Chapter Twelve
Hey guys! Here is a new chapter all ready for you! (SO cheesy, I know.)
Here we go! Also, if it doesn't turn out the way you want it, please don't send hate! :) Thanks!
Everyone was looking at their scrolls. Sophie was sure that none of them had checked their top ten yet, except maybe Keefe. Sophie said, "We have to look. We have to. This isn't going to decide our lives. Just because our number one is there doesn't mean we have to marry him or anything.
Keefe said, "Sure! Ok,!"
Everyone looked at their top ten to see who they had. Sophie unrolled the first sheet and forced herself to look at the top.
#10. Tam Song.
Huh, not that bad. Sophie had no romantic feelings toward Tam, but he was still a friend. She just hoped that Fitz...
#9. Jensi Babblos.
Sophie knew that he would never be her match. He was a lot younger and he was slightly annoying. He was a good kid, but he wasn't her type.
#8. Wylie Endal.
He was so old! But Sophie could see why the Council picked him as one of her potential matches. He was powerful and he was definitely someone Sophie could live with. But he was so old.
#7. Dexter Dizznee.
Sophie knew that Dex would be happy if she was in his top ten. But to have him in her top ten was not something she was that particularly excited about. Dex was just a friend; her best friend at that. Sophie knew he wanted to be something more; many times had he implied it. But she could never think of him that way. He just wasn't her type and he was, like she said, just a friend. Nothing more. Not ever.
#6. Alvar Vacker.
Sophie had no idea how Alvar had gotten on her list. He was old enough to have his own scrolls, so does that mean that she was already on his list? Alvar was a Vacker, but Sophie could never marry him. In fact, she couldn't even look at him. He had betrayed everyone back in the day, and although he had apologized, she still could never trust him or look at him the same way again.
#5. Valin.
Ugh, a drooly boy! Disgusting! Valin had always had a crush on Sophie, since Second Year. Everyone knew about it, especially Keefe. Sophie was so annoyed that Valin had made top five. What was the Council thinking?
#4. Carlisle Hunter.
Sophie had never heard of him, but he must be someone powerful, seeing as how far up he was on the list. Then again, she couldn't forget about Valin's status...
#3. Fitzroy Vacker.
So there he was. Not her number one, or even her number two, but her number three. Then again, that was pretty high up, right? Sophie couldn't help wondering how high up she was on his list.
#2. Harley Poden.
Huh, strange name. Sophie had never heard of him, so how had he gotten so far up on her list? Was there a way to meet these people?
#1. Keefe Sencen.
Sophie didn't know what to think. A part of her had known that this was just how it was, but another part of her, a much bigger part, had really hoped for Fitz to be her number one. Maybe then he would change his feelings about her.
Sophie took a deep breath and tried to control the whirlwind of feelings that was experiencing. Her brain was everywhere and nowhere at once. She looked at everyone, and all of them seemed to have finished. She tried to smile, but she knew that it probably came out more as a grimace.
"Ok, let's share our results." Sophie knew that everyone had a different list and just because someone was a person's number one didn't mean it was vice versa. Maybe...just maybe...
Biana went first. She looked like she was going to cry. "Well, Dex is my number ten. There's a bunch of people I don't know, and then Keefe is number four." She blushed. "Oh, and Jensi is my number two and Tam is my number one."
Biana still looked sad. Like Sophie, she had really expected her crush to be her number one. Sophie understood how she felt but she couldn't say anything; they were still fighting.
Tam went next. "Well, Sophie is my number nine. I don't who my number ten is. My number four is Marella and my number two is Biana. My number one is Stina Heks." He shuddered. Even the Songs knew about Stina's personality. Sophie felt bad for him and she could see that her friends felt the same way, judging by their faces.
Linh came next. "My number ten is Keefe, my number nine and eight are strangers, my number seven is Magnus Heks, my number six is Jensi, who knows about my number five and four, and my number three is Fitz. My number two is Dex and my number one is Wylie." Sophie thought about. So she and Linh were equal when it came to Fitz. She could really see Linh and Wylie though. She wasn't just saying that.
Keefe went next. "My number ten is Biana. Huh, never expected to see her on my list, especially my top 10." Biana's face fell and she looked like she was about to cry. Sophie couldn't understand how Keefe could be so oblivious and RUDE at the same time. It was so obvious, despite how much Biana tried to hide it. "Number nine is Stina. Gross. Sorry about Tam's luck though. My number eight is Linh. Huh, didn't expect that either. Actually, you can never know with the number seven is some random girl who is probably screaming that I am on her list...same with number six...and number five is Marella. Huh, she always seemed a bit young for me. Maruca is my number four and who knows about number three and two. My number one is...Sophie." He looked at her.
