Chapter Thirty-Seven
"Are you going to tell me where we're going this time?" Sophie asked Fitz as she settled into a seat by the window on the plane. Fitz sat down next to her, pouting handsomely at his loss of the window seat.
He rolled his teal eyes. "Maybeee... if you don't complain once then I just might drop a name..."
"Is it close by?" Sophie asked after a long silence.
"Kind of..." Fitz grinned. He shook his head and held his hands up. "I can't tell you any more than that. We've got a whole flight to go and it's a fairly long one." Sophie took that as another hint but it really wasn't much help.
Sophie sighed loudly to let her husband know just exactly how she felt about his reluctance to say anything but didn't say a word of complaint, true to her word. After the long flight, Sophie and Fitz got off of the plane and stretched their sore limbs, Sophie reveling in the air that was not musty plane-air. Sophie still held the flight peanuts and pretzels packages that Fitz found amazing and Sophie found revolting. He had grabbed a couple of extras and handed them to his wife earlier to hold, much to her annoyance.
Sophie looked at her husband. "Soooo..." she started, her hands swiping casually through his hair. He turned to look at her, a blush rising on his face as she leaned in close and whispered, "Where are we?"
"Guess?" His face betrayed nothing and she couldn't help but be annoyed at his request.
"Where are we?" she sighed exasperatedly, letting her hands drop and leaning back. "You promised you would tell me if I didn't complain!"
Fitz looked like he was deep in thought to which Sophie rolled her eyes to. "Yes, I suppose so. You didn't say a word of complaint, did you?"
"No, I didn't! And I consider that an accomplishment, personally. Now tell me!" Sophie knew she sounded like a whiny three-year-old and was strongly tempted to stamp her feet in a very childish act of anger if Fitz didn't tell her soon.
Fitz sighed and raised his arms in defeat. "Fine. We're in Singapore."
Sophie was stunned. "Wow." Sophie had always thought of Singapore as a place that she would never get to see, seeing as it was so far away and...
Sophie remembered that her old friend had lived in Singapore. Her human friend. One of the only ones she had had. She had always wanted to go and now she was here.
"Thanks, Fitz. I've always wanted to come here," she squealed, jumping into her husbands arm.
"Really?" Fitz's teal eyes, which she could see up close now, glinted. He spun her around before gently setting her back down. Sophie envied the fact that he didn't even look winded or at least disheveled.
"Yes." And Sophie tiptoed and kissed him. He dropped his luggage that he had just started to pick back up and started to kiss her back before pulling away as he realized that they were still in the airport.
He placed his finger over her lips, causing them to tingle slightly. "Sophie. No. More. Distractions. Do I have to say this every time?" Fitz shook his head but his humored expression showed his true opinion.
"Yes." She tried to kiss him but he pushed her away and picked up the suitcases again. "I love you!" An elderly woman walking by cast them a dirty look and muttered, "Filthy teenagers," just loud enough for Sophie and Fitz to hear. Sophie blushed wildly but Fitz's features changed from happy to angry and he turned to the lady, looking ready to scream at the poor old woman, but Sophie stopped him by placing a hand on his chest to calm his breathing (and possibly admire how ripped he really was).
"Don't. I shouldn't have shown such PDA here." She smiled widely to show that she didn't care about what people thought of her and Fitz reluctantly mimicked her grin back.
"Let's go. The hotel isn't too far away from here. We should be able to walk there with no problems." Sure, maybe no problems for him. Nevertheless, Sophie smiled and Fitz smiled back, showing off his perfect teeth. He took her hand, encasing it in his, and led Sophie out of the airport and down the busy streets. The air was humid but Sophie didn't mind. She breathed it in and her heart swelled with happiness as she took in her surroundings.
It was gorgeous. There were so many bright lights that reflected on huge bodies of water. There were massive buildings and impressive skyscrapers that towered above the city. The sky was darkening and the air was foggy and only a few stars shone through the small gaps in the sky. There were bridges that could only be described as amazing and there were people walking all around, looking either in love or inexplicably happy just to be there and with each other.
