jungkook teased back while caressing Jimin's tight, pink hole, getting lost at the obscene sight in front of him.
"Oh I'd much rather be full of you..."
And it seemed like Jimin really did know how to make Jungkook a worked up mess cause in the next second Jungkook pushed his dick inside the older roughly, making Jimin's lips to form a perfect O shape while widening his eyes.
"Oh fucking shit... yes..." Jimin cursed cause he couldn't help it. His hole was made for this, for perfect 7.5 inches that filled his insides with the warmest feelings, tingling sensation and an orgasmic push over his prostate.
"You were saying..." Again, Jungkook and his needs to tease Jimin all the time.
"Just fuck me hard you brat." Jimin really couldn't think about manners at this point. He could care less about him being needy, cock deprived, hungry for Jungkook's touch.
Later he might call himself careless and silly, but at this moment, there was no room for criticism.
Jungkook's perfect cock took up all the extraneous space inside Jimin's thoughts.
No... He even took more.
Jimin had to borrow against his rational mind to accommodate Jungkook and his pistoling hips.
The older wanted hard, and Jungkook already told him he'll do anything for him to feel good. So he did.
He fucked him deep and hard, just as Jimin wanted.
The younger twisted his insides into incoherent shapes and Jimin could almost feel blood inside his mouth from how hard he was biting down his lips, trying to stop the screams threatening to escape.
"Why are you holding back hyung? Hm? You know I love your voice. Come on baby, stop biting down your lips... Let me hear you..."
Jimin knew if he let go of his lips that he would probably scream in pleasure, but that was something Jungkook actually said he would love to hear. So Jimin let go and started enjoying himself properly, moaning loudly, enjoying every thrust straight down over his special spot.
"Ah fuck Jiminah... You're taking me so good... So fucking perfect." Jungkook's hands were roaming up to Jimin's cheats, playing with his nipples while looking at his cock disappearing in and out of the older's tight hole.
Since Jimin's moans were becoming louder and louder and at one point he feared someone might actually hear him through thin walls, he pulled Jungkook down while wrapping his legs around the younger's middle, locking him in deeper with his heels, and started kissing him ferverly.
Jungkook snapped his hips faster, fucking into Jimin with persistent pace, making the older to see stars behind his closed eyes, so close to his release, shuddering from all the feels he was feeling.
"Can I touch you? I'm gonna come soon... I can't... You feel too good." Jungkook whispered over Jimin's lips, so the older nodded, already feeling overwhelmed and sore.
Jungkook's hand found its way in between their bellies and started tugging on Jimin's dick in sync with the pace of his thrusts.
There was only so much Jimin could take at this point...
While taking Jungkook as deep as he could up his ass, feeling just the right amount of pressure over his cock, and the younger's wet lips and tongue all over his, Jimin let go.
He came hard, shaking from the double stimulation, feeling every nerve inside his body dancing to the rhythm of Jungkook's thrusts, and second after the younger welcomed his high while being balls deep inside Jimin, cursing loudly.
"Oh my fucking... Ah... Shit...ah..." he pushed his hips forward a few times more, milking all the cum inside the condom, biting down on Jimin's neck to calm himself down.
The moment they both came down from their highs, Jungkook pulled out slowly and after throwing the used condom he came back to bed, laying down next to Jimin's spent panting body.
Everything was perfect and out of this world, but when the sexual tension left the room and got replaced with simple, confusing tension, Jimin felt unease again.
"What have we done?"
Jimin thought about how the best thing would be to talk things out. They were mature enough and ready to speak about what happened, or at least Jimin thought so.
"We fucked." Jungkook said smugly, so Jimin slapped him over those defined, hot chest.
"What now?" the older asked, again, not knowing anything anymore.
They did what they did and there was no coming back.
"What do you mean?" Jungkook turned on the side to look at Jimin's face.
"Well... Like literally... What now?" Jimin turned his face to look at Jungkook, his body still glued to the bed, not moving an inch.
"What do you want to do right now?" Jungkook moved a couple of strands off of Jimin's forehead, making the older one feel fond and loved and he can't have that.
"Usually, I would send you a text to help me out..." Jimin said and chuckled so Jungkook laughed too.
"Ok. I get it. It's fine. Send me the text."
Jimin got up into sitting position and looked at Jungkook who sat up too, looking for his phone on the nightstand next to his side of the bed.
With a frown, and a little bit of confusion, Jimin got up and walked outside the room, towards his own room.
He took his phone and before thinking too much about it, sent the message to Jungkook.
