60 - Vampire, Survivor, Same Thing
We’re moving uphill now. I just hope we reach the darn place soon. Honestly, I have no idea how we're going to be facing the witches. Also, I’m thirsty. Very much so.
I fall asleep.
I wake up. The carriage is still moving, rocking slightly, too. Everyone is asleep.
Except Rasthrum. He’s sitting beside me, drinking something from what looks like a pyriform flask. It contains something red. Smells metallic.
His scarf is off, so I can see his hideous face. I can see the viscous fluid racing down his throat.
I swallow my spit. I shouldn’t even be thinking about this. I should be ashamed of myself. My father died because of this. Now I want more of the same?
But yes. I do. I so badly do.
Rasthrum catches me looking at him, and his horrible lips twitch into something resembling a smile. ‘You want some, kiddo?’
I shake my head. It takes effort.
‘Sure? It’s delicious.’
I shake my head again.
‘Why are you all pale? You haven’t even met the Grahi witch yet.’
I gulp. 'So you're like a vampire then?’
Rasthrum shrugs. ‘I am a survivor, that’s what I am.’
‘That blood? Where’d you get it?’
‘This isn’t human blood, kid. I got this from the Craige Roosters.’
I have no idea what they are, but then again, this is Lakoswa-boggle-gobble-whatchamallik we’re talking about.
Rasthrum's ugly, pursed lips twitch again. ‘It’s the best variety of blood out there. You know why? Because those roosters feel no pain while dying. They’re made to give blood. And it’s . . . well, it gives you a boost. You look sick, kid. Go on. Have some.’
With shaking hands, I grab the flask and do as he says. Instantly I feel electricity shooting through my veins, energy the likes of which I don’t think I've ever felt before. I wish I could describe it to you. Sorry, I can’t. If you ever find a Craige Rooster, I recommend checking out their blood.
Rasthrum must’ve read the expression on my face. ‘Good, right?’
I can’t lie. So I choose silence.
‘Kid? Tell me your deal. You must have quite the backstory, eh? Human friends. A spirit. A dog. Show up out of nowhere in Lakoswanion. Desperate to find the Coven.’ Rasthrum leans towards me, his crooked, burnt nose almost in touch with mine. ‘Tell me, kid. What’s up?’
I don’t know why – and I don’t know how he made me do this – but I have a look around to make sure everyone’s sleeping (Es seems to be keeping Saayu company by floating alongside her) and then I tell Rasthrum everything. He listens without interrupting. I think he doesn’t understands how middle-schools work, or what a “car” is, and a couple of other things, but he gets the big picture. He gets my situation, I think. He doesn’t say anything after I finish, simply wraps himself inside that scarf and falls into the arms of his dreams.
Why is doing this? Why would he be willing to take the risk of taking us to the witches if they messed him up so bad?
Is this a trap?
My faulty thought process is interrupted as the carriage rumbles to a halt. I fall face-first. The rest are asleep and don’t seem to notice. Mr. Om gives a vague grunt, but that’s about it.
‘Es! What’s going on out there?’
I expect her chirpy voice to tell me she's cool, that she told Saayu to stop so that she could look at a butterfly or something . . . but no.
'Es! You okay?’
There is no answer. Heart hammering for no comprehensible reason, I climb out of the carriage to go see for myself what's up.
Sorry for the late update. How are you guys holding up?
I'm so excited for this story at this point. anjdjsndhdjanhsksifuegabdkekzvxbsjwosldbjsoamsb.
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