Part Eight
Kissing Lin was weird, but, not a bad weird. It was weird in the way that Pippa had never felt like that in her whole life, and now that she had it was weird that she didn't feel it with anything else. It was nothing she'd ever felt with George and that kiss with Lin seemed to spark something in her. A king of hunger that craved that same feeling.
The thing was she could only get that feeling from kissing Lin, it was annoying. Why couldn't she just feel that with George. She had tried so hard, for weeks trying to feel it, there was always: nothing. Which meant she could only feel that when she kissed Lin, but, of course they were working on act two now and she really didn't kiss him at all in this act.
but it was better this way really. The only person she should want to kiss is George, he was was the love of her life, he was her angel, lightness in the dark and all that cheesiness. She was lucky to have him in her life, considering her could do so much better. She kept reminding herself of this, everyday when she woke up, she reminded herself of how much she needed him. Even if he did get angry, even if sometimes he got a little rough, he loved her.
And this week he showed her that too. He'd been ravaging her body every chance he could get, leaving hickeys all over her body. He did always finish before her and he always fell asleep right after, but, besides that it was absolute bliss or the only thing she ever knew as bliss. She was okay with it, she loved him and he loved her and that's all that really mattered. Though because of this recent occurrence, Pippa ended up being late almost everyday.
"Sorry, Sorry." Pippa said for what felt like the millionth time.
"Traffic?" Lin asked as Pippa set down her bag.
"Uhh, Yeah- definitely, traffic." She said. "Darn traffic... I just have to change into my leggings real quick." She added heading off quickly to her dressing room that she shared with Jasmine and Renée, who followed her to the dressing room.
They didn't say anything, it's was tense, as if someone wanted to say something. As if they all wanted to say something. They didn't though, none of them said a thing. Phillipa got ready and Jasmine and Renée sat there silently as she did. When a knock came to the door.
"Pippa?" Lin's voice called sweetly, causing Phillipas heart to swell a bit.
"I'm decent, you can come in Lin."
"We were just wondering how long you'd be." He explained as he entered the room.
"Not too long, I just have to put my makeup on and I'll be all ready."
"Awesome... uh, I was wondering if I could speak to alone?" He asked glancing at jasmine and Renée who both nodded and made their way out of dressing room.
"What's up?" Pippa asked as she began purring her makeup on.
"Well... I wanted to talk to you about George."
"What about George?" She questioned, seeming unbothered by the subject, not what Lin was expecting.
"Um, I was wondering how things are going with you?" He asked awkwardly.
"Oh, wonderful, we're just wonderful."
"Oh? Really?" He asked, cocking his right eyebrow up questioningly.
"Yeah, of course, why wouldn't we be?" She looked at him with her big brown eyes, he'd planned on being more delicate with it all. But when he looked into her eyes, it just came out.
"He's no good for you."
"He's no good for me?" Pippa looked almost amused. "What are you talking about Lin?"
"Well you're always apologizing to him, when you've done nothing wrong- just because he thinks you should."
"I apologize because I think I should." She shot back as if blocking on coming fire from damaging her view of her fiancé.
"He's so possessive and controlling of you." He continued.
"He cares too much, you can't fault him for that." She blocked again.
"And you are constantly defending him- even when you show up to work with bruises all over your body."
That's when she went Phillipa went silent, she didn't know what she could say to this. He wasn't wrong she supposed, but, George still love her and he was always there for her. Even if he was mean to her, I mean he was her soulmate, at least that's what he always told her. He was the only one who would ever truly love her.
"You can't be with a man like that."
"He's a good man Lin." She whispered, her voice shaking.
"He's a terrible man Phillipa, and he doesn't deserve to even know someone as perfectly amazing as you are."
"He's the only person that's ever loved me..." she squeaked out as a tear fell down her cheek, followed by a flood of tears.
"No, Pippa..." he started, slowly approaching her. "You are loved by so many."
When his hand touched hers, she clinched but then took his hand as tightly as she possibly could in that moment.
"You don't need him..." he whispered softly.
"But I do..." she whispered back, looking anywhere but him, so ashamed of herself. "I don't think I can live without him..." She wasn't lying, she truly believed that. She just hadn't realized yet how strong she truly was.
Lin didn't know what to say, how could he convince her how much she was worth? No matter what he said to her she never believed him, she never believed in herself.
"Why do you need him? What good is he?" Lin asked feeling the frustration within him grow. He knew that she loved him, but, couldn't understand why or how she could put herself through this and for what? A cruel jerky guy is your prize- seems like a loose/loose situation.
"He's my soulmate, I've been in love with him since I was sixteen... I can't just walk away from something like that because my boss thinks he no good for me." She said, her voice still quiet. The use of 'my boss' was perfectly placed to create a barrier between Lin and Phillipa. One that pushed him away from her, he was no longer talking to Phillipa his friend, it was Phillipa his employee.
"Okay, well, when you're done getting ready- we'll start rehearsals." Lin said, a strange achy feeling in his heart. "I'll just be... out there if you need me."