Sophie blushed and tried to ignore Biana's death glares. It wasn't her fault, it was the Council's. She looked at Dex, who thankfully changed the subject.
"Well, my number ten is Maruca, my number nine is Marella, my number eight is Stina, my number seven is Linh, my number six is random unknown girl, my number five is unknown as well, my number four is Biana, my number three is Sophie, my number two is unknown, and my number" He blushed. "Dina Hart."
Sophie was confused. Who was that? Why was Dex blushing. Keefe interrogated him.
"Ooohh, who's that? Is she your girlfriend?"
Dex blushed harder. "Well...I met her at Dad's shop and she's super nice and pretty..."
Sophie had been wrong about Dex's intentions toward her as well. Did anyone like her? Why did she even care? It was Keefe. But why? It didn't matter, right?
Fitz was second to last. "My number ten is Marella, my number nine is Stina, my number eight is Maruca, my number seven is unknown as well as my number six, my number five is that Dina, my number four is unknown, my number three is...Linh, my number two is...Sophie, and my number one is unknown. Honestly, how can my number one be someone I don't even know??"
Sophie wasn't paying attention anymore. She was his number two! She wasn't his number one, but this was still something. Then everyone turned to Sophie. She sighed and read her list out. Keefe whooped, Fitz blushed and turned away for reasons Sophie couldn't understand, Dex sighed, Linh was angry, Biana was angrier, and Sophie was confused. Everyone had such a big reaction to her scroll. She wondered why.
"What do we do now? Do we get to meet the people we don't know?" Biana asked.
Fitz said, "Well, I think we have a party and invite our matches. All fifty of them. Then again, that means that it will have to be tonight and that's a little bit short notice...I don't know. We have to choose by tomorrow."
Keefe jumped in. "Well, we should all just marry each other! It's a lot easier than getting to know a whole new stranger, and besides...I chose my match!" Sophie groaned as he looked at her. "Sophie!"
Biana wanted to die and she ran upstairs, leaving the boys confused. "What's her problem?" Keefe asked. Sophie groaned at his oblivious decisions in life, but she couldn't betray her friend's secret. Sadly, Fitz did. Maybe it was a mistake, but it was done...
"You're such an idiot, Keefe! Don't you see? Biana has always liked you! Ever since we played Base Quest when we were little and you always saved her. You always let her win."
Keefe turned ashen, then red, then quiet. "Oh." The room was dead silent. Sophie was scared. Honestly. Biana was known to do many things.
Everyone looked down at their feet. Biana was coming down the stairs. She had heard what Fitz had said, and her eyes were blazing.
"You freaking son of a—"
"No, no. Stop! I didn't mean to!" Fitz tried to beg his sister, but it wasn't really working. Biana was mad and nothing could stop her.
"I hate you so much! I hate you!" She started punching Fitz as hard as she could and Sophie knew from experience that they really hurt. Fitz winced and he looked as though he was fighting back tears.
"God, sis. I'm so freaking sorry! I didn't mean to! It's just that Keefe was being so amazingly stupid and I'm so sick and tired of seeing you getting hurt all the time by his slander. So I took the initiative to actually do something about it. Maybe it was the wrong way, but it worked, ok? So you should be thanking me!"
"THANKING YOU? YOU THINK I SHOULD BE THANKING YOU???? YOU RUINED MY LIFE. How would you like it if I told everyone in this room who you like?" Fitz bluehd and said,
"You shut up right now OR I WILL KILL YOU."
Biana smirked. "You guys really don't know?" She couldn't even look at Keefe, but he put his hands up nevertheless. "The whole Linh thing? That was a lie. A freaking lie, like the coward he is."
Linh looked dead. Fitz stepped towards her, then stopped when he saw Biana's face.
"He doesn't actually like her. Never has."
Fitz moved. "You shut up. I'm sorry, okay?"
Biana said, "No. You did it to me. It is only fair for me to do it to you."
Fitz looked like he was going to die. At this point, Linh was crying, Keefe and Sophie were confused, and Tam and Dex were cowering in the corner. Biana really was scary at times.
"This coward over here has refused to admit who he likes. Really likes. He hasn't even told his best friend." She couldn't say his name. Fitz's best friend stared daggers at Fitz while listening intently to what Biana was saying.
"So you guys, all listen up! Ok, the reason he couldn't tell the girl, or his best friend, or anyone else, was because he knew that she liked someone else. He couldn't hurt her or that someone else. He also didn't want to ruin their friendship. They have a very close friendship. The stupid brother of mine is just like his best friend." She gritted her teeth. "He is so oblivious when it is so freaking obvious that she likes him as well. They both want to be more then friends, but they both don't know that. It's one of those tragic love stories. Only now, it's going to be exposed."
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