Chapter Twenty-Nine
The weeks passed by quickly and swiftly, it seemed to Sophie. Everyone went on with their lives, though there was a buzz in the air that everyone, especially the girls, could feel. It was getting closer and closer to the day of the dance; that meant it was getting close to the time when the boys would man up and strike up the courage to ask out the girls. Who would go with who? How many people were going to make a confession of their love? How many people were going to get rejected? How many scandals were there to be? These were the questions on almost everyone's minds. The girls waited joyously and excitedly for the boys. The boys paced nervously, trying to figure out the best way to ask the lucky girl.
Tam had finally forgiven Biana, much to everyone's relief, and asked her to go to the dance with him, which she graciously and happily accepted with little more than a squeal. She was learning to compose herself now and most people were happier with her and her calmer self, including Sophie.
Neither Linh nor Sophie had been asked out yet... or rather, neither had accepted anyone yet. Sophie herself had gotten dozens of proposals from random guys like Stina's cousin Ronald, or even Alvar Vacker, which she had coldly refused, still unable to forgive for his betrayal back in the Neverseen days. She didn't know why Alvar was asking her anyway. Maybe he trying to get back at Fitz for something. She shuddered at the thought of going to the ball with Alvar.
Linh had been asked by both Keefe and Fitz and had refused both of them, saying that she didn't want to cause problems with Sophie or Biana. Sophie told her she didn't care, but deep down, she did, and Linh knew it.
Finally, there was only one week left, and Sophie and Linh still didn't have partners. They were both getting a little frantic, though Sophie kept telling herself that it didn't matter...
She didn't want to go to this dance anyway. Right?
It was a sunny day and Sophie had just woken up. She yawned, brushed her teeth, ran a brush through her blonde hair, and walked down the stairs sleepily. "Good morning, Mom. What's for breakfast?" she asked brightly, trying to sound happy and upbeat, though she had had a horrible dream of showing up at the dance in nothing but her animal costume for Foxfire and everyone had laughed at her, including her friends.
"Umm, I don't know. What do you feel like?" Edaline asked Sophie.
"Hmm, what about—" Sophie was cut off by the doorbell. Edaline looked at Sophie quizzically.
"Who could that be? Did you invite a friend over today?" Edaline asked.
Sophie shook her head and ran to get the door. She opened it, saw who it was, and interrupted his greetings by slamming the door in the person's face.
"Who was it, honey?" Edaline called from the kitchen.
"Nobody. Mom, I'm going to... take a walk. Make whatever you want for breakfast! Or we can skip it..." Sophie yelled back.
"Ok... be back within 15 minutes, Sophie, or I'll send Grady for you!" Edaline called, ever worried. Sophie rolled her eyes but called back her affirmation and reopened the door. She slipped outside, took one look at Fitz, and slapped his cleanly across the face. She had to admit she was both surprised and proud of that slap; she hadn't thought she could aim that well.
"OW! What was that for?" Fitz yelled, holding his face with his hand.
"That's for you coming to my house for no reason in the morning and causing me to lie to my mother. What are you doing here?" Sophie asked angrily, crossing her arms.
Fitz sighed. "Look, Sophie, I did not ask you to lie to your mother. You could've just let me in."
"Oh, sure, let's let my ex into my house and fake-talk to my mother about how we're just friends now and all is good. That's low, Fitz. Now answer the question. Why are you here?"
Fitz ran a hand through his hair and Sophie couldn't help but look away. "I... Look, Sophie, I'm sorry about everything that's happened. Between us. I didn't mean for any of that to happen. We can take things slower maybe this time. Like baby steps." He looked away and Sophie took the moment to gawk.
"What are you saying?" Sophie asked, almost incredulously.
"I'm asking you out to the dance?" Fitz shrugged. It was like he didn't know or something.
"What?" Sophie felt like she was underwater and she couldn't hear anything. She struggled to process what was going on. Out of all things, she had not expected Fitz to come to her house and ask this.
"Come to the dance with me, Sophie, and I'll make everything up to you. I promise. Just give me a chance," Fitz pleaded.
Sophie sighed. "I have given you chances, but it always ends badly, Fitz. I can't do that anymore. So you can just leave. I'm sorry." She turned away.
"So is that a no?" Fitz asked. Sophie nodded. He sighed again, desperate this time. "Sophie, listen. If the dance doesn't go well, then I'll never ask you out again. But if it does, I mean, if it does go well, will you be my girlfriend fiancee again?"
Sophie scoffed. She was not at all willing to let Fitz back in, no matter how much she secretly wanted him back. "'Girlfriend fiancee?' What even is that? But anyway, no. Fitz, just leave. Please."
Fitz shouted, "Sophie. YOU NEED TO LISTEN TO ME. I AM BEGGING YOU." Sophie winced. He was begging now and he was looking at her imploringly.
"Why? Why do you want me so much?" Sophie asked, not sure what she was even saying anymore. She did want him back and she didn't get why she was making it so hard for both of them.
"I'm saying I love you and I want to get back together with you. I'm sorry for everything I've done. Please, Sophie," Fitz begged. "I'm so sorry. Let's just try again. It'll be better this time."
"And what do I get in return?" Sophie asked, crossing her arms. She was confused at her own words but she stood tall.
Fitz didn't even hesitate. "Me. And my love. And an awesome night at the dance. And no more fighting. And no more arguing. And no more of this horrid wall between us that's been ruining our friendship. And—"
"Oh, shut up," Sophie said, rolling her eyes. "I... I don't know what to say anymore, but here's this. SHUT UP AND KISS ME."
Fitz just stood there. Sophie had no idea what she had just said.
"Um. What did I just say?" Sophie asked, a little nervously.
"For me to kiss you. And I will." He leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers softly and gently. Sophie braced for the fireworks, and yup, there they were. She pressed back against Fitz's lips, entwining her fingers into his mussed hair. It would have gone on forever and ever and ever and Sophie might have married Fitz right then and there had not Grady stepped out and crashed right into them, stopping the kiss abruptly. Sophie and Fitz jumped apart from each other and Sophie blushed wildly.
"What in God's name?" Grady asked, looking between his daughter and Fitz Vacker, anger starting to creep onto his face. "Edaline sent me out here to find you because it's been fifteen minutes or something like that..." He trailed off, looking between the two of them, a smile beginning to emerge. All traces of anger left. "Clearly, I interrupted something. Carry on." He went back inside, leaving Sophie standing shocked and completely humiliated.
"What? I can't believe that just happened! He just went back inside! What have you done with my father?" Sophie shouted.
"I don't know, but will you go to the dance with me?" Fitz asked persuasively.
"Yes, yes, yes," Sophie said, hugging Fitz and kissing him on the cheek. "I had better go back inside..."
He nodded. "Yeah, you probably should. Edaline has probably heard everything by now..."
"Yeah. Bye, Fitz." Sophie walked back inside her house, unsure of what had just happened. She was star-struck and she walked back upstairs to her room, ignoring Grady's looks and Edaline's knowing glances. She flung herself down on her bed and buried herself into her pillow.
"Maybe everything will work out after all."
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