What happened Deku?
Bakugo [POV]
The next morning well actually the next afternoon at the time I woke up I found out that the news caught on quickly from several reports about Deku saying around the same thing with the same title along the lines of 'Pro hero: Deku returns?' and around 60 missed calls from my friends. I only read one article but it explained the many missed calls. The article did mention me and what I explained to the police. While I was reading I got a call from Todoroki.
"Did you read the news?" I asked as I put the phone to my ear
"No I just woke up but I saw the headlines you met up with him I guess but it didn't go to well" He responded
"I just woke up like fifteen minutes ago and I have about 60 missed calls from everyone probably wanting to know what happened" I explained to him
"but you answered mine?" He asked "I'm honored"
"Like I said I just woke up like fifteen minutes ago you were just the first one to call after I woke up" I explained again
"You didn't answer my call last night so I was stressing out all night" he laughed nervously
"That was you calling? Sorry I felt my phone vibrating but I didn't have the chance to answer why'd you call?" I asked
"I found another letter" he told me
"What where?" I asked quickly
"Well I figured there was a reason why he messed up certain things and when I couldn't sleep of course I started searching around. Now its clear why he took the milk out of the fridge but looking through the pouches on his hero costume there was another note" he explained
"What did it say?" I asked, Todoroki didn't respond right away but I could hear movement on the other line so I assumed it was him looking for the note
"It says 'sorry Kacchan but I can't be a hero anymore so I have no use for my suit anymore. I don't know if you'll get this note ever but I couldn't do it anymore. The call I responded to was a trap they stole everything from me. My reputation as a hero, my sanity, my memories, my justice, everything. I'm sorry if you are reading this after you found out and I'm sorry if you were surprised. I wanted to tell you but I couldn't' his handwriting kind of drags off the paper like he wanted to write more but couldn't like something or someone dragged him away but there is a short note on the back that says 'this world is a tainted place full of nasty titles like hero and villain' and that's the last note I could find" he explained
"that was probably a warning for last night I bet he was hoping we would have found it in the time it took when we were cleaning up" I proposed nodding my head
"You're probably right" he agreed
"Oh right the police asked me to come down to the station today" I exclaimed
"You should go, call me back when your done" he told me
"Yeah can do bye" I hung up the phone and got out of bed to get dressed. I didn't put my hero costume on but just put on a plain grey tank top and some shorts and hurried out of the apartment. When I got to the police department I explained why I was there and a nice looking police woman took me back around.
"A little bit after he woke up he was crying out for a 'Kacchan' apologizing profusely" she explained unlocking a door
"He means me" I responded
"Pardon?" she asked locking the door behind us
"Kacchan that's my childhood nickname" I sighed hoping she wouldn't ask any questions about what I was going to say "We've been friends since childhood"
"Oh so you must know a lot about him" she nodded taking me down a long hallway with cells on either side bars separating the prisoners from the police. She stopped in front of one cell. I turned to look. Deku was sitting on the cell bed his hands cuffed in front of him a collar looking thing around his neck. He wore the typical prisoner outfit. He looked up as soon as he saw me his face lit up
"Kacchan" He exclaimed rushing over to the bars gripping them tightly a bright smile plastered on his face. Though his smile quickly faded as he screamed in agony falling backwards gripping at the metal collar around his neck
"What did I tell you about going that close to the bars Izuku" the woman officer snapped
"Hey Hey what was that?" I asked turning to her. She held up a remote in her hand
"Just a small shock that I'm instructed to give to certain prisoners if they get too close to the bars" she explained
"That doesn't seem too small" I exclaimed
"Are you sympathizing with him, he attacked you?" she raised one eyebrow
"He is also one of my best friends since childhood" I snapped at her
"Then you should know him better than anyone else" She insisted crossing her arms in front of her chest
"I do and this is not like him he would never do something like this because ever since I've known him up until now he has strived to become a hero despite the fact that he was quirkless and despite everyone telling him he couldn't" I explained to her
"Then tell me why he is here behind bars because he attacked you and possibly did other things?"
"I don't know that because we haven't really been in contact for the last three months" I snapped and her expression softened a bit
"I guess you're right but he hasn't given us much information to go off of except that he wanted to see 'Kacchan' which is you" she explained
"Let me talk to him then" I insisted
"He's right here feel free to talk to him yourself" she held out her arm towards the cell
"Unlock the cell and let me talk to him face to face" her eyes widened with surprise at my request
"I can't do that he's unstable and who knows what could happen"
"let me borrow the remote so if he tries anything I can shock him right" I raised one eyebrow afraid that she would deny again but she sighed shaking her head
"You have fifteen minutes" she pressed the remote into my hand and pulled out her keys to unlock the cell but before she could my phone started to ring. I held up my hand to excuse myself and turned around putting the phone to my ear as I answered it
"Bakugo?" Todoroki asked
"Why are you calling me now?" I snapped
"Did you find him?" He asked
"Deku? I found him last night remember I'm still at the police station" I explained slightly annoyed
"I want to come see him" He announced
"I don't think that's a good Idea Todoroki he didn't seem like he wanted to see you and specifically told you to stay away many times because he probably knew this would happen" I explained
"Please I have to, I have to know what's going on as soon as you do I can't stand waiting for you to explain everything" He sounded like he was close to tears
"I know you want to but I just don't think that it's a good Idea" I insisted
"Bakugo listen to me do you know how hard it is for your boyfriend to disappear without saying anything and when he comes back you're not allowed to see him do you know how hard that is" he exclaimed his voice quivering "It hurts Bakugo it hurts so freaking much I don't care if he doesn't want to see me I need to see that he's okay because I love him Bakugo"
"Wait Boyfriend?" I exclaimed
"Please Bakugo" He muttered and I sighed
"Okay fine" I told him
"Thank you" He cried out as he hung up the phone. I turned back around to the police officer
"Are you ready?" she asked
"No can we wait for Todoroki he was the one to help me find Midoriya so I think it's best for him to help me he wouldn't come in with me though I think you draw the line there" I explained
"That's fine but let's meet him up front so there isn't some misunderstanding but you're right he won't be let in the cell it's too risky" she nodded and turned to Deku "we're coming right back don't try anything stupid"
"really don't deku" I told him. He smiled weakly and nodded still rubbing at his neck
"how did you manage to find him?" the officer asked as we started back down the hallway
"I called his phone half as a joke hoping he would pick up and he did, he told me to meet him at eight and that Todoroki couldn't come but apparently he went back to their apartment leaving weird notes for us" I explained to her as bluntly as possible without her thinking that I was helping Deku with this
"Do you have the notes?" She asked
"No but Todoroki still does" I responded
"The smart thing would be to bring them" she insisted
"Yes but I wouldn't count on it he's been pretty messed up these few months from sleep deprivation and Midoriya's disappearance" I told her
"I understand" she nodded unlocking the door to the office and locked it again behind us. We waited in the office for Todoroki to come.
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