A sleepy sleepover
The keeper crew were more than thrilled to see sophie and agreed to do at wo day sleepover. Sophie was dared to do a song and she chose this one, truth hurts by Lizzo!
after the song fitz went next
and then Della came in "It is time for bed" she said and left the room. Linh spoke up again "how about we do the girl boy sleep thing again and they agreed , fitz got sophie, tam got biana, keefe got linh and dex got marella.
sophie got into bed feeling dread as she and fitz went to the fairest corners of the bed to avoid each other
Sophie pov
I dreamed that I was in fitz's position choosing between me and linh and then my dream shifted into keefe and linh murdering me and fitz and woke up thrashing and screaming. I clamped a hand over my mouth and looked around to see if anyone heard me. Every one was sleeping except one person, fitz. He blinked at me when i met his gaze and wrapped his arms around me, kissing me softly on my head. I was trembling to much to care. I looked up and whispered "what are you doing, you love linh right" he looked into my eyes and said "I only love you sophie, and I am sorry that I made you feel like i do not". and they kissed and fell asleep in each others arms.
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