What happens now? (Fitz's p.o.v)
While the adults were sitting there talking about how they were going to fix Sophie without an impenetrable mind inflicting and telepathy, I was sitting there upset and feeling useless.
I look up at the mention of my name and see they are whispering, again.
When I am positive they are in there own little world, I entered Sophie's mind again. I did what she always did in the way they she told me, too.
I transmitted her name over and over until I saw the little glowing light in the corner of her mind . When I went to the corner. I continued to say her name when she finally realize it was me I sent her pictures of everything and everyone in her life.
I saw she was lighting up again smile with confidence and continue with the images.
I draw out of her mind when I know it will be ok. When I look around I see all the adults looking at me. I smile sheepishly and scratch the back of my neck. When I look at Sophie she is smiling all bright and happy. I smile at her and she blushes. All right well she is back.
Sorry about not updating for a while and I will make it up to you but it will have to wait cuz I do have a life unlike my family. 😆. Also as I am doing this I am watching the emoji movie. Hence the emojies😂 okay well I am done. Like I said I will make it up to you. Bubye 😘
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