She didn't say anything as he left, she barely moved from her spot. She didn't even realise she had begun to cry, that was until Renée and Jasmine came into the room.
"Oh no, what wrong sweet girl?" Renée asked as she hurried to her side.
"What did Lin say to you? Do you need my to beat him up? Cause I will, I don't care what he wrote or who he's playing." Jasmine said joint Renée by Phillipa's side.
"I'm okay, I just feel a bit nauseous.." Pippa said as she sniffed and Jasmine raised her eyebrow.
"You're crying cause you feel nauseous?" She asked.
"Um, yes?" Pippa pauses before sighing. "No... Lin was telling me for the millionth time that he hates my fiancé and I should leave him."
Both Renée and Jasmine stayed silent, unsure of how to approach the situation. Of course they didn't want her to cry, but, on the other hand they definitely shared Lin's opinion of George and definitely weren't going to lie about it.
"You like him through, right?" Pippa asked looking between her friends. Jasmine and Renée look at Pippa, then look at each other.
"Look pip, Imma level with you girl," Jasmine began. "I hate the little bitch."
"But," Renée interjected, "we also understand that your relationship with George is more complicated than we could ever know.... and while I wish you could just leave that man, I know.." Renée paused trying not to cry herself. "That this must be so hard for you... so, when your ready I'm, we're, going to be here for you with open arms, whenever you are ready."
"Cause this isn't about us Pippy." Jasmine said as she pulled Phillipa into a hug and she hugged back immediately, tears still streamed down her face, but, this was different.
"Thank you." She whispered as she hugged Jasmine back.
"There's no need to thank us." Renée said joining the hug. That's when a knock came to the door.
"Uh, guys... I'm not sure what's going on in there, but, Tommy says we gotta start rehearsals soon." Anthony called in a bit timidly.
"We'll be our soon Ant, just give us a minute." Jasmine called back.
"Okay, but, if y'all don't come out in time imma take Renée's spot in Schuyler Sisters." He called and the girls couldn't help but laugh.
"I'm good, really... I'm just gonna some time."
"Take all the time you need."
"We should probably get out there before Anthony nabs Renée's part." Pippa said, though Renée laughed.
"He can have it, it's early and I'm tired as hell."
"That's not how it's working girly." Pippa said finally feeling a bit lighter.
The girls walked out of the dressing room Phillipa tied her hair into bun and got into her place. Lin waved timidly at Pippa and she waved back.
"Hey Lin." Renée said as she passed him going to her place.
"Renée." He replied with a small smile.
"Lin." Jasmine said as she looked the long haired man up and down before passing to get to her place in the room.
"Uh... hey Jaz." He replied this time a feeling of unease in his stomach.
A week went by and in that Phillipa became only closer to Renée and Jasmine. And while she wasn't mad at Lin per say she wasn't going out of her way to speak to him at the moment. Every time she did talk to him she wasn't sure if he'd go off into one his speeches or not.
"What's with you and Lin, you've barely spoken to him." Renée pointed out on Friday after rehearsal.
"Nothing, it's just... I don't know I feel like he might be disappointed in me? I know it sounds stupid- it's just I haven't left George and Lin hates him and I... don't know." She said with a small shrug.
"Hey, if he makes you feel that way then you shouldn't hang around him." Jasmine said with curt nod.
"Though I'm sure Lin doesn't mean to make you feel like that." Renée added.
"I know." Phillipa said. "Anyways I'm gonna head home." She said as she gathered her stuff.
Jasmine without a thought barged into Lin's dressing room that he shared with Anthony and Leslie. Lin had just fished getting into his street wear while Anthony was shirtless and Leslie was in the middle of pulling his pants on.
"Oh hey Jaz." Anthony said with a smile.
"Lin Manuel Miranda what is your problem?" Jasmine asked.
"Huh? What? Huh?" Lin asked. "I don't think I've got a problem." He said jasmine looked at the other two confused men then pulled Lin out of the room and down the hall.
"Um, Jaz what are you doing?" Lin asked, a little nervous now.
"I need to talk to you." She told him, stopping at the end of the hallway.
"Well, that's good, I actually wanted to talk to about something." He said. "Are you mad at about something?"
"What is it?" He asked, hoping this would prompt her to tell him.
"You need to chill with the George thing." She put her hand up to stop him from responding. "I get it, I do- I don't want her to be with that sack of crap, but, she going through enough without having to feel like she's letting you down all the time."
"She feels like... she's letting me down?"
"Yeah, look Lin, she clearly cares a lot about what you think and I'm sure she would appreciate you supporting her until she can support herself."
"Right... I've been kinda pushy haven't I?" He asked and Jasmine nodded. He sighed, "thanks Jaz, is Pippa still here?"
"No problem and I think she went home."
"Okay, well, thanks again." He said and with that he was grabbed his bag and off.
Word count: 2070
I posted this chapter awhile ago, but, I felt like it could be longer- and I ended up adding like 1,890 words ish
Anyways I'm gonna be camping and probably won't have any reception so I wanted to get a chapter of something poster before I left. I hope enjoyed and hopefully I'll be back with more soon!
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