Open Your Eyes.
(Lucinda's POV)
I was walking along the sidewalk, talking with Lizzie, when I saw (Y/N) rushing to Garroth, Laurance, and Zane's house. It gave me a bad feeling. A witch's sense.
"I feel it too..." Lizzie said before I was even able to ask. I nodded as (Y/N) was let into the house. We both stopped in our tracks. "Something is going on.."
"Definitely. Nothing good, either." I responded. I saw Lizzie's expression quickly change from worry to anger as we both saw Madison walking down the sidewalk, to Garroth's house, a smirk plastered on her face. I frowned.
We heard arguing from his house as Madison just strolled inside, helping herself. I was about to cross the street to see what was going on when I saw a distressed (Y/N) bolt out and run down the sidewalk. "(Y/N), wait...!" Lizzie tried to yell after her, even after knowing it was no use. We both ran across the street and stormed into that idiot's house.
"Garroth!" Lizzie yelled sharply. Garroth jumped and looked over. She walked over to him and slapped him so hard the entire neighborhood must have heard it. "What in Irene's name have you done?!"
"Hey! Don't speak to him that way!" Madison yelled. We both glared at her, magic radiating from the both of us. Vines began to grow at her feet and up to her shoulders, constricting her and growing tighter each second.
"Tell the truth." Liz and I ordered.
"There is nothing to tell!" she yelled.
"Hey, let her go!" Garroth insisted.
"What is going on?!" Dante yelled as he and Travis ran in.
Lizzie growled at Madison. "I know a lying gold digger when I see one!" she snapped.
"Gold digger..?" Travis said.
"I get it..." I mumbled to myself. Masidon was smirking a tiny bit.
"It looks like you caught me." she admitted.
"And YOU!" Lizzie whipped around to face Garroth, grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him down to her level. "You choose to believe a rude, lying, gold-digging freak that you've known for a matter of weeks over a person you have grown to trust over months and believe you may love?!" she barked angrily. "OPEN YOUR EYES!"
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(Your POV)
"Open your eyes." I said to myself as I let out a shaky breath. They fluttered open and I saw the same image of myself in the mirror that I despise so much. Yes, I had heavy bags under my eyes and my expression was dull and meaningless. But that isn't what I meant.
My head lowered in disappointment. "It's been a week and they still haven't turned back..." I mumbled to myself as I stared at the bright red orbs in the mirror. It confused me more than anything. My eyes usually turn red when I am feeling a strong negative emotion. Normally it would make sense, considering what happened, but I didn't feel a thing. Sure, I was definitely hurt for the first couple of days, but I just felt empty afterwards. Not one single tear had left my eyes, or entered them, for that matter. Yet my eyes were still red.
Is there something wrong with me?
Do I care?
Should I?
I held a firm grip on my blue bandana as I walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom of my grungy hotel. Aaron and Aph are taking a "break" and Aaron called me, making sure I didn't want to stay with him, and our parents. To be honest, I would rather die and rot in this hotel than stay with our parents to help run that mindless business. He is the only one I have talked to since the "incident". I haven't checked my texts, even though I'm sure I have hundreds from my friends who are, for some reason, worried about me.
I can assume Garroth has gotten the sense knocked into him by now. But it's too late for that. The damage has been done and it can't be repaired.
And no. It isn't my fault. It's his. I'm tired of crying. I am no damsel in distress. And I don't need him.
But now I'm getting curious.
I sat on my bed and grabbed my phone from it's resting perch on my pillow, setting my bandana down in it's place. I opened my phone and scrolled through the line of notifications. There were at least twenty from each of my friends. I didn't bother to read them as I knew they would all be the same.
"Where are you?"
Why would I leave if I wanted them to know where I was?
"Are you okay?"
Isn't that a bit of an obvious question?
"Garroth is an idiot."
That's an understatement.
I scrolled down, clearing my notifications, until I reached the bottom and saw the contact of, the one and only, Garroth Ro'Meave. Before I cleared it, I looked closer.
Only five messages...? Strange, I was expecting more from him...
I know I never should have, but my curiosity got the best of me and I opened them.
GarGar: I am so sorry.
GarGar: I am an idiot for ever doubting you in the first place.
GarGar: And I understand if you hate me and never want to face me again, but...
GarGar: Just...
GarGar: Please come home.
I knew I shouldn't have read it.
No matter how idiotic his actions may be.
No matter how badly he's messed up.
No matter how much I never want to see him again...
...A part of me wants to forgive him.
A part of me wants to go back and run into his arms, letting him have his tearful apology.
A part of me wants to fall asleep next to him as he has his arms wrapped around me, keeping me warm.
A part of me wants to hug him and never let go.
But those are just my selfish desires.
He already told me I could never love. And no one could ever love me.
And as terrible as he is, I should have believed him in the first place. I shouldn't have let the glimmer of hope grow into a shining star. A star that has burned out by now.
The pain is unbearable...
...but I still can't cry.
I realized I was still staring at the messages and set my phone back down where it was.
They know I read it now.
I sighed. "I need to talk to someone..."
But who?
There is only one person I can really vent to.
One person who will understand my worries.
One person who is going through something similar right now.
I picked up my phone and dialed the number.
He answered. "(Y/N)..?"
"Aaron... I need to talk to you."
.....1139 words.
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