Sophie loved it.
They arrived at the hotel and while Fitz was checking them in, Sophie took a look at the place they would be staying in for the next week. It was large, impressive and golden, with bright lights that nearly blinded Sophie as she stared up, huge chandeliers dripping with crystal jewels and shimmering faux diamonds (at least Sophie assumed they were fake), high ceilings covered in mosaics and paintings, marble floors tiled into perfect lines of symmetry, and large doors that led off into the various hallways and rooms.
Fitz smiled at Sophie and beckoned for her to follow him. They rode a glass elevator up to their floor and Sophie watched as the lobby slowly disappeared from beneath her feet. They rode up and up and up until finally it went ding and they were on their floor.
"We have a suite," Fitz smiled as he waited for the doors to open.
"What? Really?" Sophie asked, surprised.
"Yeah. It was a last minute thing. Somebody decided not to show up and they gave it to the just-married couple. I mean, why wouldn't they?"
They approached a set of double doors with gold gilded handles and a lion's head as a knocker.
"It's like one of those rich-people houses," Sophie exclaimed.
Fitz laughed. "I guess so."
He opened the door with his card and they walked in. It was gorgeous. The room had a floor-to-ceiling window with drapes that could close all the way. There were high-backed cushioned chairs at a huge dining table, enough to fit ten people at least. There was a small kitchen with completely modern appliances. There were two bathrooms, both spotless and stocked with towels, soap, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, moisturizer, and complimentary robes.
Sophie sighed with happiness as she walked towards another set of doors. When she opened them, she gasped. Inside was a huge bed with silken sheets and a gold bedspread. There were embroidered pillows that sunk when Sophie touched them. There were curtains around the bed that could enclose the sleepers into their own perfect little world.
Fitz put his hand on Sophie's shoulder. "Wow."
"Let's unpack," Sophie said excitedly.
They did. It took them forever and by the time they finished, both were exhausted. "I need to get some sleep," Sophie groaned, staring longingly at the bed.
"Let's skip dinner," Fitz suggested.
"Yes, let's," Sophie nodded.
"I'm going to quickly shower, okay?"
"Yeah. Same." It was the last thing she wanted to do but she needed it. Sophie walked towards the bathroom, taking her pajamas with her and they parted ways. She quickly showered and dried her hair, running a brush through it so that it wouldn't be hopelessly tangled in the morning. She grabbed her pajamas and pulled them on. They were... unusual. Not really Sophie's style, but Biana had packed them and she had to use them at some point. Her other pajamas needed to be washed anyway. The pajamas were lacy at the hems but not overly-revealing and they were soft enough to be comfortable to sleep in. They were also really delicate so Sophie knew she had to be careful or else she would rip them. She slipped out of the bathroom and into the bed. Fitz was already there waiting.
"Hey," he breathed, staring at her.
"Hey," Sophie blushed.
"So." It seemed like it was the only word they could say.
Fitz cleared his throat and looked away. "Where do you want to go tomorrow?"
Sophie shrugged, trying not to think about the way those stupid pajamas of Biana's affected Fitz and the way he saw her, though she couldn't decide if that was necessarily a bad thing or not. "I don't know. Did you have anything planned?" Sophie asked.
"Not really. I thought this time you could choose. If you want. We could research together."
"Yeah. Tomorrow. Let's just get some rest now," Sophie decided.
"Yeah. Goodnight."
"Goodnight. I love you."
"Fitz!" Sophie rolled over to face her husband, her face twisting.
"Yes, yes, I love you too." He leaned over to kiss her slowly and longingly that Sophie was almost awake again. But Fitz leaned over and turned off the lamp.
