Sleep tight Stranger
(UK means Unknown)
Uk- Hey dude glad you have me your num but can't go to the party today srry dude!
Uk- Maybe next time!
Me- I'm sorry wrong number. Also, you might want to get your spelling checked.
Uk- wut oh fck srry aso what do you mean i need to get my spell checked
Me- first of all, it's What, Fuck, Also, and Spelling. Second of all, I just proved my point.
Uk- Well sorry Mr know it all
Me- Whoever said I was a Mr?
Me- I not saying you where wrong, I am a man, but just for next time, you text someone by accident you know.
Uk- True thanks!
Me- It's really no problem.
Uk- Hey, what's your name?
Me- Should I tell my name to a person I just met?
Uk- Well my name is Alfred.
Me- ... Nice to meet you.
Me- ... My name is, ... Arthur.
Uk- Well Arthur, it's nice to meet you.
Me- You too. Alfred. You too.
Me- Sorry, I have to go, my cat is scratching the sofa!
Uk- Aww, you have a cat? Can you send a picture? I'll send a picture of my dog, Max!
Me- yes I have a cat, and he's really annoying and sure I can send a picture, just wait a minute.
Arthur's POV
I put my phone down from talking to Alfred and take a look at my cat. He just stared at me and meowed.
I meow back. As if he can understand me. ... Maybe if I try really hard he can understand me, and stop petting the sofa.
I glared right into his eyes, him standing there unfazed. I think about what I was gonna say.
"Meooow, meow, meooow" I meowed to him, he licks his paw then walks away.
... God, I'm antisocial.. but still...
I get back to my phone and re-read the messages. I softly smile. I guess I'm not gonna be that antisocial.
I get to images and pick one of the thousands of pictures of my cat. It was my favorite picture, it was him on my legs as I sat criss-cross on the sofa, you can see the sea green blanket I had on my legs, that made his fur a vibrant orangy blond.
His face was on my knee with one eye open, green-blue eyes, that make you think he's innocent, but what I love most about the picture is how he looks like he's smirking, and how the Christmas lights made the atmosphere feel warm and comfortable. And shiny
Luckily the photo didn't show my face. I smile at the picture and send it.
Uk- Aww what a cutie! Both of you.
I blush at his little comment.
Me- dear.. well thank you, um, how do you do this? I think you're also good looking? Wait, no. I've never seen your face so that wouldn't make sense, WAIT YOU ALSO DIDN'T SEE MY FACE! I BE REALLY UGLY AND YOU NEVER KNOW! OMG, HOW DO PEOPLE COMPLEMENT?!
UK- dude... You wrote that under 10 seconds... Wtf! LMAO, you're so funny, oh I said I would send a picture of my dog, why don't I send a picture of Max, and I then you can tell me what you think about me.
Me- I won't make you send a picture if you don't want to.
Uk- I want to send the picture!
Me- Alright, actually send it tomorrow, or I'll text you when I done taking a nap, Biscuit seems too also take a cat nap.
Uk- lol okay, also who's Biscuit? Is that your cat?
Me-Biscuit is my cat, his name was John Watson the 2nd, but turns out that's too long for vets!
Uk- alright, sleet tight, Artie.
Me- bye, stranger.
I smile, maybe he's not a bad person, we talk as if we've known each other for years. I feel my eyelids get heavy and sleep washes through me, I lay my head on a pillow I had on the sofa. I felt Biscuit nuzzle into my arms, I open my arms letting him in. The world got darker and darker until finally, I couldn't see anymore.
'Sleep tight Stranger'
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