Francis' POV
Its been 8:00 hours now...
He could call me any minute now... Merde..
I should go and pick up my cousin, and start heading to the airport..
God how long has it been since I saw the little Fucker? 8-9 years?
Arthur's POV
"Everyone buckle up we are going in for a landing"
I listen to the voice on the speaker, and call Francis.. Or well try...
15 minutes later, and I've finally got to call him... God the plane is moving so much..
"Bonjour? Arthur?" I hear his accent say
"Yes, hello? Francis I can't speak for long but we're landing now." I say.. Mostly yell at him.
"Ah! Oui, oui. You do not have to worry mon Ami, for I'm already at the aéroport waiting for you!" He says in a cheery voice.
"I also have your new roommate here with me, and a few friends... Who were...." He sighs "bored."
"That's alright Francis, I'll see you then. I have to go, good bye." I say to him
"Au revoir, eyebrows" he jokes, and I hear giggles behind him.
"Yes, yes, good bye...." I look at peter as he doodles on his airlines bag notebook "..Just good bye"
He laughs and hangs up.
Scott looks at me "So, ya got a house to live in?" I nod at his question "yes I do, and I supposedly know them.." I say to his.
"Maybe, its your new boooyfrieeeend?" Peter asks. My face flushes, from anger.
"What are you talking about? Jessie and I are done." I say to him.. "Oh you know who I'm talking about! What's his name Aladin?" He asks.
I knew who he was talking about but.. "Where in the world did you get Aladin from?" I ask. He stopped drawing and looked at me. "Disney."
Then there was a bang.. Not a loud bang, just the plane wheels hitting the new land ( at least for us) called New York, America.
Before we knew it Will was holding Peter's hand, and Scott and I were dragging small suitcases and handbags/bookbags.
We pass the glass hallways and go through the scanners, yada, yada, yada. We past another glass frame
"Arthur!!" I hear French accent yell. I see Francis running to be 4 people behind him. I let go of my things and also run to him.
We both hug each other. Which was awkward because he was much taller. So, he picks me up. He puts me down.
"Arthur!" I hear another feminine voice say, and Francis greets my brothers. "Victoria? (Seychelles)" I say as I realize its her. I bring her in for a hug.
"Good god! I haven't seen you in 6 years!... You where just 15 at the time, so young." I say to her. "Get use to this face then cause I'm your new roommate!" Say says cheerfully.
"Hey eyebrows remember us?" I hear two voices say. I look to see the one and only Gilbert and Antonio.
I smile "I wish I could." I say they laugh and bring me into a hug. I hug back. I see the last boy...
"I'm sorry do I know you? You look familiar, but I dont think I know you." I ask the boy. He smiles "I'm Matthew... You also might be confusing me with my brother.. He's a YouTube star." The boy says. I shake his hand.
"I feel like we'll be good friends." I smile and he smiles back.
"Arthur, call us when you get to your new house, we'll wait for your brothers to come." Will says. I nod.
I hug them and say good bye.
Thank god I got front seat..
Matthew had to sit on Gilberts lap in the middle, while Vic and Antonio were squashed to the doors..
Poor souls.
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