Sophie woke up and yawned, stretching slowly, careful not to rip her pajamas or wake her husband. She failed on the last part though and Fitz opened his eyes, squinting up at her.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you," Sophie whispered. She felt the need to whisper for some odd reason.
"It's okay. We need to get up anyway. Can't do much when you're asleep," Fitz whispered back.
"Why are we whispering?" Sophie whispered.
"I don't know," Fitz whispered.
Sophie laughed and broke the awkward quiet. She cleared her throat. "So. We should go get something to eat and figure out what to do."
Fitz nodded. "'Kay. Lemme get dressed though."
"Yeah." Sophie rolled out of bed and grabbed some clothes. She picked some cutoffs that she would ordinarily not wear but seeing as it was Keefe's gift for her, she had to put them on, though she always wondered how he had got the human article of clothing. She put on a lovelytheband T-shirt, settling comfortably into them. "Ah. Human clothes. I love you so much."
"More than me?" Fitz asked, looking mock-hurt.
"Nah. Well..."
"Hey." Fitz came up behind her and messed with Sophie's hair. "How dare you."
"Ha. I'll always love my clothes more than anything else," Sophie laughed.
"BREAKFAST," said a voice from outside the door.
"What?" Sophie turned to look at Fitz, who shrugged.
"Huh. Maybe it's just a part of this whole marriage suite thing."
Sophie went to go open the door. There stood a tall man holding two platters. "Your breakfast. Ma'am."
"Thank you." Sophie took the trays and set them on the dining table and handed the man some money.
"Thank you."
He left, but not before winking, confusing her even more.
Fitz looked eagerly at the dishes. "Let's eat. I'm starved."
They opened the dishes. There were noodles and bread and soup. "Turns out that in Singapore, you eat this for breakfast?" Fitz asked, slurping wildly.
"Seems so." Sophie took a bite of bread. "THIS IS SO GOOD."
"MMMMM, AMAZING." Fitz shoveled more food into his mouth.
Sophie giggled.
"Day 2. I think we should go take a tour of the island. I researched and it's a three-day tour where you have certain stops at huge tourist attractions. You also get to see the whole island. You're on a bus for half of it and a boat for the other half. Does that sound good?" Sophie asked, unsure of how her husband would feel about this idea. It was different from anything they had done before.
"Yes, let's do it!" Fitz nodded eagerly and grabbed a hat, a jacket, and some sunglasses and they headed out.
They stopped at national monuments, botanical gardens, zoos, restaurants and cafes, and parks. It was amazing and Sophie and Fitz loved every bit of it. Singapore was really a beautiful place, they decided unanimously. It was definitely everything that they had thought it was going to be.
Three days later, they were back. Sophie consulted TripAdvisor in the bed on the fifth morning. "Okay, Day 5. We should do that night tour of the Gardens by the Bay, which is by the huge bridge that we saw on the first day. In the meantime, we can go to the Battlebox Museum which used to be an underground command center in the 1940s. Does that sound cool?"
Fitz nodded. "You know me, the history buff. Okay, let's go."
The museum was amazing and Sophie and Fitz learned about a lot of Singapore history. They learned about how command centers were crucial to different points in the history of Singapore.
"I feel so knowledgeable now," Sophie said after it was over.
"I know. It's weird, right?"
"No. I'm used to feeling smart," Sophie smiled.
Fitz play-slapped her.
"Let's go do that night tour."
It was a three-and-a-half hour tour of the Gardens by the Bay. There was a 20-minute boat ride on the Singapore River, though they stayed for a little longer. They saw a huge spectacular light show. They went up to the observation deck and saw Singapore from above. They went to the mall and shopped at designer brands, much to Sophie's excitement and Fitz's confusion at the word "Gucci". Finally, they walked through the various gardens.
It was an amazing trip.
They spent the last two days (more like one and a half) just walking around aimlessly and buying cheap souvenirs for their friends and trying different foods. It was Sophie's favorite place yet, though she knew that there were plenty more to go.
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