While waiting for an answer, Jimin decided to clean his cum covered stomach with wet wipes and to put on some clean boxer briefs.
Not even a minute after, the door of his room flew open, and Jungkook was there, wearing only his favorite black boxer briefs, holding his phone, a small smile visible on his face.
"What's the emergency hyung?" Jungkook sat on the bed and patted the spot next to him, so Jimin sat down too, trying hard not to laugh at the silly situation they were in.
"Oh come on... How am I gonna talk to you like this?" Jimin rolled his eyes at the younger, avoiding his soft gaze.
"Is my hot body that distracting to you?" Jungkook teased so Jimin slapped him over his arm for the nth time.
"Shut up..." Jimin trailed weakly, and again, some new, uneasy feeling came over him, the feeling of not knowing what to do next, how to behave now, what to feel...
"Seriously hyung... What's bothering you?" Jungkook caressed his naked back, his soft touch assuring Jimin that it's ok to speak the truth and be honest about all of this.
"Well... See... I slept with this guy, and the sex was good..."
"... I'd say amazing, but go ahead...." Jungkook interrupted him and therefore he received a deadly stare from the older before he continued.
"Fine... The sex was really good, but I don't know what to do now since he's the type to fuck around and then leave, and I don't want him to leave..." Jimin said shyly, averting his nervous gaze all over the room, not being able to look into Jungkook's eyes.
" You want me to stay?" Jungkook asked while caressing Jimin's chin, softly trying to find Jimin's eyes.
" I... Yeah... Maybe... I don't know... You don't seem to be into cuddling though..." Jimin felt vulnerable, exposed, naked in front of Jungkook's gaze.
" But it's you hyung... I'm into anything when it comes to you." the younger said with the softest smile on his face so Jimin felt his cheeks go up, making his own face light up into the cutest smile.
"So that means..." Again, Jimin needed to double check.
"Move over, I'm sleeping on the right side of the bed."
Jungkook jumped up, making himself comfortable on his side of the bed, waiting for Jimin to join him.
"Sleeping? I thought about half an hour of cuddling or something like that and here you are claiming my bed already." Jimin layed close next to the younger who pinched him playfully, pouting at Jimin's words.
"You're mean... Only half an hour. That's just too little."
They cuddled together, Jimin positioned his head onto Jungkook's chest, listening to his steady heartbeat made him calm and relaxed.
He closed his eyes for a second and imagined that this was his daily routine. Being wrapped up in Jungkook's strong arms after having amazing sex, being close to his warm body and feeling his soft breath over his skin... And then his phone beeped, a well known sound of a new message that had arrived.
Jimin extended his hand quickly and looked at the screen.
His heart started hammering inside his chest.
"Oh God what now?" Jimin sat up, looking at Jungkook with big, puppy eyes.
"I just... um..." Jungkook sat up too, looking a bit nervous which made Jimin even more nervous than the younger was.
"It's fine. Jungkookah.... I get it. You don't have to stay. I'm sorry... Ok... I made this about myself and I know you're not this type of guy and I know you don't want anything..." Jimin started mumbling more to himself then to Jungkook, but a sudden kiss stopped him from blubbering even more, and then he felt even more confused and fucked out.
Jungkook pressed his lips firmly on top of Jimin's, like he was trying to shut him up and calm him down, but Jimin felt totally opposite from calm.
"What..." he tried to speak, but Jungkook just kept pressing his lips onto Jimin's in small, cute pecks, making him stay still while breathing faster.
"Kookah... please... what's wrong...." Jimin whispered while leaning his forehead to the younger's sensing Jungkook's anxiousness creeping in.
"It's totally opposite from that..." Jungkook whispered while hiding his face in the crook of Jimin's neck.
"Opposite from what?" Jimin was dumb at this point.
"From what you said... You said I don't want anything more and that I'm not the cuddling type, but... I want it all with you. I... I like you hyung... and it's not only for months as you have said... it's... as long as I can remember us hanging out together. I kind of always liked you, but you never saw me in that way, and then one day you did..."
Jimin moved his head away, shock written on his face, cause how could any of this be true? He knew Jungkook for years, they were from the same city, they weren't besties or anything, but they have known each other well, and when they both moved to Seoul to study, it was easy to move in together and live as a roommates who get along very well, but hearing this... It kind of made Jimin's heart ache.
"But how? You never said anything." Jimin cupped Jungkook's cheeks, feeling the heat from his face radiating over his palms.
