All Settled In
(Your POV)
~A Few Weeks Later~
All of the boxes are unpacked. I finally have my own room, my own house, a calm living space.
"DANTE YOU BETTER GIVE MY SOCK BACK RIGHT NOW!" Travis demanded downstairs.
Well... sort of.
"YOU IDIOT, IT'S MY SOCK!" Dante yelled back.
"NO IT'S NOT! GIVE IT BACK!" Travis screamed.
That's it.
. . . . .
Ah, silence. Much better.
I know what you're thinking, and you're probably right. Yes, I live with Travis and Dante. Not my first choice, but the one I decided on. Aaron and Aphmau are living together, so that's a no. I can assure you that Kawaii~Chan has a shipping shrine of Garroth and I, so that's another no. Another person in Zane, Garroth, and Laurance's place would be a hassle and I don't know Lucinda too well.
So, I live with Dante and Travis.
But it's not as bad as you may think, actually. They actually consider me their sister.
Travis peeked inside of my bedroom and I paused my show and took out my headphones, setting the laptop aside. "What's up?" I asked.
He looked a little desperate. "Y-You're still going to cook for us, r-right..?" he asked hesitantly.
I chuckled and shook my head, amused. "Yes, Travis. I'm still going to cook for you." He smiled. "And I have something to tell you~"
He raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"
"I'm cooking tacos tonight!" I cheered.
His face lit up. "Really?!"
"Yes." He ran up and hugged me.
"You're the best, (Y/N)! Thank you!" he gratefully said.
I hugged back. "I know."
(Garroth's POV)
It still feels weird knowing that (Y/N) lives with Dante and Travis now.. I mean, what if they're bothering her with all of their stupid pick-up lines or even trying to... make a move on her..?
Laurance groaned next to me and paused the T.V. "Stop worrying about Travis and Dante already."
I tilted my head, confused. "How did you...?"
"You've been worrying about it for the past couple weeks, dude. And your face says it all." I looked away. Laurance sighed. "Don't worry about it, Garroth. They know how much you like her and wouldn't do something like that to you or her. I know they flirt with a lot of girls, but they're good people."
"I know, I-I just..." I sighed. "I can't help worrying. I worry a lot, you know..."
"Well, if you really want to make sure nothing like that happens, why don't you ask her on a date?" My face heated up a lot at that suggestion.
"I-I don't know, Laurance..."
"Might as well, you know?" he said. There was a pause.
"I... I'll wait for the right moment.."
"There you go! That's a start!" he smiled. I smiled back.
(Your POV)
I was watching The Walking Dead in the living room (*cough* living room *cough* I'm hilarious *cough*) with Travis and Dante. Dante was sitting in the middle.
There was a jumpscare and I flinched.
"AAHHH!!!" screamed Travis and Dante as they held onto each other for fear life. I burst out in laughter as they quickly let go of each other, blushing in embarrassment.
"T-That was hilarious..!" I managed to say, still laughing.
"S-Stop laughing!" they both yelled.
"I am never letting you live this down!"
Dante sighed, his blush fading. "To change the subject, Travis and I had an idea we wanted to tell you."
"Yeah? What is it?" I asked.
"We were wondering if we could start, like, a weekly movie night at our house? And it would start tonight?" Dante suggested.
"Hmm..." I pondered. "That actually sounds kind of nice." I smiled. "I'm fine with it."
"YES! TACOS AND A MOVIE!" Travis exclaimed. I giggled.
"You seem excited." I pointed out.
"Yeah, no duh." Dante commented.
"Well, you guys invite everyone. I'll prepare for them to come over, 'kay?"
"Yes, ma'am!" they said together. I smiled.
I'm so thankful to have all of my friends in my life.
~Movie Time~
Everyone was already there, mingling with each other, as I brought out the tacos.
"TACOS!" everyone cheered in sync. I laughed as I handed everyone their plates. Once I was done, Garroth motioned for me to sit next to him, so I walked over and I did.
"Hey, Garroth!" I greeted.
"H-Hey." he greeted back.
Travis stood in front of us all. "Thank you, everyone, for being able to join us tonight." I rolled my eyes at his announcer impression. "We will be watching..."
Please not romance, please not romance, please not romance, please not romance, please not romance, please not romance.....
I groaned.
Why me?
Travis wiggled his eyebrows at Katelyn, and in return, he got a threatening glare. "Eheh... L-Let's start the movie!" he stuttered. The movie began and we all sat back and watched.
At first, it was really cheesy. General romance movie stuff, blah blah blah. Of course, Aph and Kawaii~Chan were already emotional at that point. After a little while, it actually got kinda sad. Everyone was done with their tacos by this point. Romance movies don't usually get me all worked up, but this movie was good. Of course, I wasn't like Aphmau or Kawaii~Chan who were basically sobbing, but I let out a few sniffles.
"Are you alright..?" Garroth asked me gently.
"Y-Yeah.. It's just sad..." I responded. "I-I'm fine..."
There was a pause and I saw some pink dusting his cheeks. Then, he looked away and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me close to him. I know I blushed, I could feel it. But... it made me feel better. Like nothing could go wrong. Like I was safe. It's a nice feeling. I unconsciously snuggled closer, resting my head on his shoulder, and saw his face go pinker. He turned to look at me.
"D-Do you feel better now...?" he inquired gently.
I smiled back at him. "Y-Yeah." I turned my head to watch the movie again and so did he.
After a little while, I felt something on my head. From the corner of my eye, I could see Garroth's head resting on mine as he slept peacefully. I smiled. It's so nice to see him so peaceful. I relaxed even more, falling asleep not long after him.
~The Next Day~
I woke up and found myself sleeping facedown on Garroth's chest, his arms wrapped around me. I blushed.
How many times has this happened now?!
We were still on the couch and he was still asleep. He looked so ador- peaceful. He looked peaceful. I looked at the table next to the couch where a note sat. I knew well that I would have trouble reaching it, being blessed with short arms and being restricted by Garroth's hold on me. But after some effort, I managed to grab it and read it.
I'm glad to know that you're comfortable~ The girls got their pictures and Dante and I decided to let you two sleep and leave this morning so you could be alone together~ Have fun~
Love, Travis
I blushed more.
Those jerks...
Garroth stirred. He was waking up. I didn't know what to do, so I just looked at him. He opened his eyes and blushed immediately. "H-Hey.." he said awkwardly.
"G-Good morning..." I awkwardly said back.
"S-Sorry about falling asleep last night..."
"No, no. Don't be sorry. I-It was... comforting."
"Really..?" he asked, making sure he heard correctly. I nodded.
"W-Well, I'll get up so you can-"
"A-Actually..." he interrupted.
"C-Could we, maybe... stay here..? Just a little while longer...?" he hesitantly asked me. I smiled reassuringly.
"Of course, GarGar."
He sighed. "You're never letting me get past that nickname, are you?"
Uhm... 1325 words...
I'm so sorry for not updating in four months or so... I've been really busy and I had no idea how to introduce this new environment to the book until yesterday...
And yes, I see all of your comments screaming at me to update.
I t h e l p s a l o t . = )
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