Part Four
No more diner, it was amazing. Sure she wasn't on a Broadway production, but, it was close enough for her. So far she'd worked on the show for a week but it was working on an actual show and she still felt like a dream, the people she was working with, wow. She couldn't believe they were her peers, but they were everything was amazing.
Sure, George wasn't too happy that Phillipa (or Pippa as Lin had nicknamed her) was regularly staying late for rehearsals or that she spent more time researching Elizabeth Schuyler-Hamilton than cleaning and making him meals. Which resulted in him taking his anger out on her more than usual, but, she felt fine, she kept telling herself it was okay because she had her job now. It didn't matter how much her body ached. She was the happiest she'd been in years when she focused on that the pain didn't seem so bad anymore.
"Hey, Lin." Pippa greeted, as she entered the studio they were currently working in, bag and coffee in hand.
"Oh hey, Pippa." He said with a small smile. "You're here early." He commented.
"George and I had a little argument so I didn't want to hang around the apartment too long." She confessed making sure it sounded like a small spat that could happen to any couple.
"Oh, what was it about?" Lin asked curiously as she sat next to him.
"He's a little upset that I spend so much time at work now... I think he's feeling like I don't have time for him anymore..." she said with a small sigh before sipping her coffee.
"I don't mean to overstep, and it probably isn't my business.." Lin started. "But do you think being at work right now, when you don't need to be, is best if he feels that way?"
"I know, I just could see him like that.. all upset, it just breaks my heart.." she told him. "He's done so much for me, he's supported and helped me so much while I've been trying to get auditions... I'll have to talk to him when I get home.."
"If it helps, I can make sure you can leave earlier so you two can have some time together." Lin offered. "You've been working so hard, it's unbelievable."
"It's nothing, really."
"No, no." He told her. "You're amazing Phillipa, don't ever doubt that."
Pippa blushed, a smile forming on her lips. "Oh, well thank you, Lin."
"Of course." He told her, their eyes meeting and as she looked into his eyes she tried to ignore the fact her heart just skipped a beat.
After a long moment of silence, Phillipa clears her throat and looked away. "So, what are working on today boss?"
"We have two things going on, they'll be choreography for My Shot and The Schuyler Sisters." He told her and she nodded.
"Sounds great to me." She said just as Chris came in.
"Hey, Lin and Pipparoo." He greeted the nickname causing Lin to chuckle.
"Pipparoo?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow at Chris.
"Yeah, it's your new nickname." He said as he set down his bag.
"Don't I have enough nicknames?" She asked.
"No one can have too many nicknames.... pippa-roni," Lin interjected causing Pippa to laugh.
"Okay, Okay, I think I get the point." She told them. "Now let's just talk about something else, Yes?"
"Sure, sure." Chris sat down. "Why don't you tell us more about that fiancé of yours." He suggested, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively causing Lin to laugh softly.
"You two are so immature." She commented as she crossed her arms a smile still on her lips as she gently shook her head.
"Come on, we just want to know a little more about him, you barely ever talk about him." Lin pointed out.
"Well, maybe I'm just a private person? Hmmm? Ever thought about that one?" She asked them with a raised eyebrow.
"Okay if you don't want to talk to us, fine, we just want to be a part of your life, be your friends."
"I thought you were my friends?" She asked.
"Don't friends tell each other stuff, hmmm?" Chris asked her.
"Okay, Okay..." Pippa started. "You got me, what do want to know exactly?"
"When did you meet?" Lin asked.
"High school." She answered simply.
"You've been dating since high school?" Chris asked.
"No, but we've known each other since high school."
"When did he pop the question?"
"Two years ago."
"Wow..." Lin said sounding shocked.
"You've been engaged for two years... it's just... that's a long time..."
"Well, we've been busy... and we don't have a lot of money so... a wedding is kind of hard to plan..."
"Yeah, Yeah... That makes sense." Chris said with a nod. "I mean as long as you're together, right?"
Pippa nodded slowly. "Yeah, definitely..."
"Do you want kids?"
"Woah- uh well I don't know, I haven't really thought all that much about it...." she said with an awkward chuckle. "What about you Lin, want kids?"
"Yeah, but-"
"What's up everyone!" Jasmine called as she walked into the rehearsal space. "Oh Huh, it's only you guys."
"Yeah, you're kind of early Jasmine," Pippa told her with a smile.
"Oooh.." She said looking at her phone. "Well, better early than late." She said with a shrug.
Jasmine sat down with the group and their conversation, to Pippa's relief, moved on from her love life and on to other things. They continued to talk and laugh as more people filed into the rehearsal room and soon enough they started rehearsing.
They spent hours working on the Schuyler sisters, going through multiple different versions of the dance and how it could go. It was exhausting, but, most definitely worth it in Pippa's eyes, she had so much fun every day working with some of the best people she had ever met. Especially Lin, sweet supportive Lin with the beautiful smile and sparkle in his eyes. She absolutely adored him, in a platonic way, of course, still, the adoration was there which was slowly turning into an infatuation. She didn't mean to, but, how could you not want to be around him when he was so inspiring and humble and sweet and somehow also a complete genius, you spend hours on end with a man like that without feeling the same.
However, once they were done with The Schuyler Sisters, Lin was very adamant about Pippa going home because he was so sweet and kind and seemed to genuinely care about her relationship with her fiance, if only her fiance care that much about their relationship. So Pippa made her way home with a heavy heart, dreading what she knew was about to come next. There was nothing she could do about it, as he would say 'you're getting what you deserve bitch.' She knew he was probably right, but, sometimes she wished that he wasn't, she wished she could be good enough for him, just for one night. Is that too much to ask for, a little love and affection every once and while.
Maybe it is, maybe she really didn't deserve it...
Word Count: 1199
Almost forgot to upload today, opps 😬
Anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter and until next time have a wonderful morning/ afternoon/ evening!
~ Eliiizzaaa
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