"What could I say... hey hyung I think I'm in love with you, but I see you're not interested in me in that way... I would literally die out of embarrassment." Jungkook confessed his true feelings, and all Jimin could focus on was 'did he say I'm in love with you... He's in love with me....what?'
"Oh Kookah... You should've told me... I had no idea. I mean, we were both crazy and we fucked around for so long, how could I even know..." Jimin really had no idea about the younger's feelings cause they indeed did act a bit crazy for the past few years.
"I know, and it's ok. We both did what we needed to at the moment, but I kind of always knew we never wanted to date anyone cause we were waiting for each other. That's why I got so angry when you started dating that Hyunjin guy. God I hated him so much." Jungkook snorted so Jimin pushed him to the side, smiling at his dramatic face expression.
"Oh so that's why you were acting so weird... Should've known..."
"Please, don't act as if you were any different when I started hanging out with Chae all the time."
Jimin frowned.
"Please, don't even go there. I was pissed... I thought you liked her. It broke my heart..." Jimin pouted so Jungkook gave him a little soft peck.
"See... You feel the same way hyung. I noticed that back then and that gave me courage to flirt with you more and when I saw that you were flirting back... I was so happy, but then you freaked out and went to Hobi hyung's so I feared that I'd made a mistake, and that it was all too much, but I'm happy everything turned out like this." Jungkook had the biggest grin on his face, and his eyes sparkled shinier than the stars, and Jimin felt warm and excited for them.
"So... you said you're in love with me..." Jimin said shyly, wanting to hear those words again.
"Yeah, I am. For so long hyung, you have no idea..."
Jimin squealed while throwing his body on the bed, the biggest smile imprinted on his face.
Jungkook draped his body over him and started planting small kisses all over the older's face.
"I'm in love with you, I'm in love with you, I'm in love with you..." Jungkook kept repeating while putting soft pecks onto Jimin's lips, and he loved it. Loved everything about them being so cuddly and close.
"I'm in love with you too." Jimin said it back, cause it was the truth. He felt it. Deep inside his heart he knew it even before... He knew Jungkook was the one... He was too big of a coward to admit it.
"I know. I mean... that 7.5 inches really did the trick." Jungkook cocked his eyebrows at the older, reminding him how all of this actually had started in the first place.
Those damn 7.5 inches...
"Mmmm that's just the bonus to everything that you are." Jimin said while wrapping his arms around Jungkook's neck, pulling him down to kiss him some more.
"I guess you want to feel those 7.5. inches again..." Jungkook said after feeling Jimin's dick twitch against his stomach.
"Mhm... want it all the time." Jimin moaned into a kiss, going with his hand down, cupping Jungkook's hardening length.
"I love your cock so much." Jimin whispered while stroking the full length up and down, so Jungkook put his head up, looking at Jimin with a frown.
"WOW hyung. You said the L word! I'm shocked." Jungkook teased so Jimin blushed hot pink.
"To your dick. I said it to your dick... not... you know... just please... stop torturing me... I have no idea what's going on. I need time for all of this to sink in...." Jimin panicked, but the grin on Jungkook's face assured him that he was just teasing and having fun.
"Just don't go for a week again. I swear I would come and get you this time. I was so close to coming for you the first time you went. I'm serious. We're in this together. We can do this hyung. We're here for each other like we always were, just... now we can kiss and fuck all the time we want... How amazing is that?"
Jimin smiled at his words, feeling all the chills and love that he was craving to feel.
"Yeah, ok... You're right... We're in this together. You and me and those perfect 7.5 inches." Jimin straddled Jungkook's lap, wanting to feel that hot length under his needy ass and Jungkook loved it.
He grabbed Jimin's ass harder and rubbed it all over his hard cock.
"Mmmmm I think you're a bit obsessed with my cock to be honest..." the younger teased and it was the truth... Jimin was obsessed and horny and he waited for this too long.
"It's mine now... and I'm gonna enjoy it whenever I want to." Jimin moved his hips over it teasingly, making Jungkook a panting mess.
"But baby... I got to tell you something...."
Jimin stilled his restless hips.
"When it's fully hard... you know... in the biggest high of ecstasy... it goes up to 8 inches..."
Jimin made a shocking grimace, his hand coming over his lips, covering that perfect, plump O shaped lips.
Jungkook nodded with sympathy.
Jimin took a deep breath and shrugged afterwards.
"I guess 8 it is then. I was wrong before. I like 8 better. You're perfect for me baby."
Jungkook's smile assured him that he was right. No one's as perfect as Jungkook for him, and he knew that the dick length had nothing to do with it.
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